
My stuff
Unfounded Sets and Well-Founded Semantics of Answer Set Programs with Aggregates

Logic programs with aggregates (LPA) are one of the major linguistic extensions to Logic Programming (LP). In this work, we propose a generalization of the notions of unfounded set and well-founded semantics for programs with monotone and antimonotone aggregates (LPAm,a programs). In particular, we present a new notion of unfounded set for  LPAm,a programs, which is a sound generalization of the original definition for standard (aggregate-free) LP. On this basis, we define a well-founded operator for  LPAm,a programs,the fixpoint of which is called well-founded model (or well-founded semantics) for  LPAm,aprograms. The most important properties of unfounded sets and the well-founded semantics for standard LP are retained by this generalization, notably existence and uniqueness of the well-founded model, together with a strong relationship to the answer set semantics for  LPAm,a programs. We show that one of the ˜D-well-founded semantics, defined by Pelov, Denecker, and Bruynooghe for a broader class of aggregates using approximating operators, coincides with the well-founded model as defined in this work on  LPAm,a pro-grams. We also discuss some complexity issues, most importantly we give a formal proof of tractable computation of the well-founded model for  LPAm,a programs. Moreover, we prove that for general  LPA programs, which may contain aggregates that are neither monotone nor antimonotone, deciding satisfaction of aggregate expressions with respect to partial interpretations is coNP-complete. As a consequence, a well-founded semantics for general LPA programs that allows for tractable computation is unlikely to exist, which justifies the restriction on  LPAm,a programs. Finally, we present a prototype system extending DLV, which supports the well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs, at the time of writing the only implemented system that does so. Experiments with this prototype show significant computational advantages of aggregate constructs over equivalent aggregate-free encodings.

The use of logical formulas as a basis for a knowledge representation language was proposed about 50 years ago in some seminal works of McCarthy (1959), and McCarthy and Hayes (1969). However, it was soon realized that the monotonic nature of classical logic (the addition of new knowledge may only increase the set of consequences of a theory in classical logic) is not always suited to model commonsense reasoning, which sometimes is intrinsically nonmonotonic (Minsky, 1975). As an alternative, it was suggested to represent commonsense reasoning using logical languages with nonmonotonic consequence relations, which can better simulate some forms of human reasoning, allowing new knowledge to invalidate some of the previous conclusions. This observation opened a new and important research field, called nonmonotonic reasoning, and led to the definition and investigation of new logical formalisms, called nonmonotonic logics. The most popular nonmonotonic logics are circumscription (McCarthy, 1980, 1986), default logic (Reiter, 1980), and nonmonotonic modal logics (McDermott & Doyle, 1980; McDermott, 1982; Moore, 1985). Later on, from cross fertilizations between the field of nonmonotonic logics and that of logic programming, another nonmonotonic language, called Declarative Logic Programming (LP) has emerged, incorporating a nonmonotonic negation operator denoted by not. Declarative Logic Programming has gained popularity in the last years, and today it is a widely used formalism for knowledge representation and reasoning, with applications in various scientific disciplines and even in industry (Ricca, Alviano, Dimasi, Grasso, Ielpa, Iiritano, Manna, & Leone, 2010; Ricca, Grasso, Alviano, Manna, Lio, Iiritano, & Leone, 2011; Manna, Ricca, & Terracina, 2011; Manna, Ruffolo, Oro, Alviano, & Leone, 2011). In LP problems are solved by means of declarative specifications of requirements to be achieved. No ad-hoc algorithms are required.

Several semantics for LP have been proposed in the literature, which have to take care about the inherent non-monotonicity of the not operator in programs. The well-founded semantics (Van Gelder, Ross, & Schlipf, 1991) is one of the most prominent among them. It associates a three-valued model, the well-founded model, to every logic program. Originally, the well-founded semantics has been defined for normal logic programs, that is, standard logic programs with nonmonotonic negation. A distinguishing property of the well-founded semantics is that existence and uniqueness of the well-founded model is guaranteed for all logic programs. Moreover, the well-founded semantics is computable in polynomial time with respect to the input program in the propositional case.

Even if LP is a declarative programming language, standard LP does not allow for representing properties over sets of data in a natural way, a relevant aspect in many application domains. For addressing this insufficiency, several extensions of LP have been proposed, the most relevant of which is the introduction of aggregate functions (LPA;Kemp & Stuckey, 1991; Denecker, Pelov, & Bruynooghe, 2001; Dix & Osorio, 1997; Gelfond, 2002; Simons, Niemel¨a, & Soininen, 2002; Dell’Armi, Faber, Ielpa, Leone, & Pfeifer, 2003; Pelov & Truszczy´nski, 2004; Pelov, Denecker, & Bruynooghe, 2004). Among them, recursive definitions involving aggregate functions (i.e., aggregation in which aggregated data depend on the evaluation of the aggregate itself) are particularly interesting, as the definition of their semantics is not straightforward (Pelov, 2004; Faber, Leone, & Pfeifer, 2004; Son & Pontelli, 2007; Liu, Pontelli, Son, & Truszczynski, 2010). Note that a similar construct, referred to as abstract constraint, has been introduced in the literature (Marek & Truszczy´nski, 2004; Liu & Truszczy´nski, 2006; Son, Pontelli, & Tu, 2007; Truszczy´nski, 2010; Brewka, 1996). All of the results in this paper carry over also to LP with abstract constraints, for which well-founded semantics to our knowledge has not been defined so far.

In this paper we focus on the fragment of  LPA allowing for monotone and antimonotone aggregate expressions (LPAm,a; Calimeri, Faber, Leone, & Perri, 2005).  LPAm,a programshave many interesting properties. Among them, we highlight similarities between monotone aggregate expressions and positive standard literals, and between antimonotone aggregate expressions and negative standard literals. In particular, we take advantage of this aspect for defining unfounded sets and, based on this definition, a well-founded semantics for the LPAm,a fragment. The well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs obtained in this way retains many desirable properties of the original well-founded semantics for LP, which it extends: For each  LPAm,a program a unique well-founded model exists, which is polynomial- time computable, approximates the programs answer sets, and coincides with the answer set on stratified  LPAm,a programs.

Actually it turns out that the well-founded semantics thus obtained coincides (on  LPAm,aprograms) with a well-founded semantics proposed by Pelov, Denecker, and Bruynooghe (2007). Pelov et al. define several semantics of logic programs with aggregates using various approximating immediate consequence operators. The notion of logic program adopted by Pelov et al. is more general than the one considered in the present work, allowing for arbitrary first-order formulas in bodies, unrestricted aggregates, and non-Herbrand interpretations. Because of the equivalence of the two semantics, some properties proved by Pelov et al. carry over to this work as well. This applies to the results that the well-founded model is total on stratified programs (Theorem 9), that the well-founded model is contained in each answer set (Theorem 16), and that the well-founded model is computable in polynomial time (Theorem 21). However, the framework introduced in this article is considerably different from the one developed by Pelov et al., which allows for giving alternative proofs to these result. Vice versa, this article contains many new results, which carry over to the framework of Pelov et al. on  LPAm,a programs. In particular, it provides an alternative definition of the well-founded semantics, a characterization of answer sets by means of unfounded sets, and an implemented system computing the well-founded semantics, at the time of writing the only one of its kind.

We would like to point out that for most extensions of  LPAm,a programs that come to mind, the definition of unfounded sets would have to be considerably changed (see for instance the definition provided in Faber, 2005), and moreover the main desired properties of the well-founded semantics would no longer be guaranteed. For instance, the most obvious extension, including aggregate expressions that are neither monotone nor antimonotone would most likely not be computable in polynomial time: In fact, while the evaluation of aggregate expressions with respect to partial interpretations is tractable for monotone and antimonotone aggregates, the same task is coNP-complete for general aggregate expressions. Also, for instance allowing aggregates in rule heads would necessarily complicate the definition of unfounded sets, would not guarantee the existence of a well-founded model for every program, and would most likely not guarantee polynomial-time computability.

The concepts defined in this paper directly give rise to a computation method for the well-founded semantics on  LPAm,a programs. We have implemented this method, which is— to the best of our knowledge—the first of its kind. We have conducted experiments with this system on  LPAm,a encodings of a particular problem domain, and compared it with encodings not using aggregates. The latter encodings were tested with the system from which our prototype was derived and with XSB, a state-of-the-art system for computing the well-founded model. The experiments show a clear advantage of the  LPAm,a encodingsrun on our prototype system.

Summarizing, the main contributions of the paper are as follows.

We define a new notion of unfounded set for logic programs with monotone and antimonotone aggregates (LPAm,a programs). This notion is a sound generalization of the concept of unfounded set previously given for standard logic programs. We show that our definition coincides with the original definition of unfounded sets (Van Gelder et al., 1991) on the class of normal (aggregate-free) programs, and that it shares its distinguishing properties (such as the existence of the greatest unfounded set).

We define a well-founded operator  WPfor logic programs with aggregates, which extends the classical well-founded operator (Van Gelder et al., 1991). The total fixpoints of  WPare exactly the answer sets of P, and its least fixpoint  WωP(∅) is contained in the intersection of all answer sets. We also show that the operator is equivalent to an operator defined by Pelov et al. (2007).

We provide a declarative characterization of answer sets in terms of unfounded sets. In particular, we prove that the answer sets of an  LPAm,a program are precisely the unfounded-free models.

We show that reasoning with aggregates without restrictions may easily increase the complexity of the computation. In particular, we prove that deciding the truth or falsity of an aggregate expression with respect to a partial interpretation is a coNP-complete problem. However, while the problem is intractable in general, it is polynomial-time solvable for monotone and antimonotone aggregates.

We analyze the complexity of the well-founded semantics, confirming and extending results in the work of Pelov et al. (2007). Importantly, it turns out that  WωP(∅)is polynomial-time computable for propositional  LPAm,a programs. For non-ground programs, the data-complexity remains polynomial, while the program complexity rises from P to EXPTIME, as for aggregate-free programs.

We present a prototype system supporting the well-founded semantics defined in this article. The prototype, obtained by extending DLV, is the first system implementing a well-founded semantics for (unrestricted)  LPAm,a programs.

We report on experimental results on the implemented prototype. More specifically, we define the Attacks problem, a problem inspired by the classic Win-Lose problem often considered in the context of the well-founded semantics for standard logic programs. We compare the execution times of our prototype with an  LPAm,a encoding and with equivalent LP encodings. In particular, one of the tested LP encodings is obtained by means of a compilation of aggregates into standard LP, which is also briefly presented in this paper. The obtained results evidence computational advantages for the problem encoding using aggregate expressions over those without them.

The presentation is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the basics of the LPA language and, in particular, we introduce the  LPAm,a fragment. For this fragment, we define unfounded sets and well-founded semantics in Section 3. Relationships between well-founded semantics and answer set semantics are discussed in Section 4. A complexity analysis of the well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs is reported in Section 5. In Section 6 we discuss the implemented prototype system and the experimentation. Finally, related work is discussed in Section 7, and in Section 8 we draw our conclusions.

Syntax, instantiation, interpretations and models of  LPA programs are introduced in this section. Moreover, we introduce the  LPAm,a fragment of the language, for which we define a well-founded semantics in Section 3. For additional background on standard LP, we refer to the literature (Gelfond & Lifschitz, 1991; Baral, 2003).

2.1 Syntax

We assume sets of variables, constants, and predicates to be given. Similar to Prolog, we assume variables to be strings starting with uppercase letters and constants to be non-negative integers or strings starting with lowercase letters. Predicates are strings starting with lowercase letters. An arity (non-negative integer) is associated with each predicate. Moreover, the language allows for using built-in predicates (i.e., predicates with a fixed meaning) for the common arithmetic operations over positive integers (i.e., =,  ≤, ≥, +, ×,etc.; written in infix notation), which are interpreted in the standard mathematical way.

2.1.1 Standard Atom

A term is either a variable or a constant. A standard atom is an expression  p(t1, . . . , tn),where  p is a predicate of arity n and t1, . . . , tnare terms. An atom  p(t1, . . . , tn) is ground if t1, . . . , tnare constants.

2.1.2 Set Term

A set term is either a symbolic set or a ground set. A symbolic set is a pair {Terms :Conj}, where Terms is a list of terms (variables or constants) and Conj is a conjunction of standard atoms, that is, Conj is of the form  a1, . . . , ak and each ai (1 ≤ i ≤ k) is a standard atom. Intuitively, a set term {X :a(X, c), p(X)} stands for the set of X-values making the conjunction a(X, c), p(X) true, i.e., {X |a(X, c) and p(X) are true}. A ground set is a set of pairs of the form  ⟨consts :conj⟩, where constsis a list of constants and conj is a conjunction of ground standard atoms.

2.1.3 Aggregate Function

An aggregate function is of the form f(S), where S is a set term, and f is an aggregate function symbol. Intuitively, an aggregate function can be thought of as a (possibly partial) function mapping multisets of constants to a constant. Throughout the remainder of the paper, we will adopt the notation of the DLV system (Leone, Pfeifer, Faber, Eiter, Gottlob, Perri, & Scarcello, 2006) for representing aggregates.

Example 1 The most common aggregate functions are listed below:

#min, minimal term, undefined for the empty set;

#max, maximal term, undefined for the empty set;

#count, number of terms;

#sum, sum of integers;

#times, product of integers;

#avg, average of integers, undefined for the empty set.

2.1.4 Aggregate Atom

An aggregate atom is a structure of the form  f(S) ≺ T, where f(S) is an aggregate function, ≺ ∈ {<, ≤, >, ≥}is a comparison operator, and T is a term (variable or constant). An aggregate atom  f(S) ≺ Tis ground if T is a constant and S is a ground set.

Example 2 The following are aggregate atoms in DLV notation:


2.1.5 Literal

A literal is either (i) a standard atom, or (ii) a standard atom preceded by the negation as failure symbol not, or (iii) an aggregate atom. Two standard literals are complementary if they are of the form a and not a, for some standard atom a. For a standard literal  ℓ, wedenote by  ¬.ℓthe complement of  ℓ. Abusing of notation, if L is a set of standard literals, then  ¬.Ldenotes the set  {¬.ℓ | ℓ ∈ L}.

2.1.6 Program

A rule r is a construct of the form


where a is a standard atom,  ℓ1, . . . , ℓmare literals, and  m ≥0. The atom a is referred to as the head of r, and the conjunction  ℓ1, . . . , ℓm as the body of r. If the body is empty (m = 0), then the rule is called fact. We denote the head atom by H(r) = a, and the set of body literals by  B(r) = {ℓ1, . . . , ℓm}. Moreover, the set of positive standard body literals is denoted by  B+(r), the set of negative standard body literals by  B−(r), and the set of aggregate body literals by  BA(r). A rule ris ground if H(r) and all the literals in B(r) are ground. A program is a set of rules. A program is ground if all its rules are ground.

2.1.7 Safety

A local variable of a rule r is a variable appearing solely in sets terms of r; a variable of r which is not local is global. A rule r is safe if both the following conditions hold: (i) for each global variable X of r there is a positive standard literal  ℓ ∈ B+(r) such that X appears in ℓ; (ii) each local variable of r appearing in a symbolic set {Terms : Conj} also appears in Conj. Note that condition (i) is the standard safety condition adopted in LP to guarantee that the variables are range restricted (Ullman, 1989), while condition (ii) is specific for aggregates. A program is safe if all its rules are safe.


The first rule is safe, while the second is not because the local variable Z violates condition (ii). Also the third rule is not safe, since the global variable T violates condition (i).

2.2 Program Instantiation, Interpretations and Models

In Section 3 we define a well-founded semantics for a relevant class of  LPA programs.The well-founded semantics is defined for ground programs, while programs with variables are associated with equivalent ground programs. In this section we introduce preliminary notions such as program instantiation, interpretations and models.

2.2.1 Universe and Base

Given an  LPA program P, the universe of P, denoted by  UP, is the set of constants appearing in P. The base of P, denoted by  BP, is the set of standard atoms constructible from predicates of P with constants in  UP.

2.2.2 Instantiation

A substitution is a mapping from a set of variables to  UP. Given a substitution  σ andan  LPA object obj(rule, set, etc.), we denote by  obj σthe object obtained by replacing each variable  X in obj by σ(X). A substitution from the set of global variables of a rule r (to UP) is a global substitution for r; a substitution from the set of local variables of a set term  S (to UP) is a local substitution for S. Given a set term without global variables S = {Terms :Conj}, the instantiation of S is the following ground set:


A ground instance of a rule r is obtained in two steps: First, a global substitution  σ for ris applied, and then every set term  S in rσis replaced by its instantiation inst(S). The instantiation Ground(P) of a program P is the set of instances of all the rules in P.

Example 4 Consider the following program  P1:q(1) :− not p(2, 2). q(2) :− not p(2, 1). t(X) :− q(X), #sum{Y : p(X, Y )} > 1.p(2, 2) :− not q(1). p(2, 1) :− not q(2).


2.2.3 Aggregate Function Domain

Given a set  X, let 2X denote the set of all multisets over elements from X. The domain of an aggregate function is the set of multisets on which the function is defined. Without loss of generality, we assume that aggregate functions map to Z (the set of integers).

Example 5 Let us look at common domains for the aggregate functions of Example 1: #count is defined over 2UP, #sum and #times over 2Z, #min, #max and #avg over2Z \ {∅}.

2.2.4 Interpretation

An  interpretation I for an LPA program Pis a consistent set of standard ground literals, that is,  I ⊆ BP ∪ ¬.BP and I ∩ ¬.I = ∅. We denote by  I+ and I− the set of standard positive and negative literals occurring in I, respectively. An interpretation I is total if I+ ∪ ¬.I− = BP, otherwise I is partial. The set of all the interpretations of P is denoted by  IP. Given an interpretation I and a standard literal  ℓ, the evaluation of  ℓwith respect to I is defined as follows: (i) if  ℓ ∈ I, then ℓis true with respect to  I; (ii) if ¬.ℓ ∈ I, thenℓis false with respect to I; (iii) otherwise, if  ℓ ̸∈ I and ¬.ℓ ̸∈ I, then ℓis undefined with respect to I. An interpretation also provides a meaning to set terms, aggregate functions and aggregate literals, namely a multiset, a value, and a truth value, respectively. We first consider a total interpretation I. The evaluation I(S) of a set term S with respect to I is the multiset I(S) defined as follows: Let  SI = {⟨t1, ..., tn⟩ | ⟨t1, ..., tn : Conj⟩ ∈S and all the atoms in Conj are true with respect to I}; I(S) is the multiset obtained as the projection of the tuples of  SIon their first constant, that is,  I(S) = [t1 | ⟨t1, ..., tn⟩ ∈ SI].The evaluation I(f(S)) of an aggregate function f(S) with respect to I is the result of the application of  f on I(S).1 If the multiset I(S) is not in the domain of  f, then I(f(S)) = ⊥(where  ⊥is a fixed symbol not occurring in P). A ground aggregate atom  ℓ = f(S) ≺ k istrue with respect to  I if both I(f(S)) ̸= ⊥ and I(f(S)) ≺ khold; otherwise,  ℓ is false.

Example 6 Let I1be a total interpretation having  I+1 = {f(1), g(1, 2), g(1, 3), g(1, 4), g(2, 4),h(2), h(3), h(4)}. Assuming that all variables are local, we can check that:

#count{X : g(X, Y )} > 2 is false; indeed, if  S1is the corresponding ground set, then SI11 = {⟨1⟩, ⟨2⟩}, I1(S1) = [1, 2] and #count([1, 2]) = 2.

#count{X, Y : g(X, Y )} > 2 is true; indeed, if  S2is the corresponding ground set, then  SI12 = {⟨1, 2⟩, ⟨1, 3⟩, ⟨1, 4⟩, ⟨2, 4⟩}, I1(S2) = [1, 1, 1, 2] and #count([1, 1, 1, 2]) = 4.

#times{Y : f(X), g(X, Y )} <= 24 is true; indeed, if  S3is the corresponding ground set, then  SI13 = {⟨2⟩, ⟨3⟩, ⟨4⟩}, I1(S3) = [2, 3, 4] and #times([2, 3, 4]) = 24.

#sum{X : g(X, Y ), h(Y )} <= 3 is true; indeed, if  S4is the corresponding ground set, then  SI14 = {⟨1⟩, ⟨2⟩}, I1(S4) = [1, 2] and #sum([1, 2]) = 3.

#sum{X, Y : g(X, Y ), h(Y )} <= 3 is false; indeed, if  S5is the corresponding ground set, then  SI15 = {⟨1, 2⟩, ⟨1, 3⟩, ⟨1, 4⟩, ⟨2, 4⟩}, I1(S5) = [1, 1, 1, 2] and #sum([1, 1, 1, 2]) =5.;

#min{X : f(X), h(X)} >= 2 is false; indeed, if  S6is the corresponding ground set, then  SI16 = ∅, I1(S6) = ∅, and I1(#min(∅)) = ⊥(we recall that  ∅is not in the domain of #min).

We now consider a partial interpretation I and refer to an interpretation J such that I ⊆ J as an extension of I. If a ground aggregate atom  ℓis true (resp. false) with respect to each total interpretation  J extending I, then ℓis true (resp. false) with respect to I; otherwise,  ℓis undefined.

Example 7 Let S7be the ground set in the literal  ℓ1 = #sum{⟨1 : p(2, 1)⟩, ⟨2 : p(2, 2)⟩} >1, and consider a partial interpretation  I2 = {p(2, 2)}.Since each total interpretation extending  I2contains either p(2, 1) or not p(2, 1), we have either  I2(S7) = [2] or I2(S7) =[1, 2]. Thus, the application of #sum yields either 2 > 1 or 3 > 1, and thus  ℓ1is true with respect to  I2.

Remark 1 Observe that our definitions of interpretation and truth values preserve “knowledge monotonicity”: If an interpretation  J extends I (i.e., I ⊆ J), each literal which is true with respect to I is true with respect to J, and each literal which is false with respect to I is false with respect to J as well.

2.2.5 Model

Given an interpretation I, a rule r is satisfied with respect to I if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) H(r) is true with respect to I; (ii) some literal in B(r) is false with respect to I; (iii) H(r) and some literal in B(r) are undefined with respect to I. An interpretation  M is a model of an LPA program Pif all the rules r in Ground(P) are satisfied with respect to M.

Example 8 Consider again the program  P1of Example 4. Let  I3be a total interpretation for  P1 such that I+3 = {q(2), p(2, 2), t(2)}. Then I3is a minimal model of  P1.

2.3 The LPAm,a Language

The definition of  LPAm,a programs, the fragment of  LPAanalyzed in this paper, is based on the following notion of monotonicity of literals.

2.3.1 Monotonicity

Given two interpretations I and J, we say that  I ≤ J if I+ ⊆ J+ and I− ⊇ J−. Aground literal  ℓ is monotoneif, for all interpretations  I, J such that I ≤ J, we have that: (i)  ℓtrue with respect to  I implies ℓtrue with respect to  J, and (ii) ℓfalse with respect to  J implies ℓfalse with respect to I. A ground literal  ℓ is antimonotoneif the opposite happens, that is, for all interpretations  I, J such that I ≤ J, we have that: (i)  ℓfalse with respect to  I implies ℓfalse with respect to  J, and (ii) ℓtrue with respect to J implies ℓtrue with respect to I. A ground literal  ℓ is nonmonotone if ℓis neither monotone nor antimonotone. Note that positive standard literals are monotone, whereas negative standard literals are antimonotone. Aggregate literals, instead, may be monotone, antimonotone or nonmonotone. Some examples are shown below and the complete picture for the most common aggregate functions is summarized in Table 1.

Example 9 Let us assume a universe in which all numerical constants are non-negative integers. All ground instances of the following aggregate literals are thus monotone:

Table 1: Character of the most common aggregate literals.


Ground instances of the following literals are instead antimonotone:


2.3.2 LPAm,a Programs

Let  LPAm,a denote the fragment of  LPAallowing monotone and antimonotone literals. For an  LPAm,a rule r, the set of its monotone and antimonotone body literals are denoted by Bm(r) and Ba(r), respectively. An  LPAm,a program P is stratifiedif there exists a function || · ||, called level mapping, from the set of predicates of P to ordinals, such that for each pair a, b of predicates, occurring in the head and body of a rule  r ∈ P, respectively: (i) if b appears in an antimonotone literal, then ||b|| < ||a||, (ii) otherwise  ||b|| ≤ ||a||. Intuitively, stratification forbids recursion through antimonotone literals (for aggregate-free programs this definition coincides with the common notion of stratification with respect to negation).

Example 10 Consider an  LPAm,a program consisting of the following rules: q(X) :− p(X), #count{Y : a(Y, X), b(X)} ≤ 2.p(X) :− q(X), b(X).

and assume that the predicates a and b are defined by facts, which we do not include explicitly. The program is stratified, as the level mapping ||a|| = ||b|| = 1, ||p|| = ||q|| = 2 satisfies the required conditions. If we add the rule  b(X) :− p(X), then no such levelmapping exists, and the program becomes unstratified.

We would like to note that the definition of  LPAm,a could be enlarged, as in the form given above classifies literals independently of the context (that is, the program) in which they occur. Some aggregates that are nonmonotone by the definition given above, might not manifest their nonmonotone effects in a given context: If one limits the interpretations to be considered to those that do not violate the program in which the literal occurs, some interpretation pairs that violate monotonicity and antimonotonicity may no longer be present. In fact, one could refine the definition in this way (considering only pairs of non-violating interpretations of a given context program). The modified definition would enlarge the class of  LPAm,a programs, while retaining all of the results in this paper, but for simplicity of exposition we refrain from doing it formally. As an example, any aggregate atom involving #max with a < operator is formally not in  LPAm,a, but when one considers occurrences in a program that has no non-violating interpretation  I such that I(S) = ∅(where S the set term of the aggregate), then the aggregate behaves in an antimonotone way in that particular program. We have noted these cases by a footnote in Table 1.

In this section we introduce a new notion of unfounded set for  LPAm,a programs, which extends the original definition for aggregate-free programs introduced by Van Gelder et al. (1991). Unfounded sets are then used for extending the well-founded semantics, originally defined for aggregate-free programs by Van Gelder et al., to  LPAm,a programs. We also highlight a number of desirable properties of this semantics. In the following we deal with ground programs, so we will usually denote by P a ground program. We will also use the notation  L ˙∪ ¬.L′ for the set (L \ L′) ∪ ¬.L′, where L and L′ are sets of standard ground literals.

Definition 1 (Unfounded Set) A set X ⊆ BPof ground atoms is an unfounded set for an  LPAm,a program Pwith respect to a (partial) interpretation I if and only if, for each rule r ∈ P having H(r) ∈ X, at least one of the following conditions holds:


Intuitively, each rule with its head atom belonging to an unfounded set X is already satisfied with respect to I (in case condition (1) holds), or it is satisfiable by taking as false all the atoms in the unfounded set (in case condition (2) holds). Note that, according to the definition above, the empty set is an unfounded set with respect to every program and interpretation.

Example 11 Consider an interpretation  I4 = {a(1), a(2), a(3)}for the following program


Then  X1 = {a(1)}is an unfounded set for  P2with respect to  I4, since condition (2) of Definition 1 holds for  r1(the only rule with head a(1)). Indeed, the (monotone) literal appearing in  Bm(r1) is false with respect to  I4 ˙∪ ¬.X1 = {not a(1), a(2), a(3)}. Similarly, {a(3)} and {a(1), a(3)} are unfounded sets for  P2with respect to  I4. Clearly, also  ∅ is anunfounded set. All other sets of atoms are not unfounded for  P2with respect to  I4.

As formalized below, Definition 1 generalizes the one given by Van Gelder et al. (1991) for aggregate-free programs: A set of standard atoms  X ⊆ BPis an unfounded set for a program P with respect to an interpretation I if and only if, for each rule  r ∈ P such thatH(r) ∈ X, either (i)  B(r) ∩ ¬.I ̸= ∅, or (ii) B+(r) ∩ X ̸= ∅.

Theorem 1 For an aggregate-free program P, Definition 1 is equivalent to the one introduced in the work of Van Gelder et al. (1991).

Proof. For an aggregate-free program P, conditions (1) and (2) of Definition 1 are equivalent to (a)  B−(r) ∩ ¬.I ̸= ∅ and (b) B+(r) ∩ ¬.(I ˙∪ ¬.X) ̸= ∅, respectively. Condition (b) is equivalent to  B+(r) ∩ (¬.(I \ X) ∪ ¬.¬.X) ̸= ∅, which holds if and only if either (b.1) B+(r) ∩ ¬.(I \ X) ̸= ∅, or (b.2) B+(r) ∩ X ̸= ∅. Condition (b.2) is exactly condition (ii) in the work of Van Gelder et al. Concerning condition (b.1), since  B+(r) contains only positive literals, we can ignore the negative literals in  ¬.(I \ X), that is, the positive literals in I \ X. By noting that the negative literals in I \ X are precisely the negative literals in I, we can then conclude that (b.1) is equivalent to  B+(r) ∩ ¬.I ̸= ∅. Finally, by combining the previous statement with condition (a) above, we obtain condition (i) in the work of Van Gelder et al. ✷

Thus, Definition 1 is an alternative characterization of unfounded sets for aggregate-free programs. In fact, while condition (1) of Definition 1 does not exactly cover the first one in Van Gelder et al., condition (2) catches all cases of the second in the work of Van Gelder et al. and those “missed” by condition (1).

Theorem 2 If X and X ′ are unfounded sets for an  LPAm,a program Pwith respect to an interpretation  I, then X ∪ X ′ is an unfounded set for P with respect to I.

Proof. Let r ∈ Pbe such that  H(r) ∈ X ∪ X ′. We want to show that either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  J = I ˙∪ ¬.(X ∪ X ′). By symmetry, we can assume that H(r) belongs to X. Since X is an unfounded set with respect to I by hypothesis, either (a) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or (b) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  K = I ˙∪ ¬.X. Case (a) is equals to (1). Thus, it remains to prove that case (b) implies (2). Indeed, we have that  J ≤ K because J+ ⊆ K+and  J− ⊇ K−. Therefore, by definition of monotonicity, each monotone literal  ℓ which isfalse with respect to K is false with respect to J as well, and so we are done. ✷

As a corollary of Theorem 2, the union of all the unfounded sets is an unfounded set as well.

Corollary 3 The union of all the unfounded sets for an  LPAm,a program Pwith respect to an interpretation I is an unfounded set for P with respect to I as well. We refer to this set as the greatest unfounded set of P with respect to I, denoted by  GUSP(I).

Below is an important monotonicity property of the greatest unfounded set.

Proposition 4 Let I and J be interpretations for an  LPAm,a program P. If I ⊆ J, thenGUSP(I) ⊆ GUSP(J).

Proof. Since GUSP(J) is the union of all the unfounded sets for P with respect to J by definition, it is enough to show that  X = GUSP(I) is an unfounded set for P with respect to J. Thus, we want to show that, for each rule  r ∈ P such that H(r) ∈ X, either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to J, or (2) some (monotone) literal in Bm(r) is false with respect to  J ˙∪ ¬.X. We already know that X is an unfounded set for P with respect to I by Corollary 3. Therefore, either (a) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r)is false with respect to I, or (b) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to I ˙∪ ¬.X. Since I ⊆ J, we have that  J and J ˙∪ ¬.Xare extensions of the interpretations I and  I ˙∪ ¬.X, respectively. Hence, by Remark 1, (a) implies (1) and (b) implies (2), and so we are done. ✷

We are now ready for extending the well-founded operator defined by Van Gelder et al. (1991) to the case of  LPAm,a programs.

Definition 2 Let P be an LPAm,a program. The immediate logical consequence operator TP : IP → 2BP and the well-founded operator WP : IP → 2BP∪¬.BP are defined as follows:


Intuitively, given an interpretation I for a program  P, WPderives as true a set of atoms belonging to every model extending I (by means of the  TPoperator). Moreover, WPderives as false all the atoms belonging to some unfounded set for P with respect to I (by means of the  GUSPoperator). Note that  TP(I) and GUSP(I) are set of atoms, so WP(I)+ = TP(I) and WP(I)− = ¬.GUSP(I). The following proposition formalizes the intuition that Definition 2 extends the  WPoperator defined by Van Gelder et al. (1991) for standard programs to  LPAm,a programs.

Proposition 5 Let P be an aggregate-free program. The  WPoperator of Definition 2 coincides with the  WPoperator defined by Van Gelder et al. (1991).

Proof. Since WPis equal to the union of  TP and ¬.GUSPin both cases, we have just to show that our definitions of  TP and GUSPcoincide with those introduced by Van Gelder et al. (1991) for aggregate-free programs.

The two immediate logical consequence operators (TP) coincide for an aggregate-free program P. Indeed, for each rule  r ∈ P, B(r) has only standard literals.

Our definition of  GUSP(I) coincides with the one of Van Gelder et al. (1991) for an aggregate-free program P and an interpretation I. Indeed, in both cases  GUSP(I) isdefined as the union of all the unfounded sets for P with respect to I, and our notion of unfounded set coincides with the one in the work of Van Gelder et al. for standard programs by Theorem 1. ✷

We next show that a fixpoint of the well-founded operator  WPis a (possibly partial) model.


Figure 1: A meet semilattice

Theorem 6 Let P be an LPAm,a program and M a (partial) interpretation. If M is a fixpoint of  WP, then Mis a (partial) model of P.

Proof. Let us assume that  WP(M) = Mholds. Thus,  TP(M) ⊆ M and ¬.GUSP(M) ⊆ Mhold. Consider now a rule  r ∈ P. If all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to M, then  H(r) ∈ TP(M) ⊆ M. If H(r) is false with respect to  M, then H(r) ∈ GUSP(M).Since  GUSP(M) is an unfounded set for P with respect to M by Corollary 3, either some literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to M, or some literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to M ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(M) = M. We can then conclude that r is satisfied by  M. ✷

The theorem below states that  WPis a monotone operator in the meet semilattice induced on  IPby the subset-containment relationship. We recall here that a meet semilattice is a partially ordered set which has a meet (or greatest lower bound) for any nonempty finite subset. An example of such a meet semilattice for a program with base {a, b} is reported in Figure 1.

Theorem 7 Let P be an LPAm,a program. The well-founded operator  WP is a monotone operator in the meet semilattice  ⟨IP, ⊆⟩.

Proof. Since WPis equal to the union of  TP and ¬.GUSPby Definition 2, we have just to prove the monotonicity of the operators  TP and GUSP.

We first show that  TPis a monotone operator, that is, for each pair of interpretations I, J for P such that I ⊆ J, it holds that  TP(I) ⊆ TP(J). Consider an atom  ℓ ∈ TP(I).By Definition 2, there is a rule  r ∈ P such that H(r) = ℓand all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to  I. Since I ⊆ J, we can conclude that all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to J as well (see Remark 1), and so  H(r) = ℓbelongs to  TP(J)by Definition 2.

We already know that  GUSPis a monotone operator from Proposition 4: For each pair of interpretations  I, J for P such that I ⊆ J, it holds that  GUSP(I) ⊆ GUSP(J).


We can now prove that the sequence  W0 = ∅, Wn+1 = WP(Wn) is well-defined, that is, each element of the sequence is an interpretation.

Theorem 8 Let P be an LPAm,a program. The sequence  W0 = ∅, Wn+1 = WP(Wn) iswell-defined.

Proof. We use strong induction. The base case is trivial, since  W0 = ∅. In order to prove the consistency of  Wn+1 = TP(Wn)∪¬.GUSP(Wn), we assume the consistency of every  Wmsuch that  m ≤ n. Since WPis a monotone operator by Theorem 7, it is enough to show that  GUSP(Wn) ∩ Wn+1 = ∅. To this end, we next show that any set X of atoms such that X ∩ Wn+1 ̸= ∅is not an unfounded set for P with respect to  Wn(and so is not contained in GUSP(Wn)). Let Wm+1be the first element of the sequence such that  X ∩Wm+1 ̸= ∅ (notethat  m ≤ n). Consider any atom  ℓ ∈ X ∩ Wm+1. By definition of  TP, there is a rule  r ∈ Phaving  H(r) = ℓand such that all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to  Wm. Notethat no atom in  Wmcan belong to X (for the way in which  Wm+1has been chosen). Thus, by Remark 1, all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to both  Wn and Wn ˙∪ ¬.X (werecall that  Wn ⊇ Wm because WPis monotone). This ends the proof, as neither condition (1) nor (2) of Definition 1 hold for  ℓ. ✷

Theorem 8 and Theorem 7 imply that  WPadmits a least fixpoint (Tarski, 1955), which is referred to as the well-founded model of P. The well-founded semantics of an  LPAm,aprogram P is given by this model. We can now state a first important property of the well-founded semantics of  LPAm,a programs.

Property 1 For every LPAm,a program, the well-founded model always exists and is unique.

Another important property of well-founded semantics easily follows from Proposition 5.

Property 2 On aggregate-free programs, the well founded semantics as defined in this paper coincides with the classical well-founded semantics of Van Gelder et al. (1991).

Although the well-founded model, in general, might leave some atoms as undefined, there are cases where  WωP(∅) is a total interpretation.


The iterated application of  WPyields the following sets:


In this case, the well-founded model is total. Indeed, each atom in  BPis either true or false with respect to  WωP(∅).

The totality of the well-founded model of the program above is due to its stratification, as formalized by the next theorem. Given Corollary 25, an equivalent result has been stated already by Pelov et al. (2007) as Theorem 7.2 and its Corollary 7.1. However, its proof is labelled as sketch by Pelov et al., which moreover relies on rather different formalisms than our proof.


Proof. Let P be a stratified  LPAm,a program. In order to prove that  WωP(∅) is total, we show that each (standard) atom in  BP \WωP(∅) is false with respect to  WωP(∅). By definition of stratification, there is a  level mapping || · ||of the (standard) predicates of P such that, for each pair a, b of standard predicates occurring in the head and body of a rule  r ∈ P,respectively, the following conditions are satisfied: (i) if b appears in an antimonotone literal, then ||b|| < ||a|| holds; (ii) otherwise, if b appears in a monotone literal, then  ||b|| ≤ ||a||holds. We are then in order to define a non-decreasing sequence of subsets of  BPas follows:


Our aim is then to show that, for each  i ∈ N, the set Li+1\WωP(∅) is contained in  ¬.WωP(∅)−.We use induction on i. The base case is trivial because  L0 = ∅holds by definition. Now suppose that all the atoms in  Li \ WωP(∅) are false with respect to  WωP(∅) in order to show that all the atoms in  Li+1 \ WωP(∅) are false with respect to  WωP(∅) as well. To this end, we prove that  Li+1 \ WωP(∅) is an unfounded set for P with respect to  WωP(∅). Consider a rule  r ∈ Ground(P) with H(r) ∈ Li+1 \ WωP(∅). We want to show that either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to  WωP(∅), or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  WωP(∅) ˙∪ ¬.(Li+1 \ WωP(∅)). Since H(r) ∈ Li+1, bydefinition of stratification the following propositions hold:

(a) each literal in  Ba(r) is either a negated standard atom belonging to  Li, or an aggregate literal depending only on atoms in  Li;

(b) each literal in  Bm(r) is either a standard atom belonging to  Li+1, or an aggregate literal depending only on atoms in  Li+1.

Since  H(r) ̸∈ WωP(∅) (that is,  H(r) ̸∈ TP(WωP(∅))), there is a literal  ℓ in B(r) such that  ℓis not true with respect to  WωP(∅) (by definition of  TP). If ℓis an antimonotone literal, we apply (a) and the induction hypothesis and conclude that (1) holds (ℓcannot be undefined with respect to  WωP(∅), so ℓmust be false). If  ℓis a monotone literal, we apply (b) and the induction hypothesis and conclude that (2) holds (ℓcannot be undefined with respect to WωP(∅) ˙∪ ¬.(Li+1 \ WωP(∅)) and WωP(∅) ˙∪ ¬.(Li+1 \ WωP(∅)) ≤ WωP(∅) holds, so  ℓ must befalse). ✷

The well-founded semantics is a three-valued semantics, that is, each program is associated with a model in which atoms are either true, false or undefined. Other semantics in the literature associate programs with two-valued models (i.e., models without undefined atoms). A commonly accepted two-value semantics in LP is the answer set semantics. In this section we present a number of results concerning unfounded sets and answer sets of LPAm,a programs. We first recall the definition of answer sets provided by Faber, Leone, and Pfeifer (2011).

Definition 3 (Minimal Model) A total model M for P is (subset-)minimal if no total model N for P exists such that  N+ ⊂ M+. Note that, under these definitions, the words interpretation and model refer to possibly partial interpretations, while a minimal model is always a total interpretation.

We next provide the transformation by which the reduct of a ground program with respect to a total interpretation is formed. Note that this definition is a generalization (Faber et al., 2004) of the Gelfond-Lifschitz transformation (1991) for standard logic programs.

Definition 4 (Program Reduct) Given an LPA program Pand a total interpretation I, let Ground(P)I denote the transformed program obtained from Ground(P) by deleting rules in which a body literal is false with respect to I, i.e.:


We are now ready for introducing the notion of answer set for  LPA programs.

Definition 5 (Answer Set for LPA Programs) Given an LPA program P, a total interpretation M of P is an answer set of P if and only if M is a minimal model of Ground(P)M.

Example 13 Consider two total interpretations  I5 = {p(0)} and I6 = {not p(0)} for thefollowing two programs:


We then obtain the following transformed programs:


Hence,  I6is the only answer set of  P4. Indeed, I5is not a minimal model of  Ground(P4)I5.Moreover,  P5has no answer sets. Indeed,  I5is not a minimal model of  Ground(P5)I5, andI6is not a model of  Ground(P5)I6 = Ground(P5).

Note that any answer set M of P is also a total model of  P because Ground(P)M ⊆Ground(P), and the rules in  Ground(P) \ Ground(P)M are satisfied with respect to M (by Definition 4, each of these rules must have at least one body literal which is false with respect to M).

On the language  LPAm,a considered in this work, answer sets as defined in Definition 5 coincide with stable models as defined by Pelov, Denecker, and Bruynooghe (2003) and hence also those defined by Pelov et al. (2007) and Son et al. (2007). This equivalence follows from Propositions 3.7 and 3.8 of Ferraris (2011), which respectively state that stable models of Pelov et al. (2003) on  LPAm,a coincide with a semantics defined by Ferraris (2011), which in turn coincides with Definition 5 on a larger class of programs. This means that all our results involving answer sets also hold for these other semantics on  LPAm,a. On the other hand, this also implies that some of the results (for example Theorem 16) are consequences of results in the work of Pelov et al. (2007) by virtue of Theorem 24 in Section 7.

In the remainder of this section we highlight relevant relationships between answer sets and unfounded sets. Before introducing our results, let us provide an additional definition. Definition 6 (Unfounded-free Interpretation) An interpretation  I for an LPAm,a pro-gram P is unfounded-free if and only if  I ∩ X = ∅holds for each unfounded set X for P with respect to I.

For total interpretations, an equivalent characterization of the unfounded-free property is given below.

Lemma 10 A total interpretation  I for an LPAm,a program Pis unfounded-free if and only if the empty set is the only subset of  I+ which is an unfounded set for P with respect to I.

Proof. (⇒) Straightforward: By Definition 6, I is disjoint from all the unfounded set for P with respect to I.

(⇐) We prove the contrapositive: If I is not unfounded-free, then there exists a non-empty subset of  I+ which is an unfounded set for P with respect to I. From Definition 6, if I is not unfounded-free, then there exists an unfounded set X for P with respect to I such that I ∩ X ̸= ∅. We next show that  I ∩ Xis an unfounded set for P with respect to I, i.e., for each rule  r ∈ P such that H(r) ∈ I ∩ X, either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r)is false with respect to I, or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to I ˙∪ ¬.(I ∩ X). Since Xis an unfounded set, by Definition 1, either (a) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or (b) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.X. Thus, we can end the proof by showing that  I ˙∪ ¬.X = I ˙∪ ¬.(I ∩ X).To this end, observe that (i)  ¬.X = ¬.(X \ I) ∪ ¬.(I ∩ X). Moreover, since I is total, ¬.(BP \ I+) = I−, and thus (ii)  ¬.(X \ I) = ¬.(X \ I+) ⊆ I− ⊆ I \ X. By using (i) in I ˙∪ ¬.X = (I \ X) ∪ ¬.Xand simplifying with (ii) we obtain  I ˙∪ ¬.X = (I \ X) ∪ ¬.(I ∩ X).We conclude by observing that  I \ X = I \ (I ∩ X), and thus  I ˙∪ ¬.X = I ˙∪ ¬.(I ∩ X)holds. ✷

Now we give another interesting characterization of total models for  LPAm,a programs.

Lemma 11 A total interpretation M is a (total) model for an  LPAm,a program P if andonly if  ¬.M− is an unfounded set for P with respect to M.

Proof. We start by observing that each rule  r ∈ P such that H(r) ∈ M+ is satisfied by M. Thus, we have to show that, for each rule  r ∈ P with H(r) ∈ ¬.M−, some literal in B(r) is false with respect to M if and only if either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r)is false with respect to M, or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  M ˙∪ ¬.(¬.M−). To this end, it is enough to prove that  M ˙∪ ¬.(¬.M−) = M holds.By definition, (∗) M ˙∪ ¬.(¬.M−) = (M \ ¬.M−) ∪ ¬.¬.M−. From the consistency of M we have that  M and ¬.M− are disjoint. Moreover,  ¬.¬.M− = M− is a subset of M. By simplifying (∗) with the last two sentences, we obtain  M ˙∪ ¬.(¬.M−) = M. ✷

Now we give further characterizations of answer sets for  LPAm,a programs.

Theorem 12 A total model M is an answer set of an  LPAm,a program Pif and only if M is unfounded-free.

Proof. (⇒) We prove the contrapositive: If a total model  M of an LPAm,a program P isnot unfounded-free, then M is not an answer set of P. By Lemma 10, since M is a total interpretation and it is not unfounded-free, there exists an unfounded set X for P with respect to  M such that X ⊆ M+ and X ̸= ∅. Therefore, to prove that M is not an answer set of P, we next show that  M ˙∪ ¬.Xis a model of  PM such that M ˙∪ ¬.X ⊂ M. To thisend, consider a rule  r ∈ PM. By Definition 4 of reduct, all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to  M, and so H(r) ∈ M+ because Mis a model of  P and PM ⊆ P. We now have to consider two cases:

1.  H(r) ̸∈ X. In this case,  H(r) ∈ M ˙∪ ¬.X as well.

2.  H(r) ∈ X. In this case, since X is an unfounded set for P with respect to M, either (1) some literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to M, or (2) some literal in  Bm(r) is falsewith respect to  M ˙∪ ¬.X. By previous considerations, since  r ∈ PM, (1) cannot hold, and so we can conclude that some literal in B(r) is false with respect to  M ˙∪ ¬.X.

Hence, we have that r is satisfied by  M ˙∪ ¬.Xeither by head (in case  H(r) ̸∈ X), or bybody (in case  H(r) ∈ X), and so we are done.


1.  r ∈ P \ PM. In this case, by Definition 4, there must be a literal  ℓ ∈ B(r) such that  ℓis false with respect to  M. If ℓis an antimonotone literal, then (1) holds. Otherwise, ℓis a monotone literal and so  ℓis false with respect to N as well, since  N ≤ M; thus,(2) holds because of (e).

2.  r ∈ PM. In this case, since N is a model of  PM and H(r) is false with respect to N (because  H(r) ∈ M+ \N+ by assumption), there must be a literal  ℓ ∈ B(r) such that ℓis false with respect to  N. If ℓis an antimonotone literal, then  ℓis false with respect to M as well, since  N ≤ M, and so (1) holds. Otherwise,  ℓis a monotone literal and (2) holds because of (e). ✷

We are then ready to state an important connection between answer sets and unfounded sets.

Theorem 13 A total interpretation  M for an LPAm,a program Pis an answer set of P if and only if  GUSP(M) = ¬.M−.

Proof. (⇒) Let Mbe an answer set of P. By Lemma 11,  ¬.M− is an unfounded set for P with respect to M, and hence  GUSP(M) ⊇ ¬.M−. By Theorem 12, M is unfounded-free, and hence  GUSP(M) ⊆ ¬.M− because Mis total. In sum,  GUSP(M) = ¬.M−.

(⇐) Let Mbe a total interpretation such that  GUSP(M) = ¬.M−. Then M and GUSP(M) =¬.M− are disjoint, and so M is unfounded-free. Moreover, by Corollary 3,  GUSP(M) = M−

is an unfounded set for P with respect to M and so, by applying Lemma 11, we conclude that M is a model of P. We are then in order to apply Theorem 12 (M is an unfounded-free model of P) and conclude that M is an answer set of  P. ✷

The following theorem shows that answer sets of  LPAm,a programs are exactly the total fixpoints of the well-founded operator defined in Section 3.

Theorem 14 Let M be a total interpretation for an  LPAm,a program P. Then M is ananswer set for P if and only if M is a fixpoint of the well-founded operator  WP.

Proof. (⇒) Let Mbe an answer set of P. We want to show that M is a fixpoint of  WP, thatis,  WP(M) = M. Our aim is then to show that  TP(M) = M+ and ¬.GUSP(M) = M−.Since M is an answer set, by applying Theorem 13, we obtain  GUSP(M) = ¬.M−, whichis equivalent to  ¬.GUSP(M) = M−. Therefore, it remains to prove that  TP(M) = M+:

(⊆) Consider an atom  ℓ ∈ TP(M).By Definition 2, there is a rule  r ∈ P such thatH(r) = ℓand all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to  M. Thus, ℓ ∈ M+ holdsbecause M is a model of P.

(⊇) Consider an atom  ℓ ∈ M+. Since Mis an answer set of P, we can apply Theorem 12 and conclude that M is unfounded-free. Hence, the (singleton) set  {ℓ} ⊆ M+ is notan unfounded set for P with respect to M. Thus, by Definition 1, there is a rule r ∈ P such that H(r) = ℓand neither (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) isfalse with respect to M, nor (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  M ˙∪ ¬.{ℓ}. Since Mis a total interpretation, neither (1) nor (2) is equivalent to both (i) all the (antimonotone) literals in  Ba(r) are true with respect to M, and (ii) all the (monotone) literals in  Bm(r) are true with respect to  M ˙∪ ¬.{ℓ}. By observing that  M ˙∪ ¬.{ℓ} ≤ M, we can state that (ii) implies that all the (monotone) literals in Bm(r) are true with respect to M as well. By combining the latter statement with (i) we obtain that all the literals in B(r) are true with respect to  M, and so ℓ ∈ TP(M)by Definition 2.

(⇐) Let Mbe a total fixpoint of  WP, i.e., WP(M) = M. Thus, M− = ¬.GUSP(M) byDefinition 2, and so M is an answer set for P because of Theorem 13. ✷

Observe that Theorem 14 is a generalization of Theorem 5.4 of Van Gelder et al. (1991) to the class of  LPAm,a programs. It is also worth noting that  WP(I) extends Ipreserving its “correctness”: If I is contained in an answer set  M, then WP(I) may add to I some literals of M, but never introduces any literal which would be inconsistent with M.

Proposition 15 Let I be an interpretation for an  LPAm,a program P, and let M be ananswer set for  P. If I ⊆ M, then WP(I) ⊆ M.

Proof. This is a trivial consequence of the monotonicity of the operator  WP(Theorems 7) and Theorem 14. Indeed, by Theorems 7,  WP is I ⊆ M implies WP(I) ⊆ WP(M), andWP(M) = Mby Theorem 14. ✷

We next show that the well-founded model of an  LPAm,a program is contained in all the answer sets (if any) of P. We would like to point out that due to Theorem 24 in Section 7 (showing the equivalence of the well-founded operators defined in this work and the one defined in Pelov et al., 2007) and Propositions 3.77 and 3.8 of Ferraris (2011; showing the equivalence of answer sets in Faber et al., 2011 and stable models in Pelov et al., 2007), the following results also hold by virtue of the definitions of the well-founded and stable semantics in the work of Pelov et al., in particular due to Proposition 7.3 of that paper. We nevertheless also provide a proof using the concepts defined earlier.


Proof. Let M be an answer set of P. Note that  WωP(∅) is the limit of the sequence  W0 = ∅,Wn = WP(Wn−1). We show that  Wn ⊆ Mby induction on n. The base case is trivially true since  W0 = ∅by definition. Now assume  Wn ⊆ Min order to show that  Wn+1 ⊆ M.Since  Wn+1 = WP(Wn) by definition and  Wn ⊆ Mby induction hypothesis, we apply Proposition 15 and conclude that  Wn+1 ⊆ M. ✷

The theorem above suggests another property of well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a pro-grams.

Property 3 The well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs approximates the answer set semantics: The well-founded model is contained in the intersection of all answer sets (if any).

By combining Theorem 14 and Theorem 16, we obtain the following claim.

Corollary 17 Let P be an LPAm,a program. If  WωP(∅) is a total interpretation, then it is the unique answer set of P.

Therefore, by combining Theorem 9 and the corollary above, we obtain another property of well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs.

Property 4 On stratified  LPAm,a programs, the well-founded model coincides with the unique answer set.

For the complexity analysis carried out in this section, we consider ground programs and polynomial-time computable aggregate functions (note that all example aggregate functions appearing in this paper fall into this class). However, we eventually provide a discussion on how results change when considering non-ground programs. We start with an important property of monotone and antimonotone aggregate literals.

Lemma 18 Let I be a partial interpretation for a ground  LPAm,a program P. We definetwo total interpretations for P as follows:  Imin = I ∪ ¬.(BP \ I) and Imax = I ∪ (BP \ ¬.I).For each (ground) aggregate literal A occurring in P, the following statements hold:

1. If A is a monotone literal, then A is true (resp. false) with respect to I if and only if A is true with respect to  Imin(resp. false with respect to  Imax).

2. If A is an antimonotone literal, then A is true (resp. false) with respect to I if and only if A is true with respect to  Imax(resp. false with respect to  Imin).

Proof. We start by noting that  Imin (resp. Imax) is a total interpretation extending I and such that all the standard atoms which are undefined with respect to I are false with respect to  Imin(resp. true with respect to  Imax). Thus, we have (∗) Imin ≤ I ≤ Imax. If Ais monotone and true with respect to  Imin(resp. false with respect to  Imax), then A is true(resp. false) with respect to I because of (∗). If Ais antimonotone and true with respect to  Imax(resp. false with respect to  Imin), then Ais true (resp. false) with respect to I because of (∗). We end the proof by observing that if A is true (resp. false) with respect to I, then A is true with respect to  Imin and Imaxby definition. ✷

We are now ready to analyze the computational complexity of the well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs. Our analysis will lead to prove the following fundamental property.

Property 5 The well-founded model for a ground  LPAm,a program is efficiently (polynomial- time) computable.

Given Corollary 25, this property also follows from Theorem 7.4 in the work of Pelov et al. (2007). In the following, we will provide an alternative proof based on the concepts defined earlier in this paper, which also leads to several interesting intermediate results.

Property 5 is not trivial because aggregates may easily increase the complexity of the evaluation. Indeed, even deciding the truth of an aggregate with respect to a partial interpretation is intractable in general; a similar observation has already been made by Pelov (2004). However, this task is polynomial-time computable for the aggregate literals occurring in  LPAm,a programs.

Proposition 19 Deciding whether a ground aggregate literal A is true (resp. false) with respect to a partial interpretation I is:


Proof. (a) As for the membership, we consider the complementary problem, that is, deciding whether a ground aggregate literal A is not true (resp. not false) with respect to a partial interpretation I, and prove that it belongs to NP. In order to show that A is not true (resp. not false) with respect to I it is enough to find a total interpretation J extending  I (that is, J ⊇ I) such that A is false (resp. true) with respect to J. Thus, we can guess such a J and check the falsity (resp. truth) of A with respect to J in polynomial time (if the aggregate function can be computed in polynomial time with respect to the size of the input multiset, as we are assuming).

As for the hardness, we first consider the problem of checking the truth of an aggregate and provide a polynomial-time reduction from TAUTOLOGY. The TAUTOLOGY problem is co-NP-complete and can be stated as follow: Given a proposition formula Φ on variables  X1, . . . , Xn, does each truth assignment v for the variables  X1, . . . , Xn satisfythe formula Φ? Without loss of generality, we assume that Φ is a 3-DNF formula of the form


where each disjunct  Diis a conjunction  ℓ1i ∧ ℓ2i ∧ ℓ3i , and each ℓji is a positive or negative literal (note that, in the context of TAUTOLOGY, the term “literal” denotes a variable Xkor a variable preceded by the negation symbol  ¬). For a given Φ, we then consider a partial interpretation  I = {⊤}and construct an aggregate literal  A = #sum{S} ≥ 1, whereS contains two groups of elements. The elements in the first group represent disjuncts of Φ and are


where, for each i = 1, . . . , m and j = 1, . . . , 3, the propositional atom  γ(ℓji) is defined as follows:


The elements in the second group represent variables of Φ and are as follows:


where  xk and ˆxkare constants associated with the variable  Xk. Note that, for each variable Xkof Φ, there are two atoms in  A, xtk and xfk. Thus, for each interpretation J, four cases are possible:

(1)  {not xtk, not xfk} ⊆ J: In this case, only  ⟨1, xk : ⊤⟩contribute to the evaluation of A, and its contribution is 1;

(2)  {xtk, xfk} ⊆ J: In this case, all the four elements contribute to the evaluation of A, and thus their contribution is 1  −1 + 1 = 1 (note that  ⟨−1, xk : xtk⟩ and ⟨−1, xk : xfk⟩give a total contribution of  −1 because of our pure set approach);

(3)  {xtk, not xfk} ⊆ J: In this case, only  ⟨1, xk : ⊤⟩ and ⟨−1, xk : xtk⟩contribute, giving 1  − 1 = 0;

(4)  {not xtk, xfk} ⊆ J: In this case, only  ⟨1, xk : ⊤⟩ and ⟨−1, xk : xfk⟩contribute, giving 1  − 1 = 0.

Thus, for each  k ∈ {1, . . . , n}, the total contribution of the four elements of S associated with the variable  Xkis either 0 or 1. Note that also the total contribution of the other elements of S (i.e., those in the first group) is either 0 or 1. Therefore, if there is  k ∈ {1, . . . , n} suchthat either case (1) or (2) occurs, the interpretation J trivially satisfies A. Otherwise, J is such that, for each variable  k ∈ {1, . . . , n}, either (3) or (4) occurs. In this case, we say that J is a good interpretation. We next define a one-to-one mapping between the set of assignments for Φ and the set of good interpretations. Let v be an assignment for Φ. The good interpretation  Ivassociated with v is such that  ⊤ ∈ Iv and


We want to show that v satisfies Φ if and only if A is true with respect to  Iv. Since Iv isa good interpretation, the elements of S in the second group give a total contribution of 0, and so we have just to consider the elements of S in the first group. These elements give a contribution of 1 if and only if  {γ(ℓ1i ), γ(ℓ2i ), γ(ℓ3i )} ⊆ Iholds for at least one  i ∈ {1, . . . , n},and this holds if and only  v(Di) = 1 holds for the disjunct  Di. We can then conclude that A is true with respect to  Ivif and only  v(Φ) = 1.

Concerning the check of falsity of an aggregate, we can start from a 3-DNF formula Φ and construct an aggregate literal  A′ = #sum{S} < 1, where Sis obtained as described above. Then Φ is a tautology if and only if  A′ is false with respect to  I = {⊤}.

(b) Let I be a partial interpretation for an  LPAm,a program P and Aan aggregate literal occurring in P. We want to show that deciding whether A is true (resp. false) with respect to I can be done in polynomial-time in the size of  BP. By Lemma 18, it is enough to evaluate the aggregate with respect to either  Imin = I ∪ ¬.(BP \ I) or Imax = I ∪ (BP \ ¬.I). Wethen end the proof by observing that the interpretations  Imin and Imaxcan be constructed in polynomial time, and that the value of the aggregate function in A can be computed in polynomial time with respect to the size of the input multiset by assumption. ✷

In order to prove the tractability of the well-founded semantics we need an efficient method for computing the greatest unfounded set, which is part of the well-founded operator WP. Hence, we next give a polynomial-time construction of the set  BP \GUSP(I) by meansof a monotone operator.

Definition 7 Let I be an interpretation for an  LPAm,a program P.The operator  φI :2BP → 2BP is defined as follows:


1. The  φIoperator has a least fixpoint  φωI (∅);

2.  GUSP(I) = BP \ φωI (∅).

Proof. The φIoperator is a monotonically increasing operator in the meet semilattice ⟨BP, ⊆⟩, and it therefore admits a least fixpoint  φωI (∅) (Tarski, 1955). We next prove that GUSP(I) = BP \ φωI (∅) in two steps:

(⊆) We first observe that  φωI (∅) can be computed iteratively, starting from the empty set, as the limit of the sequence  F0 = ∅, Fi+1 = φI(Fi). Thus, we prove by induction on i that  GUSP(I) ⊆ BP \Fiholds. The base case is trivial, since  F0 = ∅by definition and GUSP(I) is a subset of  BPby Definition 1. We then assume  GUSP(I) ⊆ BP \ Fi inorder to prove that  GUSP(I) ⊆ BP \ Fi+1. Since GUSP(I) is an unfounded set for P with respect to I by Theorem 2, by Definition 1 we have that, for each  ℓ ∈ GUSP(I)and for each rule  r ∈ P with H(r) = ℓ, either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I). We want to show that such a  ℓdoes not belong to  Fi+1,that is, each rule r as above is such that either (i) some (antimonotone) literal in Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or (ii) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is not true with respect to  Fi \ ¬.I− (recall that  Fi+1 = φI(Fi) by definition). Since (1) and (i) are equals, we have to show that (2) implies (ii). To this end, assume that there is a (monotone) literal  ℓ′ ∈ Bm(r) which is false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I). Ouraim is to show that  ℓ′ is false with respect to  J = (Fi \ ¬.I−) ∪ ¬.(BP \ (Fi \ ¬.I−)),since in this case  ℓ′ would be not true with respect to  Fi \ ¬.I− (see Lemma 18). We start by proving that (I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I))− = I− ∪ ¬.GUSP(I) is a subset of  J−.Observe that  J− = ¬.(BP \ (Fi \ ¬.I−)) = I− ∪ ¬.(BP \ Fi) because ¬.I− is asubset of  BP. Thus, since  GUSP(I) ⊆ BP \ Fiby induction hypothesis, we obtain (I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I))− = I− ∪ ¬.GUSP(I) ⊆ I− ∪ ¬.(BP \ Fi) = J−. Since J is total,(I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I))− ⊆ J− implies that there is an extension  K of I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I)such that  K− ⊆ J− and K+ ⊇ J− (for example, the one containing as true all the standard positive literals which are undefined with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I)). Sinceℓ′ is false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I) by assumption and K is an extension of I ˙∪ ¬.GUSP(I), ℓ′ is false with respect to K by Remark 1. Thus, since  J ≤ K andℓ′ is monotone, the latter implies that  ℓ′ is false with respect to J as well.

(⊇) We prove that  BP \ φωI (∅) is an unfounded set for P with respect to I, that is, for each  r ∈ P with H(r) ∈ BP \φωI (∅), either (1) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) isfalse with respect to I, or (2) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.(BP \ φωI (∅)). By Definition 7,  H(r) ̸∈ φωI (∅) implies either that (i) some (antimonotone) literal in  Ba(r) is false with respect to I, or that (ii) some (monotone) literal in  Bm(r) is not true with respect to  φωI (∅) \ ¬.I−. Since (i) and (1) are equals, we have to show that (ii) implies (2). To this end, assume that there is a (monotone) literal  ℓ ∈ Bm(r) which is not true with respect to  φωI (∅) \ ¬.I−. Thus, there is an extension of  φωI (∅) \ ¬.I− for which ℓis false, and in particular  ℓmust be false with respect to  J = (φωI (∅) \ ¬.I−) ∪ ¬.(BP \ (φωI (∅) \ ¬.I−)) because of Lemma 18. Now observe that (I ˙∪ ¬.(BP \ φωI (∅)))− = I−∪¬.(BP \φωI (∅)) = ¬.(BP \(φωI (∅)\¬.I−)) =

J− holds (because  ¬.I− ⊆ BP), and so (I ˙∪ ¬.(BP \ φωI (∅)))+ ⊆ J+ because J is total.By combining the last two sentences we obtain  I ˙∪ ¬.(BP \ φωI (∅)) ≤ J. Therefore, since  ℓis a monotone literal which is false with respect to J, the latter implies that  ℓis false with respect to  I ˙∪ ¬.(BP \ φωI (∅)) as well, and so (2) holds. ✷

Eventually, Property 5 is a consequence of the following theorem. As mentioned earlier, this theorem also follows from Theorem 7.4 in the work of Pelov et al. (2007) because of Corollary 25, but the proof provided here differs considerably from the one of Theorem 7.4 in the work of Pelov et al.

Theorem 21 Given an LPAm,a program P:

1. The greatest unfounded set  GUSP(I) of Pwith respect to a given interpretation I is polynomial-time computable;

2.  WωP(∅) is polynomial-time computable.

Proof. (1.) From Theorem 20,  GUSP(I) = BP \ φωI (∅).We next show that  φωI (∅) isefficiently computable. The fixpoint  φωI (∅) is the limit  φλof the sequence  φ0 = ∅, φk =φI(φk−1). This limit is reached in a polynomial number of applications of  φIbecause each new element of the sequence  φkmust add at least a new atom (otherwise the limit has been already reached), that is,  λ ≤ |BP|. If we show that each application of  φIis feasible in polynomial time, we can conclude that  φλis computable in polynomial time. Each step processes at most all the rules once, and for each rule checks the truth-value of at most all body literals once. The check of the truth valuation is clearly tractable for all standard (i.e., non-aggregates) literals; the tractability of the check for aggregate literals stems from Proposition 19, as we deal with monotone and antimonotone aggregate atoms only. In conclusion,  φλis computable in polynomial time, and  GUSP(I) is tractable as well since it is obtainable as  BP \ φωI (∅).

(2.) By the argumentation carried out for  φωI (∅), we can show that  WωP(∅) is computed in a number of steps which is polynomial (actually linear) in  |BP|. Indeed, each step is polynomial-time computable: We have just proved the tractability of  GUSP(I), and TP ispolynomial-time computable as well. ✷

This result has a positive impact also for the computation of the answer set semantics of logic programs with aggregates. Indeed, as stated in Theorem 16,  WωP(∅) approximates the intersection of all answer sets (if any) from the bottom, and can be therefore used to efficiently prune the search space. It is worthwhile noting that the computation of the well-founded semantics is also hard for polynomial-time. In particular, deciding whether a (ground) atom is true with respect to the well-founded semantics is P-complete, as this task is P-hard even for the standard well-founded semantics of aggregate-free programs (and, from Proposition 5, our semantics coincides with the standard well-founded on aggregate-free programs).

We end this section by briefly addressing the complexity of non-ground programs. When considering data-complexity (i.e., an  LPAm,a program Pis fixed and the input only consists of facts), the results are as for propositional programs: Deciding whether a (ground) atom is true with respect to the well-founded semantics of a non-ground program is P-complete, under data-complexity (Van Gelder et al., 1991). However, if program complexity (i.e., an LPAm,a program Pis given as input) is considered, complexity of reasoning rises exponen- tially. Indeed, a non-ground program P can be reduced, by naive instantiation, to a ground instance of the problem, and in general the size of Ground(P) is single exponential in the size of P. The complexity of reasoning increases accordingly by one exponential, from P to EXPTIME, and the result can be derived using complexity upgrading techniques (Eiter, Gottlob, & Mannila, 1997; Gottlob, Leone, & Veith, 1999).

The well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs has been implemented by extending the DLV system (Leone et al., 2006). In this section we briefly describe the implemented prototype and report on the results of our experiments aimed at assessing its efficiency. Note that, even if  LPAm,a programs can be replaced by equivalent LP programs (for a rewriting strategy see Section 6.1 below), our experimental results highlight a significant performance advantage of  LPAm,a encodings.

6.1 Compilation into Standard Logic Programming

In this section we briefly present a strategy for representing #count, #sum and #times with standard constructs.2 The compilation is in the spirit of the one introduced for #min and #max by Alviano, Faber, and Leone (2008) and defines a subprogram computing the value of a (possibly recursive) aggregate. The compilation takes into account specific properties of monotone and antimonotone aggregate functions, and is therefore referred to as monotone/antimonotone encoding (mae).

The monotone/antimonotone encoding of an  LPAm,a program Pis obtained by replacing each aggregate literal  A = f(S) ≺ Tby a new predicate symbol  f≺. Predicate  f≺ is definedby means of a subprogram (i.e., a set of rules) that can be thought of as a compilation of A into standard LP. The compilation uses a total order < of the elements of  UP ∪{⊥}, where⊥is a symbol not occurring in P and such that  ⊥ < u for each u ∈ UP. We further assume the presence of a “built-in” relation  Y < Y ′, where Y = Y1, . . . , Yn and Y ′ = Y ′1, . . . , Y ′nare lists of terms. This built-in relation has  y < y′ if and only if  y precedes y′ in thelexicographical order induced by <. Moreover, we will use a built-in relation  Y ≤ Y ′, wherey ≤ y′ is true if and only if either  y < y′ or y = y′. For simplicity, let us assume that A is of the form  f({Y : p(Y , Z)}) ≺ k, where Y and Zare lists of local variables and k is an integer constant. For such an aggregate, we introduce a new predicate symbol  faux of arity|Y | + 1 and rules for modeling that an atom  faux(y, s) must be true whenever the value of f({Y : p(Y , Z), Y ≤ y}) is at least s. Thus, we use a fact for representing the value of the aggregate function for the empty set, and a rule for increasing this value for larger sets. The lexicographical order induced by < is used to guarantee that all elements in the set are


Figure 2: Prototype system architecture.

considered at most once. In particular, the following rules are introduced:


If  ≺∈ {≥, >}, truth of an aggregate  f({Y : p(Y , Z)}) ≺ kmust be inferred if and only if  some atom faux(y, s) such that  s ≺ kis true. This aspect is modeled by means of the following rules:


If  ≺ is ≤, instead, truth of an aggregate  f({Y : p(Y , Z)}) ≤ kmust be inferred if and only if  all atoms faux(y, s) such that s > k are false (and similar if  ≺ is <). These aspects are modeled by means of the following rules:


Extending the technique to aggregate literals with global variables is quite simple: Global variables are added to the arguments of all the atoms used in the compilation, and a new predicate  fgroup−byis used for collecting their possible substitutions.

6.2 System Architecture and Usage

We have extended DLV by implementing the well-founded operator and the well-founded semantics for  LPAm,a programs described in this paper. The architecture of the prototype is reported in Figure 2. In detail, we modified two modules of DLV, the Intelligent Grounding module and the Model Generator module. In our prototype, the well-founded semantics is adopted if one of -wf or --well-founded is specified on the command-line. Otherwise, the stable model semantics is adopted as usual. The well-founded operator  WPintroduced in Section 3 is used for both semantics. In particular, for the stable model semantics, the well-founded model is profitably used for pruning the search space. For the well-founded semantics, the well-founded model is printed after the computation of the least fixpoint of the well-founded operator. In this case the output of the system consists of two sets, for representing true and undefined standard atoms in the well-founded model. A binary of the prototype is available at http://www.dlvsystem.com/dlvRecAggr/.

6.3 Experimental Results

To our knowledge, the implemented prototype is currently the only system supporting a well-founded semantics for logic programs with recursive aggregates. For certain special cases, such as when the well-founded model is total, the well-founded model coincides with other semantics such as answer sets (see Corollary 17) and in theses cases systems supporting those semantics such as IDP (Wittocx, Mari¨en, & Denecker, 2008), Smodels (Simons et al., 2002), or clasp (Gebser, Kaufmann, Neumann, & Schaub, 2007), can be used to compute the well-founded model.

We are however interested in systems that are able to compute the well-founded model for all input programs. One of the major systems supporting the well-founded semantics, XSB (Swift & Warren, 2010), has some support for aggregates, but (apart from #min and #max) XSB does not support recursive aggregates (i.e., aggregates occurring in recursive definitions). Therefore, our experiments have been designed for investigating the computational behavior of aggregate constructs with respect to equivalent encodings without aggregates.

More specifically, we introduce the Attacks problem, which is inspired by the classic Win-Lose problem often used in the context of the well-founded semantics for standard logic programs, and study performance on it.

Definition 8 (Attacks Problem) In the Attacks problem, a set of p players and a positive integer m are given. Each player attacks n other players. A player wins if no more than m winners attack it. This kind of problem is frequently present in turn-based strategy games.

Note that the definition of winner is recursive and, in particular, a recursive aggregate is the natural way of encoding this problem.

Example 14 An instance of the Attacks problem in which p = 6, n = 2 and m = 1 could be the following:



Figure 3: An instance of the Attacks problem with 6 players, each one attacking 2 other players.

A graphical representation of this instance is shown in Figure 3. Since d is only attacked by f, we can conclude that d is a winner. Similarly for e. Therefore, f is not a winner because f is attacked by d and e, which are winners. For the other players, namely a, b and c, we cannot determine who is a winner or not.

In our experiments, instances of Attacks are encoded by means of the predicates max, player and attacks for representing the parameter m, the set of players and the attacks of the players, respectively. We consider three equivalent encodings for the Attacks problem.

6.3.1 Aggregate-Based Encoding

This encoding is a natural representation of the Attacks problem in  LP Am,a. The complete encoding consists of a single rule, reported below:


6.3.2 Join-Based Encoding

An equivalent encoding can be obtained by computing a number of joins proportional to m. The tested encoding is reported below:


Note that in the encoding above there is a rule for each possible value of parameter m. However, only one of these rules is considered by our solver during program instantiation. In fact, only the rule is instantiated, which contains the instance of atom max(m) for which a fact is present. All the other rules are satisfied because of a false body literal.


Figure 4: Attacks: Average execution time of DLV running the aggregate-based encoding and DLV running the join-based encoding.

6.3.3 Mae-Based Encoding

This encoding has been obtained by applying the compilation presented in Section 6.1 with some minor simplifications. The full encoding is reported below:


Intuitively, an atom  count(x, y, s)stands for “there are at least  s constants y′ such thaty′ ≤ y and attacks(y′, x), win(y′)is true”. Note that the rules defining predicate count use the natural order of integers to guarantee that each  y′ is counted at most once.

Example 15 The instance shown in Figure 3 is represented by means of the following facts:


attacks(a, b). attacks(b, a). attacks(c, a). attacks(d, b). attacks(e, c). attacks(f, d). attacks(a, c). attacks(b, c). attacks(c, b). attacks(d, f). attacks(e, f). attacks(f, e). max(1).


Figure 5: Attacks: Average execution time of DLV running the aggregate-based encoding and XSB running the join-based encoding.

For all the encodings, the well-founded model restricted to the win predicate is  {win(d),win(e), not win(f)}. Note that  win(a), win(b) and win(c)are neither true nor false, and so they are undefined.

6.3.4 Discussion

We performed an intensive experimentation for this benchmark by varying the parameters p, m and n. For each combination of these parameters, we measured the average execution time of DLV and XSB (version 3.2) on 3 randomly generated instances. The experiments have been performed on a 3GHz Intel R⃝ Xeon R⃝processor system with 4GB RAM under the Debian 4.0 operating system with GNU/Linux 2.6.23 kernel. The DLV prototype used has been compiled with GCC 4.4.1. For every instance, we have allowed a maximum running time of 600 seconds (10 minutes) and a maximum memory usage of 3GB.

The results of our experimentation are reported in Figures 4–7. In the graphs, DLVA

is the implemented prototype with the aggregate-based encoding, DLV-join and DLV-mae the implemented prototype with the aggregate-free encodings, XSB-join and XSB-mae the XSB system with the aggregate-free encodings (as mentioned earlier, XSB does not support


Figure 6: Attacks: Average execution time of DLV running the aggregate-based encoding and DLV running the mae-based encoding.

recursive aggregates). For the XSB system, we explicitly set indices and tabled predicates for optimizing its computation.

For each graph, the number of players is fixed, while parameters m (x-axis) and n (y-axis) vary. Therefore, the size of the instances grows moving from left to right along the y-axis, while it is invariant with respect to the x-axis. However, the number of joins required by the join-based encoding depends on the parameter m. As a matter of fact, we can observe in the graphs in Figures 4–5 that the average execution time of the join-based encoding increases along both the x- and y-axis (for both DLV and XSB). Instead, for the encoding using aggregates, and for the mae-based encoding, the average execution time only depends on instance sizes, as shown in the graphs in Figures 6–7.

For the join-based encoding, XSB is generally faster than DLV, but consumes much more memory. Indeed, in Figure 5, we can observe that XSB terminates its computation in a few seconds for the smallest instances, but rapidly runs out of memory on slightly larger instances. Considering the mae-based encoding, we can observe significant performance gains for both DLV and XSB (see Figures 6–7). Indeed, both systems complete their computation in the allowed time and memory on larger instances. Computational advantages of the mae-based encoding with respect to the join-based encoding are particularly evident


Figure 7: Attacks: Average execution time of DLV running the aggregate-based encoding and XSB running the mae-based encoding.

for XSB, which solved all tested instances with this encoding. However, also XSB with the mae-based encoding is outperformed by DLV with native support for aggregate constructs (see Figure 7).

In sum, the experimental results highlight that the presence of aggregate constructs can significantly speed-up the computation. Indeed, the encoding using recursive aggregates outperforms the aggregate-free encodings in all tested instances.

Defining a well-founded semantics for logic programs with aggregates has been a challenge of major interest in the last years. The first attempts, not relying on a notion of unfounded set, have been defined on a restricted language. Some of these are discussed by Kemp and Stuckey (1991). Another semantics falling in this class is the one introduced by Van Gelder (1992), subsequently generalized by Osorio and Jayaraman (1999). The main problem of these semantics is that they often leave too many undefined literals, as shown by Ross and Sagiv (1997).

A first attempt to define a well-founded semantics for unrestricted  LPA has been done by Kemp and Stuckey (1991). This semantics is based on a notion of unfounded sets. According to Kemp and Stuckey, a set X of standard atoms is an unfounded set for a (ground) program P with respect to an interpretation I if, for each rule  r ∈ P with H(r) ∈ X, either (a) some literal in B(r) is false with respect to  I, or (b) B(r) ∩ X ̸= ∅. Note that only standard literals are considered by condition (b), and aggregates are not covered by it. We point out that this definition of unfounded set makes the semantics inadequate for programs with recursive aggregates, even if only monotone aggregates are considered. For example, for the program  {a(1):−#count{X : a(X)} > 0.}, the well-founded model in the work of Kemp and Stuckey is  ∅, while a reasonable well-founded semantics should identify a(1) as false.

Pelov et al. (2007) defined a well-founded semantics based on approximating operators, namely ˜D-well-founded semantics, which extends the standard well-founded semantics; indeed, they coincide for aggregate-free programs. More in detail, in that work aggregates are evaluated in one of three possible ways. Therefore, a family of semantics is defined by Pelov et al., which can be ordered by precision: More precise three-valued aggregates lead to more precise semantics. In general, higher precision comes at the price of a higher computational complexity. The authors discuss the following three-valued aggregate relations for the evaluation of aggregate literals: trivial, bound and ultimate approximating aggregates, where the first is the less precise, and the last is the most precise. Semantics relying on trivial approximating aggregates is very imprecise, but it is still suitable for the class of stratified aggregate programs. Both trivial and bound approximations have polynomial complexity, while ultimate has been shown to be intractable for nonmonotone aggregate functions (Pelov, 2004). A detailed comparison with our results is presented in Section 7.1.

Ferraris (2005) showed that the semantics of Smodels programs with positive weight constraints is equal to answer sets as defined by Faber et al. (2004) on the respective fragment. Since by Theorem 16  WωP(∅) approximates answer sets as defined by Faber et al., WωP(∅) can be used also as an approximating operator for the respective Smodels programs. Indeed, it can be shown that the AtMost pruning operator of Smodels (Simons et al., 2002) is a special case of the  φIoperator (defined in the proof of Theorem 21).

Other works attempted to define stronger notions of well-founded semantics (also for programs with aggregates), like the Ultimate Well-Founded Semantics (Denecker et al., 2001), or WFS1 and WFS2 (Dix & Osorio, 1997). Whether a characterization of these semantics in terms of unfounded sets can exist for these semantics is unclear and left for future research.

Concerning compilations of  LP A programs into standard LP, a transformation was provided by Van Gelder (1992). The compilation that we presented in Section 6.1 differs from the one introduced by Van Gelder in several respects. Our approach uses a total order of the universe of the input program and takes advantage of the character of monotonicity/antimonotonicity of the aggregate literals in the input program, while the transformation defined by Van Gelder uses uninterpreted function symbols for representing ground sets, and recursive negation for checking truth of aggregate literals. We briefly discuss these aspects in the following. Roughly, for an aggregate  f(S) ≺ k, uninterpreted function symbols are used by the transformation in the work of Van Gelder for determining all pairs  S′, k′such that  S′ is a ground set associated with  S and k′ = f(S′). After that, the transformation defined by Van Gelder checks whether there exists a pair  S′, k′ satisfying the following conditions: (i) for every element  ⟨consts : conj⟩ in S′, conjis true; (ii)  k′ ≺ k holds. Wepoint out that Condition (i) requires recursive negation in order to be checked. Indeed, it is equivalent to “there is no element  ⟨consts : conj⟩ in S′ such that conjis not true.” This aspect of the transformation has an undesirable side effect: Stratified  LPAm,a programsmay have partial well-founded models, that is, Theorem 9 does not hold for programs compiled with the transformation introduced by Van Gelder. An example of this side effect is given by Van Gelder, where it is shown that this transformation possibly leads to partial well-founded models for instances of Company Controls, a well-known problem that can be modeled by using monotone recursive aggregates.

7.1 Comparison with the work of Pelov et al. (2007)

In this section we report a detailed comparison of the well-founded semantics as defined in this paper with the one of Pelov et al. (2007). We recall that Pelov et al. defines well-founded and stable semantics as the least and total fixpoints of the three-valued stable model operator extended to aggregate programs.

We start by observing that the evaluation of ultimate approximating aggregates coincides with the evaluation of aggregates defined in this article; also the evaluation of bound approximating aggregates coincides for monotone and antimonotone aggregates (as a consequence of Lemma 18 in this paper and Proposition 7.16 in the work of Pelov et al., 2007).

Let us now introduce a translation of an aggregate literal into a formula of standard literals. For a (partial) interpretation I, let conj(I) denote the conjunction of all the literals in I. The translation trm(A) of a ground aggregate literal A is defined as follows:


Note that, for each (partial) interpretation J, the evaluation of A with respect to J coincides with the evaluation of trm(A) with respect to J (Proposition 2 and Proposition 3 in the work of Pelov et al., 2003). Moreover, for a monotone (resp. antimonotone) aggregate literal A, only positive (resp. negative) literals appear in trm(A).

For a rule r in a ground  LPAm,a program Pand an aggregate literal  A ∈ B(r), thetranslation trm(P, r, A) of A in r is the program obtained from P by removing r and by adding a rule  r′ such that H(r′) = H(r) and B(r′) = B(r) \ {A} ∪ conj, for eachconj ∈ trm(A). Therefore, the full translation trm(P) of P is defined as the recursive application of trm(P, r, A) (note that the order in which rules and aggregates are processed is not relevant). We next show that P and trm(P) have the same unfounded sets.

Lemma 22 A set of atoms X is an unfounded set for a program P with respect to an interpretation I if and only if X is an unfounded set for trm(P) with respect to I.

Proof. We use induction on the number of aggregate literals in P. If P has no aggregate literals, then P = trm(P). Now consider a program P and a rule  r ∈ Pwith an aggregate literal A in B(r). We want to show that a set X of atoms is an unfounded set for P with respect to I if and only if X is an unfounded set for trm(P, r, A) with respect to I, since in this case we might apply the induction hypothesis and prove the claim. Thus, we can end the proof by means of the following observations: (i) A is false with respect to an interpretation J if and only if trm(A) is false with respect to J, that is, if and only if for each conjunction  conj ∈ trm(A) there is a literal  ℓ ∈ conj such that ℓis false with respect to J; (ii) such an  ℓis a positive (resp. negative) standard literal if and only if A is monotone (resp. antimonotone). ✷

We can then prove that the well-founded operators of P and trm(P) coincide.

Lemma 23 Let P be an LPAm,a program and I an interpretation for  P. Then WP(I) =Wtrm(P)(I).

Proof. We have to show that (1)  TP(I) = Ttrm(P)(I) and (2) GUSP(I) = GUStrm(P)(I).We note that (2) immediately follows from Lemma 22. In order to prove (1), we consider an aggregate literal A occurring in P. By previous considerations, we have that A is true with respect to I if and only if there is a conjunct in trm(A) which is true with respect to I. Thus, (1) holds. ✷

We are now ready to relate our well-founded operator with the one provided by Pelov et al. (2007).

Theorem 24 For the class of  LPAm,a programs, the well-founded operator herein defined coincides with the one of Pelov et al. (2007; for both the ultimate and bound approximating aggregate semantics).3

Proof. By Lemma 23, we already know that  WP(I) = Wtrm(P)(I). We also have that Wtrm(P)(I) coincides with the one in the work of Van Gelder et al. (1991) by Theorem 1 (since trm(P) is a standard logic program). On the other hand, for both the ultimate and bound approximating aggregate semantics, the well-founded operators (as defined in Pelov et al., 2007) of P and trm(P) coincide: This is a consequence of Theorem 1 in the work of Pelov et al. (2003), because the three-valued immediate consequence operators in the work of Pelov et al. (2003) and Pelov et al. (2007) coincide (see Definition 7 in Pelov et al., 2003 and Definition 7.5 in Pelov et al., 2007). Moreover, the well-founded operator of Pelov et al. (2007) coincides with the one in the work of Van Gelder et al. for standard logic programs, thereby obtaining the equality of the operators. ✷

The correspondence of the two well-founded semantics immediately follows from the theorem above. Indeed, the two well-founded models are defined as the fixpoints of the respective well-founded operators.

Corollary 25 The well-founded model herein defined and the one of Pelov et al. (2007; for both the ultimate and bound approximating aggregate semantics) coincide for  LPAm,aprograms.

As mentioned also earlier, by virtue of the above theorem and corollary, some of the results presented in this paper also follow from earlier results in the literature. In particular, Theorem 9, Theorem 16 and some of our complexity results follow from definitions and results of Pelov (2004) and Pelov et al. (2007).

In this paper we introduced a new notion of unfounded set for  LPAm,a programs and analyzed a well-founded semantics for this language based on this notion. This semantics generalizes the traditional well-founded semantics for aggregate-free programs and also coincides with well-founded semantics for aggregate programs as defined by Pelov et al. (2007; the latter not being defined by means of a notion of unfounded set). We could also show that this semantics and its main operator  WPhave close ties with answer sets as defined by Faber et al. (2004, 2011), and can hence serve as approximations.

We proved that computing this semantics is a tractable problem. Indeed, the semantics is given by the least fixpoint of the well-founded operator  WP. The fixpoint is reached after a polynomial number of applications of the operator  WP(with respect to the size of the input program), each of them requiring polynomial time. For showing that an application of  WPis polynomial-time feasible, we have proved that evaluating monotone and antimonotone aggregate literals remains polynomial-time computable also for partial interpretations, since in this case only one of the possibly exponential extensions must be checked. For a monotone aggregate literal, this extension is obtained by falsifying each undefined literal, while for an antimonotone aggregate literal, each undefined literal is taken as true in the extension.

Motivated by these positive theoretical results, we have implemented the first system supporting a well-founded semantics for unrestricted  LPAm,a. Allowing for using monotone and antimonotone aggregate literals, the implemented prototype is ready for experimenting with the  LPAm,a framework. The experiments conducted on the Attacks benchmark highlight the computational gains of a native implementation of aggregate constructs with respect to equivalent encodings in standard LP.

Partly supported by Regione Calabria and EU under POR Calabria FESR 2007-2013 within the PIA project of DLVSYSTEM s.r.l., and by MIUR under the PRIN project LoDeN and under the PON project FRAME proposed by Atos Italia S.p.a.; we also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.

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