
My stuff
Robust and computationally feasible community detection in the presence of arbitrary outlier nodes



Received April 2014; revised November 2014. 1Supported in part by NSF Grants DMS-12-08982 and DMS-14-03708, NIH Grant R01 CA127334-05, and the Wharton Dean’s Fund for Post-Doctoral Research.

AMS 2000 subject classifications. 62H30, 91C20. Key words and phrases. Robust community detection, SDP relaxation, dual certificate, k-means clustering.



Does there exist a computationally fast community detection method that is robust to a portion of arbitrary outlier nodes with theoretical guarantees?


this model as generalized stochastic block model (GSBM ). Denote V = [N] =



Fig. 1. The upper left panel illustrates the adjacency matrix of 1000 nodes satisfying the ordinary SBM. The upper right panel is the adjacency matrix obtained by permuting the adjacency matrix such that nodes 1 to 500 belong to the same cluster while the remaining ones constitute another cluster. The lower left panel plots the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian corresponding to the top 2 eigenvalues in absolute value (red for the first and black for the second), while those for the adjacency matrix are plotted in the lower right panel. In both cases, these two eigenvectors are capable of discriminating between the two communities.


Fig. 2. The upper left panel illustrates the adjacency matrix of 1030 nodes satisfying the GSBM with two major clusters and 30 outliers. The upper right panel is obtained by permuting the nodes such that nodes belonging to the same group are consecutive. The lower left panel plots the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian corresponding the top 3 eigenvalues in absolute value (red for the first, black for the second and green for the third), while those for the adjacency matrix are plotted in the lower right panel. Ordinary spectral clustering with r = 2 or r = 3 is ineffective or even powerless on this data set since the top three eigenvectors cannot clearly discriminate between the two main communities.









Theorem 3.1. Let A be the adjacency matrix of the semi-random graph under the GSBM, as defined in (1.3). Let �Xbe a solution to the semidefinite program (2.3) and the density gap  δbe defined as in (1.2), and the minimum within-group density  p− and the maximum cross-group density  q+ be definedas in (1.1). As defined in Section 1, the integer n denotes the number of inlier nodes, m denotes the number of outlier nodes and  nmindenotes the minimum community size among the inliers. Suppose that  p− ≥ C log nnmin , α ≥3m and


for some sufficiently large numerical constant C, and the tuning parameter





as low as  O(log nn ) and the density gap  δ = O(log nn ). In another example









2r+4, each Di, i = 1,...,rmust account for more than 50 percent in some




provided  m < nmin2r+4. In summary, we have proven the following theorem,

Theorem 3.2. Suppose the assumptions in Theorem 3.1 hold as well as m < nmin2r+4. Then, with high probability, the misclassification rate among the inlier nodes  i ∈ Iis less than or equal to (2r+3)mn .


Fig. 3. On the right is the plot of the solution to convex optimization (2.3). Based on it, the community detection result followed by k-means algorithm is shown on the left.


Fig. 4. The performance of convex community detection with different values of  λ.


Fig. 5. The solutions of (2.3) with different values of p.


Fig. 6. Political blogs data of two clusters of conservatives and liberals, along with the performance of convex optimization.


is  O(log nn ), O(log n) outliers are allowed; when the edge density within the




and  P be two n×nHermitian matrices. Suppose that H+P, H and P have real eigenvalues  {λi(H+P)}ni=1, {λi(H)}ni=1 and {λi(P)}ni=1, each arranged in algebraically nonincreasing order. Then for i = 1,...,n we have

Theorem 4.3.28]). Let  H be an n × nHermitian matrix and  G its k × kprincipal submatrix. Suppose that H and G have real eigenvalues  {λi(H)}ni=1and  {λi(G)}ki=1, each arranged in algebraically nonincreasing order. Then for j = 1,...,k we have




{Xk}of independent, random, self-adjoint matrices with dimension d. Assume that


Corollary 6.5. Let A = (aij)1≤i,j≤nbe a symmetric random matrix whose diagonal entries are all zeros. Moreover, suppose  aij, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n areindependent zero-mean random variables satisfying  |aij| ≤ 1 and Var(aij) ≤σ2. Then, with probability at least 1  − cn4 , we have






for some sufficiently large numerical constant C, then with probability at least 1  − 2n − 2rn2 , for all i = 1,...,r and 1 ≤ j < k ≤ r, we have


Lemma 6.7. Suppose p− ≥ C( log nnmin). With probability at least 1  − c rn4min ,we have




whose diagonal blocks are all  0’s. Here C, C0 and care some numerical constants.

Lemma 6.8. If Theorem 3.1 is true for  P = IN, it is also true for any permutation matrix P.






exists uniquely. Moreover, denote the solutions by  x1,...,xr ∈ Rm, which bydefinition satisfy  ∥xi∥∞ ≤ 1. Then there are nonnegative vectors  β1,...,βr ∈Rm and an m × mnonnegative diagonal matrix











Lemma 6.10. Suppose Ξ and β1,...,βrare defined as in Lemma 6.9. If there exist symmetric matrices  Λ ∈ RN×N, Ψjj ∈ Rlj×lj (1 ≤ j ≤ r) and



satisfies  Ψii > 0, Φjk > 0, ΛV = 0 and Λ ⪰ 0, then any minimizer �X to(2.3) must be of the form



Lemma 6.11. Suppose p− ≥ C( log nnmin), q+ + δ4 < λ < p− − δ4 and α ≥ 3m.Moreover, assume


for some sufficiently large numerical constant C. Then, with probability at least 1− 1n − 2rn2 − crn4min , there exist matrices  Ψii’s and Φjk’s satisfying  Ψii > 0,Φjk > 0and the matrix  Λ defined by Ψii’s and Φjk’s obey ΛV = 0 andΛ ⪰ 0.

Supplemental materials to “Robust and computationally feasible community detection in the presence of arbitrary outliers nodes”


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