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When is Nontrivial Estimation Possible for Graphons and Stochastic Block Models?

Block graphons (also called stochastic block models) are an important and widely-studied class of models for random networks. We provide a lower bound on the accuracy of estimators for block graphons with a large number of blocks. We show that, given only the number k of blocks and an upper bound  ρon the values (connection probabilities) of the graphon, every estimator


graphons. In particular, our bound rules out any nontrivial estimation (that is, with  δ2 errorsubstantially less than  ρ) when k ≥ n√ρ. Combined with previous upper and lower bounds, our results characterize, up to logarithmic terms, the accuracy of graphon estimation in the  δ2metric. A similar lower bound to ours was obtained independently by Klopp, Tsybakov, and Verzelen [17].

Networks and graphs arise as natural modeling tools in many areas of science. In many settings, especially ones where edges in a network represent social ties, observed networks display some type of community structure, where the connectivity between nodes depends heavily on the communities they belong to. This type of structure is captured in the k-block graphon model, also known as the stochastic block models. The more communities we allow in the model (or “types” of nodes we consider), the richer the model becomes and the better we can hope to describe the real world.

Given an observed network, graphon estimation is the problem of finding a graphon model that approximates the process that gave rise to the network. In this paper, we are concerned with the fundamental limits of graphon estimation for block graphons. That is, given a n-node network that was generated from a k-block graphon, how accurately can you recover the graphon? We consider the “nonparametric” setting, where k may depend on n. Our lower bounds apply even to estimation algorithms that know the true number of blocks k (though this quantity typically needs to be estimated).

Many real world networks display the property that the average degree of the network is small compared to the number of nodes in the network. Graphons whose expected average degree is linear in n are called dense, while graphons whose expected average degree is sublinear in n are referred to as sparse. In this work, we prove a new lower bound for graphon estimation for sparse networks. In particular, our results rule out nontrivial estimation for very sparse networks (roughly, where ρ = O(k2/n2)). An estimator is nontrivial if its expected error is significantly better than an estimator which ignores the input and always outputs the same model. It follows from recent work [21, 22, 23] that nontrivial estimation is impossible when  ρ = O(1/n). Ours is the first lower bound that rules out nontrivial graphon estimation for large k. Previous work by Klopp, Tsybakov, and Verzelen [16] provides other lower bounds on graphon estimation that are tight in several regimes. In very recent work [17] that is concurrent to ours, the same authors provide a similar bound to the one presented here.

Block graphon models were introduced by Hoff et al. [15] under the name latent position graphs. Graphons play an important role in the theory of graph limits (see [20] for a survey) and the connection between the graph model and convergent graph sequences has been studied in both the dense and sparse settings [7, 8, 10, 9, 10]. Estimation for stochastic block models with a fixed number of blocks was introduced by Bickel and Chen [5], while the first estimation of the general model was proposed by Bickel, Chen, and Levina [6]. Many graphon estimation methods, with an array of assumptions on the graphon, have been proposed since; [19, 24, 18, 25, 12, 3, 26, 14, 2, 13, 1]. Gao et al. [14] provide the best known upper bounds in the dense setting while Wolfe and Olhede [25], Borgs et al. [11], Klopp et al. [16] give upper bounds for the sparse case.

1.1. Graphons.

Definition 1 (Bounded Graphons and W-random graphs). A (bounded) graphon W is a symmetric, measurable function W : [0, 1]2 →[0, 1]. Here, symmetric means that W(x, y) = W(y, x) for all (x, y) ∈[0, 1]2.

For any integer n, a graphon W defines a distribution on graphs on n vertices as follows: First, select n labels  ℓ1, · · · , ℓnuniformly and independently from [0, 1], and form an  n × nmatrix H where  Hij = W(ℓi, ℓj). We obtain an unlabeled, undirected graph G by connecting the ith and jth nodes with probability  Hijindependently for each (i, j). The resulting random variable is called a W-random graph, and denoted  Gn(W).


We denote the set of graphs with n nodes by  Gn, the set of graphons by W and the set of ρ-bounded graphons by  Wρ. If W is  ρ-bounded, then the expected number of edges in  Gn(W) is at most  ρ�n2�= O(ρn2). In the case that  ρis parametrised by n and limn→∞ ρ →0, we obtain a sparse graphon.

We consider the estimation problem: given parameters n and  ρ, as well as a graph  G ∼ Gn(W) generated from an unknown  ρ-bounded graphon W, how well can we estimate W?

A natural goal is to design estimators that produce a graphon ˆW that is close to W in a metric such as  L2. This is not possible, since there are many graphons that are far apart in  L2, but that generate the same probability distribution on graphs. If there exists a measure preserving map φ: [0, 1]  →[0, 1] such that  W(φ(x), φ(y)) =  W ′(x, y) for all  x, y ∈[0, 1], then  Gn(W) and  Gn(W ′) are identically distributed. The converse is true if we instead only require  W(φ(x), φ(y)) =  W ′(x, y) almost everywhere. Thus, we wish to say that ˆW approaches the class of graphons that generate Gn(W). To this end, we use the following metric on the set of graphons,


where  Wφ(x, y) =  W(φ(x), φ(y)) and  φranges over all measurable, measure-preserving maps. Two graphons W and  W ′generate the same probability distribution on the set of graphs if and only if δ2(W, W ′) = 0 (see, e.g. [20]).

Existing upper bounds for graphon estimation are based on algorithms that produce graphons of a particular form, namely block graphons, also called stochastic block models (even when it is not known that the true graphon is a block graphon).

Definition 2 (k-block graphon (stochastic block models)). For  k ∈ N, a graphon is a k-block graphon if there exists a partition of [0, 1] into k measurable sets  I1, · · · , Iksuch that W is constant on  Ii × Ijfor all i and j.

Graphons of this form can be generated from  k × kmatrices. Given a  k × kmatrix M, we can assign a k-block graphon W[M] with blocks  Ii= ( i−1k , ik] that takes the value  Mijon  Ii × Ij.

1.2. Main result. We are concerned with the problem of estimating a graphon, W, given a graph sampled from  Gn(W). A graphon estimator is a function ˆW : Gn → Wthat takes as input a n node graph, that is generated according to W, and attempts to output a graphon that is close to

W. The main contribution of this paper is the development of the lower bound


Combined with previous work we can give the following lower bound on the error of graphon estimators.


where inf  ˆWis the infimum over all estimators ˆW : Gn → Gand supWis the supremum over all k-block,  ρ-bounded graphons.

Note that k and  ρmay depend on n. That is, the theorem holds if we consider sequences  ρnand  kn. Our result improves on previously known results when  ρ = O�� kn�3/2�and  n < k2log k, that is, when the graphs produced by the graphon are sparse and k is large. The upper bound


by Klopp et al. [16] implies that our lower bound is almost tight. In particular, if k is constant then the lower bound in Theorem 3 is tight. In all cases, it is within a factor of at most max( log klog(ρn+2),1) of the correct bound.

When  ρ = O�k2n2�, Theorem 3 implies that the error is Ω(ρ), which is the error achieved

by the trivial estimator ˆW = 0. That is, in the sparse setting, the trivial estimator achieves the optimal error. To the authors’ knowledge this is the first result that completely rules out nontrivial estimation in the case where k is large. Recent concurrent work (Klopp et al. [17]) provides similar bounds.

The bound


is due to previous work of Klopp et al. [16] and the bound


follows from a result of Neeman and Netrapalli [23]. We give details on how to derive (3) from their results in Section 4.

1.3. Techniques: Combinatorial Lower Bounds for δp. Our proof of the main theorem will

involve Fano’s lemma. As such, during the course of the proof we will need to lower bound the packing number, with respect to  δ2, of a large set of k-block graphons. Whilst easily upper bounded, little is known about lower bounds on  δ2. To the authors’ knowledge, this work gives the first lower bound for the packing number of  Wρwith respect to  δ2. We will also give a combinatorial lower bound for the  δ2metric that is easier to handle than the metric itself.

To understand our technical contributions, it helps to first understand a problem related to graphon estimation, namely that of estimating the matrix of probabilities H. Existing algorithms for graphon estimation are generally analyzed in two phases: first, one shows that the estimator ˆW is close to the matrix H (in an appropriate version of the  δ2metric), and then uses (high probability) bounds on  δ2(W, W[H]) to conclude that ˆW is close to W. Klopp et al. [16] show tight upper and lower bounds on estimation of H. One can think of our lower bound as showing that the lower bounds on estimation of H can be transferred to the problem of estimating W.

The main technical difficulty lies in showing that a given pair of matrices A, B lead to graphons that are far apart in the  δ2metric. Even if A, B are far apart in, say,  ℓ2, they may lead to graphons that are close in  δ2. For consistency with the graphon formalism, we normalize the  ℓ2metric on k × kmatrices so that it agrees with the  L2metric on the corresponding graphons. For a  k × kmatrix A,


As an example of the discrepancy between the  ℓ2and  δ2metrics, consider the matrices


The matrices A and B have positive distance in the  ℓ2metric,  ∥A−B∥2= 23, but  δ2(W[A], W[B]) = 0.

One can get an upper bound on  δ2(W[A], W[B]) by restricting attention in the definition of  δ2to functions  φthat permute the blocks  Ii. This leads to the following metric on  k × kmatrices which minimizes over permutations of the rows and columns of one of the matrices:


where  Aσis the matrix with entries (Aσ)ij = Aσ(i),σ(j). This metric arises in other work (e.g. [20]), and it is well known that


To prove lower bounds, we consider a new metric on matrices, in which we allow the rows and columns to be permuted separately. Specifically, let


where  Aσ,τis the  k × kmatrix with entries (Aσ,τ)ij = Aσ(i),τ(j).


Because ˆˆδ2is defined “combinatorially” (that is, it involves minimization over a discrete set of size about 22k ln k, instead of over all measure-preserving injections), it is fairly easy to lower bound ˆˆδ2(A, B) for random matrices A, B using the union bound.

In particular, it allows us to give bounds on the packing number of  Wρwith respect to the  δ2metric. If (Ω, d) is a metric space,  ǫ >0 and  T ⊂Ω, then we define the  ǫ-packing number of T to be the largest number of disjoint balls of radius  ǫthat can fit in T , denoted by  M(ǫ, T, d). The following Proposition will be proved after the proof of Theorem 3.

Proposition 5. There exists C > 0 such that the  Cρ-packing number of  Wρ, equipped with  δ2, is 2Ω(k2), that is  M(Cρ, Wρ, δ2) = 2Ω(k2).

Finally, we note that these techniques extend directly to the  δpmetric, for  p ∈[1, ∞]. That is, we may define  δp,ˆδpand ˆˆδpanalogously to the definitions above, and obtain the bounds


along with similar lower bounds on the packing number.

1.4. Related work.

Work on graphon estimation falls broadly into two categories; estimating the matrix H and estimating the graphon W. When estimating H, the aim is to produce a matrix that is close in the  ℓ2metric to the true matrix of probabilities H that was used to generate the graph G. When estimating the graphon, our aim is the minimise the  δ2distance between the estimate and the true underlying graphon W that was used to generate G.

Gao et al. studied the problem of estimating the matrix of probabilities H given an instance chosen from W when  ρ= 1. They proved the following minimax rate for this problem when W is a k-block graphon;


where the infinimum is over all estimators ˆM from  Gnto the set of symmetric  n × nmatrices, the supremum is over all probability matrices H generated from k-block graphons. Klopp et al. extended this result to the sparse case, proving that for all  k ≤ nand 0  < ρ ≤1,


where the supremum is over all probability matrices H generated from k-block,  ρ-bounded graphons.

Klopp et al. [16, Corollary 3] also studied the problem of estimating the graphon W. They proved that Equation (1) holds for any k-block,  ρ-bounded graphon, W, with  k ≤ n. They also exhibited the first lower bound (known to us) for graphon estimation using the  δ2metric. They proved that Equation (2) holds for  ρ >0 and  k ≤ n.

The related problems of distinguishing a graphon with k > 1 from an Erd¨os-R´enyi model with the same average degree (called the distinguishability problem) and reconstructing the communities of a given network (called the reconstruction problem) have also been widely studied. This problem is closely related to the problem of estimating H. Recent work by Mossel et al. [21] and Neeman and Netrapalli [23] establish conditions under which a k-block graphon is mutually contiguous to the Erd¨os-R´enyi model with the same average degree. Contiguity is essentially a condition that implies that no test could ever definitely determine which of the two graphons a given sample came from. There is a large body of work on algorithmic and statistical problems in this area and we have only cited work that is directly relevant here.

As mentioned earlier, the main technical contribution of this paper is lower bounding the  δ2metric by the more combinatorial ˆˆδ2metric. In this section we will prove the inequality given in Lemma 4.

Proposition 6. Let  W, W ′be k-block graphons with blocks  Ii= [ i−1k , ik) and  π: [0, 1]  →[0, 1] be a measure-preserving bijection. Then there exists a probability distribution P on  Sksuch that


Proof. Let  ai= i−1kand  pij = µ(Ii ∩ π−1(Ij)). Now, consider a  k × kmatrix P with  Pij = kpij. Noting that �kj=1 pij = µ(Ii) = 1/k and  �ki=1 pij = µ(π−1(Ij)) = 1/k, we can see that P is doubly stochastic, that is, the rows and columns of P sum to 1. Berkhoff’s theorem states that any doubly stochastic matrix can be written as a convex combination of permutation matrices. So

P = �σ∈Sk P(σ)σwhere  �σ∈Sk P(σ) = 1. Therefore, we have a probability distribution P on  Skand




Proof of Lemma 4. Proposition 6 implies that for all measure preserving bijections  π: [0, 1]  →[0, 1] and matrices A and B we have


Since this is true for any  π, we have  δ2(W[A], W[B]) ≥ˆˆδ2(A, B). □

To prove the main theorem we will use Fano’s lemma to find a constant that lower bounds the


bound on the expected  δ2error. To that end, we aim to find a large set, T , of k-block graphons whose KL-diameter and  ǫ-packing number with respect to  δ2with  ǫ= min

bounded. Our proof is inspired by that of Gao et al.

Suppose p, q are probability distributions on the same space. Then the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of p and q is defined by  D(p∥q) = �(log dpdq)dp. For a collection T of probability distributions, the KL diameter is defined by


The following version of Fano’s lemma is found in [27].

Lemma 7 (Fano’s Inequality.). Let (Ω, d) be a metric space and  {Pθ | θ ∈ Ω}be a collection of probability measures. For any totally bounded  T ⊂and  ǫ >0,


The following lemma gives us a way to easily upper bound the KL divergence between the distributions induced by two different graphons.


Proof. Let T be a variable denoting the choice of labels, so




where the inequality follows from the log-sum inequality. Now, the probability density function of T is the constant function 1 so it follows from Gao et al. [14, Proposition 4.2] that


Recall that we are aiming to define a large set of k-block matrices whose KL diameter can be

upper bounded and packing number with respect to  δ2(with  ǫ= min(ρ,�

n2)) can be lower bounded. The following lemma shows that there exists a large set of matrices who are pairwise far in Hamming distance, even after every possible permutation of the rows and columns. We will use this in the proof of Theorem 3 to define a large class of k-block graphons who are pairwise far in the ˆˆδ2metric and hence the  δ2metric. This gives us a bound on packing number.

Lemma 9. There exists a set S of symmetric  k × kbinary matrices such that |S| = 2Ω(k2)and if B, B′ ∈ Sand  σ, τ ∈ Skthen Ham(Bσ,τ, B′) = Ω(k2).

Proof. Consider two randomly chosen symmetric binary matrices  B, B′and permutations  σand τ. For  i ≤ j, let  Xij= 1 if  Bσ(i),τ(j) = B′i,jand 0 otherwise so  Xijis a Bernoulli random variable with  E[Xij] = 12. Thus, by a Chernoff bound,


Therefore, for randomly chosen  B, B′,


For a constant c > 0, consider the process that selects 2ck2binary matrices  {Bi}iuniformly at random uniformly at random. The probability that all pairs are at Hamming distance at least k2/6 is at least 1  − 22ck22−Ω(k2). Selecting c sufficiently small, we get that at least one such set S exists. □

We are not aware of an explicit construction of a large family of matrices that are far apart in ˆˆδ2metric; we leave such a construction as an open problem.

We now proceed to the proof of Theorem 3. We will use Lemma 9 to define a set T with packing number 2Ω(k2). The elements of T are all close in  ∥ · ∥∞norm, so using Lemma 8 we get a bound on the KL diameter. We then directly apply these bounds to Fano’s lemma.


where inf  ˆWis the infimum over all estimators ˆW : Gn → Gand supWis the supremum over all k-block,  ρ-bounded graphons.

Proof. Let S be a set satisfying the conditions of Lemma 9 and let  η= min(1, kn√ρ). For  B ∈ S, define


where 1 is the all 1’s matrix and c is some constant that we will choose later. That is, (QB)ij= ρ[ 12+  cη] if  Bij= 1 and (QB)ij = ρ[ 12 − cη] if  Bij= 0. Let  T = {W[QB] | B ∈ S}then using Lemma 8 we conclude that for all  W, W ′ ∈ T, we have


Thus by Corollary 2,


Therefore, there exists D > 0 such that if  ǫ = Dρcη = Dmin�cρ, ck√ρn �, we have log  M(ǫ, T, δ2) =

Ω(k2). Then, Fano’s lemma implies


We can choose c small enough that the right hand side is larger than a fixed constant for all k and n. Therefore, using Markov’s inequality we have


Proof of Proposition 5. During the course of the proof of Theorem 3 we construct 2Ω(k2)graphons in  Wρthat are pairwise at least Ω(ρcη) apart in the  δ2distance for any c > 0 such that  |cη| ≤ 12. Therefore, for some C > 0, the  Cρ-packing number of  Wρis at least 2Ω(k2). □

We show here how to derive the lower bound in (3) from the results of Neeman and Netrapalli [23].


where inf  ˆWis the infimum over all estimators ˆW : Gn → Gand supWis the supremum over all k-block,  ρ-bounded graphons.


where inf  ˆWis the infimum over all estimators ˆW : Gn → Gand supWis the supremum over all k-block,  ρ-bounded graphons.

Proof. Let  ǫ= min��

with equally sized blocks and edge probabilities between nodes with the same label, p, and with different labels, q. Let  W2be the Erd¨os-R´enyi model with the same expected degree, d, as  W1. Note that 0  ≤ p, q ≤ O(ρ) so  W1, W2 ∈ WO(ρ)and  δ2 (W1, ER) ≥ Ω�|p−q|√k

�= Ω�ǫ√k�.Let (Ωn, Fn) be a sequence of measurable spaces, each equipt with two probability measures, Pnand  Qn. We say  Pnand  Qnare mutually contiguous if for any sequence of events  An, we have limn→∞ Pn(An) →0 if and only if limn→∞ Qn(An) →0. Let  λ= n(p−q)dk. A result of Neeman et al. [23], as presented by Banks et al. [4], implies that  W1and  W2are mutually contiguous if


A short calculation shows that this holds so we have that  W1and  W2are mutually contiguous. Choose C > 0 such that  δ2(W1, W2) ≥ C ǫ√k. Suppose, for sake of contradiction, that there did exist ˆW such that


Then due to the contiguity of  W1and  W2, limn→∞ PrG∼Gn(W1)[δ2( ˆW(G), W1) ≥ C2 ǫ√k] →0 and limn→∞ PrG∼Gn(W1)[δ2( ˆW(G), W2) ≥ C2 ǫ√k] →0. Therefore, for large enough n, there ex- ists a graph G such that  δ2( ˆW(G), W1) < C2 ǫ√kand  δ2( ˆW(G), W2) < C2 ǫ√k, which implies that δ2(W1, W2) < C ǫ√k, which is a contradiction. □


graphon for any  i ≤ kso Lemma 12 implies



If  ρ ≥ k log knthen


If 4n ≤ ρ ≤ k log knthen the functions ρ√iand�

some i such that  i ≥ √ρnso


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