
My stuff
Online Linear Quadratic Control

We study the problem of controlling linear time-invariant systems with known noisy dynamics and adversarially chosen quadratic losses. We present the first efficient online learning algorithms in this setting that guarantee  O(√T)regret under mild assumptions, where T is the time horizon. Our algorithms rely on a novel SDP relaxation for the steady-state distribution of the system. Crucially, and in contrast to previously proposed relaxations, the feasible solutions of our SDP all correspond to “strongly stable” policies that mix exponentially fast to a steady state.

Linear-quadratic (LQ) control is one of the most widely studied problems in control theory (Anderson et al., 1972; Bertsekas, 1995; Zhou et al., 1996). It has been applied successfully to problems in statistics, econometrics, robotics, social science and physics. In recent years, it has also received much attention from the machine learning community, as increasingly difficult control problems have led to demand for data-driven control systems (Abbeel et al., 2007; Levine et al., 2016; Sheckells et al., 2017).

In LQ control, both the state and action are real-valued vectors. The dynamics of the environment are linear in the state and action, and are perturbed by Gaussian noise. The cost is quadratic in the state and control (action) vectors. The optimal control policy, which minimizes the cost, selects the control vector as a linear function of the state vector, and can be derived by solving the algebraic Ricatti equations.

The main focus of this work is control of linear systems whose quadratic costs vary in an unpredictable way. This problem may arise in settings such as building climate control in the presence of time-varying energy costs, due to energy auctions or unexpected demand fluctuations. To measure how well a control system adapts to time-varying costs, it is common to consider the notion of regret: the difference between the total cost of the controller, one that is only aware of previously observed costs, and that of the best fixed control policy in hindsight. This notion has been thoroughly studied in the context of online learning, and particularly in that of online convex optimization (Cesa-Bianchi & Lugosi, 2006; Hazan, 2016; Shalev-Shwartz, 2012). LQ control was considered in the context of regret by Abbasi-Yadkori et al. (2014), who give a learning algorithm for the problem of tracking an adversarially changing target in a system with noiseless linear dynamics.

In this paper we consider online learning with fixed, known, linear dynamics and adversarially chosen quadratic cost matrices. Our main results are two online algorithm that achieve  O(√T)regret, when comparing to any fast mixing linear policy.1One of our online algorithms is based on Online Gradient Descent of Zinkevich (2003). The other is based on Follow the Lazy Leader of Kalai & Vempala (2005), a variant of Follow the Perturbed Leader with only  O(√T)expected number of policy switches.

Overall, our approach follows Even-Dar et al. (2009). We first show how to perform online learning in an “idealized setting”, a hypothetical setting in which the learner can immediately observe the steady-state cost of any chosen control policy. We proceed to bound the gap between the idealized costs and the actual costs.

Our technique is conceptually different to most learning problems: instead of predicting a policy and observing its steady-state cost, the learner predicts a steady-state distribution and derives from it a corresponding policy. Importantly, this view allows us to cast the idealized problem as a semidefinite program which minimizes the expected costs as a function of a steady state distribution (of both states and controls). As the problem is now convex, we apply OGD and FLL to the SDP and argue about fast-mixing properties of its feasible solutions.

For online gradient descent, we define a “sequential strong stability” property that couples consecutive control matrices, and show that it guarantees that the observed state distributions closely track those generated in the idealized setting. We then show that the sequence of policies generated by the online gradient descent algorithm satisfies this property. In Follow the Lazy Leader, following each switch our algorithm resets the system—a process that takes a constant number of rounds, after which the cost of playing the new policy is less than its steady-state cost.

The holy grail of reinforcement learning is controlling a dynamical stochastic system under uncertainty, and clearly both MDPs and LQ control are well within this mission statement. There are obvious differences between the two models: MDPs model discrete state and action dynamics while LQ control addresses continuous linear dynamics with a quadratic cost. In this work we are inspired by methodologies from online-MDP and regret minimization to derive new results for LQ control. We believe that exploring the interface between the two will be fruitful for both sides, and holds significant potential for future RL research agenda.

1.1 Related Work

LQ control can be seen as a continuous analogue of the discrete Markov Decision Process (MDP) model. As such, our results are conceptually similar to those of Even-Dar et al. (2009), who derive regret bounds for MDPs with known dynamics and changing rewards. However, our technical approach and the derivation of our algorithms are very different than those applicable in context of MDPs.

Among the many follow-up works to Even-Dar et al. (2009), let us note Yu et al. (2009) and Abbasi et al. (2013) that propose lazy algorithms similar to our second algorithm. We remark that, compared to our  O(√T)regret bounds, Abbasi-Yadkori et al. (2014) give an  O(log2 T)regret bound under much stronger assumptions.2Similar bounds are established by Neu & Gómez (2017) for online learning in linearly solvable MDPs, that were shown to capture appropriately discretized versions of LQ control systems (Todorov, 2009). In light of these results, it is interesting to investigate whether our bounds are tight or can actually be improved. We leave this investigation for future work.

An orthogonal line of research that has gained popularity in recent years is controlling linear quadratic systems with unknown fixed dynamics. The majority of recent papers deal with off-policy learning: either by policy gradient (Fazel et al., 2018); by estimating the transition matrices (Dean et al., 2017); or by improper learning (Hazan et al., 2017; Arora et al., 2018). In contrast to that, Abbasi-Yadkori & Szepesvári (2011) and Ibrahimi et al. (2012) present an on-policy learning algorithm with  O(√T) regret.

Semidefinite programming for LQ control has been previously used (Balakrishnan & Vandenberghe, 2003; Dvijotham et al., 2013; Lee & Hu, 2016), mostly in the context of infinite-horizon constrained LQRs (Lee & Khargonekar, 2007; Schildbach et al., 2015). In many of these formulations, one has to solve the SDP exactly to obtain a stabilizing solution; in other words, only the optimal policy is known to be stable and suboptimal policies need not be stabilizing. This is not the case in our SDP formulation, as any feasible solution is not only stable but, in fact, strongly-stable (see the formal definition in Section 3).

2.1 Linear Quadratic Control

The standard linear quadratic (Gaussian) control problem is as follows. Let  xt ∈ Rd be the system state at time t and let  ut ∈ Rkbe the control (action) taken at time t. The system transitions to the next state using linear time-invariant dynamics


where  wtare i.i.d. Gaussian noise vectors with zero mean and covariance  W ⪰ 0. The cost incurred at each time point is a quadratic function of the state and control,  xTt Qxt + uTt Rut, for positive definite matrices Q and R.

A policy is a mapping  π : Rd �→ Rkfrom the current state  xtto a control (i.e., an action)  ut. The cost of a policy after T time steps is


where  u1, . . . , uTare chosen according to  π; the expectation is w.r.t. the randomness in the state transitions and (possibly) the policy. In the infinite-horizon version of the problem, the goal is to minimize the steady-state cost  J(π) = limT →∞(1/T)JT (π).

In the infinite-horizon setting and when the system is controllable,3 it is well-known that the optimal policy is given by constant linear feedback  ut = Kxt. For the optimal K, the dynamics are given by xt+1 = (A + BK)xt + wt, and Kis guaranteed to be stable; a policy K is called stable if  ρ(A + BK) < 1,where for a matrix  M, ρ(M)is the spectral radius of M. In this case,  xtconverges to a steady-state (stationary) distribution, i.e.,  xthas the same distribution as  (A+BK)xt+wt. This implies that  E[xt] = 0,and the covariance matrix  X = E[xtxTt ] satisfies X = (A + BK)X(A + BK)T + W.

The steady-state cost of a stable policy K with steady-state covariance X is given by J(K) = (Q + KTRK) • X. Here •denotes element-wise inner product, i.e.,  A • B = Tr(ATB).

2.2 Problem Setting

We consider an online setting, where a sequence of positive definite cost matrices  Q1, . . . , QT , R1, . . . , RTis chosen by the environment ahead of time and unknown to the learner. We assume throughout that Tr(Qt), Tr(Rt) ≤ Cfor all t, for some constant C > 0. We assume that the dynamics (A, B) are time-invariant and known, and that the system is initialized at  x0 = 0. At each time step t, the learner observes the state  xt, chooses an action  ut, and suffers cost  xTt Qtxt + uTt Rtut. Thereafter, the system transitions to the next state.

A (randomized) learning algorithm A is a mapping from  xtand the previous cost matrices  Q0, ..., Qt−1and  R0, . . . , Rt−1to a distribution over a control  ut. We define the cost of an algorithm as  JT (A) =E[�Tt=1 xTt Qtxt + uTt Rtut], where u1, . . . , uT are chosen at random according to A.

The goal of the learner is to minimize the regret, defined as:


where  Πis a set of benchmark policies. In the sequel, we fix  Πto be the set of all strongly stable policies; we defer the formal definition of this class of policies to Section 3 below.

In this section we formalize the notion of a strongly stable policy and discuss some of its properties. Intuitively, a strongly stable policy is a policy that exhibits fast mixing and converges quickly to a steady-state distribution. Note that, while stable policies K (for which  ρ(A + BK) < 1) necessarily converge to a steady-state, nothing is guaranteed regarding their rate of convergence. The following definition helps remedy that.

Definition 3.1 (Strong Stability). A policy K is  (κ, γ)-strongly stable(for  κ > 0and  0 < γ ≤ 1) if ∥K∥ ≤ κ, and there exists matrices L and H such that  A + BK = HLH−1, with  ∥L∥ ≤ 1 − γand ∥H∥∥H−1∥ ≤ κ.

Strong-stability is a quantitative version of stability, in the sense that any stable policy is strongly-stable for some  κand  γ(See Lemma B.1 in the supplementary material). Conversely, strong-stability implies stability: if K is strongly-stable then A + BK is similar to a matrix L with  ∥L∥ < 1, and so  ρ(A + BK) = ρ(L) ≤ ∥L∥ < 1, i.e., K is stable. Notice that for a strongly stable K, although ρ(A + BK) < 1, it may not be the case that  ∥A + BK∥ < 1, and a non-trivial transformation  H ̸= I maybe required to make the norm smaller than one (this is indeed the case with feasible solutions to our SDP relaxation).

Strong stability ensures exponentially fast convergence to steady-state, as is made precise in the next lemma.


Lemma 3.2. For all t = 1, 2, . . . let �Xtbe the state covariance matrix on round t starting from some �X0 ⪰ 0and following a (κ, γ)-strongly stable policy  π(x) = Kx. Then �X1, �X2, . . .approaches a steady-state covariance matrix X, and further, for all t it holds that


This exponential convergence is true even if the policy is randomized and follows K in expectation; that is, if  E[π(x)|x] = Kx, and provided that  Cov[π(x)|x] is finite.

Proof. Let us first analyze deterministic policies. As noted above, we know that K is stable and as a result the state covariances �Xtapproach a steady-state covariance X. By definition, we have


Subtracting the equations and recursing, we have �Xt − X = (A + BK)t( �X0 − X)((A + BK)t)T,which gives


For further bounding the right-hand side, observe that  (A + BK)t = HLtH−1, thus


Combining the inequalities gives the result for deterministic policies. For randomized policies with E[u|x] = Kx and finite V = Cov[u|x], the dynamics of the state covariance take the form


Since the analysis above only depends on the difference between the equations, the added  BV BTterm has no effect on the convergence of  Xt. Note, however, that the steady state X itself will be a function of V in general.

Let us state one more property of strongly stable policies that will be useful in our analysis.

Lemma 3.3. Assume that  K is (κ, γ)-strongly stable, and let X and U be the covariances of x and u at steady-state when following  K. Then Tr(X) ≤ (κ2/γ) Tr(W) and Tr(U) ≤ (κ4/γ) Tr(W).

3.1 Sequential strong stability

We next present a stronger notion of strong stability which plays a central role in our analysis. Roughly speaking, the goal is to argue about fast mixing when following a sequence of different policies  K1, K2, . . .(rather than a fixed policy K throughout). In this case, for any kind of mixing to take place, not only does one has to require that each policy is strongly stable, but also that the sequence is “slowly changing.” This motivates the following definition.

Definition 3.4 (sequential strong stability). A sequence of policies  K1, . . . , KT is (κ, γ)-strongly stable (forκ > 0 and 0 < γ ≤ 1) if there exist matrices  H1, . . . , HT and L1, . . . , LT such that A + BKt = HtLtH−1tfor all t, with the following properties:



Strongly stable sequences mix quickly, in the following sense (proof is deferred to Appendix A).

Lemma 3.5. Let  πt(x) = Ktx (t = 1, 2, . . .) be a sequence of policies with respective steady-state covariance matrices  X1, X2, . . ., such that  K1, K2, . . . is a (κ, γ)-strongly stable sequence and  ∥Xt−Xt−1∥ ≤η for all t, for some η > 0. Let �Xtbe the state covariance matrix on round t starting from some �X1 ⪰ 0and following this sequence. Then


The same is true even if the policies are randomized, such that  E[πt(x)|x] = Ktx and Cov[πt(x)|x] existsand is finite.

We now present our SDP relaxation for the infinite-horizon LQ control problem. Our presentation requires the following definitions. Consider an LQ control problem parameterized by matrices A, B, Q, R and W. For any stable policy (for which a steady-state distribution exists), define


where x is distributed according to the steady-state distribution of  π, and  u = π(x). Then, the infinite horizon cost of  πis given by  J(π) = ( Q 00 R ) • E(π). For a policy  πK(x) = Kxdefined by a stable control matrix K (i.e., for which  ρ(A + BK) < 1), this matrix takes the form


where X is the state covariance at steady-state. (We slightly abuse notation and write E(K) instead of E(πK)). In this case, one also has  J(K) = J(E(K)) = (Q + KTRK) • X.

4.1 The relaxation

We can now present our SDP relaxation for the LQ control problem given by (A, B, Q, R, W), which takes the form:


Here,  ν > 0is a parameter whose value will be determined later, and  Σ is a (d + k) × (d + k) symmetricmatrix that decomposes to blocks as follows:


Lemma 4.1. For any stable policy  πsuch that at steady-state  E∥x∥2 + E∥u∥2 ≤ ν, the matrix  Σ = E(π)is feasible for (3).

Proof. Let  πbe any stable policy and consider the matrix  Σ = E(π). Then  Σ ⪰ 0(by definition, recall Eq. (1)), and satisfies the equality constraint of (3), since if x is at steady-state and  u = π(x), then Ax + Bu + w has the same distribution as x for  w ∼ N(0, W)independent of x and u, thus E[xxT] = E[(Ax + Bu + w)(Ax + Bu + w)T];the latter is equivalent to  Σxx = (A B)Σ(A B)T + W. Finally, observe that  Tr(Σ) = E Tr(xxT)+E Tr(uuT) = E∥x∥2+E∥u∥2 where x, uare distributed according to the steady-state distribution of  π, hence Σsatisfies the trace constraint.

4.2 Extracting a policy

We next show that from any feasible solution to the SDP, one can extract a stable policy with the same (if not better) cost, provided that  W ≻ 0. For any feasible solution  Σfor the SDP, define a control matrix as follows:


Note that, due to the equality constraint of the SDP, our assumption  W ≻ 0ensures that  Σxx ≻ 0, thusΣxxis nonsingular and  K(Σ)is well defined.

Theorem 4.2. Let Σbe any feasible solution to the SDP, and let  K = K(Σ). Then the policy  π(x) = Kxis stable, and it holds that  E(K) ⪯ Σ. In particular, E(K) is also feasible for the SDP and its cost is at most that of  Σ.

Without the trace constraint, the theorem particularly implies that for the optimal solution  Σ⋆of the SDP, the corresponding control matrix  K⋆ = K(Σ⋆)is an optimal policy for the original problem, recovering a classic result in control theory.

Proof of Theorem 4.2. Our first step is to show that


To see this, observe that by definition of  K = K(Σ) we have


Thus, it suffices to show that  Σuu − ΣTuxΣ−1xx Σux is PSD. The latter matrix is the Schur complement of  Σ,and is PSD because  Σ is PSD.

Next, we show that the control matrix K gives rise to a stable policy. Let us develop Eq. (3). First, since  W ≻ 0we also have that  Σxx ≻ 0. Moreover, by Eq. (5),


Let  λ and vbe a (possibly complex) eigenvalue and left-eigenvector associated with A + BK. Then,


which, by  v∗Σxxv > 0, implies |λ| < 1. This is true for all eigenvalues  λ, and shows that  ρ(A + BK) < 1,that is, K is stable.

Finally, let us show that  E(K) ⪯ Σ′, which together with Eq. (5) would imply our claim  E(K) ⪯ Σ. Denote by X the state covariance at steady-state when following K; then,


To establish that  E(K) ⪯ Σ′ it is enough to show  X ⪯ Σxx. To this end, let  ∆ = Σxx − X and write


from which we get  ∆ ⪰ (A + BK)∆(A + BK)T. Applying the latter inequality recursively, we obtain


Recall that  ρ(A + BK) < 1; thus, taking the limit as  n → ∞, we get  (A + BK)n∆((A + BK)T)n → 0,which implies  ∆ ⪰ 0. This shows that  X ⪯ Σxx, as required.

To complete the proof observe that E(K) is feasible for the SDP since  E(K) ⪯ Σand  Σis feasible. Furthermore, since  ( Q 00 R )is PSD, we have


4.3 Strong stability of solutions

Let us show that from a solution to the SDP one can extract a strongly stable policy.

Lemma 4.3. Assume that  W ⪰ σ2Iand let  κ = √ν/σ. Then for any feasible solution  Σfor the SDP, the policy  K = K(Σ) is (κ, 1/2κ2)-strongly stable.

Proof. According to Theorem 4.2, the policy K is (weakly) stable and the matrix �Σ = E(K)is feasible for the SDP. Let  X = �Σxxbe the state covariance of K at steady-state. Since �Σis feasible, and since


In particular, this means that  X ⪰ σ2I. On the other hand, we have  Tr(X) ≤ Tr(�Σ) ≤ ν, thus  X ⪯ νI. Overall,


Given that X is nonsingular, we can define  L = X−1/2(A+BK)X1/2. Multiplying Eq. (6) by  X−1/2 fromboth sides, we obtain  I ⪰ LLT + σ2X−1 ⪰ LLT + κ−2I.Thus  LLT ⪯ (1 − κ−2)I, so  ∥L∥ ≤√1 − κ−2 ≤1 − κ−2/2. Also, Eq. (7) shows that  ∥X1/2∥∥X−1/2∥ ≤ κ. It is left to establish the bound on the norm ∥K∥F. To this end, use the fact that


together with  X ⪰ σ2I(recall Eq. (7)) to obtain  σ2∥K∥2F ≤ ν, that is, ∥K∥F ≤ κ.

We can also prove an analogous statement for sequences of feasible solutions, provided that they change slowly enough (we defer the proof to Appendix A).

Lemma 4.4. Assume that  W ⪰ σ2I and let κ = √ν/σ. Let Σ1, Σ2, . . .be a sequence of feasible solutions of (3), and suppose that  ∥Σt+1 − Σt∥ ≤ ηfor all t for some  η ≤ σ2/κ2. Then the sequence  K1, K2, . . ., where  Kt = K(Σt) for all t is (κ, 1/2κ2)-strongly stable.

In this section we describe our gradient based algorithm for online LQ control, presented in Algorithm 1. The algorithm maintains an “ideal” steady-state covariance matrix  Σtby performing online gradients steps directly on the SDP we formulated in Section 4 (with the linear cost functions changing from round to round). Then, a control matrix  Ktis extracted from the covariance  Σtand is used to generate a prediction.

Notice that the predictions made by the algorithm are randomly drawn from the Gaussian  N(Ktxt, Vt),and only follow the extracted policies  K1, K2, ...in expectation. This randomization step is crucial for the algorithm to exhibit fast mixing: sampling the prediction from a distribution with the right covariance ensures the observed covariance matrices converge to those generated by the algorithm, and consequently this sequence “mixes” more quickly.

For Algorithm 1 we prove the following guarantee.


Theorem 5.1. Assume that  Tr(W) ≤ λ2and  W ⪰ σ2I. Given  κ > 0and  0 ≤ γ < 1, set  ν = 2κ4λ2/γand  η = σ3/(2C√νT). The expected regret of Algorithm 1 compared to any  (κ, γ)-strongly stable control matrix  K⋆ is at most


provided that  T ≥ 8κ4λ2/(γσ2).

We remark that the theorem (in fact, Algorithm 1 itself) tacitly assumes that the SDP defined by S is feasible; otherwise, the set of strongly-stable policies is empty and the statement of Theorem 5.1 is vacuous.

Proof. Fix an arbitrary  (κ, γ)-strongly stable control matrix  K⋆, and denote by �Σ⋆1, . . . , �Σ⋆Tbe the covariances induced by using  K⋆throughout. Also, let �Σ1, . . . , �ΣTbe the actual observed covariance matrices induced by the algorithm. Denoting  Lt =� Qt 00 Rt�,the expected regret of the algorithm can be then written as follows:


Observe that the sequence  Σ1, . . . , ΣTgenerated by the algorithm is feasible for the (feasibility) SDP described by the set S. Thanks to Lemma 4.3, for any feasible  Σ ∈ Sthe corresponding control matrix K(Σ)is  (¯κ, ¯γ)-strongly stable, for  ¯κ = √ν/σand  ¯γ = σ2/2ν; in particular, this applies to each of the matrices  Σt.

We proceed by bounding each of the sums on the right-hand side of Eq. (8). We start with the second term and use a well-known regret bound for the Online Gradient Descent algorithm, due to Zinkevich (2003).


Additionally, the  Σtare slowly changing in the sense that, for all t,


We next bound the first term, now relying on Eq. (9) and the fact that the sequence of (randomized) policies chosen by Algorithm 1 is strongly stable.

Lemma 5.3. If η ≤ σ2/4C¯κ2, it holds that


Finally, the last term in Eq. (8) can be bounded using the strong stability of  K⋆.

Lemma 5.4. For any (κ, γ)-strongly stable  K⋆,


The theorem now follows by plugging in the bounds we established in Lemmas 5.2 to 5.4 into Eq. (8) and setting our choices of  η and ν. (See Appendix A for details.)

In this section we present a different approach that is based on Follow the Lazy Leader of Kalai & Vempala (2005). In contrast to Algorithm 1, this approach does not require a lower bound on the noise but rather relies on occasionally performing resets, and needs a bound on the cost of this reset (this is established in Appendix C under reasonable assumptions). We assume access to an Oracle procedure that receives cost matrices Q, R, and parameter  ν > 0. It returns a control matrix K that minimizes the steady-state cost, subject to  Tr(X) + Tr(KXKT) ≤ ν, where X is the steady-state covariance matrix associated with  K.4


Algorithm 2 is similar to Follow the Perturbed Leader, and in fact behaves the same in expectation. At every round t, Oracle is called using the sum of previously seen Qs and Rs plus an additional random noise,  Qpt and Rpt . Oraclereturns a matrix  Kt that is used to choose  ut = Ktxt.

For the measure  dµ, we use the joint measure over symmetric matrices Q and R, whose upper triangle is sampled coordinate-wise i.i.d from Laplace(1/η). The "lazyness" of the algorithm stems from Qp1, . . . , QpTand  Rp1, . . . , RpTbeing sampled dependently over time such that the cumulative perturbed loss only changes with small probability between rounds. Consequently, the expected number of switches of K as well as the expected number of resets are only  O(ηT).

The reset step in the algorithm, informally, drives the system to zero at some cost. Here we assume that B has full column-rank in which case we can reset in one step. In Appendix C, we show how resetting can be done over a sequence of steps under much weaker assumptions.

Observation 6.1. Suppose that B has full column-rank. Resetting the system in round t can be done by setting  ut = −B†Axt, such that at the next round  xt+1 = wt+1. Moreover, the expected cost of the reset is at most  Cν(1 + ∥B†A∥2).

For Algorithm 2 we will show the following regret bound.

Theorem 6.2. Assume that  Tr(W) ≤ λ2, and suppose that the cost of a reset is at most  Cr. Then for ν = 2κ4λ2/γ, the expected regret of Algorithm 2 against any  (κ, γ)-strongly-stable control matrix  K⋆



Remark 6.3. Oracle requires that the matrices Q and R are PSD. Nonetheless, we invoke Oracle using the perturbed cumulative loss  ( ˆQt + Qpt , ˆRt + Rpt )that might not be PSD, as the perturbations  Qptand  Rptthemselves are typically not PSD. To solve this issue, we first notice that with high-probability (Vershynin, 2010), we have  ∥Qpt ∥ ≤ O(d/η)and  ∥Rpt ∥ ≤ O(k/η). Therefore, to guarantee that the perturbed cumulative loss is PSD, we can add an initial large pretend loss by setting �Q1 = (d/η)Iand �R1 = (k/η)I. This would contribute an  O(Cν(d + k)/η)term to the regret which ensures that, by our choice of  η, Theorem 6.2 still holds.

Proof of Theorem 6.2. Let �X1, . . . , �XTbe the actual observed covariance matrices induced by Algorithm 2. Also, let �X⋆1, . . . , �X⋆T be the covariances induced by using a fixed control matrix  K⋆throughout. Similarly, define  X1, . . . , XTto be the covariance matrices of the steady-state distributions induced by  K1, . . . , KTrespectively, and  X⋆ that of K⋆.As in the analysis of OGD, the expected regret can be decomposed as follows:


The second term in Eq. (10), the regret in the “idealized setting”, is bounded due to Kalai & Vempala (2005). It requires the additional observation that, by Lemma 3.3, we have  Tr(X⋆)+Tr(K⋆X⋆(K⋆)T) ≤ ν.

Lemma 6.4. Assume Tr(Qt), Tr(Rt) ≤ C for all t. Then,


Moreover, the probability that the algorithm changes  Ktand performs a reset at any step t is at most ηC√d + k.

The third term of Eq. (10) is bounded by  2Cκ4ν/γdue to Lemma 5.4. It remains to bound the first term in the equation. To that end, we will next show that after the system is reset, the cost of the learner on round t is at most that of the steady-state induced by  Kt.


Figure 1: Data center cooling loop; see Section 7.

Lemma 6.5. Suppose the learner starts playing K at state  xt0 = wt0. Then the expected cost of the learner is always less then the steady-state cost induced by K.


Proof. Let  xt0 = wt0, and recall that  xt+1 = (A + BK)xt + wt. Let �Xtbe the covariance of  xt, and X be the covariance of x at the steady-state induced by  K. Then, Xt0 = (A + BKt0)Xt0(A + BKt0)T + W.We now show that �Xt ⪯ Xfor all  t ≥ t0by induction. Indeed, for the base case �Xt0 = W ⪯(A + BKt0)Xt0(A + BKt0)T + W = X. Now assume that �Xt ⪯ Xt0, that implies


Since  Qt + KTt RtKtis PSD, the expected cost of the learner at time t is  (Qt + KTt RtKt) • Xt ≤(Qt + KTt RtKt) • X.

Combining Lemmas 6.4 and 6.5 obtains the theorem (see Appendix A for more details).

We demonstrate our approach on the problem of regulating conditions inside a data center (DC) server floor in the presence of time-varying power costs. We learn system dynamics from a real data center, but vary the costs and run algorithms in simulation.

Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the cooling loop of a typical data center. Water is cooled to sub-ambient temperatures in the chiller and evaporative cooling towers, and then sent to multiple air handling units (AHUs) on the server floor. Server racks are arranged into rows with alternating hot and cold aisles, such that all hot air exhausts face the hot aisle. The AHUs circulate air through the building; hot air is cooled through air-water heat exchange and blown into the cold aisle, and the resulting warm water is sent back to the chiller and cooling towers. The primary goal of floor-level cooling is to control the cold aisle temperatures (CATs) and differential air pressures (DPs). The control vector includes the blower speed and water valve command for each of n = 30 AHUs, set every 30s. The state vector includes 2n temperature measurements and n pressure measurements, as well as sensor measurements and controls for the preceding time step. System noise is in part due to variability in server loads and the temperature of the chilled water.

We learn a linear approximation (A, B) of the dynamics in the operating range of interest on 4h of exploratory data with controls following a random walk. We estimate the system noise covariance W as the empirical covariance of training data residuals. For the purpose of the experiment, we amplify the noise by a factor of 5. We set the diagonal coefficients of  Qtcorresponding to the most recent (normalized) sensor measurements to 1 and remaining coefficients to 0, and keep  Qt = Qconstant throughout the experiment. We set diagonal coefficients of  Rtcorresponding to water usage (valve command) to 1 throughout, and all coefficients corresponding to power usage (fan speed) to  rt. We generate  rtby (a) i.i.d sampling a uniform distribution on [0.1, 1], and (b) using a random walk restricted to [0.1, 1] taking steps of size  0.1, −0.1, 0with probabilities  0.1, −0.1, 0.8respectively.


Figure 2: Normalized regret  RT /Tfor FLL and Recent strategies, with power costs generated uniformly (top) and by random walk (bottom). Resets occur at time steps indicated by dashed lines.

We run the FLL algorithm on this problem with the following modifications: we set  Qp1 = Q, and Rp1 = Ik, an upper bound on  Rt. Rather than executing hard resets to 0, we perform a soft reset by running a policy  Kresetfor n steps. Here  Kresetis similar to the next FLL policy, but based on the 1.1 times the corresponding state cost Q.

We compare the cost of FLL to that of a fixed linear controller that is based on the average of the Rtmatrices, and to a Recent strategy which selects one of ten controllers corresponding to power costs in  r ∈ {0.1, 0.2, ..., 1}based on the most recently observed  Rt. The normalized regret 1T RTof to the two strategies is shown in Fig. 2. FLL performance quickly approaches that of the fixed linear policy in both cases, and is better than the Recent strategy on uniform random costs. The Recent strategy has an advantage in the case where costs vary slowly, and empirical performance of FLL could likely be improved in this case by forgetting the old costs.

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A.1 Proof of Lemma 3.3

Proof. Strong stability ensures that  ρ(A + BK) < 1, and so


Write  A + BK = HLH−1 such that ∥L∥ ≤ 1 − γ and ∥H∥∥H−1∥ ≤ κ. Then


As a result,


Further, notice that  U = KXKT, whence


A.2 Proof of Lemma 3.5

Proof. Denote Ct = Cov[ut|xt] (where utis the action taken on round t). By definition, for all t we have


Subtracting the equations, substituting  A + BKt = HtLtH−1tand rearranging yields


Denote  ∆t = H−1t ( �Xt − Xt)(H−1t )T for all t. Then the above can be rewritten as


Let us first analyze the simpler case where all policies  Ktconverge to the same steady-state covariance X. Then  Xt = X for all t, thus Eq. (11) reads


Taking norms, we obtain


whence  ∥∆t+1∥ ≤ e−γt∥∆1∥. Recalling �Xt − X = Ht∆tHTt , we obtain


For the general case, taking norms in Eq. (11) results in


and unfolding the recursion we obtain


A.3 Proof of Lemma 4.4


(cf. Eq. (5)). Now, since  Σtis feasible for the SDP we have


Proceeding as in the proof of Lemma 4.3, one can show that  ∥Kt∥F ≤ κ, and that the matrix  Lt =X−1/2t (A + BKt)X1/2tsatisfies  ∥Lt∥ ≤ 1 − 1/2κ2with  ∥X1/2t ∥ ≤ √νand  ∥X−1/2t ∥ ≤ 1/σ. To establish sequential strong stability it thus suffices to show that  ∥X−1/2t+1 X1/2t ∥ ≤ 1 + 1/4κ2for all t. To this end, observe that  ∥Xt+1 − Xt∥ ≤ η,5 and


Hence, if  η ≤ σ2/κ2 then ∥X−1/2t+1 X1/2t ∥ ≤�1 + 1/κ2 ≤ 1 + 1/2κ2 as required.

A.4 Proof of Lemma 5.2

Proof. The diameter of the feasible domain of the SDP (with respect to  ∥ · ∥F) is upper bounded by 2ν. Also, the linear loss function  X �→ Lt • Xis  ∥Qt∥F + ∥Rt∥F ≤ 2CLipschitz for all t (again, with respect to  ∥ · ∥F). Plugging this into the regret bound of the Online Gradient Descent algorithm gives the lemma.

A.5 Proof of Lemma 5.3

Proof. Denote the policy used by the algorithm on round t by  πt(x) = Ktx + vtwith  vt ∼ N(0, Vt). Notice that


whence  E(πt) = Σt. Next, denote  Xt = (Σt)xx, Ut = (Σt)uu, and similarly �Xt = (�Σt)xx, �U t = (�Σt)uu. Observe that �U t = Kt �XtKTt + Vt and Ut = KtXtKTt + Vt, thus


Further, for  K = K(Σ)for any feasible  Σ ∈ S we have


It is left to control the norms  ∥ �Xt − Xt∥. To this end, recall Lemma 4.4 which asserts that the sequence K1, K2, . . . is (¯κ, ¯γ)-strongly stable, since we assume  η ≤ σ2/¯κ2. Now, since  ∥Xt+1 −Xt∥ ≤ ∥Σt+1 −Σt∥ ≤4Cη, applying Lemma 3.5 to the sequence of randomized policies  π1, π2, . . .now yields


We can further bound the right-hand side using  ∥ �X1 − X1∥ ≤ 2ν. Combining Eqs. (13) and (14) and using the fact that �Tt=1 e−αt ≤� ∞0 e−αtdt = 1/α for α > 0, we obtain the result.

A.6 Proof of Lemma 5.4


Thus  Lt • (Σ⋆ − �Σ⋆t ) = (Qt + (K⋆)TRtK⋆) • (X − Xt). Now, Lemma 3.3 asserts that  Tr(Σ⋆) ≤ 2κ4/γ = ν,hence  Σ⋆ ∈ Sand by Eq. (12), it follows that


Now, an application of Lemma 3.2 gives


where in the ultimate inequality we have used again the fact that �Tt=1 e−γt ≤ 1/γ. Finally, we have ∥X1 − X∥ ≤ ∥Σ⋆ − �Σ⋆0∥ ≤ 2ν.Combining the inequalities gives the result.

A.7 Proof of Theorem 5.1

Proof. Plugging in the bounds we established in Lemmas 5.2 to 5.4 into Eq. (8) and setting the values for  ¯κ = √ν/σ and ¯γ = σ2/2ν(and using  ν ≥ σ2 to simplify), we obtain


for any  ηsuch that  η ≤ σ2/4C¯κ2 = σ4/4Cν. Thus, a choice of  η = σ3/(2C√νT)(for which it can be verified that  η ≤ σ4/4Cν for T ≥ 4ν/σ2) gives the regret bound


Finally, plugging in  ν = 2κ4λ2/γgives the result.

A.8 Proof of Theorem 6.2

Proof. Since after a reset, the system starts at state 0, the cost of the learner is always less than the steady-state cost. The expected number of switches is at most  ηC√d + kT, and whenever a switch occurs we pay an additional cost of  Crfor performing a reset. Combining that with our bounds on the three terms in Eq. (10), we get


In this section, we give additional justification for the stability assumption. The following lemma shows that for any stable controller K, there are finite bounds on its strong stability parameters.

Lemma B.1. Suppose that for a linear system defined by A, B, a policy K is stable. Then there are parameters  κ, γ > 0for which it is  (κ, γ)-strongly stable.

Proof. A theorem of Lyapunov says that a matrix M is stable, i.e., its spectral radius is smaller than 1 if and only if there exists a positive definite matrix P such that


Indeed  P = �∞i=0(M i)T(M i)satisfies this condition. Let  ρ(A + BK) = 1 − γ. Applying the above result to  (1 − γ)−1(A + BK), we conclude that for some positive definite matrix P,


Pre- and post-multiplying by  P − 12and rearranging,


Letting  Q = P12 (A + BK)P − 12, we conclude that  A + BK = P − 12 QP12 with ∥Q∥ ≤ 1 − γ. Letting κ bethe condition number of  P12, the claim follows.

In the following sections, we give quantitative bounds on the strong stability parameters of optimal policies K, under certain more graspable assumptions on the system.

B.1 Invertible B

As a warmup, we start with the setting when B is invertible. We will show quantitative bounds on the trace bound  νsuch that the optimal policy K will be feasible for the SDP. A quantitative bound on the strong stability parameters will then follow from Lemma 4.3

Lemma B.2. Assume that B is square and invertible, and  Tr(Q), Tr(R) ≤ C and Q, R ⪰ µI. Then for


the SDP is feasible and the trace constraint is not binding.

Proof. Consider the control matrix  K0 = −B−1A, and let


Then  Σ0is PSD and, as  A + BK0 = 0, also satisfies


Further, we have


On the other hand,  J(Σ0) =� Q 00 R�• Σ0 ≥ µ Tr(Σ0),where we have used our assumption that  Q, R ⪰ µI.Combining the two inequalities, we see that  Tr(Σ0) ≤ ν. Thus, we proved that  Σ0is feasible.

Finally, to see that the constraint  Tr(Σ) ≤ νis not binding, consider the optimal solution  Σ⋆ for theSDP excluding this constraint (which is, of course, also feasible). Then, as before,  J(Σ0) ≥ J(Σ⋆) =


is therefore not binding.

B.2 Controllability

We now define general conditions on a linear system that allow us to prove quantitative bounds on the strong stability of the optimal solution. We first recall the notion of controllability of a system. A system defined by  xt+1 = Axt + Butis said to be controllable if the matrix  ( B AB ··· Ad−1B )is full rank. A standard result in control theory says that one can drive any state  x0to zero if and only if the system is controllable. We define a quantitative version of this condition.

Definition B.3 ((k, κ)-Strong Controllability). A system defined by  xt+1 = Axt + But is (k, κ)-stronglycontrollable if the matrix  Ck = ( B AB ··· Ak−1B ) satisfies ∥(CTkCk)†∥ ≤ κ.

We first show that for a strongly controllable system, any state  x0can be driven to zero at bounded cost.

Lemma B.4. Suppose that a dynamical system  xt+1 = Axt + Butis  (k, κ)-strongly controllable and that Q and R have spectral norm at most  1. Let a = max(∥A∥, 1) and b = ∥B∥. Then there is a constant C = C(k, κ, a, b)such that the system starting at a state  x0can be driven to zero in k steps at cost at most  C∥x0∥2. I.e. there exist a  x1, . . . , xk, u0, . . . , uk−1 such that xk = 0, xt+1 = Axt + But and


Proof. Consider the following quadratic program:


Rewriting, this is equivalent to


By lemma B.6, the optimal solution is given by  (CTkCk)†Akx0, so that


For this setting of  ut’s, the corresponding  xt’s satisfy


An easy calculation then shows that for this solution,


We now prove a generalization of Lemma B.2 in terms of the zeroing cost.

Theorem B.5 (Trace Bound). Suppose that matrices A and B are such that for any  x0, the system xt+1 = Axt + Butcan be driven to zero in k steps at cost  C∥x0∥2for cost matrices Q = I, R = I. Consider the noisy system  xt+1 = Axt + But + wt with wt ∼ N(0, W). Then for ν = C · Tr(W), the SDPis feasible and the trace constraint is not binding.

Proof. By assumption, given  x0 = x, there is a sequence of actions  u0(x), u1(x), . . . uk−1(x)and corresponding states  x = x0(x), x1(x), . . . , xk(x) = 0such that �k−1t=0 (∥xi(x)∥2 + ∥ui(x)∥2) ≤ C∥x∥2. Consider the covariance matrices


From the fact that  xt+1 = Axt + But, it follows that



Further  Σ ⪰ 0and we have


B.3 Solving Least Squares

The following is a standard fact about least squares regression; we give a proof for completeness.

Lemma B.6. Consider a QP:  minx xTAxsubject to Bx = c, where A is PD. Then the value of the optimal solution is  cT(BA−1BT)†c.

Proof. When minimizing any convex function over the constraint Bx = c, the gradient at the optimal solution is in the null space of B. Namely, there is some  λsuch that  Ax = BTλ. Combining that with the constraint Bx = c, we can choose  λ = (BA−1BT)†c. Setting that into the objective function, we get the desired result.

Here we argue that under reasonable assumptions, the reset cost can be bounded. It will be useful to have some bound on the cost of driving a state to zero for a noiseless system. Lemma B.4 gives such a bound under the Strong Controllability assumption. We next give an alternate bound coming from the existence of a strongly stable policy.

Lemma C.1 (Zeroing using Strong Stability). Suppose that a linear system has a  (κ, γ)-strongly stable policy K. Then for  Q, R ⪯ I, a start state  x0can be driven to norm at most 1T 2in  O(log(T∥x0∥)/γ)steps at cost


Proof. Let K be a  (κ, γ)-strongly stable policy. We argue that playing K for approximately  tmix =(1/γ) log(∥x0∥T 2)steps nearly zeroes the state; indeed at that point, the residual norm falls to below1CT 2so that the overall overhead coming from this residual is o(1). This is a consequence of the fact that for the noiseless model, the steady state X is zero. By Lemma 3.2


so that


Moreover the cost of this near-reset is at most


The following Theroem shows how resetting can be done in the general case using Lemma B.4, or Lemma C.1 to bound the cost of driving a state to zero. It follows that under either the assumption of strong controllability, or the existence of a strongly stable policy, we can derive a bound on the cost  Cr ofthe reset step in FLL.

Theorem C.2 (Resetting). Consider the noisy system  xt+1 = Axt + But + wtwhere  wt ∼ N(0, W). Suppose that

The noiseless system  xt+1 = Axt + Butstarting from  x0can be driven to zero in k steps at cost C∥x0∥2, and

for some strategy K, the noisy system starting at state 0 has steady state cost  Cssand steady state covariance  Σxx.

Then, given initial state  x0, there is a sequence of actions  u0, . . . , uk−1such that state  E[xkxTk] ⪯ Σxxand the cost of the the first k steps is at most  kCss + C∥x0∥2.

Proof. The idea is to use the linearity of the transition function, and split the sequence of k states into two sequences: one that starts at  x0and the other at  y0 = 0. We will play K on the sequence  y0, · · · , yk−1, and simultaneously drive the sequence  x0, · · · , xk−1 to 0. Let u0, . . . , uk−1be the set of actions that drive the noiseless system starting at  x0to zero. At time t, we will play the control vector  ut + Kyt where theactual state of the system is  xt + yt. Thus we obtain  xt+1 = Axt + Butand  yt+1 = (A + BK)yt + wt, and indeed


After k rounds we will have  xk = 0, and the system would be at state  yk. A simple induction proof along the lines of Lemma 6.5 implies that  E[xkxTk] ⪯ Σss. Finally, the sequences  x0, . . . , xd−1 and y0, . . . , yd−1are statistically-independent and  (yt)d−1t=0 has mean-zero. As the cost is a quadratic function of the state, the total expected cost of the reset is the sum of the expected costs of the two sequences individually.

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