
My stuff
Estimating Network Structure from Incomplete Event Data

Multivariate Bernoulli autoregressive (BAR) processes model time series of events in which the likelihood of current events is determined by the times and locations of past events. These processes can be used to model nonlinear dynamical systems corresponding to criminal activity, responses of patients to different medical treatment plans, opinion dynamics across social networks, epidemic spread, and more. Past work examines this problem under the assumption that the event data is complete, but in many cases only a fraction of events are observed. Incomplete observations pose a significant challenge in this setting because the unobserved events still govern the underlying dynamical system. In this work, we develop a novel approach to estimating the parameters of a BAR process in the presence of unobserved events via an unbiased estimator of the complete data log-likelihood function. We propose a computationally efficient estimation algorithm which approximates this estimator via Taylor series truncation and establish theoretical results for both the statistical error and optimization error of our algorithm. We further justify our approach by testing our method on both simulated data and a real data set consisting of crimes recorded by the city of Chicago.

Discrete event data arises in a variety of forms including crimes, health events, neural firings, and social media posts. Frequently each event can be associated with a node in a network, and practitioners aim to learn the relationships between the nodes in the network from the event data. For example, one might observe a sequence of crimes associated with different gangs and seek to learn which crimes are most likely to spark retaliatory violence from rival gangs.

Such problems have attracted widespread interest in recent decades and a variety of point process models have been proposed to model such data. The Hawkes process ([13]) is a popular continuous time framework which has been applied in a number of different contexts (e.g., [34, 33, 8, 31]). In addition, other works works have used a discrete time framework to model time series event data (e.g., [17, 10, 3]).

A central assumption of many of these works is that all the events are observed. However, in many cases we may observe only a subset of the events at random. For example, while point process models have been widely used to model crime incidence ([23, 24, 18]), frequently one only has access to reported crime data. For many crimes the true number of incidents can be substantially higher. The gap between the reported and true crime rates is referred to as “the dark figure of crime” by researchers in Sociology and Criminology who have studied this issue extensively ([6, 15]). Unobserved events also pose a challenge in inference from Electronic Health Record (EHR) data which can be incomplete for a number of different reasons ([30, 29]).

The unobserved events still play a role in the dynamical system governing the time series, making network estimation with incomplete data particularly challenging. In this paper, we contribute to the growing literature on modeling in the presence of unobserved events by proposing a novel method for estimating networks when we only observe a subset of the true events.

1.1 Problem Formulation

Many point process models of time series of discrete events are temporally discretized either because event times were discretized during the data collection process or for computational reasons. In such contexts, the temporal discretization is typically such that either one or zero events are observed in each discrete time block for each network node. With this in mind, we model the true but unobserved observations  X1, . . . XTusing a Bernoulli autoregressive process:


Here  Xt ∈ {0, 1}Mis a vector indicating whether events occurred in each of the M nodes during time period t. The vector  ν ∈ RMis a constant bias term, and the matrix A∗ ∈ RM×Mis the weighted adjacency matrix associated with the network we wish to estimate. We assume that each row a of  A∗lies in the  ℓ1ball of radius r, which we denote B1(r). We generally consider a case where a is sparse and the magnitude of all its entries are bounded, so that r is a universal constant which is independent of M.

We observe  Z1, . . . ZT, a corrupted version of (1.1) where only a fraction  p ∈ (0, 1]of

events are observed as follows:


Here  ⊙denotes the Hadamard product and  Wt ∈ {0, 1}Mis a vector where each entry is independently drawn to be one with probability p and zero with probability  1 − p.

Our analysis of (1.1) and (1.2) can be naturally extended to several more complex variants. Instead of assuming each  Xt,iis observed with probability p, we can assume events from each node i are observed with a unique probability  pi. We consider only a first order AR(1) process but our framework can be extended to incorporate more sophisticated types of memory as in [22]. We omit discussion of these extensions in the interest of clarity.

Corrupted or missing data in high-dimensional data sets is a problem which appears in a number of different domains and has attracted widespread interest over the past few decades (see [11] for an application-focused overview). Our focus is on a particular type of corrupted data: partially observed sequences of discrete events. In recent years researchers have started to focus on this problem ([32, 28, 16]). The prior works of which we are aware use a Hawkes process framework and assume knowledge of the time periods when the data is corrupted. In the context of (1.2) this amounts to knowledge of  W1, . . . , WT. Our method can operate in a setting where the researcher cannot differentiate between periods when no event actually occurred, and when events potentially occurred but were not recorded. Moreover, because we use a discrete-time framework, we are able to derive sample complexity bounds for the estimation procedure proposed in Section 3. Our theoretical results complement the empirical nature of much of the past work in this area.

This paper is also related a variety of works on regularized estimation in high-dimensional statistics, including [5, 27, 4] and [14]. Many of these works have derived sample complexity guarantees using linear models, and some of these results have been extended to autoregressive generalized linear models ([25, 12]). Another line of research ([20, 1, 21, 19, 25]) has formalized a notion of Restricted Strong Convexity (RSC) which we leverage in Section 4.2. While many loss functions of interest in high-dimensional statistics are not strongly convex, these works have shown that they frequently satisfy an RSC condition which is sufficient to provide statistical and optimization error guarantees. The main technical challenges in our setting lie in establishing results similar to these RSC conditions.

2.1 Missing Data in a High-Dimensional Linear Model

[20] straddles the missing data literature and high-dimensional statistics literature. The

authors consider a missing data linear model


where  Wiiid∼ Bernoulli(p)and one observes pairs  (Yi, Zi)and aims to estimate  β∗. The authors propose minimizing a loss function  Lmissing,Zof the observed data Z which satisfies the property


for any  β. Here


denotes the classical Lasso loss function with the unobserved data X and regularization parameter  λ > 0. In other words, the missing data loss function is an unbiased estimator for the full data Lasso loss function we would ideally like to minimize. This idea motivates our construction of a loss function for the observed process (1.2).

Our problem can be viewed as an extension of [20] to autoregressive GLM models without knowledge of W.1 In particular, we cannot distinguish events that were missed (Xt,j = 1 and Wt,j = 0) from correctly observed periods with no events (Xt,j = 0). [20] areable prove sample complexity bounds as well as optimization bounds which are consistent with the high-dimensional statistical literature in that they scale with  ∥β∗∥0rather than the dimension of  β∗. We are able to prove analogous bounds for our estimator in Section 4.

2.2 Contributions

This paper makes the following contributions.

We propose a novel method for estimating a network when only a subset of the true events are observed. In contrast to previous work, our methods do not rely on knowledge of when the data is potentially missing. Our procedure uses Taylor series approximations to an unbiased loss function, and we show that these approximations have controlled bias and lead to accurate and efficient estimators.

We prove bounds on both the statistical error and optimization error of our proposed estimation method. The results hinge on showing that our loss function satisfies a restricted strong convexity (RSC) condition. Past work on linear inverse problems with corrupted designs also establish RSC conditions, but these conditions do not carry over to the autoregressive GLM setting.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology on both simulated data and real crime data.

Given the full data  X = [X1, . . . , XT ], the negative log-likelihood function  LX(A)is decomposable in the M rows of A. In other words, if


then  LX(A) = �Mm=1 LX(am)where  amis the mth row of A and  LXdenote the loss function restricted to a specific row. Throughout the paper we slightly abuse notation and let LX(A)refer to the entire loss function when A is a matrix, and let  LX(am)refer to the loss function for a specific row when  amis a row vector. The loss function for the mth row takes the form


where f(x) = log(1 + exp(x)) is the partition function for the Bernoulli GLM.

We do not have access to X and instead we aim to estimate A using the corrupted data Z = [Z1, . . . , Zn]. As discussed in Section 2.1, our strategy will be to construct a loss function of Z which is an unbiased estimator for  LX. In other words, we want to find some function  LZ,psuch that for any  a ∈ B1(r),


In contrast to the Gaussian case discussed in Section 2.1, the Bernoulli partition function f(x) = log(1 + exp(x)) is not a polynomial and constructing a function satisfying (3.1) directly is challenging. We adopt a strategy of computing unbiased approximations to truncated Taylor series expansions of  LXand arriving at  LZ,pas a limit of such approximations.

To do this, we first rewrite f using its Taylor series expansion around zero


The constant factor log(2) does not effect estimation in any way so we ignore it for the remainder of our discussion in the interest of simplicity. We let  L(q)Xdenote the degree q Taylor truncation to  LX. The  Xtare binary vectors and we assume each row  amis sparse, so  a⊤mXt ≤ ∥am∥1 will not be too far from zero. Thus it is reasonable to hope that for small q, L(q)X (am)is a good approximation for  LX(am)whenever  am ∈ B1(r). We bound the approximation error in Lemma B.3 in the supplement.

We now consider the problem of constructing a function  L(q)Z,p such that


Key question we need to address with this approach include (a) can we (approximately) solve this optimization problem efficiently? (b) will the solution to this optimization problem be robust to initialization? (c) will it be a strong estimate of the ground truth?

3.1 Definition of L(2)Z,p

We first derive an unbiased estimator of the degree-two Taylor series expansion  L(2)X (am).


Note that there are straightforward unbiased estimates of the first two terms:


For the third term, (a⊤mXt)28 = �i,j am,iam,jXt,iXt,j, note that


Thus we must estimate the monomials with repeat terms (i = j) differently from the monomials with all distinct terms (i ̸= j). Using Equations (3.3) and (3.4) we can define the degree two unbiased estimator:


3.2 Higher-Order Expansions

The construction of  L(2)Z,p in the previous section suggests a general strategy for constructing L(q)Z,p satisfying (3.2). Take any monomial


depending on the counts in nodes  m1, . . . mdduring time period t. Wherever this monomial appears in  L(q)X (am), our unbiased loss function will have a term


scaled by 1pkwhere k denotes the number of unique terms in the monomial. For example, in Equation (3.3) each degree two monomial was unique so we scaled everything by 1p2. However, in (3.5) some of the degree two monomials had repeated terms and so they were scaled by 1p. In order to formalize these ideas and generalize our estimator to q > 2, we first need to introduce additional notation.

3.2.1 Notation

Let  Uddenote the set of all monomials of degree d. We represent an element  U ∈ Udas a list containing d elements. An element in the list corresponds to the index of a term in the monomial. For an example, the monomial  x21x3can be represented as the list (1, 1, 3).

For a polynomial function h we let  cU,hdenote the coefficient of the monomial U in h. Finally we define the order of a list to denote the number of unique elements in the list, so |(1, 2)| = 2 whereas |(1, 1)| = 1.

Example Consider the function  h(x1, x2) = x21 + 4x1x2. We can decompose h as


where  U2 = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)}with corresponding coefficients  c(1,1),h = 1, c(1,2),h = 4and  c(2,2),h = 0.Using this notation we can write


3.2.2 Definition of L(q)Z,p

The degree q likelihood is constructed as follows


Recall that |U| denotes the number of unique terms in the monomial U. In other words, in we adjust  L(q)Xby scaling each monomial according the the number of unique terms rather than the number of overall terms. This definition clearly satisfies (3.2). We show in the supplement that if r = 1 and  p > 1πthen  limq→∞ L(q)Z,p(am)converges uniformly on  B1(r)to a function we denote as  LZ,p(am). Extending this loss function on individual rows to an entire matrix, we can define  LZ,p(A) = �Mi=1 LZ,p(am). An additional technical discussion in the supplement guarantees that  LZ,pactually satisfies the desired property in Equation (3.1).

3.3 Proposed Optimization

In practice we can only compute  L(q)Z,p for finite q. To estimate  A∗we consider the following constrained optimization:


where  ˆpis an estimate of the missingness parameter p and


In general,  L(q)Z,pis not a convex function. However, we show in Section 4.2 that under certain assumptions all stationary points of (3.6) must lie near  A∗. Thus we can approximately solve (3.6) via a simple projected gradient descent algorithm.

In order to apply our algorithm it is necessary to have an estimate  ˆpof the frequency of missed data. In many cases one may have prior knowledge available. For example, social scientists have attempted to quantify the frequency of unreported crimes ([15, 26]). Moreover, a simulation study in Section 5 suggests our strategy is robust to misspecification of p.

In this section we answer several questions which naturally arise with our proposed estimation procedure in Equation (3.6). In particular, we’d like to know:

If we can find a solution to Equation (3.6), will it be a good approximation to  A∗?

The loss function  L(q)Z,pis not convex. Is it possible to actually find a minimizer to (3.6), or an approximation to it?

In Theorem 4.1 we answer the first question affirmatively. In Theorem 4.2 we show that all stationary points of (3.6) are near one another, so that simple gradient-based methods will give us a good solution.

Throughout this section we assume  p > 1π and A∗ ∈ B1,∞(1). All results in the section apply for the loss functions  L(q)Z,pfor  q ∈ N ∪ {∞}. In the  q = ∞case we recover the idealized loss function  LZ,p.

We use  a ≲ bto mean  a ≤ Cband  a ≍ bto mean a = Cb where C is a universal constant. Define  s := ∥A∗∥0 and ρ := maxm ∥a∗m∥0.

4.1 Statistical Error

The following theorem controls the statistical error of our proposed estimator.

Theorem 4.1 (Accuracy of  L(q)Z,p). Suppose


where  λ ≍ log(MT)√T(pπ−1) + 1(pπ)q . Then


for  T ≳ ρ2 log(MT)with probability at least  1 − 1T .

The two terms in the upper bound of Theorem 4.2 have a natural interpretation. The first represents the error for the idealized estimator  LZ,p, while the second represents the error due to the Taylor series truncation. Our error scales as  (πp − 1)−2 which is reasonable in the context of our algorithm because  LZ,p(A) := limq→∞ L(q)Z,p(A)is only well-defined when p > 1π(see Remark 2 in the supplement). An interesting open question which arises from Theorem 4.1 is whether the process described in (1.1) and (1.2) is unidentifiable for  p ≤ 1πor something specific to our methodology fails for p below this threshold.

The proof of Theorem 4.1 uses ideas from the analysis of high-dimensional GLMs ([12, 22]) as well as ideas from the analysis of missing data in the linear model [20] and Gaussian linear autoregressive processes [14]. The key technical challenge in the proof lies in controlling the gradient of the error term  R(q)(A) := LX(A) − L(q)Z,p(A). This is done in Lemmas B.2-B.6 in the supplement.

4.2 Optimization Error

We next focus on the optimization aspects of Equation (3.6). Our loss function  L(q)Z,pis non-convex, so at first glance it may appear to be a poor proxy loss function to optimize. However, a body of research (see [1, 21, 20, 19]) has studied loss functions satisfying a properties known as restricted strong convexity (RSC) and restricted smoothness (RSM). These works have shown that under certain conditions, the optimization of non-convex loss functions may be tractable. The formal definitions of the RSC and RSM conditions we use are as follows.

Definition 1 (Restricted Strong Convexity). Let  TL(v, w)denote the first order Taylor approximation to a loss function L centered at w. A loss function L satisfies the RSC condition with parameters  α, τ if


for all  v, w ∈ B1(1).

Definition 2 (Restricted Smoothness). A loss function L satisfies the RSM condition with parameters  α, τ if


for all  v, w ∈ B1(1).

We are able to show these conditions are satisfied for  α ≍ 1 and τ ≍�

This in turn gives the following result. As in Theorem 4.1 we assume  p > 1π.

Theorem 4.2. Suppose  A∗ ∈ B1,∞(1)and  ∥a∗m∥0 > 0for at least  MCrows of  A∗where C is a universal constant. Let ˜A ∈ B1,∞(1)be any stationary point of  L(q)Z,p(A) + λ∥A∥1where  λ ≍ log(MT)√T(pπ−1) + 1(pπ)q . Then


with probability at least  1 − log(T)T 2 for T ≳ ρ2 log(MT) and q ≳ log(ρ)log(πp).

As in Theorem 4.1 the first term in our bound can be interpreted as the error for the idealized estimator  LZ,pwhile the second term can be thought of as the error due to the Taylor series truncation. The assumption that  ∥a∗m∥0 > 0for at least  MCrows of  A∗says that at least a constant fraction of nodes are influenced by other nodes in the network. This assumption allows us to state Theorem 4.2 in terms of s - the support of  A∗. In extreme cases where almost all nodes in the network fire independently of the other nodes it is possible for the optimization error to have a slower scaling than s.

The RSC and RSM conditions are closely related to ideas used in our statistical error bounds in Theorem 4.1. Lemma D.2 shows that the conditions are satisfied for  τon the order of 1√T which leads to an overall optimization error bound of the same order. This is a slower convergence rate than in the linear case; whether stronger rates can be obtained in the autoregressive GLM setting is an open question.

The proof of Theorem 4.2 proceeds as follows. We first establish that the RSC/RSM conditions hold for reasonable constants in Lemma D.2. This proofs relies on the technical machinery built up in Lemmas B.2-B.6. We can then combine our RSC/RSM results with Theorem 2 in [1] to conclude that all stationary points of  L(q)Z,p(A) + λ∥A∥1lie in a small neighborhood of  A∗ with high probability.

In this section we evaluate the proposed method on synthetic data. We generate  A∗ ∈ R50×50with s = 50 nonzero entries with locations chosen at random. Each nonzero entry is chosen uniformly in  [−1, 1]and  ν = 0. We then generate a “true" data set X and an “observed”


Figure 1: MSE vs T for p = .6 (top) and p = .75 (bottom). The blue line uses regularized MLE on full data – i.e. data unavailable in our setup – and represents a kind of oracle estimator. The red line uses incomplete data with  L(2)Z,p (our proposed method). The yellow lines corresponds to minimizing the full data likelihood over the incomplete data – that is, this estimator naively ignores the issue of missing data. Median of 50 trials is shown and error bars denote sample standard deviations.

data set Z according (1.1) and (1.2) with  λ = .75√T. We perform projected gradient descent with a random initialization and show a median of 50 trials.

Figure 1 shows mean squared error (MSE) vs T for p = .6 (top) and p = .75 (bottom). Our method is shown in red. It uses the loss function  L(2)Z,pon the partially observed data Z. Our method is compared to the loss function  LXusing both the full data X (i.e., an oracle estimator with access to the missing data) and the partially observed data Z (i.e. a naive estimator that ignores the possibility of missing data). As expected, with access to the complete data one can get a more accurate estimate of  A∗ than either method using the partially observed data. However, our method outperforms the full data likelihood when given the partially observed data. In particular, note that the accuracy for the full data likelihood stalls after some time due to the inherent bias in using the corrupted data on the true data likelihood. In contrast our unbiased method continues to converge to the solution, as suggested by the results in Section 4. Finally, observe that for large T there is little variation between trials when using  L2Z even though each trial was initialized randomly. This agrees Theorem 4.2 which states that all stationary points of  L(q)Z,p lie near one another.

In practical applications one may have strong reason to believe some events are unobserved, but pinning down a precise estimate of the missingness parameter p might be unrealistic. Therefore it is important to see how our algorithm performs as a function of the misspecification  ˆp − p. We examine this in Figure 2. We generate data as in the previous section but with p = .7. We then apply our algorithm with the loss function  L(2)Z,ˆp and varying values of  ˆp.

Figure 2 shows that our method is highly robust to small misspecification of the missingness parameter p. Interestingly, underestimating p by more than 10% leads to poor results but our method is still robust to overestimation of over 10%. This suggests there is value in applying our techniques with a conservative estimate of the amount of missed data, even when one has only a rough estimate of the frequency of missed events.


Figure 2: Robustness to missestimation of p using a true value of p = .7. Median of 50 trials is shown and errorbars denote sample standard deviations.

As final experiment we measure how MSE varies as a function of the Taylor series truncation level q. Calculating  L(4)Z,p takes a significant amount of time for high-dimensional problems, so we randomly generate  A∗ ∈ R20×20 with s = 20nonzero entries compared to 50 in the previous simulations and run 30 trials. We set  p = ˆp = .7.

In Figure 3 we show MSE as a function of T for the full data loss function at three different truncation levels:  L2X, L4Xand  LX. Recall that  LXand  LZ,phas no odd degree terms other than 1, so  L(3)X = L(2)Xand  L(3)Z,p = L(2)Z,p. We see that the second and fourth degree truncations perform essentially the same as the full data likelihood. We also plot MSE as a function of T for the truncated missing data loss functions  L(2)Z,p and L(4)Z,p. As expected, using the full data gives stronger results than the partially observed data. We again see that the second and fourth order truncations perform nearly the same. The sample standard deviations are also similar - e.g. when T = 2000 the standard deviations of  LX, L2X and L4Xare .184, .178 and .186 respectively while the standard deviations for  L2Zand  L4Zare .322 and .311. The similarity between the second and fourth order truncation levels suggests that choosing one of these truncation levels will give us a strong approximation to  LZ,p. Since L(4)Z,ptakes significantly longer to compute, we use the second order approximation in the first two experiments.

This section studies a data set consisting of crimes committed in Chicago between January 2001 and July 2018 ([9]). Point process models have been applied to this data set in the past ([18]). In a missing data setting, in order to validate our model it is important to have a “ground truth” data set. For this reason we limit our study to homicides within the data set. For other crimes recorded data is known to be incomplete ([15, 6]), but we assume that nearly every murder is observed. This allows us to create an incomplete data set by removing murders randomly while still maintaining a ground truth data set for validation.


Figure 3: MSE vs T using different loss functions in (3.6).  LX, L4X and L2X use the full data X while  L(4)Z,p and (2)use the missing data Z. Plots suggest that Taylor series truncations produce nearly identical results to complete loss functions.

The city is divided into 77 community areas and the community area where each murder occurred is recorded. The majority of these community areas experience few murders so we focus on the nine areas with the most murders since 2001. These areas form two clusters: one on the west side of the city and another on the south side. We discretize the events using one week bins, so  Xt,i = 1if a murder occurred in community area i during week t and  Xt,i = 0otherwise. This gives a data matrix  X ∈ {0, 1}9×918which we divide into a train set  Xtrain ∈ {0, 1}9×600containing the first 600 weeks in the period, and a test set Xtest ∈ {0, 1}9×318containing the final 318 weeks. We then create an incomplete data set Ztrain = W ⊙Xtrain where W ∈ {0, 1}9×318 contains independent realizations of a Bernoulli random variable with mean p = .75.

We learn parameters  νX ∈ R9and ˆAX ∈ R9×9using the training set  Xtrainand the full data likelihood  LX. We also learn parameters  νZ,ˆp ∈ R9and ˆAZ,ˆp ∈ R9×9using the incomplete train data  Ztrainand the missing data likelihood  L2Z,ˆp for various values of  ˆp.

We compare the log-likelihood of these parameters on the test set  Xtest. The results are shown in Figure 4. The missing data estimates perform nearly as well as the full data estimate when  ˆpis close to the true value of .75. Note that  L2Z,1 = L2X closely approximates the full data likelihood  LXand the hold out likelihood is substantially worse for  L2Z,1 compared to L2Z,ˆpfor  ˆpclose to .75. In other words, ignoring the missing data entirely gives a weaker estimate than applying the techniques this paper introduces, even when  ˆpis not a perfect estimate of p. Finally, observe that  LZ,ˆpis more robust to misspecification when  ˆp > pcompared to when  ˆp < p. This is a trend which also appears in Figure 2 and suggests there is value in using conservative estimates of the amount of missed data in practical applications.

Given estimates of A and p we can use density propagation to predict the likelihood of homicides during week n based on observed homicides up to week  n − 1. We do this for ˆAZ,.75learned from the incomplete data  Ztrainwith  ˆp = .75as well as  ˆAZ,1learned from Ztrainbut with  ˆp = 1, which corresponds to assuming there is no missing data. We use


Figure 4: Test performance on Chicago crime data. Log-likelihood of events on hold out set using full data with  LX(yellow) and partial data with  L2Z,ˆp for various values of  ˆp, where p = 0.75 (blue).For  ˆp near p, the proposed estimator performs nearly as well as an oracle estimator with full access to the missing data, and significantly better than a naive method that ignores the possibility of missing data.

particle filtering to construct estimates


These probabilities correspond to the likelihood of homicides during the nth week based on the observations over the first  n − 1weeks. We construct such estimates for each week in the 318 week test set. As expected ˆAZ,.75assigns higher likelihoods of homicides, with 960 expected homicides in total compared to  748 for ˆAZ,1. As a naive method of correcting for missing data, we divide  p(Xn = 1| ˆAZ,1, Z1, . . . Zn−1)by a constant scaling factor of 0.75 and report these likelihoods below; by doing this, we ensure that both predictions yield similar average numbers of homicides, so differences in performance between the proposed and naive estimator are not due to a simple difference in averages, but rather because the proposed method is capturing the underlying dynamics of the system.

Figure 5 displays these likelihoods for Community Area 25 (Austin) which has the largest number of homicides recorded during the test period. We use Gaussian smoothing to help visualize the trends. The top panel shows the predicted probability of events using ˆAZ,.75(in red) and the scaled predicted probability of events using  ˆAZ,1(in blue). The bottom panel shows the actual and incompletely observed events during the test period. The true events generally peak at times in which the predicted events for ˆAZ,.75peak. For example, both the predicted event and true event charts have peaks around weeks 60 and 210. In contrast, the predicted events for ˆAZ,1are nearly constant over time. Since it does not account for the missing data (except via a uniform scaling factor), the network ˆAZ,1is not able to capture the dynamics of the process and so it cannot predict events with as much precision as ˆAZ,.75.


Figure 5: Result of density propagation on Chicago crime data for Community Area 25 (Austin). After a training period used to estimate ˆAZ,.75(proposed estimator) and ˆAZ,1(naive estimator that doesn’t account for missing data), density propagation is run in subsequent test weeks to predict the likelihood of each community area having a homicide at time n based on observations up to time n − 1. The top panel shows the predicted likelihood of a homicide occurring in the Austin community area of Chicago. The network ˆAZ,.75 predicts 960total homicides in the nine community areas during the test period, compared to  748 for ˆAZ,1. The actual number of homicides was 1035. The bottom panel shows the true events as well as the partially observed events (after Gaussian smoothing used for visualization).

We propose a novel estimator for Bernoulli autoregressive models which accounts for partially-observed event data. This model can be used in a variety of contexts in which observed discrete event data exhibits autoregressive structure. We provide mean squared error bounds which suggest that our method can accurately capture a network’s structure in the presence of missing events. Simulations and a real data experiment show that our method yields significant improvement compared with ignoring the missed events and that our method is robust to misspecification of the proportion of missed events. The framework described in this paper suggests a strategy for addressing regression problems with corrupted data in other GLMs, although further work is needed to extend our theoretical analysis beyond binary observations.

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The supplementary material is organized as follows. In Section A we recall all the notation needed for the proofs. In Section B we restate the main statistical results from the paper and in Section C we provide proofs of these results. In Section D we state the optimization results and give proofs in Section E.

 LX(am) :negative log likelihood of complete data  X given mth row am.

 L(q)X (am): degree-qTaylor series approximation of  LX(am).

 LZ(am) :negative log likelihood of missing data  Z given mth row am. Loss function is unbiased in the sense that  E[LZ(am)|X] = LX(am).

 L(q)Z (am) degree-qTaylor series approximation of  LZ(am)

R(q)(am) = LX(am) − L(q)Z (am)

 B1,∞(1) = {A ∈ RM×M : ∥am∥1 ≤ 1 for all m}

p: fraction of data which is observed

 ρ: maxm ∥a∗m∥0

Finally, we introduce additional notation which will be helpful in the proofs of Lemmas B.4 and B.5. First let  Uddenote the set of all monomials of degree d. We represent an element  U ∈ Udas a list containing d elements. An element in the list corresponds to the index of a term in the monomial (the list can potentially have repeated elements). For an example, the monomial  x21x3can be represented as the list (1, 1, 3).

For a polynomial function h we let  cU,hdenote the coefficient of the monomial U in h. Finally we define the order of a list to denote the number of unique elements in the list, so |(1, 2)| = 2 whereas |(1, 1)| = 1.

Example Consider the function  h(x1, x2) = x21 + 4x1x2. Using all the notation above, we can decompose h as


where  U2 = {(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)}with corresponding coefficients  c(1,1),h = 1, c(1,2),h = 4and  c(2,2),h = 0.

Remark 1. We next make several observations by applying the notation above to functions which appear in the likelihoods  LXand  LZ. First, for a fixed t, m we decompose the following function as a sum of monomials:


and note that


We also have


and we similarly note that


Next consider the function g which appears in the missing data likelihood  LZ.


where  cU,g = cU,hp|U|. This observation will be important for our analysis because it allows us to leverage Equation A.1. Similarly we have


where  cU,∇am,j g =cU,∇am,j hp|U|allowing us to use Equation A.2.

Remark 2. Using an identical argument to Lemma B.4 one can show that for  am ∈B1(1), |LZ,p(am) − L(q)Z,p(am)| ≤ (pπ)−q. This implies that  limq→∞ L(q)Z,pconverges uni- formly on  B1(1)so that  LZ,p(am)is well defined on this ball. Moreover, it implies that limq→∞ E�|L(q)Z,p(am)|���X�converges and so


and  LZ,p(am)satisfies (3.1)

We assume  A∗ ∈ B1,∞(1) and p ≥ 1π. We take q ∈ N ∪ {∞}.

Theorem B.1 (Accuracy of  L(q)Z ). Suppose �A ∈ arg minA∈B1,∞(1) L(q)Z (A) + λ∥A∥1 where


for  T ≳ ρ2 log(MT)with probability at least  1 − 1T .

The proof of Theorem B.1 relies on the following supplementary lemmas.

Lemma B.2. Let  f(x) = log(1 + exp(x)). Then |f(q)(0)q! | ≲ 1qπq .

Lemma B.3 (Truncation error of  ∇LX). Suppose ∥am∥1 ≤ 1. Then


Lemma B.4 (Truncation Error of  ∇LZ). Suppose ∥am∥1 ≤ 1. Then


Lemma B.5.


with probability at least  1 − log(T)2MT 2 .

Lemma B.6.


with probability at least  1 − log(T)2MT 2 .

Lemma B.7. Let  ∥v∥2T = 1T�t(v⊤Xt)2 and ˜R = min(Rmin, 1−Rmax). For any v ∈ RM

we have




with probability at least  1 − 1M .

C.1 Proof of Theorem B.1


so by Lemma B.6


Part 2: Setting Up the Standard Equations The next several steps follow standard techniques for  ℓ1regularization in GLMs. Expanding  LXand using the substitution




Rearranging terms yields


Since f(x) = log(1 + exp(x)) is  σ-strongly convex on  [Rmin, Rmax]with  σ = Rmin(1+Rmin)2we can lower bound Equation (C.1) by σT�t(△⊤mXt)2. Also note


Using Theorem 2.2 in [12],��� 1T�t ϵt,mXt���∞ ≤ λ4 with probability at least  1 − 1MT . Apply-ing these observations to Equation (C.1) gives


and so


Restriction of  △m to ConeIt remains to lower bound 1T�t(△⊤mXt)2in terms of  ∥△m∥22.In order to do this we will rely heavily on the fact that  △mis not an arbitrary vector. Instead we show that  △mmust lie in a cone with important properties. In particular, returning to Equation (C.2) and observing that  0 ≤ 1T�t(△⊤mXt)2it follows that  ∥△m,Sc∥1 ≤


Restricted Eigenvalue Condition As mentioned in the previous section, our goal is to lower bound 1T�Tt=1(△⊤mXt)2. This is commonly referred to as a restricted eigenvalue condition in the literature, and it is closely related to the restricted strong convexity condition proved in Lemma D.2. In particular, Lemma B.7 guarantees that there exist universal constants  c1 and c2 such that


For arbitrary vectors this lower bound can be negative; however, by Equation (C.4)


for a universal constant c. Plugging this in to Equation (C.3) gives that


with probability  1 − 1T .

C.2 Proof of Lemma B.2

A computation shows that


where the A(q, m) are the Eulerian numbers. The alternating sum of the Eulerian numbers for fixed q can be given as


where  Bq is the qth Bernoulli number (see the derivation of Equation 4.8 in [7]). Thus �����f(q)(0)q!


C.3 Proof of Lemma B.3

For any j we have


where the last two lines use Lemma B.2 along with the fact that  ∥am∥1 ≤ 1.

C.4 Proof of Lemma B.4

Differentiating  LZ(am)with respect to  am,j gives


We first bound


which is the degree  d − 1term of  ∇jLZ(am). All the terms other than the  am,uin  gd(am)are always non-negative and  |U| ≤ d, so


We conclude that


|∇jLZ(am) − ∇jL(q)Z (am)|. This is the sum of the degree d terms of  ∇jLZ(am)for all d ≥ q. In other words,


as claimed.

C.5 Proof of Lemma B.5

We begin by bounding individual monomials of���∇Llog(T)Z (am) − ∇Llog(T)X (am)���∞. We then extend these individual bounds to bounds on the entire expression.

Bounding Individual Monomials Following the notation introduced in Section A a degree  d − 1monomial of  ∇jLlog(T)X (am)with index U is of the form


Meanwhile, the degree  d − 1monomial of  ∇jLlog(T)Z (am)with index U is of the form


The difference of these monomials is given by




We apply Hoeffding’s inequality to conclude that




with probability at least  1 − 2 exp(−2 log2(MT)).

Extension to Entire Expression We need to take a union bound so that this holds for all monomials of degree at most log(T). However, since  Zt,uand  Xt,uare binary random variables


whenever  v ∈ U.

Suppose we have shown that Equation (C.5) holds for all monomials of degree < d. Now to show it holds for all monomials of degree d we only need to show that (C.5) holds for all monomials of degree d that have d distinct terms. The remaining concentrations are already covered by the degree  d − 1monomials. There are�Md� ≤ Mdmonomials of degree d with d distinct terms. Hence we need to take a union bound over at most


monomials of degree  ≤ log(T) and so


We condition on this event and recall that  Ud−1denotes the set of all monomials of degree d−1. Using Equation (C.6), the difference between the degree  d−1 terms of ∇jLlog(T)X (am)and  ∇jLlog(T)Z (am)can be bounded by


Using Lemma B.2 and Equation A.2 along with the fact that  |U| ≤ d,


where the final inequality uses Lemma B.2. Thus we have the bound


with probability at least  1 − log(T)2MT 2 .

C.6 Proof of Lemma B.6


By Lemmas B.3 and B.4 the first two terms can be bounded by  max�(pπ)− log(T), (pπ)−q�

while by Lemma B.5 the final term can be bounded is


with probability at least  1 − log(T)2MT 2. We conclude that


with probability at least  1 − log(T)2MT 2as claimed.

C.7 Proof of Lemma B.7

We have


By Theorem 2.1 in [12],


Now we define the matrix  G ∈ RM×M as follows:


Note that each entry of G is a martingale and


Applying the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality we conclude that for any  m, m′


Overall we have concluded


with probability at least  1 − 1M . Combining Equations (C.7),(C.8) and (C.9) give the desired result.

The main result of this section is the following Theorem.

Theorem D.1. Suppose  A∗ ∈ B1,∞(1)and  ∥a∗m∥0 > 0for at least  MCrows of  A∗where C is a universal constant. Let ˜A ∈ B1,∞(1)be any stationary point of  L(q)Z (A) + λ∥A∥1where  λ ≍ log(MT)√T(pπ−1) + 1(pπ)q . Then


with probability at least  1 − log(T)T 2 .

In order to prove Theorem D.1 we need to introduce notions of Restricted Strong Convexity (RSC) and Restricted Smoothness (RSM) from [1]. To do this we first define the first order Taylor expansion to a function L:


Definition 3 (Restricted Strong Convexity). A loss function L satisfies the RSC condition with parameters  α, τ if


for all  v, w ∈ B1(1).

Definition 4 (Restricted Smoothness). A loss function L satisfies the RSM condition with parameters  α, τ if


for all  v, w ∈ B1(1).

Lemma D.2. The RSC and RSM conditions are satisfied for  L(q)Zwith constants  α = c1

and τ  = c2

universal constants.

Combining Lemma D.2 with Theorem 2 in [1] gives the following corollary.

Corollary D.3. Under the conditions of Theorem B.1, let  asmdenote the s’th iteration of projected gradient descent using the loss function  φ(am) = L(q)Z (am) − λ∥am∥1. There exists some S such that for all s > S we have


E.1 Proof of Lemma D.2

We begin by computing the first order Taylor approximation:

TL(q)Z (v, w)


We first handle term (1), which is the first order Taylor error for  LX. A computation shows that this is equal to


where again f(x) = log(1 + exp(x)). Since f is  σ-strongly convex on  [Rmin, Rmax]with σ = Rmin(1+Rmin)2we can lower bound term (1):


It remains to handle term (2) which is  TR(q)(v, w). By the mean value theorem there exists some  u ∈ B1(1)such that  R(q)(v) − R(q)(w) = ⟨∇R(q)(u), v − w⟩. Thus we can bound term (2) by


By Lemma B.6


with probability  1 − 2 log(T)MT 2. Combining this with our bounds on term 1 in Equations (E.1) and (E.2) gives the final result.

E.2 Proof of Theorem D.1


Since  �amis a stationary point it satisfies


Using this, along with the fact that  asm, �am ∈ B1(1)we get that


Using the RSC condition from Lemma D.2 we conclude


Finally we apply the statistical error bound on  ∥�am − a∗m∥22from Theorem B.1 along with the triangle inequality to conclude that


Summing over all m and assuming  ∥a∗m∥0 > 0for at least  MCvalues of m allows us to conclude that


To get the final form of the result, we recall that  As is the sth iteration of projected gradient descent run with an arbitrary initialization within  B1,∞(1). In particular, if we initialize  A0at a stationary point then  As = A0 which gives the final form of the Theorem.

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