
My stuff
Marginal Densities, Factor Graph Duality, and High-Temperature Series Expansions

We prove that the marginal densities of a global probability mass function in a primal normal factor graph and the corresponding marginal densities in the dual normal factor graph are related via local mappings. The mapping depends on the Fourier transform of the local factors of the models. Details of the mapping, including its fixed points, are derived for the Ising model, and then extended to the Potts model. By employing the mapping, we can transform simultaneously all the estimated marginal densities from one domain to the other, which is advantageous if estimating the marginals can be carried out more efficiently in the dual domain. An example of particular significance is the ferromagnetic Ising model in a positive external field, for which there is a rapidly mixing Markov chain (called the subgraphs-world process) to generate configurations in the dual normal factor graph of the model. Our numerical experiments illustrate that the proposed procedure can provide more accurate estimates of marginal densities in various settings.

In any probabilistic inference problem, one of the main objectives is to compute the local marginal densities of a global probability mass function (PMF). Such a computation in general require a summation with an exponential number of terms, which makes its exact computation intractable [Dagum and Luby, 1993].

Our approach for estimating marginal densities hinges

Proceedings of the 23rdInternational Conference on Artifi-cial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2020, Palermo, Italy. PMLR: Volume 108. Copyright 2020 by the author(s).

on the notions of the normal realization (in which there is an edge for every variable) [Forney, 2001], the normal factor graph (NFG), and the dual NFG. The NFG duality theorem states that the partition function of a primal NFG and the partition function of its dual are equal up to some known scale factor [Al-Bashabsheh and Mao, 2011, Forney, 2011]. It has been demonstrated that, in the low-temperature regime, Monte Carlo methods for estimating the partition function converge faster in the dual NFG than in the primal NFG of the two-dimensional (2D) Ising model [Molkaraie and Loeliger, 2013] and of the q-state Potts model [Al-Bashabsheh and Mao, 2014, Molkaraie and Gómez, 2018].

In this paper, we prove that marginal densities of a global PMF of a primal NFG and the corresponding marginals of the dual NFG are related via local mappings. Remarkably, the mapping is independent of the size of the model, of the topology of the graph, and of any assumptions on the parameters of the model.

Each marginal density can of course be expressed as a ratio of two partition functions. In non-homogeneous models, each ratio needs to be estimated separately via variational inference algorithms or via Monte Carlo methods. However, our proposed mapping allows a simultaneous transformation of estimated marginal densities from one domain to the other.

The mapping is practically advantageous if computing such estimates can be done more efficiently in the dual NFG than in the primal NFG. Indeed, for the ferromagnetic Ising model in a positive external field there is a rapidly mixing Markov chain (called the subgraphs-world process) to generate configurations in the dual NFG of the Ising model. As models, we mainly focus on binary models with symmetric pairwise interactions (e.g., the Ising model). However, we will briefly discuss extensions of the proposed mappings to non-binary models (e.g., the q-state Potts model).

Next, we will describe our models in the primal and in the dual domains.

Suppose variables  X1, X2, . . . , XNare associated with the vertices (sites) of a connected graph G = (V, E) with |V| = N vertices and |E| edges (bonds). Two variables (Xi, Xj) interact if their corresponding vertices are connected by an edge in G. Each variable takes values in A = Z/2Z, i.e., the set of integers modulo two. We will mainly view A as a group with respect to addition.

In the primal domain, the probability of a configura-tion x  ∈ ANis given by


Furthermore, we assume that each pairwise potential factor  ψi,j(·) is only a function of  yi,j = xi − xj. To lighten notations we denote the index pair (i, j) ∈ V2by a single index  e ∈ E. In the primal domain, we express the global probability mass function (PMF) as


Here, the normalization constant  Zpis the partition function,  {ψe : A → R≥0, e ∈ E}are the edge-weighing factors, and  {φv : A → R≥0, v ∈ V}are the vertex-weighing factors [Molkaraie, 2017, Forney, 2018].

The factorization in (2) can be represented by an NFG G = (V, E), where vertices represent the factors and edges represent the variables. The edge that represents some variable  yeis connected to the vertex representing the factor  ψe(·) if and only if  yeis an argument of  ψe(·). If a variable appears in more than two factors, it is replicated using an equality indicator factor [Forney, 2001].

For a 2D lattice, the NFG of (2) is depicted in Fig. 1, in which the unlabeled boxes represent  ψe(·), small unlabeled boxes represent  φv(·). In Fig. 1, boxes labeled “+” are instances of zero-sum indicator factors I+(·), which impose the constraint that all their incident variables sum to zero, and boxes labeled “=” are instances of equality indicator factors I=(·), which impose the constraint that all their incident variables are equal.

E.g., the equality indicator factor involving  x1, x′1,and x′′1is given by


and the zero-sum indicator factor involving  x1, x2,and y1is as in



Figure 1: Primal NFG of the factorization (2).

where  δ(·) is the Kronecker delta function. (Note that all arithmetic manipulations are modulo two.)

In the primal NFG, variables include X =  {Xv : v ∈V} and Y =  {Ye : e ∈ E}. However, these variables are not independent. Indeed, we can freely choose X and therefrom fully determine Y [Molkaraie and Gómez, 2018, Forney, 2018]. E.g., if we take G to be a d-dimensional lattice, we can compute each component  Yeof Y by adding two components of X that are incident to the corresponding zero-sum indicator factor (see Fig. 1).

The number of configurations in the primal domain is thus  |A|N, and


The Ising model can be easily formulated via (2). In an Ising model the energy of a configuration x is given by the Hamiltonian1


which can be expressed as


Here  Jeis the coupling parameter associated with the bond  e ∈ Eand  Hvis the external field at site  v ∈V. The model is called homogeneous if couplings are constant and ferromagnetic if  Je ≥0 for all  e ∈ E.


the Hamiltonian is H(x) = − �(i,j)∈E Ji,jxixj −�1≤i≤N Hixi.

The probability of x is given by the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution [Yeomans, 1992]


where  β ∈ R≥0denotes the inverse temperature.

From (7) and (8), it is straightforward to obtain the edge-weighing factors of the Ising model as


and the vertex-weighing factors as


The Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution in (8) can therefore be expressed via the factorization (2).

The dual NFG has the same topology as the primal NFG, but with factors replaced by the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or the inverse DFT of corresponding factors in the primal NFG.

We can obtain the dual NFG of our binary models by replacing factors by their one-dimensional (1D) DFT, equality indicator factors by zero-sum indicator factors, and zero-sum indicator factors by equality indicator factors [Al-Bashabsheh and Mao, 2011, Molkaraie and Loeliger, 2013, Molkaraie, 2016].

We will use the tilde symbol to denote variables in the dual NFG, which also take values in A.

The dual NFG of Fig. 1 is illustrated in Fig. 2, in which the unlabeled boxes represent ˜ψe : A → R, the 1D DFT of  ψe(·), given by


and for  v ∈ Vthe small unlabeled boxes are ˜φv : A →R, the 1D DFT of  φv(·), as in


The set of variables in the dual domain consist of ˜Y =  { ˜Ye : e ∈ E}and ˜X =  { ˜Xv : v ∈ V}. Again, these variables are not independent as we can freely choose ˜Y and therefrom fully determine ˜X. E.g., if we take G to be a d-dimensional lattice and assume periodic boundaries, each component ˜Xvof ˜X can be computed by adding 2d components of ˜Y that are incident to the corresponding zero-sum indicator factor (see Fig. 2).


Figure 2: The dual of the NFG in Fig. 1.

In the dual NFG, the number of configurations is  |A||E|, and its the partition function  Zdis given by


On condition that factors (11) and (12) are nonnegative, we can define the global PMF in the dual NFG as


The dual Ising model can be expressed via (14). Indeed


in agreement with (9) and (11), and


in agreement with (10) and (12).

If the model is ferromagnetic (i.e.,  Je ≥0 ) and in a nonnegative external field (i.e.,  Hv ≥0), factors (15) and (16) will be nonnegative. In this case, the global PMF of the dual Ising model is given by (14).

Throughout this paper, we assume that each edge connects two distinct vertices of the NFG (i.e., there are no dangling edges with one end attached to a vertex and the other end free). In this setting, according to the NFG duality theorem, the partition functions  Zpand  Zdare equal up to some scale factor  α(G). Indeed


where  α(G) only depends on the topology of G.

For more details, see [Al-Bashabsheh and Mao, 2011], [Molkaraie, 2017, Appendix],[Forney, 2018, Thm 8].

In [Jerrum and Sinclair, 1993], the authors proposed a rapidly mixing Markov chain (called the subgraphs-world process) which evaluates the partition function of an arbitrary ferromagnetic Ising model in a positive external field to any specified degree of accuracy.

The mixing time of the process is polynomial in the size of the model at all temperatures. Indeed, the expected running time of the generator of the subgraphs-world process is  O�|E|2N 8(log  δ−1+  |E|)�, where  δis the confidence parameter. For more details, see [Jerrum and Sinclair, 1993, Section 4].

The subgraphs-world process employs the following expansion of Z defined on the set of edges  W ⊆ Ein powers of tanh(H) and tanh(Je) as


where odd(W) denotes the set of all odd-degree vertices in the subgraph of E induced by W. The expansion (18) is known as the high-temperature series expansion of the partition function [Newell and Montroll, 1953, Yeomans, 1992, Grimmett and Janson, 2009].

Proposition 1. The configurations that arise in the high-temperature series expansion of the partition function (which are the configurations of the subgraphs-world process) coincide with the valid con-figurations in the dual NFG of the Ising model.

See [Molkaraie and Gómez, 2018, Section VIII] and [Forney, 2018, Section III-E] for the proof.

Following Proposition 1, we can employ the subgraphs-world process (as a generator for the subgraphs-world configurations) to generate configurations in the dual NFG of the Ising model. The process is rapidly mixing and therefore converges in polynomial time. However, under reasonable complexity assumptions, there is no generalization of this approximation scheme to the (nonbinary) Potts model or to spin glasses. For more details, see [Goldberg and Jerrum, 2012, Galanis et al., 2016].

Next, we will present local (edge-based) mappings that transform marginal densities from the dual NFG to the primal NFG, or vice versa. The mappings depend on the DFT of the local factors of the models.


. . .

Figure 3: The edge  e ∈ Ein the intermediate primal NFG (left) and in the intermediate dual NFG (right). The unlabeled box (left) represents (22) and the unlabeled box (right) represents (23).

The edge marginal PMF of  e ∈ Ein the primal NFG can be computed as






(21) Here,  Zp,e(a) ≥0 and  Zp = �a∈A Zp,e(a) = �a∈A ψe(a)Se(a), hence (19) is a valid PMF over A.

In coding theory terminology,  {ψe(a), a ∈ A}is called the intrinsic message vector and  {Se(a), a ∈ A}is called the extrinsic message vector at edge  e ∈ E. According to the sum-product message passing update rule, the edge marginal PMF vector is computed as the dot product of the intrinsic and extrinsic message vectors up to scale. The scale factor is equal to the partition function  Zp[Forney, 2001, Kschischang et al., 2001].

In our setup,  Se(a) is the partition function of an intermediate primal NFG with all factors as in the primal NFG, excluding the factor  ψe(ye), which is replaced by


Fig. 3 (left) shows the corresponding edge in the intermediate primal NFG. The intermediate dual NFG is shown in Fig. 3 (right), in which the factor ˜ψe(˜ye) is replaced by


which is the 1D DFT of (22). According to the NFG duality theorem (17), the partition function of the intermediate dual NFG is  α(G) · Se(a).




Proposition 2. The vectors  {Se(a), a ∈ A}and { ˜Se(a′), a′ ∈ A}are DFT pairs.

Proof. For  a ∈ A, the partition function of the intermediate dual NFG is the dot product of message vectors  {˜ξe(a′; a), a′ ∈ A}and { ˜Se(a′), a′ ∈ A}. Thus


which gives


which is an instance of the two-point DFT. ■

Proposition 3. The vectors  {πp,e(a)/ψe(a), a ∈ A}and  {πd,e(a′)/˜ψe(a′), a′ ∈ A}are DFT pairs.

Proof. From (19) and (21) we have


But (17), (24), and (25) yield


in matrix-vector format via the two-point DFT. By virtue of Proposition 3, it is possible to estimate edge marginal densities in one domain, and then transform them to the other domain all together. The mapping is fully local, and is independent of the size of the graph N and of the topology of G. (Indeed, the relevant information regarding the rest of the graph is incorporated in the estimated edge marginal densities.)

We state without proof that

Proposition 4. The vectors  {πp,v(a)/φv(a), a ∈ A}and  {πd,v(a′)/˜φv(a′), a′ ∈ A}are DFT pairs.

For the general Ising model substituting factors (9) and (15) in (32) yields


(33) for  βJe ̸= 0.

Let us consider a homogeneous and ferromagnetic Ising model. A straightforward calculation shows that the fixed points of the mapping (33) are given by


Fig. 4 shows the fixed points (34) as a function of  βJ.

Proposition 5. The min of  π∗p,e(0) and the max of π∗p,e(1) are attained at the criticality of the 2D homo- geneous Ising model without an external field.

Proof. In the thermodynamic limit (i.e., as  N → ∞) the 2D Ising model undergoes a phase transition at βJc= ln(1 +√2)/2 ≈ 0.44 [Onsager, 1944].

In the absence of an external field and for  βJ= 1, the Hamiltonian (7) can be expressed as


where  ye = xi − xjfor e = (i, j) ∈ E.


Figure 4: The fixed points (34) as a function of  βJ. The filled circles show the fixed points at criticality of the 2D Ising model given by (46).

The average energy is equal to


In the 2D Ising model with periodic boundaries |E| = 2N, thus the average energy per site is given by


From Onsager’s closed-form solution


and the average (internal) energy per site is given by


See [Onsager, 1944], [Baxter, 2007, Chapter 7] for more details.

A routine calculation shows that  κ(βJc) = 1, thus



Figure 5: For a ferromagnetic Ising model in a nonnegative external field, the solid black plot and the dashed blue plot show the lower bound on  πp,e(0), given by (47), and the lower bound on  πd,e(0), given by (48), as a function of  βJe, respectively. The lower bounds intersect at the criticality of the 2D homogeneous Ising model in zero field, denoted by  βJc.

which coincides with the min of  π∗p,e(0) and the max of  π∗p,e(1). We emphasize that in the 2D homogeneous Ising model in zero field and in the thermodynamic limit (i.e., as  N → ∞), edge marginal densities in the primal and dual domains are equal at criticality. ■

The fixed points  π∗p,e(0) and  π∗p,e(1) at criticality in (46) are illustrated by filled circles in Fig. 4.

Proposition 6. In an arbitrary ferromagnetic Ising model in a nonnegative external field, it holds that




Proof. Since the Ising model is ferromagnetic and in a nonnegative external field, we can define the global PMF  πd,e(·) in the dual domain as in (14). From (33), we have


We conclude from (50) that  πp,e(0) achieves its minimum when  πd,e(0) = 1. After substituting  πd,e(0) = 1 in (50), and after a little rearranging, we obtain


The proof of (48) follows along the same lines. ■


Figure 6: The fixed points (60) as a function of  βJfor different values of q. The filled circles show the fixed points at criticality of the 2D Potts model located at βJc= ln(1 + √q).

Proposition 6 is valid for arbitrary ferromagnetic Ising models in a nonnegative external magnetic field, i.e., the bonds do not depend on N (the size of the graphical model G) and on the topology of G.

Fig. 5 shows the lower bounds in (47) and (48) as a function of  βJe. The lower bounds intersect at  βJc, i.e., at the criticality of the 2D homogeneous Ising model in the absence of an external field.

Remark 1. From (47) and (48) we conclude that in an arbitrary ferromagnetic Ising model in a nonnegative external field


which is in the form of an uncertainty principle.

We briefly discuss extensions of our mapping to non-binary models, in particular to the q-state Potts model [Wu, 1982, Baxter, 2007]. Accordingly, we let A = Z/qZ for some integer  q ≥2. (The binary Ising model is recovered as the special case q = 2.)

In the absence of an external field, the Hamiltonian of the model is given by


From (8) and (54), we obtain that in the primal NFG


and in the dual NFG, factors are equal to the 1D DFT


Figure 7: Everything as in Fig. 6 but for  π∗p,e(1) in (61).

of (55) given by


which is nonnegative if the model is ferromagnetic (i.e.,  Je ≥0). See [Al-Bashabsheh and Mao, 2014, Molkaraie and Gómez, 2018] for more details on constructing the primal and the dual NFG of the Potts model, with or without an external field.

A straightforward generalization Proposition (3) gives the mapping between  {πp,e(a)/ψe(a), a ∈ A}and {πd,e(a′)/˜ψe(a′), a′ ∈ A}via  Wq = {wk,ℓ, k, ℓ ∈ A}

with  wk,ℓ = e

|A| kℓ, where  Wqis the q-point DFT matrix (i.e., the Vandermonde matrix for the roots of unity) and i = √−1 (see [Bracewell, 1999]).

However, due to symmetry in the factors of the primal (55) and the dual Potts model (56), we have




Thus, e.g., for q = 3, the mapping yields


which is real-valued.

For a homogeneous and ferromagnetic q-state Potts model, the fixed points are given by




for t  ∈ {1, 2, . . ., q  − 1}.

Figs. 6 and 7 show the fixed point (60) and (61) as a function of  βJ. Like the Ising model, the minimum of  π∗p,e(0) is attained at the criticality of the 2D Potts model located at  βJc= ln(1 + √q) [Wu, 1982].

It is easy to show that at criticality and in the manycomponent limit (i.e., as  q → ∞), we have


Remark 2. Transforming marginals from one domain to the other requires a matrix-vector multiplication with computational complexity  O(|A|2). However, when there is symmetry in the factors, as in (9) and (55), the complexity can be reduced to O(|A|).

Remark 3. In binary models, factors in the dual NFG can in general take negative values, and in nonbinary models, the factors can be complex-valued. In such cases a valid PMF can no longer be defined in the dual domain. The mappings remain nevertheless valid; but for marginal functions (instead of marginal densities) of a global function with a factorization given by (14).

In both domains estimates of marginal densities can be obtained via Monte Carlo methods or via variational algorithms [Robert and Casella, 2004, Murphy, 2012]. We only consider the subgraphs-world process (SWP) and two variational algorithms, the belief propagation (BP) and the tree expectation propagation (TEP), for the Ising model. Estimated marginals in the dual domain are then transformed all together to the primal domain via (32) and(59). In all experiments, the exact marginal densities are computed via the junction tree algorithm implemented in [Mooij, 2010].

The choice of methods and the models is far from exhaustive – our goal is to show the advantage of using the mappings in approximating marginal densities in similar settings.

In our first experiment, we consider a 2D homogeneous Ising model, in a constant external field  βH= 0.15, with periodic boundaries, and with size N = 6  ×6. For this model, BP and TEP in the primal and in the dual domains give virtually indistinguishable approximations. We also apply SWP using 105samples. Fig. 8 shows the relative error in estimating  πp,e(0) as a function of  βJ, where SWP (which operates in the dual NFG) gives good estimates in the whole range.

Compared to variational algorithms, convergence of the SWP is slow; moreover, SWP is only applicable


0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 10−6


Figure 8: Relative error as a function of  βJin estimating  πp,e(0) of a homogeneous Ising model in a constant external field  βH= 0.15, with periodic boundaries, and with size N = 6  ×6.

to ferromagnetic Ising models in a positive field. (Indeed, in order to have an irreducible Markov chain in the SWP the external field needs to be nonzero [Welsh, 1993, Chapter 8]). In the rest of the experiments, we consider Ising models in the absence of an external field, and only compare the efficiency of variational algorithms employed in the primal and in the dual domains.

In the second experiment, we consider a 2D Ising model with size N = 6  ×6 and with periodic boundaries. Couplings are chosen randomly according to a half-normal distribution, i.e.,  βJe = |βJ′e|with βJ′ei.i.d.∼ N(0, σ2). Fig. 9 shows the average relative error in estimating the marginal density  πp,e(0) as a function of  σ2, where the results are averaged over 200 independent realizations. We consider a fully-connected Ising model with N = 10 in our last experiment. Couplings are chosen randomly according to  βJei.i.d.∼ U[0.05, βJx], i.e., uniformly between 0.05 and  βJxdenoted by the x-axis. The average relative error over 50 independent realizations is illustrated in Fig. 10.

In both experiments, BP and TEP provide close approximations in the dual domain, therefore only BP results are reported. Figs. 9 and 10 show that for σ2 > 0.25 and  βJx > 0.20, BP in the dual NFG can significantly improve the quality of estimates – even by more than two orders of magnitude in terms of relative error.

We proved that marginals densities of a primal NFG and the corresponding marginal densities of its dual NFG are related via local mappings. The mapping provides a simple procedure to transform simultaneously


0.05 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.65 1.85 10−5


Figure 9: Average relative error in estimating  πp,e(0) of an Ising model with periodic boundaries and with size N = 6  ×6. Couplings are chosen randomly according to a half-normal distribution with variance  σ2.


0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 10−5


Figure 10: Average relative error in estimating  πp,e(0) in a fully-connected Ising model with N = 10. Coupling parameters are chosen uniformly and independently between 0.05 and  βJxdenoted by the x-axis.

the estimated marginals from one domain to the other. Furthermore, the mapping relies on no assumptions on the size or on the topology of the graphical model. Our numerical experiments show that estimating the marginals in the dual NFG can sometimes significantly improve the quality of approximations in terms of relative error. In the special case of the ferromagnetic Ising model in a positive external field, there is indeed a rapidly mixing Markov chain (the subgraphs-world process) to generate configurations in the dual domain.

The author is extremely grateful to G. D. Forney, Jr., for his comments and for his continued support. The author also wishes to thank J. Dauwels, P. Vontobel, V. Gómez, and B. Ghojogh for their comments.

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