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2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA: two variant 2DPCA algorithms based on none L2 norm

In this paper, two novel methods: 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA are proposed for face recognition. Compared to the traditional 2DPCA algorithm, 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA are based on the R1norm and L1norm, respectively. The advantage of these proposed methods is they are less sensitive to outliers. These proposed methods are tested on the ORL, YALE and XM2VTS databases and the performance of the related methods is compared experimentally.


Feature extraction by dimensionality reduction is a critical step in pattern recognition. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a classic method for dimensionality reduction in the field of face recognition, which was proposed by Turk and Pentland in Ref. 1. Yang et al.2 presented two-dimensional PCA (2DPCA) to improve the efficiency of feature extraction, in which image matrices were used directly. Two-dimensional weighted PCA (2DWPCA) was developed in Ref. 3 to improve the performance of 2DPCA. The complete 2DPCA method was presented in Ref. 4 to reduce the feature coefficients needed for face recognition compared to 2DPCA. In kernel PCA (KPCA),5 samples were mapped into a high dimensional and linearly separable kernel space and then PCA was employed for feature extraction. Chen et al.6 presented a pattern classification method based on PCA and KPCA (kernel principal component analysis), in which within-class auxiliary training samples were used to improve the performance. Liu et al.7 proposed a 2DECA method, in which features are selected in 2DPCA subspace based on the Renyi entropy contribution instead of cumulative variance contribution. Moreover, some approaches based on linear

discriminant analysis (LDA) were explored.810

Contrast to the above L2norm based methods, Kwak11 developed L1-PCA by using L1 norm.Ding et al.12 proposed a rotational invariant L1norm PCA (R1-PCA). These none L2norm based algorithms are less sensitive to the presence of outliers.

In this paper we propose 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA algorithms for face recognition by utilizing the advantages of L1norm method and 2DPCA. Instead of using image vectors in R1-PCAand L1-PCA, we use image matrices in 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA directly for features extraction. Compared to the 1-D methods, the corresponding 2-D methods have two main advantages: higher efficiency and recognition accuracy. We extend R1-PCA and L1-PCA to their two dimensional case and the 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA methods are proposed.

This paper is organized as follows: We give a brief introduction to the R1-PCA and L1-PCAalgorithms in Section 2. In Section 3, the 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA algorithms are proposed. In Section 4, the mentioned methods are compared through experiments. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

In this paper, we use  X = [x1, x2, x3, . . . , xi, . . . , xn]to denote the training set of 1-D methods, where  xi is a d-dimensional vector.

2.1 R1-PCA

R1-PCA algorithm tries to find a subspace by minimizing the following error function


where W is the projection matrix, V is defined as  V = W TX, and ∥ · ∥R1denotes the R1 norm,

which is defined as


In R1-PCA algorithm, the training set X should be centered, i.e.,xi = xi − ¯x, where ¯x is themean vector of X, which is given by  ¯x = 1n�ni=1 xi.

The principal eigenvectors of the R1-covariance matrix is the solution to R1-PCA algorithm.

The weighted version of R1-covariance matrix is defined as


The weight has many forms of definitions. For the Cauchy robust function, the weight is


The basic idea of R1-PCA is starting with an initial guess  W (0) and then iterate W with the

following equations until convergence


The concrete algorithm is given in Algorithm 1.


2.2 L1-PCA

The L1norm is used in L1-PCA for minimizing the following error function


where W is the projection matrix, V is defined as  V = W TX, and ∥ · ∥L1denotes the L1 norm,

which is defined as


In order to obtain a subspace with the property of robust to outliers and invariant to rotations,

the L1norm is adopted to maximize the following equation


It is difficult to solve the multidimensional version. Instead of using projection matrix W, a

column vector w is used in equation (8) and the following equation is obtained


Then a greedy search method is used for solving (9), which is summarized in Algorithm 2.


One best feature is extracted by the above algorithm. In order to obtain a k dimensional projection matrix instead of a vector, an algorithm based on the greedy search method is given as



For j = 1 to k



In 2-D methods,  F = [F1, F2, F3, · · · , Fi, · · · , Fn]is used to denote the training set, where  Fi is ar × n′ matrix.

3.1 2DR1-PCA

In this paper we propose 2DR1-PCA algorithm, in which we iterate the projection matrix W with an initial matrix  W 0 until convergence.

First, the training set F is centered, i.e.,  Fi = Fi − ¯F, where ¯Fis the mean matrix of F, defined


The R1covariance matrix is defined as


The Cauchy weight is defined as


The residue  siis defined as


After obtaining the eigenvectors of  Cr, the iterative formula is similar to which used in the


The 2DR1-PCA algorithm is outlined in Algorithm 3.


3.2 2DL1-PCA

Compared to L1-PCA, in the two dimensional case we want to find a column vector to solve the

following problem


In fact,  wTFis a row vector. The number of maximum absolute value in a vector contributes most to its L1norm. Assume that the column index of the maximum absolute value in  wTF is i,we can calculate  w∗ by the ith column of  Fi. The 2DL1-PCA algorithm is given in Algorithm 4.

Then we can obtain a k dimensional projection matrix from the following algorithm.



For j = 1 to k



Three databases: ORL, Yale and XM2VTS are used to test methods mentioned above. The recognition accuracy and running time of extracting features are recorded.

The ORL database contains face images from 40 different people and each person has 10 images, the resolution of which is 92×112. Variation of expression (smile or not) and face details (wear a glass or not) are contained in the ORL database images. In the following experiments, 5 images are selected as the training samples and the rest are selected as the test samples.

The Yale database is provided by Yale University. This database contains face images from 15 different people and each has 11 images. The resolution of Yale database images is 160×121. Inthe following experiments, 6 images are selected as the training samples and the rest are selected as the test samples.

The XM2VTS13 database offers synchronized video and speech data as well as image sequences allowing multiple view of the face. It contains frontal face images taken of 295 subjects at one month intervals taken over a period of few months. The resolution of XM2VTS is 55×51. Inthe following experiments, 4 images are selected as the training samples and the rest are selected as the test samples.

4.1 R1-PCA and 2DR1-PCA

The experimental results of R1-PCA and 2DR1-PCA are shown in Table 1, and the number of iterations of R1-PCA and 2DR1-PCA is 120.

Table 1 Experimental results of R1-PCA and 2DR1-PCA


The initial projection matrix  W 0 is obtained by PCA (2DPCA) at the beginning of R1-PCA(2DR1-PCA). The final projection matrix W is obtained by an iterative method starting with  W 0.As a result of the iteration, the computational complexity is high. Meanwhile, they have nearly the same recognition accuracy.

In the experiment of R1-PCA algorithm tested on the ORL database, the convergence process is shown in Fig. 1 (a), in which the y-coordinate denotes the norm of projection matrix and the x-coordinate denotes the number of iterations. The norm of a projection matrix is used to observe its convergent process. After iterating at least 100 times the projection matrix W converges. As a comparison, 2DR1-PCA just needs less than 30 iteration to obtain a convergent projection matrix, which is shown in Fig. 1 (b). Image matrices used in 2DR1-PCA leads to a faster convergence.


Fig 1 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the ORL database. (a) R1-PCA. (b) 2DR1-PCA.

The convergence illustration tested on the Yale database is shown in Fig. 2. The convergent speed of R1-PCA is similar to that of 2DR1-PCA. In the experiment tested on the XM2VTS database, the convergent speed of 2DR1-PCA is much faster than that of R1-PCA shown in Fig. 3. In other words, the efficiency of 2DR1-PCA is higher than that of R1-PCA.


Fig 2 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the Yale database. (a) R1-PCA. (b) 2DR1-PCA.


Fig 3 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the XM2VTS database. (a) R1-PCA. (b) 2DR1-PCA.

4.2 L1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA

The experimental results of L1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Experimental results of L1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA


From Table 2 we can see that the performance of 2DL1-PCA is better than that of L1-PCA andPCA. In 2DL1-PCA, image matrices are used directly for feature extraction. Features extracted by 2DL1-PCA is less than features extracted by L1-PCA.

We implement another experiment on the ORL database. Different number of features is extracted by PCA, L1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA, respectively. Then these features are used for face recognition. The experimental result is shown in Fig. 4, from which we can see that less features extracted by 2DL1-PCA achieves a higher recognition accuracy.


Fig 4 Recognition accuracy versus different number of features on the ORL database.

In this paper we proposed 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA for face recognition. We extend R1-PCAand L1-PCA to their 2-D case so that image matrices could be directly used for feature extraction. Compared to the L2norm based methods, these L1norm based methods are less sensitive to outliers. We analyze the performance of 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA against R1-PCA and L1-PCA algorithms based on experiments. The experimental results show that the performance of 2DR1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA is better than that of R1-PCA and L1-PCA, respectively.

This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.61672265 and U1836218) and the 111 Project of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No.


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List of Figures

1 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the ORL database. (a) R1-


2 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the Yale database. (a) R1-


3 The convergence illustration of iterating 120 times on the XM2VTS database. (a)


4 Recognition accuracy versus different number of features on the ORL database.

List of Tables

1 Experimental results of R1-PCA and 2DR1-PCA

2 Experimental results of L1-PCA and 2DL1-PCA

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