
My stuff
A Measure-Theoretic Approach to Kernel Conditional Mean Embeddings

We present a new operator-free, measure-theoretic definition of the conditional mean embedding as a random variable taking values in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. While the kernel mean embedding of marginal distributions has been defined rigorously, the existing operator-based approach of the conditional version lacks a rigorous definition, and depends on strong assumptions that hinder its analysis. Our definition does not impose any of the assumptions that the operator-based counterpart requires. We derive a natural regression interpretation to obtain empirical estimates, and provide a thorough analysis of its properties, including universal consistency. As natural by-products, we obtain the conditional analogues of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion, and demonstrate their behaviour via simulations.

The idea of embedding probability distributions into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), a space associated to a positive definite kernel, has received a lot of attention in the past decades [Berlinet and Thomas-Agnan, 2004, Smola et al., 2007], and has found a wealth of successful applications, such as independence testing [Gretton et al., 2008], two-sample testing [Gretton et al., 2012], learning on distributions [Muandet et al., 2012, Lopez-Paz et al., 2015, Szabó et al., 2016], goodness-of-fit testing [Chwialkowski et al., 2016, Liu et al., 2016] and probabilistic programming [Schölkopf et al., 2015, Simon-Gabriel et al., 2016], among others – see review by Muandet et al. [2017]. It extends the idea of kernelising linear methods by embedding data points into high- (and often infinite-)dimensional RKHSs, which has been applied, for example, in ridge regression, spectral clustering, support vector machines and principal component analysis among others [Scholkopf and Smola, 2001, Hofmann et al., 2008, Christmann and Steinwart, 2008].

Conditional distributions can also be embedded into RKHSs in a similar manner [Song et al., 2013],[Muandet et al., 2017, Chapter 4]. Compared to marginal distributions, conditional distributions can represent more complicated relations between several random variables, and therefore conditional mean embeddings (CMEs) have the potential to unlock the whole arsenal of kernel mean embeddings to a much wider setting. Indeed, conditional mean embeddings have been applied successfully to dynamical systems [Song et al., 2009], inference on graphical models via belief propagation [Song et al., 2010], probabilistic inference via kernel sum and product rules [Song et al., 2013], reinforcement learning [Grünewälder et al., 2012b, Nishiyama et al., 2012], kernelising the Bayes rule and applying it to nonparametric state-space models [Fukumizu et al., 2013] and causal inference [Mitrovic et al., 2018] to name a few.

Despite such progress, the current prevalent definition of the conditional mean embedding based on composing cross-covariance operators [Song et al., 2009] relies on some stringent assumptions, which are often violated and hinder its analysis. Klebanov et al. [2019] recently attempted to clarify and weaken some of these assumptions, but strong and hard-to-verify conditions still persist. Grünewälder et al. [2012a] provided a regression interpretation, but here, only the existence of the CME is shown, without an explicit expression. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a theoretically rigorous, operator-free definition of the CME that requires drastically weaker assumptions, and comes in an explicit expression. We believe this will enable a more principled analysis of its theoretical properties, and open doors to new application areas. We derive the empirical estimate based on vector-valued RKHS regression, and provide an in-depth analysis of its properties, including a universal consistency result of rate  O(n−1/2). In particular, we relax the assumption of Grünewälder et al. [2012a] to allow for infinite-dimensional RKHSs.

As natural by-products, we obtain quantities that are extensions of the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) and the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) to the conditional setting, which we call the Maximum Conditional Mean Discrepancy (MCMD) and the Hilbert-Schmidt Conditional Independence Criterion (HSCIC). We demonstrate their properties through simulation experiments.

All proofs can be found in Appendix C.

We take  (Ω, F, P)as the underlying probability space. Let (X, X), (Y, Y) and (Z, Z) be separable measurable spaces, and let  X : Ω → X, Y : Ω → Y and Z : Ω → Zbe random variables with distributions  PX, PY and PZ. We will use Z as the conditioning variable throughout.

2.1 Positive Definite Kernels and RKHS Embeddings

Let  HXbe a vector space of real-valued functions on X, endowed with the structure of a Hilbert space via an inner product  ⟨·, ·⟩HX. A symmetric function  kX : X × X → Ris a reproducing kernel of  HXif and only if: 1.  ∀x ∈ X, kX (x, ·) ∈ HX; 2.  ∀x ∈ Xand  ∀f ∈ HX , f(x) = ⟨f, kX (x, ·)⟩HX. A Hilbert space of real-valued functions which possesses a reproducing kernel is called a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) [Berlinet and Thomas-Agnan, 2004]. A symmetric function  kX : X × X → R is apositive-definite function if its Gram matrix is positive definite. The Moore-Aronszajn Theorem [Aronszajn, 1950] shows that the set of positive-definite functions and the set of reproducing kernels on  X × Xare in fact identical.


�X kX (x, ·)dPX(x). Note that the integrand  kX (x, ·)is an element in a Hilbert space (and therefore a Banach space), so this integral is not a Lebesgue integral, but a Bochner integral [Dinculeanu, 2000, p.15, Definition 35]. The square-root integrability assumption ensures that  kX (X, ·)is indeed Bochner-integrable. We will generalise the following lemma to


Next, suppose  HYis an RKHS of functions on Y with kernel  kY, and consider the tensor product RKHS  HX ⊗ HY(see Weidmann [1980, pp.47-48] for a definition of tensor product Hilbert spaces).

Theorem 2.2 (Berlinet and Thomas-Agnan [2004, p.31, Theorem 13]). The tensor product  HX ⊗ HYis generated by the functions  f ⊗ g : X × Y → R, with  f ∈ HXand  g ∈ HYdefined by  (f ⊗ g)(x, y) = f(x)g(y). Moreover, HX ⊗ HYis an RKHS of functions on  X × Ywith kernel  (kX ⊗ kY)((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = kX (x1, x2)kY(y1, y2).

Now let us impose a slightly stronger integrability condition:


As a consequence, for any pair  f ∈ HX and g ∈ HY, we have:


There exists an isometric isomorphism  Φ : HX ⊗ HY → HS(HX , HY), where HS(HX , HY)is the space of HilbertSchmidt operators from  HXto  HY. The cross-covariance operator is defined as  CYX := Φ(µPXY − µPX ⊗ µPY )[Fukumizu et al., 2004]. It is straightforward to show that  ⟨g, CYX f⟩HY = CovXY [f(X), g(Y )].

The notion of characteristic kernels is essential, since it tells us that the associated RKHSs are rich enough to enable us to distinguish different distributions from their embeddings.

Definition 2.4 (Fukumizu et al. [2008]). A positive definite kernel  kXis characteristic to a set P of probability measures defined on X if the map  P → HX : PX �→ µPXis injective.

Sriperumbudur et al. [2010] discuss various characterisations of characteristic kernels and show that the well-known Gaussian and Laplacian kernels are characteristic. We then have a metric on  P via ∥µPX − µPX′ ∥HX for PX, PX′ ∈ P,which goes by the name maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) [Gretton et al., 2007].

The HSIC is defined as the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of  CYX, or equivalently,  ∥µPXY − µPX ⊗ µPY ∥HX ⊗HY[Gretton et al., 2005], i.e. the MMD between  PXYand  PXPY. If  kX ⊗ kYis characteristic, then HSIC = 0 if and only if X ⊥⊥ Y .

2.2 Conditioning

In this subsection, we briefly review the concept of conditioning in the formal measure-theoretic probability theory, in the context of Banach space-valued random variables. We consider a sub-σ-algebra E of Fand a Banach space H.

Definition 2.5 (Conditional Expectation, Dinculeanu [2000, p.45, Definition 38]). Suppose H is a Bochner P-integrable, H-valued random variable. Then the conditional expectation of H given E is any E-measurable, Bochner P-integrable, H-valued random variable  H′ such that�A HdP =�A H′dP for all A ∈ E. Any H′satisfying this condition is said to be a version of E[H | E]. We write E[H | Z] to mean  E[H | σ(Z)], where  σ(Z)is the sub-σ-algebra of F generated by the random variable Z.

The (almost sure) uniqueness of the conditional expectation is shown in Dinculeanu [2000, p.44, Proposition 37], and the existence in Dinculeanu [2000, pp.45-46, Theorems 39 and 50]. Definition 2.6 (Çınlar [2011, p.149]). For each  A ∈ F, theconditional probability of  A given E is P(A|E) = E[1A|E].

Note that, in the unconditional case, the expectation is defined as the integral with respect to the measure, but in the conditional case, the expectation is defined first, and the measure is defined as the expectation of the indicator function.

For this definition of conditional probability to be useful, we require an additional property, called a “regular version”. We first define the transition probability kernel2.

Definition 2.7 (Çınlar [2011, p.37,40]). Let  (Ωi, Fi), i = 1, 2be measurable spaces. A mapping  K : Ω1×F2 → [0, ∞]is a transition kernel from  (Ω1, F1)to  (Ω2, F2)if (i)  ∀B ∈ F2, ω �→ K(ω, B)is  F1-measurable; (ii)  ∀ω ∈ Ω1, B �→ K(ω, B)is a measure on  (Ω2, F2). If K(ω, Ω2) = 1 ∀ω ∈ Ω1, Kis said to be a transition probability kernel.

Definition 2.8 (Çınlar [2011, p.150, Definition 2.4]). For each  A ∈ F, let Q(A) be a version of  P(A|E) = E[1A|E]. Then  Q : (ω, A) �→ Qω(A)is said to be a regular version of the conditional probability measure  P(· | E)if Q is a transition probability kernel from  (Ω, E) to (Ω, F).

The following theorem, proved in Appendix C, is the reason why a regular version is important. It means that, roughly speaking, the conditional expectation is indeed obtained by integration with respect to the conditional measure.

Theorem 2.9 (Adapted from Çınlar [2011, p.150, Proposition 2.5]). Suppose that  P(· | E)admits a regular version Q. Then  QH : Ω → H with ω �→ QωH =�Ω H(ω′)Qω(dω′)is a version of E[H | E] for every Bochner P-integrable H.

Next, we define the conditional distribution.

Definition 2.10 (Çınlar [2011, p.151]). Let X be a random variable taking values in a measurable space (X, X). Then the conditional distribution of X given E is any transition probability kernel  L : (ω, B) �→ Lω(B)from  (Ω, F)to (X, X) such that, for all  B ∈ X and all ω ∈ Ω, P(X ∈ B | E)(ω) = E[1B{X} | E](ω) = Lω(B).

If  P(· | E)has a regular version Q, then letting


for  ω ∈ Ω, B ∈ Xdefines a version  PX|Zof the conditional distribution of X given  σ(Z). Unfortunately, a regular version of a conditional probability measure does not always exist. Also, it is not guaranteed that any version of the conditional distribution exists. The following definition and theorem tell us that, fortunately, these versions exist more often than not.

Definition 2.11 (Çınlar [2011, p.11]). A measurable space (E, E) is standard if it is isomorphic to  (F, BF ), where Fis some Borel subset of  R and BFis the Borel  σ-algebra of F.

Theorem 2.12 (Çınlar [2011, p.151, Theorem 2.10]). If (X, X) is a standard measurable space, then there exists a version of the conditional distribution of X given E. In particular, if  (Ω, F)is a standard measurable space, then the conditional measure  P(· | E)has a regular version.

Examples of standard measurable spaces include  R, Rdand  R∞with their respective Borel  σ-algebras, complete separable metric spaces with their Borel  σ-algebra, Polish spaces with their Borel  σ-algebras, separable Banach spaces with their Borel  σ-algebras and separable Hilbert spaces with their Borel  σ-algebras.

2.3 Vector-Valued RKHS Regression

In this subsection, we introduce the theory of vector-valued RKHS regression, based on operator-valued kernels. Let H be a Hilbert space, which will be the output space of regression.

Definition 2.13 (Carmeli et al. [2006, Definition 1]). An H-valued RKHS on Z is a Hilbert space G such that 1. the elements of G are functions  Z → H; 2. ∀z ∈ Zthere exists  Cz > 0 such that ∥F(z)∥H ≤ Cz∥F∥G for all F ∈ G.


Analogously to the scalar case, it can be shown that any H-valued RKHS G possesses a reproducing kernel, which is an H-kernel of positive type  Γsatisfying, for any  z, z′ ∈ Z, h, h′ ∈ Hand  F ∈ G, ⟨F(z), h⟩H = ⟨F, Γ(·, z)h⟩Gand ⟨h, Γ(z, z′)(h′)⟩H = ⟨Γ(·, z)(h), Γ(·, z′)(h′)⟩G. There is also an analogy of the Moore-Aronszajn Theorem:

Theorem 2.15 (Carmeli et al. [2006, Proposition 1]). Given an H-kernel of positive type  Γ : Z × Z → L(H), there isa unique H-valued RKHS G on Z with reproducing kernel  Γ.

Now suppose we want to perform regression with input space Z and output space H, by minimising the following regularised loss functional:


where  λ > 0is a regularisation parameter and  {(zj, hj) : j = 1, ..., n} ⊆ Z × H. There is a corresponding representer theorem:

Theorem 2.16 (Micchelli and Pontil [2005, Theorem 4.1]). If ˆFminimises (4) in G, it is unique and has the form ˆF = �nj=1 Γ(·, zj)(uj)where the coefficients  {uj : j = 1, ..., n} ⊆ Hare the unique solution of the linear equations �nl=1(Γ(zj, zl) + nλδjl)(ul) = hj, j = 1, ..., n.

We are now ready to introduce a formal definition of the conditional mean embedding of X given Z. Definition 3.1 (Conditional Mean Embedding (CME)). We define the conditional mean embedding of X given Z as µPX|Z := EX|Z[kX (X, ·) | Z].

This is a direct extension of the marginal kernel mean embedding,  µPX = EX[kX (X, ·)], but instead of being a fixed element in  HX , µPX|Z is a Z-measurable random variable taking values in  HX(see Definition 2.5). Also, for  f ∈ HX ,EX|Z[f(X) | Z]is a real-valued Z-measurable random variable. The following lemma is analogous to Lemma 2.1. Lemma 3.2. Suppose  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then for any  f ∈ HX ,


By Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, for any pair  f ∈ HX and g ∈ HY,


almost surely. Hence, we define the conditional cross-covariance operator as  CY X|Z := Φ(µPXY |Z − µPX|Z ⊗ µPY |Z)(see Section 2.1 for the definition of  Φ).

3.1 Comparison with Existing Definitions

As previously mentioned, the idea of CMEs and conditional cross-covariance operators is not a novel one, yet our development of the theory and definitions above differ significantly from the existing works. In this subsection, we review the previous approaches and compare them to ours.

The prevalent definition of CMEs in the literature is the one given in the following definition. We first need to endow the conditioning space Z with a scalar kernel, say  kZ : Z × Z → R, with corresponding RKHS  HZ.

Definition 3.4 (Song et al. [2009, Definition 3]). The conditional mean embedding of the conditional distribution P(X | Z) is the operator  UX|Z : HZ → HXdefined by  UX|Z = CXZC−1ZZ, where  CXZand  CZZare unconditional (cross-)covariance operators as defined in Section 2.1.

As noted by Song et al. [2009], the motivation for this comes from Theorem 2 in the appendix of Fukumizu et al. [2004], which states that if  EX|Z[f(X) | Z = ·] ∈ HZ, then for any  f ∈ HX , CZZEX|Z[f(X) | Z = ·] = CZX f. This relation can be used to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.5 (Song et al. [2009, Theorem 4]). Take any  f ∈ HX. Then assuming  EX|Z[f(X) | Z = ·] ∈ HZ, UX|Zsatisfies: 1.  µX|z := EX|z[kX (X, ·) | Z = z] = UX|ZkZ(z, ·); 2. EX|z[f(X) | Z = z] = ⟨f, µX|z⟩HX .

Now we highlight the key differences between this approach and ours. Firstly, this approach requires the endowment of a kernel  kZon the conditioning space Z, and subsequently defines the CME as an operator from  HZto  HX. By contrast, our definition did not consider any kernel or function on Z, and defined the CME as a Bochner conditional expectation given  σ(Z), i.e. a Z-measurable,  HX-valued random variable. It seems more logical not to have to endow the conditioning space with a kernel, at least before the estimation stage. Secondly, the operator-based approach assumes that  EX|Z[f(X) | Z = ·], as a function in z, lives in  HZ. This is a severe restriction; it is stated in Song et al. [2009] that this assumption, while true for finite domains with characteristic kernels, is not necessarily true for continuous domains, and Fukumizu et al. [2013] gives a simple counterexample using the Gaussian kernel. Lastly, it also assumes that  C−1ZZ exists, which is another severe restriction. Fukumizu et al. [2013] mentions that this assumption is too strong in many situations involving popular kernels, and gives a counterexample using the Gaussian kernel. The most common remedy is to resort to the regularised version  CXZ(CZZ +λI)−1 and treat it as an approximation of  UX|Z.These assumptions have been clarified and slightly weakened in Klebanov et al. [2019], but strong and hard-to-verify conditions persist.

In contrast, our definitions extend the notions of kernel mean embedding, expectation operator and cross-covariance operator to the conditional setting simply by using the formal definition of conditional expectations (Definition 2.5), and only rely on the mild assumption that the conditional probability measure  P(· | Z)admits a regular version.

Grünewälder et al. [2012a] gave a regression interpretation, by showing the existence, for each  z ∈ Z, of µ(z) ∈ HX thatsatisfies  E[h(X) | Z = z] = ⟨h, µ(z)⟩HX. However, the main drawback here is that there is no explicit expression for µ(z), limiting its analysis and use. In contrast, our definition has an explicit expression  µPX|Z = EX|Z[kX (X, ·) | Z],with which it is easy to explore potential applications.

In Fukumizu et al. [2004], the conditional cross-covariance operator is defined, but in a significantly different way. It is defined as  ΣYX |Z := CYX − CYZ ˜C−1ZZCZX , where ˜C−1ZZ is the right inverse of  CZZ on (KerCZZ)⊥. This has the property that, for all  f ∈ HXand  g ∈ HY, ⟨g, ΣYX |Zf⟩HY = EZ[CovXY |Z(f(X), g(Y ) | Z)]. Note that this is different to our relation stated after Lemma 3.3; the conditional covariance is integrated out over Z. In fact, this difference is explicitly noted by Song et al. [2009].

3.2 A Discrepancy Measure between Conditional Distributions

In this subsection, we propose a conditional analogue of the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), and explore the role of characteristic kernels in the conditional case. Let  X′ : Ω → Xbe an additional random variable, satisfying


Definition 3.6. We define the maximum conditional mean discrepancy (MCMD) between  PX|Z and PX′|Z to be


We note that MCMD is not a fixed value, but a real-valued, Z-measurable random variable.

The term MMD stems from the equality  ∥µPX − µPX′ ∥HX = supf∈BX |EX[f(X)] − EX′[f(X′)]|[Gretton et al., 2007, Sriperumbudur et al., 2010], where  BX := {f ∈ HX | ∥f∥HX ≤ 1}. The supremum is attained by the witness



where we used Lemma 3.2. We define the conditional witness function as the  HX-valued random variable


Casting aside measure-theoretic issues arising from conditioning on an event of measure 0, we can informally think of the realisation of the MCMD at each  ω ∈ Ωwith  z = Z(ω)as “the MMD between  PX|Z=zand  PX′|Z=z”, and  wXX ′|Z(ω)as “the witness function between  PX|Z=zand  PX′|Z=z”. The following theorem says that, with characteristic kernels, the MCMD can indeed act as a discrepancy measure between conditional distributions.

Theorem 3.7. Suppose  kXis a characteristic kernel, and assume that  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then MCMD(X, X′ | Z) = 0almost surely if and only if, almost surely,  PX|Z(B | Z) = PX′|Z(B | Z) for all B ∈ X.

The MCMD is reminiscent of the conditional maximum mean discrepancy of Ren et al. [2016], defined as the HilbertSchmidt norm of the operator  UX|Z − UX′|Z(see Definition 3.4). However, due to strong assumptions previously discussed,  UX|Z and UX′|Zoften do not even exist, and/or do not have the desired properties of Theorem 3.5, so even at population level,  UX|Z − UX′|Zis often not an exact measure of discrepancy between conditional distributions. On the other hand, Theorem 3.7 with the MCMD is an exact mathematical statement at population level that is valid between any pair of conditional distributions.

The discussion on characteristic kernels in the conditional setting, and the precise meaning of an “injective embedding” of conditional distributions, has largely been absent in the existing literature. We suspect that this is because the operator-based definition is somewhat cumbersome to work with, and it is not immediately clear how to express such statements. The new, mathematically elegant definition of the CME can remedy that through Theorem 3.7. We conjecture that characteristic kernels will play a crucial role in many future applications of the CME.

3.3 A Criterion of Conditional Independence

In this subsection, we introduce a novel criterion of conditional independence, via a direct analogy with the HSIC. Definition 3.8. We define the Hilbert-Schmidt Conditional Independence Criterion between X and Y given Z to be


Note that HSCIC(X, Y | Z) is an instance of the MCMD in the tensor product space  HX ⊗ HY, and is a (real-valued) random variable. Again, casting aside measure-theoretic issues arising from conditioning on an event of probability 0, we can conceptually think of the realisation of the HSCIC at each  z = Z(ω)as “the HSIC between  PX|Z=zand PY |Z=z”. Since HSCIC is an instance of MCMD, the following theorem follows immediately from Theorem 3.7.

Theorem 3.9. Suppose  kX ⊗ kYis a characteristic kernel3 on  X × Y, and that  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then HSCIC(X, Y | Z) = 0 a.s. if and only if  X ⊥⊥ Y | Z.

Concurrent and independent work by Sheng and Sriperumbudur [2019] proposes a similar criterion with the same nomenclature (HSCIC). However, they omit the discussion of CMEs entirely, and define the HSCIC as the usual HSIC between  PXY |Z=z and PX|Z=zPY |Z=z, without considerations for conditioning on an event of measure 0. Their focus is more on investigating connections to distance-based measures [Wang et al., 2015, Sejdinovic et al., 2013]. Fukumizu et al. [2008] propose  ICOND, defined as the squared Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the normalised conditional cross-covariance operator  V ¨Y ¨X|Z := C−1/2¨Y ¨Y Σ ¨Y ¨X|ZC−1/2¨X ¨X, where  ¨X := (X, Z)and  ¨Y := (Y, Z). As discussed, these operator-based definitions rely on a number of strong assumptions that will often mean that  V ¨Y ¨X|Z does not exist, or it does not satisfy the conditions for it to be used as an exact criterion even at population level. On the other hand, the HSCIC defined as in Definition 3.8 is an exact mathematical criterion of conditional independence at population level. Note that  ICOND is a single-value criterion, whereas the HSCIC is a random criterion.


Figure 1: Diagram representing equation (5). The CME can be viewed in two ways: (i) as an  HX-valued random variable, and (ii) as a deterministic function of the random variable Z.

In this section, we discuss how we can obtain empirical estimates of  µPX|Z = EX|Z[kX (X, ·) | Z].

Theorem 4.1. Assume that  HXis separable, and denote its Borel  σ-algebra by  B(HX ). Then we can write


where  FPX|Z : Z → HXis some deterministic function, measurable with respect to  Z and B(HX ).

Figure 1 depicts this relation. Note that the separability assumption on  HXis not a restrictive one, since it is satisfied if, for example,  kXis a continuous kernel on the separable space X [Christmann and Steinwart, 2008, p.130, Lemma 4.33]. Hence, the problem of estimating  µPX|Zboils down to estimating the function  FPX|Z, and this is exactly the setting for vector-valued regression discussed in Section 2.3, with input space Z and output space  HX. In contrast to Grünewälder et al. [2012a], where regression is motivated by applying the Riesz representation theorem conditioned on each value of z ∈ Z, we derive the CME as an explicit function of Z, which we argue is a more principled way to motivate regression. Moreover, for continuous Z, the event Z = z has measure 0 for each  z ∈ Z, so it is not measure-theoretically rigorous to apply the Riesz representation theorem conditioned on Z = z.

The natural optimisation problem is to minimise the loss


among all  F ∈ GXZ, where GXZis a vector-valued RKHS of functions  Z → HXendowed with a kernel  lXZ(z, z′) =kZ(z, z′)Id, where kZ(·, ·)is a scalar kernel on Z.

We cannot minimise  EX|Zdirectly, since we do not observe samples from  µPX|Z = FPX|Z(Z), but only the pairs (x1, z1), ..., (xn, zn) from (X, Z). We bound this with a surrogate loss ˜EX|Zthat has a sample-based version:


where we used generalised conditional Jensen’s inequality (see Appendix A, or Perlman [1974]). Section 4.1 discusses the meaning of this surrogate loss. We replace the surrogate population loss with a regularised empirical loss based on samples  {(xi, zi)}ni=1 from the joint distribution  PXZ:


where  λ > 0is a regularisation parameter. We see that this loss functional has exactly the same form as in (4). Therefore, by Theorem 2.16, the minimiser ˆFPX|Z,n,λ of ˆEX|Z,n,λhas the form ˆFPX|Z,n,λ(·) = kTZ(·)f, where we wrote kZ(·) := (kZ(z1, ·), ..., kZ(zn, ·))T and f := (f1, ..., fn)T . By Theorem 2.16, the coefficients  fi ∈ HXare the unique solutions of the linear equations  (KZ + nλI)f = kX, where [KZ]ij := kZ(zi, zj), kX := (kX (x1, ·), ..., kX (xn, ·))Tand I is the  n × nidentity matrix. Hence, the coefficients are  f = (KZ + nλI)−1kX = WkX, where we wrote W = (KZ + nλI)−1. Finally, substituting this into the expression for ˆFPX|Z,n,λ(·), we have


Note that this expression is identical to those in Song et al. [2009] and Grünewälder et al. [2012a].

4.1 Surrogate Loss, Universality and Consistency

There is no doubt that  EX|Zin (6) is a more natural loss functional than the surrogate loss ˜EX|Z. In this subsection, we investigate the meaning and consequences of using this surrogate loss, as well as the implications of using a universal kernel and the consistency properties of our algorithm.

Denote by  L2(Z, PZ; HX )the Banach space of (equivalence classes of) measurable functions  F : Z → HX such that∥F(·)∥2HXis  PZ-integrable, with norm  ∥F∥2 = (�Z∥F(z)∥2HX dPZ(z))12. We can note that the true function  FPX|Zbelongs to  L2(Z, PZ; HX ), because Theorem 4.1 tells us that  FPX|Zis indeed measurable, and


by (1), where we used generalised conditional Jensen’s inequality again on the second line (Appendix A). The following theorem shows that the true function  FPX|Zis the unique minimiser in  L2(Z, PZ; HX ) of both EX|Z and ˜EX|Z:

Theorem 4.2.  FPX|Zminimises both ˜EX|Zand  EX|Zin  L2(Z, PZ; HX ). Moreover, it is almost surely equal to any other minimiser of the loss functionals.

Note the difference in the statement of Theorem 4.2 from Grünewälder et al. [2012a, Theorem 3.1], who only consider the minimisation of the loss functionals in  GXZ, whereas we consider the larger space  L2(Z, PZ; HX )in which to minimise our loss functionals.

Next, we discuss the concepts of universal kernels and universal consistency.

Definition 4.3 (Carmeli et al. [2008, Definition 2]). An operator-valued reproducing kernel  lXZ : Z × Z → L(HX )with associated RKHS  GXZis  C0if  GXZis a subspace of  C0(Z, HX ), the space of continuous functions  Z → HXvanishing at infinity. The kernel  lXZ is C0-universal if GXZis dense in  L2(Z, PZ; HX )for any measure  PZ.

Recall that we are using the kernel  lXZ(·, ·) = kZ(·, ·)Id. Carmeli et al. [2008, Example 14] show that  lXZis  C0-universal if  kZis a universal scalar kernel, which in turn is guaranteed if  kZis Gaussian or Laplacian, for example [Steinwart, 2001].

The consistency result with optimal rate of  O( log nn )in Grünewälder et al. [2012a] based on Caponnetto and De Vito [2006] imposes strong assumptions about the kernel  lXZ, and finite-dimensional assumption on the output space  HX. These are violated for many commonly used kernels such as the Gaussian kernel, and so we do not use this result in our paper (see Appendix B for more details). Fukumizu [2015] also shows consistency with rate slightly worse than O(n− 14 )with weaker assumptions. We prove the following universal consistency result, which relies on even weaker assumptions and achieves a better rate of  O(n− 12 ).

Theorem 4.4. Suppose that  kXand  kZare bounded kernels, i.e. for all  x1, x2 ∈ X, kX (x1, x2) ≤ BXfor some BX > 0and for all  z1, z2 ∈ Z, kZ(z1, z2) ≤ BZfor some  BZ > 0, and that the operator-valued kernel  lXZis C0-universal. Also, suppose that the regularisation parameter  λ = λndepends on the sample size n, and converges to zero at the rate of  O(n−1/2). Then our learning algorithm that produces ˆFPX|Z,n,λnis universally consistent (in the surrogate loss ˜EX|Z), i.e. for any joint distribution  PXZand constants  ϵ > 0 and δ > 0,


for large enough n. The rate of convergence is  O(n−1/2).

The boundedness assumption is satisfied with many commonly used kernels, such as the Gaussian and Laplacian kernels, and hence is not a restrictive condition. The key observation is that the target values are all of the form  kX (x, ·)for  x ∈ X, so the target space is bounded if  kXis bounded (see Appendix B and the proof in Appendix C for details).

Theorem 4.4 is stated with respect to the surrogate loss, not the natural original loss  EX|Z. Let us now investigate is implications with respect to the original loss. Write  η = ˜EX|Z(FPX|Z). Since ˜EX|Z( ˆFPX|Z,n,λ) ≥ EX|Z( ˆFPX|Z,n,λ), a


Figure 2: Behaviour of MCMD. We see that MCMD(X, X′same|Z) ≃ 0for all Z. Near Z = 0, where the dependence on  Z of X and X′diff are similar, MCMD(X, X′diff|Z) ≃ 0, whereas in regions away from 0, the dependence on Z of X and  X′diffare different, and so MCMD(X, X′diff|Z) > 0. We also see that the conditional witness function between X and  X′same gives 0 at all values of X given any value of Z, whereas we have a saddle-like function between  X and X′diff,with non-zero functions in X in the regions of Z away from 0.

consequence of Theorem 4.4 is that


by (9), for any  ϵ > 0. This shows that, in the limit as  n → ∞, the loss EX|Z( ˆFPX|Z,n,λ)is at most an arbitrarily small amount larger than  ηwith high probability. It remains to investigate what  ηrepresents, and how large it is. The law of total expectation gives


Here, the inner conditional expectation


is the variance of  kX (X, ·) given Z(see Bharucha-Reid [1972, p.24] for the definition of the variance of Banach-space valued random variables), and by integrating over Z in the outer integral,  ηrepresents the “mean variance” of  kX (X, ·)over Z.

Suppose X is measurable with respect to  Z, i.e. FPX|Zhas zero noise. Then we have  EX|Z[kX (X, ·) | Z] = kX (X, ·),and consequently,  η = 0. In this case, we have universal consistency in both the surrogate loss ˜EX|Zand the original loss EX|Z. On the other hand,  ηwill be large if information about Z tells us little about X, and subsequently  kX (X, ·) ∈ HX .In the extreme case where X and Z are independent, we have  EX|Z[kX (X, ·) | Z] = EX[kX (X, ·)], and


which is precisely the variance of  kX (X, ·)in  HX. Hence,  ηrepresents the irreducible loss of the true function due to noise in X, and the surrogate loss represents the loss functional taking noise into account, while the original loss measures the deviance from the true conditional expectation.

4.2 Empirical Estimates of MCMD and HSCIC

Recall that we defined the MCMD as  ∥µPX|Z − µPX′|Z∥HX(Definition 3.6). By Çınlar [2011, Theorem I.4.4], we can write MCMD(X, X′ | Z) = MXX ′|Z ◦ Zfor some function  MXX ′|Z : Z → R. Using samples  {(xi, x′i, zi)}ni=1 fromthe joint distribution  PXX ′Z, we can obtain a plug-in estimate of  MXX ′|Zusing (8): ˆMXX ′|Z(·) = ∥ ˆFPX|Z,n,λ(·) −ˆFPX′|Z,n,λ(·)∥HX. To evaluate this norm, we take the square of it:



Figure 3: Behaviour of the HSCIC. We see that HSCIC(X, Ynoise|Z) ≃ 0(left) and HSCIC(X, Yind|Z) ≃ 0(right) for all Z, whereas HSCIC(X, Ydep_add|Z) > 0, HSCIC(X, Y ′dep_add|Z) > 0, HSCIC(X, Ydep|Z) > 0, HSCIC(X, Y ′dep|Z) > 0.In particular, the dependence of  Y ′dep_addand  Y ′depon X is greater than that of  Ydep_addand  Ydep, and is rep- resented by larger values of HSCIC(X, Y ′dep_add|Z)and HSCIC(X, Y ′dep|Z)compared to HSCIC(X, Ydep|Z)and HSCIC(X, Ydep_add|Z).


Similarly, we can write HSCIC(X, Y | Z) = HX,Y |Z ◦ Z for some HX,Y |Z : Z → R. Writing [KY ]ij := kY(yi, yj),we obtain a closed-form estimate of  H2X,Y |Z(·)as follows:


where  ⊙denotes elementwise multiplication of matrices.

4.3 Experiments

In this section, we carry out simulations to demonstrate the behaviour of the MCMD and HSCIC. In all simulations, we use the Gaussian kernel  kX (x, x′) = kY(x, x′) = kZ(x, x′) = e− 12 σX∥x−x′∥22with hyperparameter  σX = 0.1, andregularisation parameter  λ = 0.01.

In Figure 2, we simulate 500 samples from  Z ∼ N(0, 1), X = X′same = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z) + NX and X′diff = Z + NX,where  NX ∼ 0.3N(0, 1)is the (additive) noise variable. The first plot shows simulated data, the second MCMD values against Z, and the heatmaps show the (unnormalised) conditional witness function, whose norm gives the MCMD.

In Figure 3, on the left, we simulate 500 samples from the additive noise model,  Z ∼ N(0, 1), X = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z) +NX, Ynoise = NY , Ydep_add = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z) + NX + 0.2Xand  Y ′dep_add = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z) + NX + 0.4X, where NX ∼ 0.3N(0, 1)is the (additive) noise variable. On the right, we simulate 500 samples from the multiplicative noise model,  Z ∼ N(0, 1), X = Yind = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z)NX, Ydep = e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z)NY + 0.2Xand  Y ′dep =e−0.5Z2 sin(2Z)NY + 0.4X, where NX, NY ∼ 0.3N(0, 1)are the (multiplicative) noise variables.

In this paper, we introduced a new definition of kernel conditional mean embedding, based on Bochner conditional expectation. It is mathematically elegant and measure-theoretically rigorous, and unlike the previous operator-based definition, does not rely on stringent assumptions that are often violated in common situations. Using this new approach for CMEs, we extended the notions of the MMD, witness function and HSIC to the conditional case. Finally, we discussed how to obtain empirical estimates via natural vector-valued regression, and established universal consistency with convergence rates of  O(n−1/2)under mild and intuitive assumptions. We believe that our new definition has the potential to unlock the powerful arsenal of kernel mean embeddings to the conditional setting, in a more convenient and rigorous manner than the previous approaches.

We thank Mattes Mollenhauer at Freie Universität Berlin for pointing out the missing conditions on the regularization parameter of our initial universal consistency result, and for other fruitful discussions. We also thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing out typos and suggesting an improvement to the proof of Theorem 4.1. Finally, we thank Simon Buchholz, Alessandro Ialongo, Heiner Kremer and Jonas Kübler at MPI Tübingen for helpful feedback on initial drafts.

The idea behind this paper was conceived, and part of the work done, while JP was a Master’s student at the Seminar for Statistics, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich. JP is extremely grateful to his Master’s thesis supervisor, Professor Sara van de Geer, for readily accepting the proposed topic, and her expert guidance throughout the thesis.

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In Section 4, we require a version of Jensen’s inequality generalised to (possibly) infinite-dimensional vector spaces, because our random variable takes values in  HX, and our convex function is  ∥·∥2HX : HX → R. Note that this square norm function is indeed convex, since, for any  t ∈ [0, 1]and any pair  f, g ∈ HX ,


The following theorem generalises Jensen’s inequality to infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Theorem A.1 (Generalised Jensen’s Inequality, [Perlman, 1974], Theorem 3.10). Suppose T is a real Hausdorff locally convex (possibly infinite-dimensional) linear topological space, and let C be a closed convex subset of T . Suppose (Ω, F, P)is a probability space, and  V : Ω → Ta Pettis-integrable random variable such that  V (Ω) ⊆ C. Let f : C → [−∞, ∞)be a convex, lower semi-continuous extended-real-valued function such that  EV [f(V )]exists. Then


We will actually apply generalised Jensen’s inequality with conditional expectations, so we need the following theorem. Theorem A.2 (Generalised Conditional Jensen’s Inequality). Suppose T is a real Hausdorff locally convex (possibly infinite-dimensional) linear topological space, and let C be a closed convex subset of T . Suppose  (Ω, F, P)is a probability space, and  V : Ω → Ta Pettis-integrable random variable such that  V (Ω) ⊆ C. Let f : C → [−∞, ∞) bea convex, lower semi-continuous extended-real-valued function such that  EV [f(V )]exists. Suppose  E is a sub-σ-algebraof F. Then


Proof. Let  T ∗be the dual space of all real-valued continuous linear functionals on T . The first part of the proof of Perlman [1974, Theorem 3.6] tells us that, for all  v ∈ T, we can write


where an affine function m on T is of the form  m(v) = v∗(v) + αfor some  v∗ ∈ T ∗and  α ∈ R. If we define the subset  Q of T ∗ × R as


then we can rewrite f as


See that, for any  (v∗, α) ∈ Q, we have


Here, (*) and (**) use the properties of conditional expectation of vector-valued random variables given in Dinculeanu [2000, pp.45-46, Properties 43 and 40 respectively].

We want to show that  E�v∗(V ) | E�= v∗ �E�V | E��almost surely, and in order to so, we show that the right-hand side is a version of the left-hand side. The right-hand side is clearly E-measurable, since we have a linear operator on an E-measurable random variable. Moreover, for any  A ∈ E,


(here, all the equalities are almost-sure equalities). Hence, by the definition of the conditional expectation, we have that E�v∗(V ) | E�= v∗ �E�V | E��almost surely. Going back to our above work, this means that


Now take the supremum of the right-hand side over Q. Then (10) tells us that


as required.

In the context of Section 4,  HXis real and Hausdorff, and locally convex (because it is a normed space). We take the closed convex subset to be the whole space  HXitself. The function  ∥·∥2HX : HX → Ris convex (as shown above) and continuous, and finally, since Bochner-integrability implies Pettis integrability, all the conditions of Theorem A.2 are satisfied.

Caponnetto and De Vito [2006] give an optimal rate of convergence of vector-valued RKHS regression estimators, and its results are quoted by Grünewälder et al. [2012a] as the state of the art convergence rates,  O( log nn ). In particular, this implies that the learning algorithm is consistent. However, the lower rate uses an assumption that the output space is a finite-dimensional Hilbert space [Caponnetto and De Vito, 2006, Theorem 2]; and in our case, this will mean that HXis finite-dimensional. This is not true if, for example, we take  kXto be the Gaussian kernel; indeed, this is noted as a limitation by Grünewälder et al. [2012a], stating that “It is likely that this (finite-dimension) assumption can be weakened, but this requires a deeper analysis”. In this paper, we do not want to restrict our attention to finite-dimensional HX. The upper bound would have been sufficient to guarantee consistency, but an assumption used in the upper bound requires the operator  lXZ,z : HX → GXZ defined by


to be Hilbert-Schmidt for all  z ∈ Z. However, for each  z ∈ Z, taking any orthonormal basis  {ϕi}∞i=1of  HX, we see that


meaning this assumption is not fulfilled with our choice of kernel either. Hence, results in Caponnetto and De Vito [2006], used by Grünewälder et al. [2012a], are not applicable to guarantee consistency in our context.

Kadri et al. [2016] address the problem of generalisability of function-valued learning algorithms. Let us write


for our training set of size n drawn i.i.d. from the distribution  PXZ, and we denote by  Di = D\(xi, zi) the set D fromwhich the data point  (xi, zi)is removed. Further, we denote by ˆFPX|Z,D = ˆFPX|Z,n,λthe estimate produced by our learning algorithm from the dataset D by minimising the loss ˆEX|Z,n,λ(F) = �ni=1∥kX (xi, ·)−F(zi)∥2HX +λ∥F∥2GXZThe assumptions used in this paper, with notations translated to our context, are


3. The map  (f, F, z) �→ ∥f − F(z)∥2HX is τ-admissible, i.e. convex with respect to F and Lipschitz continuous with respect to  F(z), with τas its Lipschitz constant.

4. There exists  κ2 > 0such that for all  (z, f) ∈ Z × HXand any training set D,


The concept of uniform stability, with notations translated to our context, is defined as follows. Definition B.1 (Uniform algorithmic stability, Kadri et al. [2016, Definition 6]). For each  F ∈ GXZ, define the function


A learning algorithm that calculates the estimate ˆFPX|Z,Dfrom a training set has uniform stability  βwith respect to the squared loss if the following holds: for all  n ≥ 1, all i ∈ {1, ..., n}and any training set D of size n,


The next two theorems are quoted from Kadri et al. [2016]. Theorem B.2 (Kadri et al. [2016, Theorem 7]). Under assumptions 1, 2 and 3, a learning algorithm that maps a training set D to the function ˆFPX|Z,D = ˆFPX|Z,n,λ is β-stable with


Theorem B.3 (Kadri et al. [2016, Theorem 8]). Let  D �→ ˆFPX|Z,D = ˆFPX|Z,n,λbe a learning algorithm with uniform stability  β, and assume Assumption 4 is satisfied. Then, for all  n ≥ 1and any  0 < δ < 1, the following bound holds with probability at least  1 − δover the random draw of training samples:


Theorems B.2 and B.3 give us results about the generalisability of our learning algorithm. It remains to check whether the assumptions are satisfied.

Assumption 2 is satisfied thanks to our assumption that point embeddings are measurable functions, and Assumption 1 is satisfied if we assume that  kZis a bounded kernel (i.e. there exists  BZ > 0such that  kZ(z1, z2) ≤ BZfor all


In Kadri et al. [2016], a general loss function is used rather than the squared loss, and it is noted that Assumption 3 is in general not satisfied with the squared loss, which is what we use in our context. However, this issue can be addressed if we restrict the output space to a bounded subset. In fact, the only elements in  HXthat appear as the output samples in our case are  kX (x, ·)for  x ∈ X, so if we place the assumption that  kXis a bounded kernel (i.e. there exists  BX > 0such that  kX (x1, x2) ≤ BX for all x1, x2 ∈ X), then


So it is no problem, in our case, to place this boundedness assumption. Kadri et al. [2016, Appendix D] tells us that Assumption 1 with this boundedness assumption implies Assumption 4 with


while Kadri et al. [2016, Lemma 2] provides us with a condition which can replace Assumption 3 in Theorem B.2, giving us the uniform stability of our algorithm with


Then the result of Theorem B.3 holds with this new  β.

Lemma 2.1. For each  f ∈ HX ,�X f(x)dPX(x) = ⟨f, µPX⟩HX .


Since the map  x �→ k(x, ·)is Bochner P-integrable,  LPis bounded, i.e.  LP ∈ H∗. So by the Riesz Representation Theorem, there exists a unique  h ∈ H such that LP (f) = ⟨f, h⟩H for all f ∈ H.

Choose  f(·) = k(x, ·) for some x ∈ X. Then


Lemma 2.3. For  f ∈ HX , g ∈ HY, ⟨f ⊗ g, µPXY ⟩HX ⊗HY = EXY [f(X)g(Y )].

Proof. For Bochner integrability, we see that


Hence, by Bochner integrability shown above,  LPXY ∈ (HX ⊗ HY)∗. So by the Riesz Representation Theorem, there exists  h ∈ HX ⊗ HY such that LPXY (�i fi ⊗ gi) = ⟨�i fi ⊗ gi, h⟩HX ⊗HY for all �i fi ⊗ gi ∈ HX ⊗ HY.

Choose  kX (x, ·) ⊗ kY(y, ·) ∈ HX ⊗ HY for some x ∈ X and y ∈ Y. Then


as required.

Before we prove Theorem 2.9, we state the following definition and theorems related to measurable functions for Banach-space valued functions.

Definition C.1 (Dinculeanu [2000, p.4, Definition 5]). A function  H : Ω → His called an F-simple function if it has the form  H = �ni=1 hi1Bi for some hi ∈ H and Bi ∈ F.

A function  H : Ω → His said to be F-measurable if there is a sequence  (Hn)of H-valued, F-simple functions such that  Hn → Hpointwise.

Theorem C.2 (Dinculeanu [2000, p.4, Theorem 6]). If  H : Ω → H is F-measurable, then there is a sequence  (Hn) ofH-valued, F-simple functions such that  Hn → Hpointwise and  |Hn| ≤ |H| for every n.

Theorem C.3 (Dinculeanu [2000, p.19, Theorem 48], Lebesgue Convergence Theorem). Let  (Hn)be a sequence in  L1H(P), H : Ω → H a P-measurable function, and  g ∈ L1+(P)such that  Hn → H P-almost everywhere and |Hn| ≤ g, P-almost everywhere, for each  n. Then H ∈ L1H(P) and Hn → H in L1H(P), i.e.�Ω HndP →�Ω HdP.

Theorem 2.9. Suppose that  P(· | E)admits a regular version Q. Then  QH : Ω → Hwith  ω �→ QωH =�Ω H(ω′)Qω(dω′)is a version of E[H | E] for every Bochner P-integrable H.

Proof. Suppose H is Bochner P-integrable. Since Q is a regular version of  P(· | E), it is a probability transition kernel from  (Ω, E) to (Ω, F).

We first show that QH is measurable with respect to E. The map  Q : Ω → His well-defined, since, for each  ω ∈ Ω, QωHis the Bochner-integral of H with respect to the measure  B → Qω(B). Since H is F-measurable, by Theorem C.2, there is a sequence  (Hn)of H-valued, F-simple functions such that  Hn → Hpointwise. Then for each  ω ∈ Ω, QωH = limn→∞ QωHnby Theorem C.3. But for each n, we can write  Hn = �mj=1 hj1Bjfor some  hj ∈ Hand Bj ∈ F, and so  QωHn = �mj=1 hjQω(Bj). For each  Bjthe map  ω �→ Qω(Bj)is E-measurable (by the definition of transition probability kernel, Definition 2.7), and so as a linear combination of E-measurable functions,  QHnis E-measurable. Hence, as a pointwise limit of E-measurable functions, QH is also E-measurable, by [Dinculeanu, 2000, p.6, Theorem 10].

Next, we show that, for all  A ∈ E,�A HdP =�A QHdP. Fix  A ∈ E. By Theorem C.2, there is a sequence  (Hn)of H-valued, F-simple functions such that  Hn → Hpointwise. For each n, we can write  Hn = �mj=1 hj1Bjfor some


Hence, by the definition of the conditional expectation, QH is a version of E[H | E].

Lemma 3.2. Suppose that  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then for each  f ∈ HX , EX|Z[f(X) | Z] =⟨f, µPX|Z⟩HXalmost surely.

Proof. Write Q for a regular version of  P(· | Z). Then in particular,  PX|Zdefined by  PX|Z(ω)(B) = Qω(X ∈ B)for any measurable set  B ⊆ Xis a version of the conditional distribution of X given Z. Then by Theorem 2.9, the event  A1 ∈ F on which


holds has probability 1. Further, if we fix  f ∈ HX, then by Theorem 2.9 (or by directly applying Çınlar [2011, p.150, Theorem 2.5]), the event  A2 ∈ F on which


Hence  ⟨f, µPX|Z⟩HX = EX|Z[f(X) | Z]almost surely.

Lemma 3.3. Suppose that the conditional probability  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then for each pair  f ∈ HXand  g ∈ HY, ⟨f ⊗ g, µPXY |Z⟩HX ⊗HY = EXY |Z[f(X)g(Y ) | Z]almost surely.

Proof. Write Q for a regular version of  P(· | Z). Then in particular,  PXY |Z defined by PXY |Z(ω)(B) = Qω((X, Y ) ∈B) for any measurable set  B ⊆ X × Yis a version of the conditional distribution of (X, Y ) given Z. Then by Theorem 2.9, the event  A1 ∈ F on which


holds has probability 1. Further, if we fix  f ∈ HXand  g ∈ HY, then by Theorem 2.9 (or by directly applying Çınlar [2011, p.150, Theorem 2.5]), the event  A2 ∈ F on which


holds has probability 1. Then  P(A1 ∩ A2) = 1, and fixing  ω ∈ A1 ∩ A2,

⟨f ⊗ g, µPXY |Z(ω)⟩HX ⊗HY = ⟨f ⊗ g,


Hence  ⟨f ⊗ g, µPXY |Z⟩HX ⊗HY = EXY |Z[f(X)g(Y ) | Z]almost surely.

Theorem 3.7. Suppose  kXis a characteristic kernel, and assume that  P(· | Z)admits a regular version. Then MCMD(X, X′ | Z) = 0almost surely if and only if, almost surely,  PX|Z(B | Z) = PX′|Z(B | Z) for all B ∈ X.

Proof. Write Q for a regular version of  P(· | Z), and assume without loss of generality that the conditional distributions PX|Zand  PX′|Zare given by  PX|Z(ω)(B) = Qω(X ∈ B)and  PX′|Z(ω)(B) = Qω(X′ ∈ B)for  B ∈ X. By Theorem 2.9, there exists an event  A1 ∈ F with P(A1) = 1such that for all  ω ∈ A1,


and an event  A2 ∈ F with P(A2) = 1such that for all  ω ∈ A2,


This means that, for each  ω ∈ A1, µPX|Z(ω)is the mean embedding of  PX|Z(ω), and for each  ω ∈ A2, µPX′|Z(ω)is the mean embedding of  PX′|Z(ω).

(  =⇒ )Suppose first that MCMD(X, X′ | Z) = ∥µPX|Z −µPX′|Z∥HX = 0almost surely, i.e. there exists  A ∈ F with


(  ⇐= )Now assume there exists  A ∈ Fwith P(A) = 1 such that for each  ω ∈ A, PX|Z(ω)(B) = PX′|Z(ω)(B)for


Theorem 4.1. Assume that  HXis separable, and denote its Borel  σ-algebra by  B(HX ). Then we can write


where  FPX|Z : Z → HXis some deterministic function, measurable with respect to  Z and B(HX ).

Proof. Let  Im(Z) ⊆ Zbe the image of  Z : Ω → Z, and let ˜Zdenote the  σ-algebra on Im(Z) defined by ˜Z ={A ∩ Im(Z) : A ∈ Z}(see [Çınlar, 2011, page 5, 1.15]). We will first construct a function ˜F : Im(Z) → HX, measurable with respect to ˜Z and B(HX ), such that  µPX|Z = ˜F ◦ Z.

For a given  z ∈ Im(Z) ⊆ Z, we have  Z−1(z) ⊆ Ω. Suppose for contradiction that there are two distinct elements ω1, ω2 ∈ Z−1(z) such that µPX|Z(ω1) ̸= µPX|Z(ω2). Since HXis Hausdorff, there are disjoint open neighbourhoods N1 and N2 of µPX|Z(ω1) and µPX|Z(ω2)respectively. By definition of a Borel  σ-algebra, we have  N1, N2 ∈ B(HX ),and since  µPX|Z is σ(Z)-measurable,


(ii) For any  B ∈ ˜Zwith  z /∈ B, we have  ω1 /∈ Z−1(B)and  ω2 /∈ Z−1(B). So  Z−1(B) ̸= µ−1PX|Z(N1)and Z−1(B) ̸= µ−1PX|Z(N2).

Since  σ(Z) = {Z−1(B) | B ∈ ˜Z}(see [Çınlar, 2011], page 11, Exercise 2.20), we can’t have  µ−1PX|Z(N1) ∈ σ(Z) norµ−1PX|Z(N2) ∈ σ(Z). This is a contradiction to (11). We therefore conclude that, for any  z ∈ Z, if Z(ω1) = z = Z(ω2)for distinct  ω1, ω2 ∈ Ω, then µPX|Z(ω1) = µPX|Z(ω2).

We define ˜F(z)to be the unique value of  µPX|Z(ω)for all  ω ∈ Z−1(z). Then for any  ω ∈ Ω, µPX|Z(ω) = ˜F(Z(ω))by construction. It remains to check that ˜Fis measurable with respect to ˜Z and B(HX ).

Take any  N ∈ B(HX ). Since  µPX|Zis  σ(Z)-measurable,  µ−1PX|Z(N) = Z−1( ˜F −1(N)) ∈ σ(Z). Since  σ(Z) ={Z−1(B) | B ∈ ˜Z}, we have  Z−1( ˜F −1(N)) = Z−1(C)for some  C ∈ ˜Z. Since the mapping  Z : Ω → Im(Z)is surjective, ˜F −1(N) = C. Hence ˜F −1(N) ∈ ˜Z, and so ˜Fis measurable with respect to ˜Z and B(HX ).

Finally, we can extend ˜F : Im(Z) → HX to F : Z → HXby Dudley [2018, page 128, Corollary 4.2.7] (note that  HXis a complete metric space, and assumed to be separable in this theorem).

Theorem 4.2.  FPX|Z ∈ L2(Z, PZ; HX )minimises both ˜EX|Z and EX|Z, i.e.


Moreover, it is almost surely unique, i.e. it is almost surely equal to any other minimiser of the objective functionals.


So clearly,  EX|Z(FPX|Z) = 0, meaning  FPX|Zminimises  EX|Zin  L2(Z, PZ; HX ). So it only remains to show that ˜EX|Zis minimised in  L2(Z, PZ; HX ) by FPX|Z.

Let F be any element in  L2(Z, PZ; HX ). Then we have




and similarly,


Substituting these expressions back into (12), we have


Hence,  FPX|Z minimises ˜EX|Z in L2(Z, PZ; HX ). The minimiser is further more  PZ-almost surely unique; indeed, if F ′ ∈ L2(Z, PZ; HX )is another minimiser of ˜EX|Z, then the calculation in (12) shows that


which immediately implies that  ∥FPX|Z(Z)−F ′(Z)∥HX = 0 PZ-almost surely, which in turn implies that  FPX|Z = F ′PZ-almost surely.

Theorem 4.4. Suppose that  kXand  kZare bounded kernels, i.e. for all  x1, x2 ∈ X, kX (x1, x2) ≤ BXfor some BX > 0and for all  z1, z2 ∈ Z, kZ(z1, z2) ≤ BZfor some  BZ > 0, and that the operator-valued kernel  lXZis C0-universal. Also, suppose that the regularisation parameter  λ = λndepends on the sample size n, and converges to zero at the rate of  O(n−1/2). Then our learning algorithm that produces ˆFPX|Z,n,λnis universally consistent (in the surrogate loss ˜EX|Z), i.e. for any joint distribution  PXZand constants  ϵ > 0 and δ > 0,


for large enough n. The rate of convergence is  O(n−1/2).

Proof. Fix  ϵ > 0and  δ > 0. Define ˆEX|Z,n (F) = 1n�ni=1��F(zi) − kX (xi, ·)��2HXfor  F ∈ L2(Z, PZ; HX ). Recall that  FPX|Z ∈ L2(Z, PZ; HX ). By  C0-universality,  GXZis dense in  L2(Z, PZ; HX ), so there exists some FPX|Z,ϵ ∈ GXZ with ∥FPX|Z − FPX|Z,ϵ∥22 ≤ ϵ4. Then note that, by the reverse triangle inequality,


This is not a probabilistic statement, so trivially,


Now we define the real-valued random variable  ξ by


Then we have


where we recalled the definitions of ˜EX|Z,n,λnand ˜EX|Zfrom Section 4. Define  σ2 = Var(ξ)(Var(ξ)is bounded because  FPX|Z,ϵ ∈ L2(Z, PZ; HX )from Section 4.1 and  kXis bounded by assumption). Then by Chebyshev’s inequality, we have the following inequality for the unregularised loss:


Moreover, from Appendix B, we have




Hence, recalling that  λn → 0at the rate of  O(n−1/2), we can see that  β → 0at the rate of  O(n−1/2). By making n large enough, we can ensure that






as required.

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