
My stuff
Testing Monotonicity of Machine Learning Models

Today, machine learning (ML) models are increasingly applied in decision making. This induces an urgent need for quality assurance of ML models with respect to (often domain-dependent) requirements. Monotonicity is one such requirement. It specifies a software as “learned” by an ML algorithm to give an increasing prediction with the increase of some attribute values. While there exist multiple ML algorithms for ensuring monotonicity of the generated model, approaches for checking monotonicity, in particular of black-box models, are largely lacking.

In this work, we propose verification-based testing of monotonicity, i.e., the formal computation of test inputs on a white-box model via verification technology, and the automatic inference of this approximating white-box model from the black-box model under test. On the white-box model, the space of test inputs can be systematically explored by a directed computation of test cases. The empirical evaluation on 90 black-box models shows verification-based testing can outperform adaptive random testing as well as property-based techniques with respect to effectiveness and efficiency.


Machine Learning Testing, Monotonicity, Decision Tree.

ACM Reference Format:

Arnab Sharma and Heike Wehrheim. 2020. Testing Monotonicity of Machine Learning Models. In  Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’DD). ACM,New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. https:XXXX

Today, machine learning (ML) is increasingly employed to take decisions previously made by humans. This includes areas as diverse as insurance, banking, law, medicine or autonomous driving. Hence, quality assurance of ML applications becomes of prime importance. Consequently, researchers have started to develop methods checking various sorts of requirements. Depending on the domain of application, such methods target safety, security, fairness, robustness or balancedness of ML algorithms and models (e.g., [9, 14, 18, 30]).

A requirement frequently expected in application domains is monotonicity with respect to dedicated attributes. Monotonicity


requires an increase in the value of some attribute(s) to lead to an increase in the value of the prediction (class attribute). For instance, a loan-granting ML-based software might be required to give larger loans whenever the value of attribute “income” gets higher, potentially even when other attribute values are changed.

Monotonicity requirements occur in numerous domains like economic theory (house pricing, credit scoring, insurance premium determination), medicine (medical diagnosis, patient medication) or jurisdiction (criminal sentencing). In particular, monotonicity is often a requirement for ML software making acceptance/rejection decisions as it supports justification of a decision (“she gets a larger loan because she has got a higher income”). However, even if the training data used to generate the predictive model is monotone, the ML software itself might not be [26]. Hence, there are today a number of specialized ML algorithms which provide learning techniques guaranteeing monotonicity constraints on models (e.g. [26, 34, 36]).

Less studied is, however, the validation of monotonicity constraints, i.e., methods for answering the following question:


The term “black-box model” states the independence on the MLtechnology employed in the model (i.e., the technique should be equally applicable to e.g. neural networks, random forests or support vector machines). We aim at a model-agnostic solution.

In this paper, we present the first approach for automatic monotonicity testing of black-box machine learning models. Our approach systematically explores the space of test inputs by (1) the inference of a white-box model approximating the black-box model under test (MUT), and (2) the computation of counter examples to monotonicity on the white-box model via established verification technology. We call this approach verification-based testing. The computed counter examples serve as starting points for the generation of further test inputs by variation. If confirmed in the black-box model, they get stored as counter examples to monotonicity. If unconfirmed, they serve as input to an improvement of the approximation quality of the white-box model.

More detailedly, our approach comprises the following key steps:

White-box model inference. A white-box model is generated by training a decision tree with data instances of the black-box model under test.

Monotonicity computation. The decision tree is translated to a logical formula on which we use an SMT-solver for monotonicity verification.

Variation. The computed counter examples are systematically varied (similar to strategies used in symbolic execution [20]) in order to increase the size of the test suite and its coverage of the test space.

Table 1: Example banking data set


White-box model improvement. In case none of the counter examples are valid for the black-box model under test, we employ the data instances together with the MUT’s prediction to re-train the decision tree and thereby restart with an improved white-box model.

We have implemented our approach and have experimentally evaluated it using standard benchmark data sets and both monotonicity aware and ordinary ML algorithms. Our experimental results suggest that our directed generation of test cases outperforms (non-directed) techniques like property-based testing wrt. the effectiveness of finding monotonicity failures.

Summarizing, this paper makes the following contributions:

We formally define monotonicity of ML models.

We present a novel approach to monotonicity testing via the usage of verification technology on an approximating white-box model.

We systematically evaluate our approach on 90 black-box models and compare it to state-of-the-art property-based and adaptive random testing.

For the implementation of adaptive random testing as a baseline (to compare against), we design a distance metric specific to monotonicity testing on ML models.

The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we define monotonicity of machine learning models. In Section 3 we describe verification-based testing and the way we have implemented adaptive random testing. Section 4 presents the results of our experimental evaluation. We discuss related work in Section 5 and conclude in Section 6.

We start by introducing the basic terminology in machine learning and defining two notions of monotonicity.

A typical supervised machine learning (ML) algorithm works in two steps. Initially, it is presented with a set of data instances called training data. In the first (learning) phase, the ML algorithm generates a function (the predictive model), generalising from the training data by using some statistical techniques. The generated predictive model (short, model) is then used in the second (prediction) phase to predict classes for unknown data instances.

Formally, the generated model is a function


where  Xiis the value set of feature i (or attribute or characteristics i), 1  ≤ i ≤ n, and Y is the set of classes. We define �X = X1 × . . . ×Xn. The training data consists of elements from �X × Y, i.e., data instances with known associated classes. During the prediction, the


Figure 1: A decision tree for the banking data set

generated predictive model assigns a class  y ∈ Yto a data instance (x1, . . . ,xn) ∈ �X(which is potentially not in the training data). We assume all  Xiand the set of classes Y to be equipped with a total order  ⪯iand  ⪯Y, respectively.

In this work, we check whether a given model is monotone with respect to a specific feature i.

Definition 1. A model M is strongly monotone1 with respect to a feature i if for any two data instances  x = (x1, . . . ,xn), x ′ =(x ′1, . . . ,x ′n) ∈ �Xwe have  xi ⪯i x ′iimplies  M(x) ⪯Y M(x ′).

Note that the feature values apart from the one with respect to which we are checking monotonicity can differ in an arbitrary way. Definition 1 can be weakened as to only require an increasing prediction when all features values apart from the chosen one are kept.

Definition 2. A model M is weakly monotone with respect to a feature i if for any two data instances  x = (x1, . . . ,xn),x ′ =(x ′1, . . . ,x ′n) ∈ �X, we have  (xi ⪯i x ′i ) ∧ (∀j, j � i.xj = x ′j)implies M(x) ⪯Y M(x ′).

In the literature, the term monotonicity most often refers to our weak version. We also say that a training data set is strongly/weakly monotone if the above requirements hold for all elements in the set. As an example take the training data in Table 1 for a software making decisions about the granting of loans (inspired by [26]): The features of a person are the income (in thousand dollars), the (number of) children and the (duration of) current contract. The class “loan” can take four values: ‘no’, ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’, with total order ‘no’  <Y‘low’  <Y‘medium’  <Y‘high’. This data set is monotone2 for features “contract” and “income”, but not for feature “children”.

Figure 1 gives a potential model (in the form of a decision tree) which the training on this data set could yield. It can correctly predict all instances in the training data. However, this model is not weakly monotone in feature “contract” anymore: Take e.g. the following two data instances

income=30.0, children=0, contract=9 income=30.0, children=0, contract=10 While the prediction for the first instance is ‘high’, it is ‘medium’ for the latter. We next define group monotonicity which extends Definitions 1 and 2 to a set of features (called monotone features).


monotone with respect to a set of features  F = {i1,i2, . . . ,im} ⊆{1, . . . ,n} if for any two data instances  x = (x1, . . . ,xn),x ′ =(x ′1, . . . ,x ′n) ∈ �X we have ∀j ∈ F : xj ⪯j x ′j implies M(x) ⪯Y M(x ′).

Similarly, it is weakly group monotone with respect to F if for all  x,x ′we have  (∀j ∈ F : xj ⪯j x ′j ∧ ∀j � F : xj = x ′j)implies M(x) ⪯Y M(x ′).

Strong group monotonicity sits in between weak and strong (single feature) monotonicity in that it allows some feature’s values to change in an arbitrary way while other values may only increase or stay as they are3. We see this as being a practically relevant case and have thus included it in our definitions.

Finally, note that test cases for (both strong and weak) monotonicity are by these definitions pairs of data instances  (x,x ′), andduring test execution these need to be checked for the property M(x) ⪯Y M(x ′). If the precondition of the respective monotonicity version holds for x and  x ′but  M(x) ⪯̸Y M(x ′), we call the pair (x,x ′) a counter exampleto monotonicity.

We conduct black-box testing to check monotonicity of the predictive model under test. Hence, in the following we assume the type of the MUT (i.e., which ML algorithm has been used for training) to be unknown.

3.1 Adaptive random testing

For the purpose of comparison, we have designed and implemented an adaptive random testing (ART) [10] approach for monotonicity testing which we describe first. Adaptive random testing aims at (randomly) computing test cases which are more evenly distributed among the test input space. To this end, it compares new candidates with the already computed test cases, and adds the one “furthest” away. The implementation of “furthest” requires the definition of a distance metric. For numerical inputs, this is often the Euclidean distance. For monotonicity, our test cases are however  pairs (x,x ′).

Assume we are given two such pairs  (x,x ′) and (z,z′) and wantto define how “different” they are. Assume furthermore that all the elements only contain numerical values4. Every element x = (x1, . . . ,xn)can then be considered to be a point in ann-dimensional space. We let  Euc(x,x ′)be the Euclidean distance between  x and x ′,and  mx,x′be the point laying at the middle of  x and x ′. The metric which we employ captures two aspects: we see two pairs  (x,x ′)and  (z,z′)as being very different if (a) their Euclidean distances are far apart (e.g., x is very close to  x ′, but zfar away from  z′) and (b)the middle of  (x,x ′)is far away from the middle of  (z,z′). Formally, we define


Note that dist is positive-definite, symmetric and subadditive, i.e., indeed a metric. We use this distance function in the test case


generation for ART within Algorithm 1 (inspired by a definition of ART algorithms in [35]).

The first loop in Algorithm 1 randomly computes a set of pairs (x,x ′)to start with. Note that all these pairs already satisfy the precondition of — in this case – weak monotonicity by construction (line 4). The second (outermost) loop extends this test set until it contains MAX_SAMPLES pairs. It starts in line 9 by generating a set of candidates. The loop starting in line 16 then determines the candidate “furthest away” from the current test set ts. It uses the function minDistance which computes the minimal distance between c and elements of ts using the metric dist. The furthest away candidate is put into the test set ts in line 20 and the algorithm returns with the entire test set in line 21. This test set is then subject to checking all pairs  (x,x ′)for monotonicity (not given as algorithm here).

For checking strong monotonicity we follow a similar approach with the only exception being the generation of test input pairs (x,x ′). In that case, the changes are in lines 4 and 11 which become x ′:= random({x ′ | x � x ′, (∀i ∈ F : xi ⪯ x ′i )}.

3.2 Verification-based testing

Next, we present our novel approach for the generation of test sets for monotonicity testing of a black-box model. The key idea therein is to approximate the MUT by a white-box model on which verification techniques can compute counter examples to monotonicity (in case these exist). These counter examples then serve as test inputs for the MUT, thereby achieving a target-oriented generation of test suites. We call this technique verification-based testing (VBT).


Figure 2: Basic workflow of verification-based testing

The idea of approximating an unknown predictive model by a white-box model is already employed in the areas of interpretability of AI as well as testing of (non-ML) software. In AI (Guidotti et al. [17]) an unknown black-box predictor is converted to an explainable model out of which explanations for humans can be constructed. In the field of testing, Papadopoulos and Walkinshaw [24] use the inference of a predictive model from test sets to further extend this set. None use it to compute counter examples to properties.

In our work, we approximate the black-box MUT by a decision tree. The choice of it is driven by the desire to employ verification-based testing: counter examples to monotonicity are automatically computable for decision trees via SMT solvers. Figure 2 depicts the basic workflow; the exact interplay of components is detailed in Algorithm 5. Our approach is composed of four parts.

White-box model inference. The inputs to our approach are the predictive model M (MUT) and a set of features F. In the first step, we train the decision tree. To this end, we generate so called oracle data, containing the predictions of the MUT for some randomly chosen input instances. This set of data instances are currently not used for testing monotonicity (but could be), rather they are employed for the purpose of generating the white-box model. A decision tree learner is then trained on the oracle data giving a decision tree model.

Monotonicity computation. Once we have generated the decision tree, the next step is to compute (non-)monotonicity. To this end, we use state of the art verification technology, namely the SMT solver Z3 [12]. First, we translate the decision tree into a logical formula describing how the classes are predicted for inputs x and x ′. Figure 3 shows the Z3 code for the decision tree in Figure 1. Therein, variables contract1 and  income15describe test input x and contract2 and income2 describe  x ′. The code also contains the non-monotonicity query for weak monotonicity wrt. ”income”. The last four lines of the code ask Z3 to check for satisfiability of all assertions and – if yes (Sat) – to return a logical model. The logical model gives an evaluation for the variables such that all assertions are fulfilled. For our example, it can be found in Figure 4. It matches the counter example of Section 2.


Figure 3: Z3 code of the decision tree with strong monotonicity constraint

The counter example consists of a pair of data instances and their respective classes ((x,y), (x ′,y′)) as predicted by the decisiontree. As the approximation of the MUT by the decision tree will typically be imprecise, this counter example might not be valid for the MUT: it is a candidate counter example (candidate CEX). Hence, we next check the validity of  M(x) ⪯̸Y M(x ′). If it holds, a true counter example to monotonicity of the MUT (valid CEX) has been found. If not,  (x, M(x)) and (x ′, M(x ′))are added to the oracle data in order to increase precision of the approximation in later steps.

When the output of Z3 is ’Unsat’, we conclude that the generated decision tree is monotone wrt. F (but not necessarily the MUT M) and thus verification-based testing has been unable to compute a test case for non-monotonicity.

Variation. The basic workflow of Figure 2 is complemented by variation techniques. Whenever we obtain a counter example which is not confirmed in the MUT, we need to make the approximating decision tree more precise. This is achieved by re-training. As this is a rather costly operation, we would like to avoid re-training for a single unconfirmed counter example and only re-train once we have collected a number of test pairs. This calls for a systematic generation of counter examples for which we need Z3 to produce


Figure 4: Logical model for the query of Fig. 3


several different logical models for the same logical query. To this end, we employ two pruning techniques cutting off certain parts of the search space of Z3 when computing logical models.

3.2.1 Pruning data instances. Our first strategy is to call Z3 several times and simply disallow it to return the same counter example again. For our running example, we could simply add (assert (not (= contract1 9))) to our query and re-run the SMT solver. We can similarly do so for the values of the other features. This way we can often generate a large number of similar counter examples. E.g., for our example Z3 then returns an instance with contract1 being 8, then 7, and so on. Algorithm 2 describes how we generate new candidate pairs this way. Therein, namei1 (namei2) stands for the name of feature i in instance  x (x ′,respectively), e.g. income1.

The disadvantage of this approach is that Z3 will give counter examples considering only a few number of branches in the decision tree. Hence, a major part of the decision tree paths will remain unexplored. Next we define a second strategy which achieves better coverage of the tree and thereby an improved test adequacy.

3.2.2 Pruning branches. In this case we use a global approach to traverse as many paths as possible. Once a test pair  (x,x ′) is found,we identify the paths in the tree which this pair takes. Then we toggle the conditions on x’s path and on  x ′’s path, one after the other. Other toggling strategies are possible. This “condition toggling” follows the established strategy of determining path conditions in symbolic execution and systematically negating conditions for concolic testing [16, 29]. Figure 5 illustrates it on one path (the conditions in bold are added to the Z3 code) and Algorithm 3 gives the algorithm.

While the first pruning strategy tries to find new pairs in the local neighbourhood of a counter example, the second strategy globally


Figure 5: Illustration of condition toggling

searches for counter examples and thus achieves a better coverage. Algorithm 4 summarizes one such pass of counter example candidate generation from the decision tree.

White-box model improvement. Once we have collected a larger set of test pairs (all candidate counter examples), we test whether they are also counter examples to monotonicity for the MUT M. We furthermore check whether M’s prediction differs from the decision tree’s prediction on the candidates. If yes, they will be added to the oracle data to re-train the decision tree.

Overall algorithm. Algorithm 5 summarizes all these steps in one algorithm. It interleaves generation of test cases with monotonicity checking, i.e., after one call to veriGen it first checks all candidates and only if none of these are counter examples to monotonicity, it starts retraining. Two constants play a rôle in this algorithm: the constant MAX_ORCL fixes the number of data instances to be generated for initially training the decision tree. and (again) constant MAX_SAMPLES limits the number of samples we generate6.

We have implemented adaptive random as well as verification-based testing for monotonicity in Python and have comprehensively evaluated VBT. The following research questions guided our evaluation. We broadly divide these questions into two categories. The first category concerns the comparison of VBT with existing techniques


shows up whenever we need to re-train it several times in order to find a proper counter example. Hence, for RQ3 we determine the number of re-trainings for all 90 models and weak monotonicity.

RQ4. For test generation (Algorithm veriGen) we have implemented two different pruning strategies to achieve better coverage of the decision tree. So we wanted to find out which strategy is better in terms of finding counter examples. For the evaluation, we slightly change the setting. First, instead of only using weak monotonicity, we also check for strong monotonicity since we had the impression in initial experiments that the pruning strategies might behave differently for the weak and strong version. Second, we modify VBT such that it generates several counter examples (simply by not stopping it on the first one) and compute the achieved detection rate, i.e. number of detected errors divided by number of overall test cases #errors#test cases.

4.1 Setup

We have collected our 10 data sets from the UCI machine learning repository8 and the OpenML data repository9. These training data sets have also been used in existing works [21, 34] on monotonicity. Table 2 shows the data sets and their characteristics, i.e., the number of features, the size of the group (number of features in the group) and the number of data instances in the set. We have also computed the number of nodes of the decision tree model (column #TreeNodes) when being trained on the corresponding dataset to give a rough idea about the size of decision trees generated in VBT.

The monotone features are chosen based on our own assumptions about the domain and previous works. For instance, in case of the Adult data set, where a model predicts whether a person’s income is at least $50,000, we check monotonicity with respect to the group consisting of age, weekly working hours, capital-gain and education level [36].

The eight classification algorithms which have been taken from scikit-learn are kNN, Neural Networks (NN), Random Forests (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), AdaBoost, GradientBoost and Logistic Regression. We have used a linear kernel for SVM and a Gaussian version of NB for our experiments. There are several other ML algorithms which can be found in the library but the eight algorithms chosen here belong to the most basic family of ML classifiers. The 9th ML classifier is the monotonicity aware algorithm LightGBM [2] which has been specifically designed to construct models being monotone with respect to a given set of features. The monotonicity constraints can be enforced during the training phase of this algorithm. This should guarantee monotonicity but – as initial experiments have revealed – LightGBM does not entirely manage to rule out non-monotonicity. This classifier is an excellent benchmark for the three approaches since there are only a very few erroneous input pairs and the challenge is to generate exactly these as test cases.

We have evaluated the accuracy score while generating predictive models and used the score to adjust the hyperparameters of the learning algorithms. The input parameters of artGen and veriTest algorithms have been chosen based on execution time of some initial experiments. The parameter POOL_SIZE of the artGen algorithm is

Table 3: Number of non-monotonicity detections


set to half of INI_SAMPLES which is 100; for MAX_SAMPLES we use 1000.

We have created oracle data in the verification-based testing approach by generating random data instances (90%) and also taking training data instances randomly (10%)10. This choice is influenced by the work of Johansson et al. [19] who found that using random data instances to approximate a model gives the best result.

We have used Hypothesis [1], a Python version of QuickCheck [11] as our property-based testing tool. Property-based testing allows users to specify the property to be tested. The parameters of this tool have been set in accordance with the artGen and veriTest algorithms (parameter for upper bound of test cases is 1000 like MAX_SAMPLES).

Finally, because all three approaches involve some sort of randomness, every experiment was carried out ten times. The results give the arithmetic mean over these ten runs. The experiments were run on a machine with 2 cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300U CPU with 2.60GHz and 16GB memory using Python version 3.6.

4.2 Results

Next, we report on the findings of our experiments while evaluating the research questions.

RQ1 - Effectiveness. Table 3 shows the results of the experiments for RQ1. It gives the number of models (out of 90 in total) for which our approach verification-based testing (VBT) and the two baselines adaptive random testing (ART) and property-based testing (PT) were able to detect non-monotonicity. Note again that the ground truth, i.e., which models are in fact non-monotone, is unknown, but all reported non-monotonicity cases are true positives. Per classifier 10 models were tested.

The results show that verification-based testing is more effective in detecting non-monotonicity than both adaptive random and property-based testing. It also shows that adaptive random testing can outperform (pure) property-based testing because – with the help of the distance metric – it more systematically generates test cases covering the test input space.

Another interesting result is the detection of non-monotonicity in two (out of 10) models generated by LightGBM (and the fact that ART and PT fail to detect it). LightGBM is a monotonicity-aware classifier which is supposed to just generate monotone models. For two of the training sets it has however failed to do so, resulting


Figure 6: Venn diagram showing distribution of detected non-monotone models on approaches

in a model which still has a small number of non-monotone pairs which VBT can find, but ART and PT cannot.

Given these differences in numbers, we also wanted to know whether the non-monotonicity detections of ART and PT are simply a subset of those of VBT. This is actually not the case. The Venn diagram in Figure 6 shows the distribution of counter examples onto the three approaches. 26 models are in the intersection of all three techniques. For the rest, only one or two of the approaches could detect non-monotonicity. The diagram also shows that there are 9 models for which both PT or ART can detect non-monotonicity, but VBT cannot. These models are all models trained on the ERA (6 models) and ESL (3 models) data sets. Looking at the models themselves, it turns out that their accuracy (wrt. the training data) is always very low (below 0.62 and for ERA even below 0.3). Hence, it seems that generalization from this training data is difficult for ML algorithms, and the decision trees in VBT seem to generalize in a different way than the black-box models and hence approximate them less well. This also shows in the results of RQ3 below concerning the ERA and ESL data sets. Summarizing the findings of RQ1 in our experiments, we get

On average, VBT is more effective than ART and PT in detecting non-monotonicity of black-box ML models.

RQ2 - Efficiency. For RQ2, we designed experiments to evaluate how efficient VBT is in comparison to ART and PT. Figure 7 shows the runtime of the three approaches for testing monotonicity. The x-axis enumerates the 90 tasks (i.e., models to be tested) where the tasks are sorted in ascending order of runtime per approach, and the y-axis gives the runtime for testing the task (in seconds, on a logarithmic scale). It shows that for all tasks VBT takes less time than both ART and PT even though our approach consists of several steps (including the training of a decision tree) to compute monotonicity.

Adaptive random testing takes (on average) the same amount of time for all tasks. During ART, most of the time is needed for creating the input test cases which are “furthest” away from each other. As the size of test inputs is always the same for all the test cases, the time does not vary that much. On the other hand, property-based


Figure 7: Run time in checking monotonicity


Figure 8: Number of failed attempts

testing performs better than ART in most of the cases apart from some exceptions.

Second, for RQ2 we have determined the number of test cases generated during testing. All three approaches stop once they have detected the first counter example to monotonicity. Figure 8 shows the number of failed attempts (i.e., generated test cases before finding the first counter example) for each of the classifiers averaging over all the datasets. Our experimental results suggest that VBT always needs the least amount of test cases to testify non-monotonicity.

Note that our approach has two possible execution instances when not finding counter examples: (1) the SMT solver might continously generate counter example candidates which all fail to be real counter examples in the model and thus VBT successively retrains the tree until MAX_SAMPLES candidates have been generated, or (2) it immediately stops because the first decision tree is already monotone and the SMT solver finds no counter example at all. In the latter case, the number of failed attempts is 0 (which is favourable for a low number of attempts). However, this only occurred in 7 out of the 90 models.

Summarizing the findings of RQ2 in our experiments, we get


For the next two research questions we look at verification-based testing only.

RQ3 - Approximation quality. Table 4 shows the mean number of re-trainings of the decision tree per classifier and data set (mean over 10 runs). For those cases where VBT could not find any non-monotonicity, we have written ’-’. As the results show, the number of re-trainings is high for the monotonicity aware algorithm LightGBM (LBM), which is consistent with the results shown in Figure 8. Apart from the classifier, the data set seems to influence the number of retrainings (e.g., Adult needs a large number of re-trainings). In general, the numbers are – however – relatively low (≤10). Note that there are also 27 models for which no retraining at all is needed. Hence, we conclude the following.


RQ4 - Strategy Selection. For RQ4, we modified VBT as to not stop upon the first valid counter example. Figures 9 and 10 show the detection rates (number of detected counter examples divided by number of test cases) of the two pruning strategies alone in computing strong (Fig. 9) and weak monotonicity (Fig. 10), respectively. Note the difference in the maximal detection rate which is 0.5 for strong and only 0.25 for weak monotonicity. On a large number of classifiers branch pruning is better or equal to feature pruning for strong monotonicity whereas for weak monotonicity it is the other way round. This can partly be explained on the decision tree itself: since weak monotonicity requires all but the values of monotone features to be the same in a pair, branch pruning cannot exhibit its full power.

The results suggest the following.


4.3 Limitations and Threats to Validity

Since we employ an SMT solver for monotonicity computation, verification-based testing is restricted to feature values allowed by the solver. Currently, we have data sets with integer and real values. For other domains of feature values, an encoding would be necessary. This is however often done by ML algorithms within preprocessing steps anyway, so we could easily make use of existing techniques there.

Threats to the validity of results are the choice of data sets and ML algorithms and the choice of feature groups for monotonicity checking. For the ML algorithms, we are confident that we have covered all sorts of basic classifiers in usage today (of course, there are in addition numerous specialised classifiers which however often make use of the base techniques). As we have taken a number of different, publicly available data sets for machine learning, we

Table 4: Mean number of re-trainings


are furthermore confident that our data sets are diverse enough to exhibit different properties of the approaches and reflect real data sets. In particular, the ERA data set exposes interesting properties of verification-based testing.

A threat to the internal validity is the high degree of randomness involved in the techniques. First, a number of classifiers use randomized algorithms for generating models. Thus, in principle we might get one monotone and one non-monotone model when training with the same classifier on exactly the same data set. To ensure fairness during comparison, all three approaches were always started with the same model as input (training of MUTs is external to testing). Second, all three approaches themselves randomly generate (at least some) data instances (ART and PT as potential test cases, VBT for oracle data). VBT in addition uses a decision tree training algorithm which itself involves randomness. Hence, our decision trees can vary from one run to the next, and this stays so even if we would fix the oracle data. To mitigate these threats, all experiments were performed 10 times and the results give the mean over these 10 runs.

We divide our discussion of related works in three parts. First, we discuss some works incorporating monotonicity in the predictive model, then mention some recent techniques for machine learning testing and third discuss approaches using model inference in testing.

Generating monotone models. The existing works in monotonicity focus on specific ML algorithms. In [6], Archer et al. first propose building a monotone neural network model by adjusting the contribution of training samples in the training process. There exists some follow up works which constrain the parameters of the neural network algorithm to enforce monotonicity [13, 32]. In a more recent work You et al. [36] propose an approach to generate a guaranteedly monotone deep lattice network with respect to a given set of features. Lauer et al. [22] enforce monotonicity in support vector machines (with linear kernels) by constraining the derivative to be positive within a specified range. Riihimäki et al. [28] build a Gaussian monotone model by using virtual derivative observations. In a follow up work, Siivola et al. [31] give an approach based on the


Figure 9: Performance of branch and feature pruning in computing strong monotonicity

same idea to detect monotonicity only for Gaussian distributions. Although using derivatives of the function can work for some ML algorithms, it cannot be generalized and is not possible to use in algorithms where the learned functions (i.e., models) are non-linear.

Validating models. There are a number of recent works which aim at validating properties of predictive models, none of which however have looked at monotonicity. In [18], Huang et al. propose robustness as a safety property and give a verification technique showing that a Deep Neural Network (DNN) guarantees postconditions to hold on its outputs when the inputs satisfy a given precondition. Gehr et al. [15] use abstract interpretation to verify robustness of DNN models. Pei et al. [25] propose the first white-box testing technique to test DNNs. They use neuron coverage as a criterion to generate the test cases for the predictive model. Sun et al. [33] propose concolic testing to test the robustness property of DNNs. The authors use a set of coverage requirements (such as neuron, MC/DC and neuron boundary coverage, Lipschitz continuity) to generate test inputs.

Recently, Sharma et al. [30] have proposed a property called balancedness on the learning algorithm. They perform specific transformations on the training data and check whether the learning algorithm generates a different predictive model after applying such transformations. This work thus focusses on testing the ML algorithm itself, not the model.

In [14], Galhotra et al. perform black-box testing to check fairness of the predictive model. Basically, they use random testing with confidence driven sampling. It has the drawback of generating completely random sets of test data without considering the structure of the model.

The work closest to us is that of Agarwal et al. [3]. They also study fairness testing, but compared to Galhotra et al. [14] they aim at a more systematic generation of test inputs. To this end, they employ LIME [27] (a tool for generating local explanations for predictions) to generate a partial decision tree (often just a path in the tree) from the black-box model. On this path, they use dynamic symbolic execution to generate multiple test cases, much alike we do. The difference to our work is that we generate a decision tree approximating the entire black-box model under test, and – more importantly – we use the generated white-box model


Figure 10: Performance of branch and feature pruning in computing weak monotonicity

for the computation of test inputs (potential counter examples to monotonicity). We thus achieve a targeted test case generation.

Testing via model inference. The use of learning in testing has long been considered in the field of model-based testing. Therein, learning is used to extract a model of the system under test. Such models most often are some sort of automaton (finite state machine) and learning is based on Angluin’s L∗algorithm [5]. For a survey of techniques see [4, 23].

In contrast to this, we employ machine learning techniques to infer a model. The inference of a decision tree describing the behaviour of software has already been pursued by Papadopoulus and Walkinshaw [24] as well as Briand et al. [8]. The former – similar to us – translate the decision tree to logic in order to have Z3 generate test inputs covering different branches of the tree. However, they do not employ the tree to generate counter examples to the property to be tested. Thus, the advantage of having a verifiable white-box model for targeted test input generation is not utilized. Briand et al. on the other hand use the decision tree in a semi-automated approach to the re-engineering of test suites. This approach requires the manual inspection of the decision tree by testers. A survey on inference-driven techniques is given in [35].

In this work, we have defined the property of monotonicity of ML models and have proposed a novel approach to testing monotonicity. Our technique approximates the black-box model by a white-box model and applies SMT solving techniques to compute monotonicity on the white-box model. We have evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach by applying it to several ML models and found our approach to outperform both adaptive random and property-based testing.

As future work, we plan to apply this scheme to validate other important properties of ML models. Our white-box model easily allows for checking other properties, like for instance fairness, just by applying a different check on the generated SMT code. Also, we would like to improve our framework by using incremental learning to avoid re-training of the entire decision tree.

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