
My stuff
Provably Efficient Safe Exploration via Primal-Dual Policy Optimization

We study the Safe Reinforcement Learning (SRL) problem using the Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP) formulation in which an agent aims to maximize the expected total reward subject to a safety constraint on the expected total value of a utility function. We focus on an episodic setting with the function approximation where the Markov transition kernels have a linear structure but do not impose any additional assumptions on the sampling model. Designing SRL algorithms with provable computational and statistical efficiency is particularly challenging under this setting because of the need to incorporate both the safety constraint and the function approximation into the fundamental exploitation/exploration tradeoff. To this end, we present an Optimistic Primal-Dual Proximal Policy OPtimization (OPDOP) algorithm where the value function is estimated by combining the least-squares policy evaluation and an additional bonus term for safe exploration. We prove that the proposed algorithm achieves an �O(dH2.5√T) regret and an �O(dH2.5√T) constraint violation, where d is the dimension of the feature mapping, H is the horizon of each episode, and T is the total number of steps. These bounds hold when the reward/utility functions are fixed but the feedback after each episode is bandit. Our bounds depend on the capacity of the state-action space only through the dimension of the feature mapping and thus our results hold even when the number of states goes to infinity. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first provably efficient online policy optimization algorithm for CMDP with safe exploration in the function approximation setting.

Reinforcement Learning (RL) studies how an agent learns to maximize its expected total reward by interacting with an unknown environment over time [54]. Safe RL (SRL) involves extra restrictions arising from real-world problems [30, 6, 25]. Examples include collision-avoidance in self-driving cars [29], switching cost limitations in medical applications [10], and legal and business restrictions in financial management [2]. A standard environment model for SRL is the Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP) [5] that extends the classical MDP by adding an extra safety-related utility, and translates the safety demand into a constraint on the expected total utility [3]. The presence of safety constraints makes the celebrated exploration-exploitation trade-off more challenging.

Many existing SRL algorithms for CMDPs are policy-based, and primal-dual type constrained optimization methods are commonly used to deal with policy constraints, e.g., Constrained Policy Gradient (CPG) [57], Lagrangian-based Actor-Critic (AC) [14, 13, 19, 55, 39], Primal-Dual Policy Optimization (PDPO) [46, 45, 53], Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO) [3, 65], and Reward Constrained Policy Optimization (RCPO) [55]. These SRL algorithms either do not have a theoretical guarantee or can only be shown to converge asymptotically in the batch offline setting. It is imperative to study theoretical guarantees for SRL algorithms regarding computational/statistical efficiency.

In this work, we look at a more challenging problem of finding a sequence of policies in response to streaming samples of reward functions, constraint functions, and transition. We seek to provide theoretical guarantees on the convergence rate of approaching the best-fixed policy in hindsight as well as feasibility region formed by constraints. Unlike scenarios where the safety constraint is known a priori [56, 12, 22, 60, 20, 21, 59], we have to explore the unknown environment and adapt the policy to the safety constraint with the minimal violation [6, 30]. We refer this task as safe exploration. Recent policy-based SRL algorithms for CMDPs, e.g., CPO [3, 65] and PDPO [46, 45], seek a single safe policy via the constrained policy optimization whose sample efficiency guarantees over streaming or time-varying data are largely unknown. In this paper, we aim to answer a theoretical question:

Can we design a provably sample efficient online policy optimization algorithm for CMDP?

Contribution. We propose a provably efficient SRL algorithm for CMDP with an unknown transition model in the linear episodic setting – the Optimistic Primal-Dual Proximal Policy OPtimization (OPDOP) algorithm – where the value function is estimated by combining the least-squares policy evaluation and an additional bonus term for safe exploration. Theoretically, we prove that the proposed algorithm achieves an �O(dH2.5√T) regret and the same �O(dH2.5√T) constraint violation, where d is the dimension of the feature mapping, H is the horizon of each episode, and T is the total number of steps. We establish these bounds in the setting where the reward/utility functions are fixed but the feedback after each episode is bandit. Our bounds depend on the capacity of the state space only through the dimension of the feature mapping and thus hold even when the number of states goes to infinity. To the best of our knowledge, our result is the first provably efficient online policy optimization for CMDP with safe exploration in the function approximation setting.

Related Work. Our work is related to a line of provably efficient RL algorithms based on linear function approximation where the exploration is achieved by adding an Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) bonus [63, 64, 32]. A closely-related recent work is Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) [51]. As is shown in [40, 18], PPO converges to the optimal policy sublinearly and an optimistic variant of PPO is sample efficient with UCB exploration in the linear setting. However, such results only hold for unconstrained RL problems. Our work seeks to extend an optimistic variant of PPO for CMDP with UCB exploration and establish theoretical efficiency guarantees. For the large CMDP with unknown transition models, there is a line of works that relates to the policy optimization under constraints, e.g., CPG [57], CPO [3, 65], RCPO [55], and IPPO [41]. However, their theoretical guarantees are still lacking. By contrast, our work is supported by theoretical efficiency guarantees.

Recent results on learning CMDPs with unknown transitions and rewards are closely related. As we know, most of them are model-based and only apply for finite state-action spaces. The works [52, 26] independently leverage upper confidence bound (UCB) on fixed reward, utility, and transition probability to propose sample-efficient algorithms for tabular CMDPs; [52] obtains an O(�|A|T 1.5 log T) regret and constraint violation via linear program in the average cost setup in time T; [26] obtains an  O(|S|�|S||A|H4T) regret and constraint violation in the episodic setting via linear program and primal-dual policy optimization, where S is a state space and A is an action space. In [48], the authors study an adversarial stochastic shortest path problem under constraints and unknown transitions with  O(|S|�|A|H2T) regret and constraint violation. The work [9] extends Q-learning with optimism for finite state-action CMDPs with peak constraints. The work [17] proposes UCB-based convex planning for episodic tabular CMDPs in dealing with convex or hard constraints. In contrast, our proposed algorithm can potentially be applied to infinite state space scenarios with sublinear regret and constraint violation bounds only depending on the implicit dimension as opposed to the true dimension of the state space.

We consider an episodic Markov decision process (MDP) – MDP(S, A, H, P, r) – where S is a state space, A is an action space, H is a fixed length of each episode,  P = {Ph}H1is a collection of transition probability measures, and  r = {rh}Hh = 1 is a collection of reward functions. We assume that S is a measurable space with possibly infinite number of elements. Moreover, for each step h ∈ [H], Ph( · | x, a) is a transition kernel over next state if action a is taken for state  x and rh:S ×A → [0,1] is a reward function. The constrained MDP – CMDP(S, A, H, P, r, g) – also contains utility functions  g = {gh}Hh = 1 where gh: S × A → [0,1] is the utility function. We assume that reward/utility are deterministic. Our analysis readily generalizes to the setting where reward and utility are random.

Let the policy space ∆(A | S, H) be {{πh( · | · )}Hh = 1: πh( · | x) ∈ ∆(A), ∀x ∈ S and h ∈ [H]},where ∆(A) denotes a probability simplex over the action space. Let  πk ∈ ∆(A | S, H) be a policy taken by the agent at episode  k, where πkh( · | xkh): S → Ais the action that the agent takes at state xkh. For simplicity, we assume the initial state  xk1 to be fixed as  x1in different episodes; it readily generalizes to be random according to some distribution. The agent interacts with the environment in the kth episode as follows. At the beginning, the agent determines a policy  πk. Then, at each step  h ∈ [H], the agent observes the state  xkh ∈ S, determines an action  akh following the policy πkh( · | xkh), and receives a reward  rh(xkh, akh) together with an utility  gh(xkh, akh).Meanwhile, the MDP evolves into next state  xkh+1 drawing from the probability measure  Ph( · | xkh, akh). The episode terminates at state  xkH+1; when this happens, no control action is taken and both reward and utility functions are equal to zero. In this paper, we focus a challenging bandit setting where the agent only observes the values of reward/utility functions,  rh(xkh, akh), gh(xkh, akh), at visited state-action pair (xkh, akh); see examples in [49, 27, 45]. We assume that reward/utility functions are fixed over episodes.

Given a policy  π ∈ ∆(A | S, H), the value function  V πr,h associated with the reward function r

at each step h are the expected values of total rewards,


for all  x ∈ S, h ∈ [H], where the expectation  Eπis taken over the random state-action sequence {(xh, ah)}Hh = i; the action  ahfollows the policy  πh( · |xh) at the state  xhand the next state  xh+1follows the transition dynamics  Ph( · |xh, ah). Thus, the action-value function  Qπr,h(x, a): S×A → Rassociated with the reward function r is the expected value of total rewards when the agent starts from state-action pair (x, a) at step h and follows policy  π,


for all (x, a) ∈ S × A and h ∈ [H]. Similarly, we define the value function  V πg,h: S → R andthe action-value function  Qπg,h(x, a): S × A → Rassociated with the utility function g. Denote symbol  ⋄ = r or g. For brevity, we take the shorthand  PhV π⋄,h+1(x, a) := Ex′∼Ph( · | x,a)V π⋄,h+1(x′).The Bellman equations associated with a policy  πare given by


where  V π⋄,h(x) =�Qπ⋄,h (x, · ), πh( · | x)�A, for all (x, a) ∈ S × A. Fix x ∈ S, the inner product of a function  f: S × A → R with π( · | x) ∈ ∆(A) is ⟨f(x, · ), π( · | x)⟩A = �a ∈ A⟨f(x, a), π(a | x)⟩.

Learning Performance. The learning agent aims to find a solution of a constrained problem in which the objective function is the expected total rewards and the constraint is on the expected


where we take  b ∈ (0, H] to avoid triality. It is readily generalized to the problem with multiple constraints. Let  π⋆ ∈ ∆(A | S, H) be a solution to problem (2). Since the policy  π⋆ is computed from knowing all reward and utility functions, it is commonly referred to as an optimal policy in-hindsight.

The associated Lagrangian of problem (2) is given by  L(π, Y ) := V πr,1(x1)+Y (V πg,1(x1)−b), whereπis the primal variable and  Y ≥0 is the dual variable. We can cast problem (2) into a saddle-point problem: maximizeπ ∈ ∆(A | S,H) minimizeY ≥0 L(π, Y), which is convex in Y and is non-concave in πdue to the non-concavity of value functions in policy space [4]. To address the non-concavity, we will exploit constrained RL problem structure to propose a new variant of Lagrange multipliers method for constrained RL problems in Section 3, which warrants a new line of primal-dual mirror descent type analysis in sequel. It is different from unconstrained RL analysis, e.g., [4, 18].

Another key feature of constrained RL is the safe exploration under constraints [30]. Without any constraint information a priori, it is infeasible for each policy to satisfy the constraint since utility information in constraints is only revealed after a policy is decided. Instead, we allow each policy to violate the constraint in each episode and minimize regret while minimizing total constraint violations for safe exploration over K episodes; aslo see [26]. We define the regret as the difference between the total reward value of policy  π⋆ in hindsight and that of the agent’s policy  πkover K episodes, and the constraint violation as a difference between the offset Kb and the total utility value of the agent’s policy  πk over K episodes,


In this paper, we design algorithms, taking bandit feedback of the reward/utility functions, with both regret and constraint violation being sublinear in the total number of steps T := HK. Put differently, the algorithm should ensure that given  ǫ > 0, if T = O(1/ǫ2), then both Regret(K) = O(ǫ) and Violation(K) = O(ǫ) hold with high probability.

To achieve sublinear regret and constraint violation, we assume standard Slater condition for problem (2) and recall strong duality; see the proof in [46, 45], and boundedness of the optimal dual variable. The dual function is D(Y ) := maximizeπ L(π, Y) and the optimal dual variable Y ⋆ := argminY ≥ 0 D(Y ).

Assumption 1 (Slater Condition). There exists γ > 0 and ¯π ∈ ∆(A | S, H) such that V ¯πg,1(x1) ≥b + γ.

Lemma 1 (Strong Duality, Boundedness of  Y ⋆). Let Assumption 1 hold. Then V π⋆r,1 (x1) = D(Y ⋆).Moreover, 0 ≤ Y ⋆ ≤ (V π⋆r,1 (x1) − V ¯πr,1(x1))/γ.

The Slater condition is mild in practice and commonly adopted in previous works; e.g., [46, 26, 48, 23]. The implied properties for problem (2) by Slater condition will be useful in our algorithm design and analysis.

Linear Function Approximation. We focus on CMDPs with linear transition kernels in feature maps.

Assumption 2. The CMDP(S, A, H, P, r, g) is a linear MDP with a kernal feature map  ψ: S ×A × S → Rd1 and a value feature map  ϕ: S × A → Rd2, if for any  h ∈ [H], there exists a vector θh ∈ Rd1 with ∥θh∥2 ≤ √d1such that for any (x, a, x′) ∈ S × A × S,


where max(∥θr,h∥2 , ∥θg,h∥2) ≤ √d2. Moreover, we assume that for any function  V : S → [0, H],���S ψ(x, a, x′)V (x′)dx′��2 ≤ √d1 H for all (x, a) ∈ S × A, and max(d1, d2) ≤ d.

Assumption 2 adapts the definition of linear kernel MDP [7, 68, 18] for CMDPs. Linear kernel MDP examples include tabular MDPs [68], feature embedded transition models [64], and linear combinations of base models [43]. We can construct related examples of CMDPs with linear structure by adding adding proper constraints. For usefulness of linear structure, see discussions in [24, 58, 36]. For more general transition dynamics, see factored linear model [47].

Although our definition in Assumption 2 and linear MDPs [63, 32] all include tabular MDPs as special cases, they define transition dynamics using different feature maps. They are not comparable since one cannot be implied by the other [68]. The design of provably efficient RL algorithms beyond these linear type CMDPs remains open.

In Algorithm 1, we present a new variant of Proximal Policy Optimization [51] – an Optimistic Primal-Dual Proximal Policy OPtimization (OPDOP) algorithm. We effectuate the optimism through the Upper-Confidence Bounds (UCB) and address the constraints using a new variant of Lagrange multipliers method combined with the performance difference lemma; see Lemma 10 in Appendix F or works [50, 51, 18]. In each episode, our algorithm consists of three main stages. The first stage (lines 4–8) is Policy Improvement: we receive a new policy  πk by improving previous  πk−1 via a mirror descent type optimization; The second stage (line 9) is Dual Update: we update dual variable  Y k based on the constraint violation induced by previous policy  πk; Thethird stage (line 10) is Policy Evaluation: we optimistically evaluate newly obtained policy via the least-squares policy evaluation with an additional UCB bonus term for exploration.


Policy Improvement. In the k-th episode, a natural attempt of obtaining a policy  πk is to solve

a Lagrangian-based policy optimization problem,


where  L(π, Y) is the Lagrangian and the dual variable  Y k−1 ≥0 is from the last episode. We will show later that  Y k−1 can be updated efficiently. This type update is used by several works, e.g. [38, 46, 45, 55]. The issue with them is that it relies on an oracle solver involving either Q-learning [28], PPO [51], or TRPO [50] to deliver a near-optimal policy. Thus, the overall algorithmic complexity is expensive and it is not suitable for the online use. In contrast, this work utilizes RL problem structure and show that only an easily-computable proximal step is sufficient by establishing efficiency guarantees without using any oracle solvers.

Denote symbol  ⋄ = r or g. Via the performance difference lemma, we can expand value functions V π⋄,1(x1) at the previously known policy  πk−1,


where  Eπk−1is taken over the random state-action sequence  {(xh, ah)}H1 . Thus, we introduce an approximation of  V π⋄,1(x1) for any state-action sequence  {(xh, ah)}H1 induced by π,


where  V k−1⋄,h and Qk−1⋄,h can be estimated from an optimistic policy evaluation that will be discussed later. With this notion, in each episode, instead of solving a Lagrangian-based policy optimization, we perform a simple policy update in online mirror descent fashion,


where  �πk−1h ( · | xh) = (1 − θ) πk−1h ( · | xh) + θ Unif(A) is a mixed policy of the previous one and the uniform distribution Unif(A) with θ ∈ (0,1]. The constant  α >0 is a trade-off parameter, D(π | �πk−1) is the KL divergence between  π and �πk−1 in which πis absolutely continuous in  �πk−1.The policy mixing step ensures such absolute continuity and implies uniformly bounded KL divergence (see Lemma 15 in Appendix F). Ignoring other  π-irrelevant terms, we update  πk in terms of previous policy  πk−1 by


Since the above update is separable over states  {xh}H1 , we can update the policy  πk as line 6in Algorithm 1, a closed solution for any step  h ∈ [H]. If we set Y k−1 = 0 and θ = 0, theabove update reduces to one step in an optimistic variant of PPO [18]. The idea of KL-divergence regularization in policy optimization has been widely used in many unconstrained scenarios, e.g., NPG [33], PPO [51], TRPO [50], and their neural variants [61, 40]. Our method is distinct from them in that it is based on the performance difference lemma and the optimistically estimated value functions.

Dual Update. To infer the constraint violation for the dual update, we esimate  V k−1g,1 (x1) forV πkg,1 (x1) via an optimistic policy evaluation that will be discussed later. We update the Lagrange multiplier  Y ≥0 by moving  Y k to the direction of minimizing the Lagrangian  L(π, Y ) over Y inline 9 in Algorithm 1, where  η >0 is a stepsize and Proj[ 0, χ ]is a projection onto [0, χ] with anupper bound  χ on Y k. By Lemma 1, we choose  χ = 2H/γ ≥ 2Y ⋆ so that projection interval [ 0, χ ]includes the optimal dual variable  Y ⋆; also see works [26, 44].

The dual update works as a trade-off between the reward maximization and the constraint violation reduction. If the current policy  πk satisfies the approximated constraint, i.e.,  b−Lk−1g (πk) ≤ 0,we put less weight on the action-value function associated with the utility and maximize the reward; otherwise, we sacrifice the reward a bit to satisfy the constraint. The dual update has a similar use in dealing with constraints in CMDP, e.g., Lagrangian-based AC [19, 39], and online constrained optimization problems [66, 62, 67]. In contrast, we handle the dual update via the optimistic policy evaluation that yields an arguably efficient approximation of constraint violation.


Policy Evaluation. The last stage of the kth episode takes the Least-Squares Temporal Difference (LSTD) [16, 15, 37, 35] to evaluate the policy  πk based on previous  k −1 historical trajectories. For each step  h ∈ [H], instead of  PhV πkr,h+1 in the Bellman equations (1), we estimate  PhV kr,h+1 by(φkr,h)⊤wkr,h where wkr,h is updated by the minimizer of the regularized least-squares problem over


where  φτr,h( · , · ) :=�S ψ( · , · , x′ )V τr,h+1(x′)dx′, V τr,h+1(·) = ⟨Qτr,h+1( · , · ), πτh+1( · | · )⟩A for h ∈ [H−1]and  V τH+1 = 0, and λ >0 is the regularization parameter. Similarly, we estimate  PhV kg,h+1 by(φkg,h)⊤wkg,h. We display the least-squares solution in line 4–6 of Algorithm 2 where symbol  ⋄ =r or g. We also estimate  rh(·, ·) by ϕ⊤ukr,h where ukr,h is updated by the minimizer of another regularized least-squares problem,


where  λ >0 is the regularization parameter. Similarly, we estimate  gh(·, ·) by ϕ⊤ukg,h. The least- squares solutions lead to line 8–9 of Algorithm 2.


value function  {Qk⋄,h}Hh = 1 iteratively in line 11 of Algorithm 2, where  ϕ⊤uk⋄,h is an estimate of  ⋄h and(φk⋄,h)⊤wk⋄,h is an estimate of  PhV k⋄,h+1; we add UCB bonus terms Γkh( · , · ), Γk⋄,h( · , · ): S × A → R+so that


all become upper confidence bounds for exploration. We take Γkh = β(ϕ⊤(Λkh)−1ϕ)1/2 and Γk⋄,h =β((φk⋄,h)⊤(Λk⋄,h)−1φk⋄,h)1/2and leave the parameter  β >0 to be tuned later. Moreover, the bounded reward/utility  ⋄h ∈ [0,1] implies  Qk⋄,h ∈ [0, H − h + 1].

We remark the computational efficiency of Algorithm 1. For the time complexity, since line 6 is a scalar update, they need O(d|A|T) time. A dominating calculation is from lines 5/9 in Algorithm 2. If we use the Sherman–Morrison formula for computing (Λkh)−1, it takes O(d2T) time.Another important calculation is the integration from line 6 in Algorithm 2. We can either compute it analytically if it is tractable or approximate it via the Monte Carlo integration efficiently [68] that assumes O(dT) time. Therefore, the time complexity is  O(d2|A|T) in total. For the space complexity, we don’t need to store policy since it is recursively calculated via (4). By updating  Y k,Λkh, Λk⋄,h, wk⋄,h, uk⋄,h, and ⋄h(xkh, akh) recursively, it takes  O((d2 + |A|)H) space.

We now prove that the regret and the constraint violation for Algorithm 1 are sublinear in T := KH; T is the total number of steps taken by the algorithm; K is the total number of episodes; H is the episode horizon. We recall that |A| is the cardinality of action space A and d is the dimension of the feature map.

Theorem 1 (Linear Kernal MDP: Regret and Constraint Violation). Let Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Fix  p ∈ (0, 1). We set α =�log |A|/(H2K), β = C1�dH2 log (dT/p), η = 1/√K, θ = 1/K,and  λ = 1in Algorithm 1, where  C1is an absolute constant. Suppose log  |A| = O�d2 log2 (dT/p)�.


The above result establishes that OPDOP enjoys an �O(dH2.5√T) regret and an �O(dH2.5√T)constraint violation if we set algorithm parameters  {α, β, η, θ, λ}properly. Our results have the optimal dependence on the total number of steps T up to some logarithmic factors. The d dependence occurs due to the uniform concentration for controlling the fluctuations in the least-squares policy evaluation. This matches the existing bounds in the linear MDP setting without any constraints [18, 7, 68]. Our bounds differ from them only by an extra H, which is a price introduced by the uniform bound on the constraint violation. It is noticed that we don’t observe reward/utility functions, our algorithm works for bandit feedback after each episode.

We remark the tabular setting for Algorithm 1; see Appendix C for details. The tabular CMDP is a special case of Assumption 2 by taking canonical bases as feature mappings; see them in Section 5. The feature map has dimension  d = |S|2|A|and thus Theorem 1 automatically provides  O(|S|2|A|H2.5√T) regret and constraint violation for the tabular CMDPs. The  d = |S|2|A|dependence relies on the least-squares policy evaluation and it can be improved via other optimistic policy evolution methods if we are limited to the tabular case. We provide such results in Section 5.

4.1 Proof Outline of Theorem 1

We sketch the proof for Theorem 1. We state key lemmas and delay their full versions and complete proofs to Appendix B. In what follows, we fix  p ∈ (0,1) and use the shorthand w.p. for with probability.

Regret Analysis. We take a regret decomposition,


where (R.I) = �Kk = 1�V π⋆r,1 (x1)−V kr,1(x1)�in which π⋆ is an optimal policy in hindsight, and (R.II) = �Kk = 1�V kr,1(x1)−V πkr,1 (x1)�in which V kr,1(x1) is estimated via our optimistic policy evaluation given by Algorithm 2. As we use  V kr,h+1 to estimate  V πkr,h+1, it leads a model prediction error in the Bellman equations,  ιkr,h := rkh + PhV kr,h+1 − Qkr,h; similarly define  ιkg,h. In Appendix D.3, the UCB optimism of  ιk⋄,h with ⋄ = r or g, shows that or any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A, w.p.1  − p/2, we have


By assumptions of Theorem 1, the policy improvement (4) yields Lemma 1, depicting total differences of estimates  V kr,1(x1), V kg,1(x1) to the optimal ones.

Lemma 1 (Policy Improvement: Primal-Dual Mirror Descent Step). Let assumptions of Theorem 1


Lemma 1 displays a coupling between the regret and the constraint violation. This coupling also finds use in online convex optimization [42, 67, 62, 34] and CMDP problems [26]. The proof of Lemma 1 takes a primal-dual mirror descent type analysis of line 6 of Algorithm 1 by utilizing the performance difference lemma. Our primal-dual mirror descent analysis enable standard ones in [51, 40, 18] to deal with constraints.

Via the dual update (5), we show the second total differences  − �Kk = 1 Y k�V π⋆g,1(x1) − V kg,1(x1)�scales  O(√K). Together with a decomposition of (R.II), (R.II) =  − �Kk = 1�Hh = 1 ιkr,h(xkh, akh) +MKr,H,2, where MKr,H,2 is a martingale, we have Lemma 2.

Lemma 2. Let assumptions of Theorem 1 hold. Then, Regret(K) ≤ O(H2.5�T log |A|) +�Kk = 1�Hh = 1�Eπ⋆[ιkr,h(xh, ah)]−ιkr,h(xkh, akh)�+ MKr,H,2.

Finally, we note that  MKr,H,2 is a martingale that scales as  O(H√T) via the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality. For the model prediction error, we use the UCB optimism and apply the elliptical potential lemma.

Lemma 3. Let assumptions of Theorem 1 hold. Then, �Kk = 1�Hh = 1�Eπ⋆[ιkr,h(xh, ah)] −ιkr,h(xkh, akh)�≤ O(dH1.5�T log (K) log (dT/p)), w.p. 1 − p/2.


Applying probability bounds from Lemmas 3 and 4 to Lemma 2 yields our regret bound.

Constraint Violation Analysis. We take a violation decomposition,


where (V.II) = �Kk = 1�V kg,1(x1) − V πkg,1 (x1)�. We still begin with the policy improvement (4) to have Lemma 5, a refined result from Lemma 1.

Lemma 5 (Policy Improvement: Refined Primal-Dual Mirror Descent Step). Let assumptions of


Lemma 5 separates the dual update  Y k in the second total differences in Lemma 1. We prove Lemma 5 by combining Lemma 1 with the UCB optimism and a change of variable of  Y k from thedual update (5).


martingale. By adding (V.II) to the inequality in Lemma 5 with multiplier  Y ≥0, and also adding (R.II) to it, then taking  Y = 0 if �Kk = 1�b − V πkg,1 (x1)�≤0; otherwise  Y = χ, w.p. 1 − p, we have,


where  V π′r,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkr,1 (x1) and V π′g,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkg,1 (x1) for a policy  π′. Here, webound Γkh + Γk⋄,h and MK⋄,H,2 as done in Lemmas 3 and 4.

Last, by strong duality, applying the constraint violation bound from Lemma 9 in Appendix E leads to�b − V π′g,1(x1)�+ ≤ O(dH2.5√T log (dT/p) /(χK)). This gives our desired violation bound.

The tabular CMDP(S, A, H, P, r, g) is a special case of Assumption 2 with  |S| < ∞ and |A| < ∞.Let  d1 = |S|2|A| and d2 = |S||A|. We take the following feature maps  ψ(x, a, x′) ∈ Rd1, ϕ(x, a) ∈Rd2, and parameter vectors,


where  e(x,a,x′)is a canonical basis of  Rd1 associated with (x, a, x′) and θh = Ph( · , · , ·) reads that for any (x, a, x′) ∈ S ×A×S, the (x, a, x′)th entry of  θh is P(x′ | x, a); similarly we define  e(x,a), θr,h,and  θg,h. We can verify that  ∥θh∥ ≤ √d1, ∥θr,h∥ ≤ √d2, ∥θg,h∥ ≤ √d2, and for any  V : S → [0, H]and any (x, a) ∈ S × A, we have���x′ ∈ S ψ(x, a, x′)V (x′)�� ≤�|S|H ≤ √d1H. Therefore, we take d := max (d1, d2) = |S|2|A|in Assumption (2) for the tabular case.

The proof of Theorem 1 is generic, since it is ready to achieve sublinear regret and constraint violation bounds as long as the policy evaluation is sample-efficient, e.g., the UCB design of ‘optimism in the face of uncertainty.’ In what follows, we introduce another efficient policy evaluation for line 10 of Algorithm 1 in the tabular case. Let us first introduce some notation. For any (h, k) ∈ [H] × [K], any (x, a, x′) ∈ S × A × S, and any (x, a) ∈ S × A, we define two visitation counters  nkh(x, a, x′) and nkh(x, a) at step hin episode k,


This allows us to estimate reward function r, utility function g, and transition kernel  Phfor episode


for all (x, a, x′) ∈ S × A × S, (x, a) ∈ S × A where λ >0 is the regularization parameter. Moreover, we introduce the bonus term Γkh: S × A → R, Γkh(x, a) = β�nkh(x, a) + λ�−1/2which adapts the counter-based bonus terms in the literature [8, 31], where  β >0 is to be determined later.

Using the estimated transition kernels  {�Pkh}Hh = 1, the estimated reward/utility functions {�rkh, �gkh}Hh = 1, and the bonus terms  {Γkh}Hh = 1, we now can estimate the action-value function via line 7 of Algorithm 3 for any (x, a) ∈ S ×A, where ⋄ = r or g. Thus, V k⋄,h(x) = ⟨Qk⋄,h(x, ·), πkh(· | x)⟩A. Wesummarize the above procedure in Algorithm 3. Using already estimated  {Qkr,h(·, ·), Qkg,h(·, ·)}Hh = 1,we execute the policy improvement and the dual update in Algorithm 1.

Similar to Theorem 1, we provide theoretical guarantees in Theorem 2; see Appendix C.2 for the proof. Theorem 2 improves (|S|, |A|) dependence in Theorem 1 for the tabular case and also improves |S| dependence in [26]. It is worthy mentioning our Algorithm 1 is generic in handling an infinite state space.

Theorem 2 (Tabular Case: Regret and Constraint Violation). Let Assumption 1 hold and let Assumption 2 hold with feature maps (8). Fix  p ∈ (0, 1). In Algorithm 1, we set  α =�log |A|/(H2K),β = C1H�|S| log(|S||A|T/p), η = 1/√K, θ = 1/K, and λ = 1 where C1is an absolute constant. Then, with probability 1  − p, the regret and the constraint violation in (3) satisfy


In this paper, we have developed a provably efficient safe reinforcement learning algorithm in the linear MDP setting. The algorithm extends the proximal policy optimization to the constrained MDP and incorporates the UCB exploration. We prove that the proposed algorithm obtains an �O(√T) regret and an �O(√T) constraint violation under mild regularity conditions where T is the total number of steps taken by the algorithm. Moreover, our algorithm works in settings where reward/utility functions are given by bandit feedback. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first provably efficient online policy optimization algorithm for CMDP with safe exploration in the function approximation setting. We hope that our work provides a step towards a principled way to design efficient safe reinforcement learning algorithms.

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Our analysis begins with decomposition of the regret given in (3).


where we add and subtract the value  V kr,1(x1) estimated from an optimistic policy evaluation by Algorithm 2; the policy  π⋆ in hindsight is the best policy in hindsight for problem (2). To bound the total regret (12), we would like to analyze (R.I) and (R.II) separately.

First, we define the model prediction error for the reward as


for all (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H], which describes the prediction error in the Bellman equations (1) using V kr,h+1 instead of V πkr,h+1. With this notation, we expand (R.I) into


where the first double sum is linear in terms of the policy difference and the second one describes the total model prediction error. The above expansion is based on the standard performance difference lemma (see Lemma 10) and we provide a proof in Section D.1 for readers’ convenience. Meanwhile, if we define the model prediction error for the utility as


then, similarly, we can expand �Kk = 1�V π⋆g,1(x1) − V kg,1(x1)�into


To analyze the constraint violation, we also introduce an useful decomposition,


which the inserted value  V kg,1(x1) is estimated from an optimistic policy evaluation by Algorithm 2.

For notational simplicity, we introduce the underlying probability structure as follows. For any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H], we define  Fkh,1 as a σ-algebra generated by state-action sequences, reward and utility functions,



Here,  xkH+1 is a null state for any  k ∈ [K].A filtration is a sequence of  σ-algebras{Fkh,m}(k,h,m) ∈ [K]×[H]×[2] in terms of time index


which holds that  Fkh,m ⊂ Fk′h′,m′ for any t ≤ t′.The estimated reward/utility value functions, V kr,h, V kg,h, and the associated Q-functions,  Qkr,h, Qkg,h are Fk1,1-measurable since they are obtained from previous  k −1 historical trajectories. With these notations, we can expand (R.II) in (12) into


where  {Mkr,h,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2] is a martingale adapted to the filtration  {Fkh,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2]in terms of time index t. Similarly, we have it for (V.II),


where  {Mkg,h,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2] is a martingale adapted to the filtration  {Fkh,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2]in terms of time index t. We prove (19) in Section D.2 for completeness (also see [18, Lemma 4.2]); (20) is similar.


in the action-value function estimation of Algorithm 2. By the UCB argument, if we set  λ = 1and  β = C1�dH2 log(dT/p) where C1is an absolute constant, then for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and(x, a) ∈ S × A, we have


with probability 1−p/2 where the symbol  ⋄ = r or g. We prove (21) in Section D.3 for completeness.

In what follows we delve into the analysis of the regret and the constraint violation.

The goal is to prove that the regret and the constraint violation for Algorithm 1 are sublinear in the total number of steps: T := KH, taken by the algorithm, where K is the total number of episodes and H is the horizon length. We recall that |A| is the size of action space A and d is the feature map’s dimension. We repeat Theorem 1 here for readers’ convenience.

Theorem 1 (Linear Kernal MDP: Regret and Constraint Violation). Let Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Fix  p ∈ (0, 1). We set α =�log |A|/(H2K), β = C1�dH2 log (dT/p), η = 1/√K, θ = 1/K, andλ = 1in Algorithm 1 with the full-information setting, where  C1is an absolute constant. Suppose log  |A| = O�d2 log2 (dT/p)�. Then, the regret and the constraint violation in (3) satisfy



We divide the proof into two parts for the regret bound and the constraint violation, respectively, in Section B.1 and Section B.2.


Our analysis begins with a primal-dual mirror descent type analysis for the policy update in line 6 of Algorithm 1. In Lemma 2, we present a key upper bound on the total differences of estimated values  V kr,1(x1) and V kg,1(x1) given by Algorithm 2 to the optimal ones.

Lemma 2 (Policy Improvement: Primal-Dual Mirror Descent Step). Let Assumption 1 and Assumption 2 hold. In Algorithm 1, if we set  α =�log |A|/(H2√K) and θ = 1/K, then


Proof. We recall that line 6 of Algorithm 1 follows a solution  πk to the following subproblem,


where we use the shorthand�Qk−1r,h + Y k−1Qk−1g,h , πh�for�(Qk−1r,h + Y k−1Qk−1g,h )(xh, · ), πh( · | xh)�andthe shorthand  D(πh | �πk−1h ) for D(πh( · | xh) | �πk−1h ( · | xh)) if dependence on the state-action sequence {xh, ah}Hh = 1 is clear from context. We note that (23) is in form of a mirror descent subproblem in Lemma 14. We can apply the pushback property with  x⋆ = πkh, y = �πk−1h and z = π⋆h,


Equivalently, we write the above inequality as follows,


By taking expectation  Eπ⋆on both sides of (24) over the random state-action sequence  {(xh, ah)}H1starting from  x1, and applying decompositions (14) and (16), we have


The rest is to bound the right-hand side of the above inequality (25). By the H¨older’s inequality and the Pinsker’s inequality, we first have


Then, using the square completion,


where we dropoff the first quadratic term for the inequality, and���πk−1h − πk−1h ��1 ≤ θ, we have


where the last inequality is due to ��Qk−1r,h ��∞ ≤ H, a result from line 12 in Algorithm 2, and 0  ≤ Y k−1 ≤ χ. Taking the same expectation  Eπ⋆as previously on both sides of (26) and substituting it into the left-hand side of (25) yield,


≤ α(1 + χ)2H32 + θ (1 + χ) H2 + 1α


where in the second inequality we note the fact that  D(π⋆h | �πk−1h ) − D(π⋆h | πk−1h ) ≤ θ log |A| fromLemma 15.

We note that  Y 0 is initialized to be zero. By taking a telescoping sum of both sides of (27) from k = 1 to k = K + 1 and shifting the index k by one, we have


where we ignore  −α−1 �Hh = 1 Eπ⋆[D(π⋆h | πK+1h)] and utilize


Finally, we take  χ := H/γ and α, θin the lemma to complete the proof.

By the dual update of Algorithm 1, we can simplify the result in Lemma 2 and return back to the regret (12).

Lemma 3. Let Assumption 1 and Assumption 2 hold. In Algorithm 1, if we set  α =


Regret(K) = C3H2.5�T log |A| +


Proof. By the dual update in line 9 in Algorithm 1, we have


where we use the feasibility of  π⋆ in the last inequality. Since  Y 0 = 0 and |b − V k−1g,1 (x1)| ≤ H, theabove inequality implies that


By noting the UCB result (21) and  Y k ≥0, the inequality (22) implies that


Then, we add (30) to the above inequality and take  η = 1/√K,


where  C3is an absolute constant. Finally, we combine (19) and (31) to complete the proof.

By Lemma 3, the rest is to bound the last two terms in the right-hand side of (29). We next show two probability bounds for them in Lemma 4 and Lemma 5, separately.

Lemma 4 (Model Prediction Error Bound). Let Assumption 2 hold. Fix  p ∈ (0, 1). If we set β = C1�dH2 log (dT/p)in Algorithm 1, then with probability 1  − p/2it holds that


Proof. By the UCB result (21), with probability 1−p/2 for any (k, h) ∈ [K]×[H] and (x, a) ∈ S×A,we have



for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A. Therefore, we have


where Γkh(·, ·) = β(ϕ(·, ·)⊤(Λkh)−1ϕ(·, ·))1/2 and Γkr,h(·, ·) = β(φkr,h(·, ·)⊤(Λkr,h)−1φkr,h(·, ·))1/2. Appli-cation of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality shows that


Since we take  β = C1�dH2 log (dT/p) with C1 >1, we have  H/β ≤ 1.The rest is to apply Lemma 13. First, for any  h ∈ [H] it holds that


Therefore, we have


Similarly, we can show that


Applying the above inequalities (34) and (35) to (33) leads to


Finally, we set  β = C1�dH2 log (dT /p) and λ= 1 to obtain (32).

Lemma 5 (Matingale Bound). Fix p ∈ (0, 1). In Algorithm 1, it holds with probability 1−p/2 that


Proof. In the verification of (19) (see Section D.2), we introduce the following matingale,


where�Ikhf�(x) :=�f(x, ·), πkh(·|x)�.


This shows that  |Dkr,h,1|, |Dkr,h,2| ≤ 2H for all (k, h) ∈ [K]×[H]. Application of the Azuma-Hoeffding inequality yields,


For  p ∈ (0,1), if we set  s = 4H�T log (4/p), then the inequality (36) holds with probability at least 1  − p/2.

We now are ready to show the desired regret bound. Applying (32) and (36) to the right-hand side of the inequality (29), we have


with probability 1  − p where C1, C3are absolute constants. Then, with probability 1  − p it holdsthat Regret(K) ≤ CdH2.5√T log�dTp

where C is an absolute constant.


In Lemma 2, we have provided an useful upper bound on the total differences that are weighted by the dual update  Y k. To extract the constraint violation, we first refine Lemma 2 as follows.

Lemma 6 ([Policy Improvement: Refined Primal-Dual Mirror Descent Step). Let Assumptions 1


Proof. By the dual update in line 9 in Algorithm 1, for any  Y ∈ [0, χ] we have


where we apply the non-expansiveness of projection in the first inequality and  |b − V kg,1(x1)| ≤ Hfor the last inequality. By summing the above inequality from k = 1 to k = K, we have


which implies that


By adding the above inequality to (28) in Lemma 2 and noting that  V π⋆,kg,1 (x1) ≥ band the UCB result (21), we have


By taking  χ = H/γ, and α, θ, ηin the lemma, we complete the proof.

According to Lemma 6, we can multiply (20) by Y and add it, together with (19), to (37),


We now are ready to show the desired constraint violation bound. We note that there exists a policy  π′ such that V π′r,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkr,1 (x1) and V π′g,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkg,1 (x1). By the oc- cupancy measure method [5],  V πkr,1 (x1) and V πkg,1 (x1) are linear in terms of an occupancy measure induced by policy  πk and initial state  x1. Thus, an average of K occupancy measures is still an occupancy measure that produces policy  π′ with values  V π′r,1(x1) and V π′g,1(x1). Particularly, we take Y = 0 when �Kk = 1�b − V πkg,1 (x1)�<0; otherwise  Y = χ. Therefore, we have


≤ C4H2.5�T log |A|K + 1K


where we apply the UCB result (21) for the last inequality.

Finally, we recall two immediate results of Lemma 4 and Lemma 5. Fix  p ∈ (0,1), the proof of Lemma 4 also shows that with probability 1  − p/2,


and the proof of Lemma 5 shows that with probability 1  − p/2,


If we take log  |A| = O(d2 log2(dT/p)), (39) implies that with probability 1  − p we have


where  C5is an absolute constant. Finally, by noting our choice of  χ ≥ 2Y ⋆, we can apply Lemma 9 to conclude that Violation(K) ≤ C′dH2.5√T log�dTp

with probability 1  − p, where C′is an absolute constant.

As mentioned, Assumption 2 includes a tabular CMDP(S, A, H, P, r, g) as a special case with |S| < ∞ and |A| < ∞. We take the following feature maps and parameter vectors,


where  e(x,a,x′)is a canonical basis of  Rd1 associated with (x, a, x′) and θh = Ph( · , · , ·) reads that for any (x, a, x′) ∈ S × A × S, the (x, a, x′)th entry of  θh is P(x′ | x, a); similarly we define  e(x,a),θr,h, and θg,h. Thus, we can see that


We can also verify that


and for any  V : S → [0, H] and any (x, a) ∈ S × A, we have


Therefore, the tabular CMDP is a special case of Assumption (2) with  d := max (d1, d2) = |S|2|A|.


We now detail Algorithm 1 for the tabular case as follows. Our policy evaluation works with regression feature  φτ⋄,h: S × A → Rd2,


where  ⋄ = r or g. Thus, for any (¯x, ¯a, ¯x′) ∈ S × A × S, the (¯x, ¯a, ¯x′)th entry of  φτ⋄,h(x, a) is given by


which shows that  φτ⋄,h(x, a) is a sparse vector with |S| nonzero elements at  {(x, a, x′), x′ ∈ S} andthe (x, a, x′)th entry of  φτ⋄,h(x, a) is V τ⋄,h+1(x′). For instance of  ⋄ = r, the regularized least-squares problem (6) becomes


where [w](x,a,x′) is the (x, a, x′)th entry of w, and the solution  wkr,h serves as an estimator of the transition kernel  Ph(· | ·, ·). On the other hand, since  ϕ(xτh, aτh) = e(xτh,aτh), the regularized least- squares problem (7) becomes


where [u](x,a) is the (x, a)th entry of u, the solution  ukr,h gives an estimate of  rh(x, a) as ϕ(x, a)⊤ukr,h.By adding similar UCB bonus terms Γkh, Γkr,h: S × A → Rgiven in Algorithm 2, we estimate the action-value function as follows,


for any (x, a) ∈ S × A. Thus, V kr,h(x) = ⟨Qkr,h(x, ·), πkh(· | x)⟩A. Similarly, we estimate  gh(x, a) andthus  Qkg,h(x, a) and V kg,h(x). Using already estimated  {Qkr,h(·, ·), Qkg,h(·, ·), V kr,h(·), Qkg,h(·)}Hh = 1, weexecute the policy improvement and the dual update in Algorithm 1.

We restate the result of Theorem 1 for the tabular case as follows.

Corollary 1 (Regret and Constraint Violation). For the tabular CMDP with feature maps (41), let Assumption 1 hold. Fix  p ∈ (0, 1).In Algorithm 1, we set  α = �log |A|/(H2K), β =C1�|S|2|A|H2 log (|S||A|T/p), η = 1/√K, θ = 1/K, and λ = 1 where C1is an absolute constant. Then, the regret and the constraint violation in (3) satisfy


Proof. It follows the proof of Theorem 1 by noting that the tabular CMDP is a special linear MDP in Assumption 2, with  d = |S|2|A|, and we have log  |A| ≤ O�d2 log (dT/p)�automatically.


As we see in the proof of Theorem 1, our final regret or constraint violation bounds are dominated by the accumulated bonus terms, which come from the design of ‘optimism in the face of uncertainty.’ This framework provides a powerful flexibility for Algorithm 1 to incorporate other optimistic policy evaluation methods. In what follows, we introduce Algorithm 1 with a variant of optimistic policy evaluation.


and any (x, a) ∈ S×A, we define two visitation counters  nkh(x, a, x′) and nkh(x, a) at step hin episode


This allows us to estimate transition kernel  Ph, reward function r, and utility function g for episode


where  λ >0 is the regularization parameter. Moreover, we introduce the bonus term Γkh: S×A → R,


which adapts the counter-based bonus terms in the literature [8, 31], where  β >0 is to be determined later. Using the estimated transition kernels  {�Pkh}Hh = 1, the estimated reward/utility functions {�rkh, �gkh}Hh = 1, and the bonus terms  {Γkh}Hh = 1, we now can estimate the action-value function via


for any (x, a) ∈ S ×A, where ⋄ = r or g. Thus, V k⋄,h(x) = ⟨Qk⋄,h(x, ·), πkh(· | x)⟩A. We summarize the above procedure in Algorithm 3. Using already estimated  {Qkr,h(·, ·), Qkg,h(·, ·)}Hh = 1, we can execute the policy improvement and the dual update in Algorithm 1.

Similar to Theorem 1, we prove the following regret and constraint violation bounds.

Theorem 3 (Regret and Constraint Violation). For the tabular CMDP with feature maps (41), let Assumption 1 hold. Fix  p ∈ (0, 1).In Algorithm 1, we set  α = �log |A|/(H2K), β =C1H�|S| log(|S||A|T/p), η = 1/√K, θ = 1/K, and λ = 1 where C1is an absolute constant. Then, the regret and the constraint violation in (3) satisfy


Proof. The proof is similar to Theorem 1. Since we only change the policy evaluation, all previous policy improvement results still hold. By Lemma 3, we have


where  ιkr,h is the model prediction error given by (13) and  {Mkr,h,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2]is a martingale adapted to the filtration  {Fkh,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2]in terms of time index t defined in (18). By Lemma 5, it holds with probability 1  − p/3 that |MKr,H,2| ≤ 4�H2T log(4/p). The rest is to bound the double sum term. As shown in Section D.4, with probability 1  − p/2 it holds that for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A,


Together with the choice of Γkh, we have


Define mapping ¯φ: S × A → R|S||A| as ¯φ(x, a) = e(x,a), we can utilize Lemma 13. For any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H], we have


where we apply the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality for the second inequality and Lemma 13 for the third inequality. Notice that (K + λ)I ⪰ ¯ΛKh and ¯Λ1h = λI. Hence,


Notice that log  |A| ≤ O�|S|2|A| log2(|S||A|T/p)�. By setting λ = 1 and β =C1H�|S| log(|S||A|T/p), we conclude the desired regret bound.

For the constraint violation analysis, Lemmas 6 still holds. Similar to (39), we have


where  V π′r,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkr,1 (x1) and V π′g,1(x1) = 1K�Kk = 1 V πkg,1 (x1). Similar to Lemma 5, it holds with probability 1  − p/3 that |MKg,H,2| ≤ 4�H2T log(6/p) for ⋄ = r or g. As shown in Section D.4, with probability 1  − p/3 it holds that  −4Γkh(x, a) ≤ ιk⋄,h(x, a) ≤0 for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and(x, a) ∈ S × A. Therefore, we have


which leads to the desired constraint violation bound due to Lemma 9 and we set  λ and β aspreviously.

In this section, we collect some verifications for readers’ convenience.


For any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H], we recall the definitions of  V π⋆r,h in the Bellman equations (1) and  V kr,hfrom line 12 in Algorithm 2,


We can expand the difference  V π⋆r,h(x) − V kr,h(x) into


Recall the equality in the Bellman equations (1) and the model prediction error,


As a result of the above two, it is easy to see that


Substituting the above difference into the right-hand side of (43) yields,


which displays a recursive formula over h. Thus, we expand  V π⋆r,1 (x1) − V kr,1(x1) recursively with


V π⋆r,1 (x1) − V kr,1(x1) = �P1�V π⋆r,2 − V kr,2�(x1, ·), π⋆1(·|x1)�+�ιkr,1(x1, ·), π⋆1(·|x1)⟩ + ξk1(x1)= �P1�P2�V π⋆r,3 − V kr,3�(x2, ·), π⋆2(·|x2)�(x1, ·) , π⋆1(·|x1)�


With this notation, repeating the above recursion (44) over  h ∈ [H] yields


Finally, notice that  V π⋆r,H+1 = V kr,H+1 = 0, we use the definitions of  Ph and Ihto conclude (14). Similarly, we can also use the above argument to verify (16).


We expand the model prediction error  ιkr,h into,


where we use the Bellman equation  Qπkr,h(xkh, akh) = rh(xkh, akh)+(PhV πkr,h+1)(xkh, akh) in the last equality. With the above formula, we expand the difference  V kr,1(x1) − V πkr,1 (x1) into


Therefore, we have the following recursive formula over h,


Following the definitions of  Fkh,1 and Fkh,2, we know Dkr,h,1 ∈ Fkh,1 and Dkr,h,2 ∈ Fkh,2. Thus, for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H],


Notice that  t(k, 0, 2) = t(k − 1, H, 2) = 2H(k −1). Clearly,  Fk0,2 = Fk−1H,2 for any k ≥ 2. Let F10,2 beempty. We define a martingale sequence,


where  t(k, h, m) := 2(k − 1)H + 2(h − 1) + mis the time index. Clearly, this martingale is adapted to the filtration  {Fkh,m}(k,h,m)∈[K]×[H]×[2], and particularly,


Finally, we combine the above martingale with (45) to obtain (19). Similarly, we can show (20).


We recall the definition of the feature map  φkr,h,


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A. By Assumption 2, we have


where the second equality is due to the definition of φkr,h, we exploit Λkr,h =�k−1τ = 1 φτr,h(xτh, aτh)φτr,h(xτh, aτh)⊤ + λIfrom line 4 of Algorithm 2 in the fourth equality, and we recursively replace  φτr,h(xτh, aτh)⊤θh by (PhV τr,h+1) (xτh, aτh) for all τ ∈ [k −1] in the last equality.




for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A, where we apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality twice in the inequality. By Lemma 12, set  λ= 1, with probability 1  − p/2 it holds that


Also notice that Λkr,h ⪰ λI and ∥θh∥ ≤√d, thus ∥θh∥(Λkr,h)−1 ≤√λd. Thus, by taking an appropriate absolute constant C, we obtain that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × Aunder the event of Lemma 12.


Algorithm 2, with probability 1  − p/2 it holds that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A.

We note that reward/utility functions are fixed over episodes,  rh(xτh, aτh) := ϕ(xτh, aτh)⊤θr,h Forthe difference  ϕ(x, a)⊤ukr,h − rh(x, a), we have


where we apply the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality in the inequality. Notice that Λkh ⪰ λI and ∥θr,h∥ ≤


(k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A,


We recall the model prediction error  ιkr,h := rh + PhV kr,h+1 − Qkr,h and the estimated state-action value function  Qkr,h in line 11 of Algorithm 2,


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A. By (46) and (47), we first have


Then, we can show that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A.

Therefore, (48) reduces to


On the other hand, notice that (rkh + PhV kr,h+1)(x, a) ≤ H − h + 1, thus


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A.

Therefore, we have proved that with probability 1  − p/2 it holds that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A.

Similarly, we can show another inequality  −2(Γkh + Γkg,h)(x, a) ≤ ιkg,h(x, a) ≤ 0.


Let  V = {V : S → [0, H]}be a set of bounded function on  S. Fo any V ∈ V, we consider the difference between �x′ ∈ S �Pkh(x′ | ·, ·)V (x′) and �x′ ∈ S Ph(x′ | ·, ·)V (x′) as follows,


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A, where we apply the triangle inequality for the inequality.

Let  ητh := V (xτh+1) − (PhV )(xτh, aτh). Conditioning on the filtration  Fkh,1, ητh is a zero-mean and H/2-subGaussian random variable. By Lemma 11, we use  Y = λI and Xτ = 1{(x, a) = (xτh, aτh)}

and thus with probability at least 1  − δit holds that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H]. Also, since 0  ≤ V ≤ H, we have


By returning to (49) and setting  λ= 1, with probability at least 1  − δit holds that


for any  k ≥ 1.

Let  d(V, V ′) = maxx ∈ S |V (x) − V ′(x)|be a distance on  V. For any ǫ, an ǫ-covering Vǫ of Vwith respect to distance  d(·, ·) satisfies


Thus, for any  V ∈ V, there exists  V ′ ∈ Vǫsuch that maxx ∈ S |V (x) − V ′(x)| ≤ ǫ. By the triangle inequality, we have


Furthermore, we choose  δ = (p/3) / (|Vǫ||S||A|) and take an union bound over  V ∈ Vǫ and (x, a) ∈

S × A. By (50), with probability at least 1  − p/2 it holds that


for all (k, h) and (x, a), where C1is an absolute constant. We recall our choice of Γkh and β. Hence,with probability at least 1  − p/2 it holds that


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ |S| × |A|, where β := C1H�|S| log(|S||A|T/p).


where we utilize  λ = 1 and β ≥1 in the inequalities.

We now are ready to check the model prediction error  ιkr,h defined by (13),


≤ �rkh(x, a) + �x′ ∈ S �Pkh(x′ | x, a)V kr,h+1(x′) + 2Γkh(x, a) − (rh + PhV kr,h+1)(x, a)≤ 4Γkh(x, a)

for any (x, a) ∈ S × A. On the other hand, notice that (rh + PhV kr,h+1)(x, a) ≤ H − h + 1, thus


for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] and (x, a) ∈ S × A. Hence, we complete the proof of (42).

We collect some standard results from the literature for readers’ convenience. We rephrase them for our constrained problem (2),


in which we maximize over all policies and  b ∈ (0, H]. Let the optimal solution be  π⋆ such that


Let the Lagrangian be  L(π, Y ) := V πr,1(x1)+Y (V πg,1(x1)−b), where Y ≥0 is the Lagrange multiplier or dual variable. The associated dual function is defined as


and the optimal dual is  Y ⋆ := argminY ≥ 0 D(Y ),


We recall that the problem (2) enjoys strong duality under the standard Slater condition. The proof is a special case of [45, Proposition 1] in finite-horizon.


Lemma 7 (Strong Duality). [45, Proposition 1] If the Slater condition holds, then the strong duality holds,


It is implied by the strong duality that the optimal solution to the dual problem: minimizeY ≥ 0 D(Y) is obtained at  Y ⋆. Denote the set of all optimal dual variables as Λ⋆.

Under the Slater condition, an useful property of the dual variable is that the sublevel sets are bounded [11, Section 8.5].

Lemma 8 (Boundedness of Sublevel Sets of the Dual Function). Let the Slater condition hold. Fix C ∈ R. For any Y ∈ {Y ≥ 0 | D(Y ) ≤ C}, it holds that


where we utilize the Slater point ¯πin the last inequality. We complete the proof by noting  γ > 0.

Corollary 2 (Boundedness of  Y ⋆). If we take C = V π⋆r,1 (x1) = D(Y ⋆), then Λ⋆ = {Y ≥ 0 | D(Y ) ≤


Another useful theorem from the optimization [11, Section 3.5] is given as follows. It describes that the constraint violation  b−V πg,1(x1) can be bounded similarly even if we have some weak bound. We next state and prove it for our problem, which is used in our constraint violation analysis in Section B.

Lemma 9 (Constraint Violation). Let the Slater condition hold and  Y ⋆ ∈ Λ⋆. Let C⋆ ≥ 2Y ⋆.Assume that  �π ∈ ∆(A | S, H) satisfies


where [x]+ = max(x, 0).


By definition,  v(0) = V π⋆r,1 (x1). It has been shown as a special case of [45, Proposition 1] that  v(τ)is concave. First, we show that  −Y ⋆ ∈ ∂v(0). By the Lagrangian and the strong duality,

L(π, Y ⋆) ≤ maximizeπ ∈ ∆(A | S,H) L(π, Y ⋆) = D(Y ⋆) = V π⋆r,1 (x1) = v(0), for all π ∈ ∆(A | S, H).

For any  π ∈ {π ∈ ∆(A | S, H) | V πg,1(x1) ≥ b + τ},


If we maximize the right-hand side of above inequality over  π ∈ {π ∈ ∆(A | S, H) | V πg,1(x1) ≥ b+τ},then


which show that  −Y ⋆ ∈ ∂v(0). On the other hand, if we take  τ = �τ := −(b − V �πg,1(x1))+, then


Combing the above two yields


By our assumption and  �τ =�b − V �πg (ρ)�+,


First, we state a lemma that is used throughout this paper.

Lemma 10 (Performance Difference Lemma). For any two policies  π, π′ ∈ ∆(A | S, H), it holdsthat


Proof. See the proof of Lemma 3.2 in [18].

Next, we state an useful concentration inequality for the standard self-normalized processes.

Lemma 11 (Concentration of Self-normalized Processes). Let {Ft}∞t = 0 be a filtration and  {ηt}∞t = 1be a R-valued stochastic process such that  ηt is Ft-measurable for any  t ≥ 0. Assume that for any  t ≥ 0, conditioning on  Ft, ηtis a zero-mean and  σ-subGaussian random variable with the variance proxy  σ2 > 0, i.e., E�eληt | Ft�≤ eλ2σ2/2 for any λ ∈ R. Let {Xt}∞t = 1 be an Rd-valuedstochastic process such that  Xt is Ft-measurable for any  t ≥ 0. Let Y ∈ Rd×d be a deterministic and positive-definite matrix. For any  t ≥ 0, we define



Proof. See the proof of Theorem 1 in [1].

The above concentration inequality can be customized to our setting in the following form without using covering number arguments as in [32].

Lemma 12. Let λ = 1in Algorithm 2. Fix  δ ∈ (0, 1). Then, for any (k, h) ∈ [K] × [H] it holdsfor  ⋄ = r or g that


Proof. See the proof of Lemma D.1 in [18].

Lemma 13 (Elliptical Potential Lemma). Let {φt}∞t=1 be a sequence of functions in  Rd and Λ0 ∈Rd×d be a positive definite matrix. Let Λt = Λ0+�t−1i = 1 φiφ⊤i . Assume ∥φt∥2 ≤ 1 and λmin (Λ0) ≥ 1.Then for any  t ≥ 1it holds that


Proof. See the proof of Lemma D.2 in [32] or [18].

Lemma 14 (Pushback Property of KL-divergence). Let f : ∆ → Rbe a concave function where is a probability simplex in  Rd. Let ∆o be the interior of . Let  x⋆ = argmaxx ∈ ∆ f(x) − α−1D(x, y)for a fixed  y ∈ ∆o and α > 0. Then, for any  z ∈ ∆,


Proof. See the proof of Lemma 14 in [62].

Lemma 15 (Bounded KL-divergence Difference). Let π1, π2be two probability distributions in ∆(A). Let �π2 = (1 − θ)π2 + 1θ/|A| where θ ∈ (0, 1]. Then,


Proof. See the proof of Lemma 31 in [62].

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