
My stuff
Semiparametric Nonlinear Bipartite Graph Representation Learning with Provable Guarantees

Graph representation learning is a ubiquitous task in machine learning where the goal is to embed each vertex into a low-dimensional vector space. We consider the bipartite graph and formalize its representation learning problem as a statistical estimation problem of parameters in a semiparametric exponential family distribution. The bipartite graph is assumed to be generated by a semiparametric exponential family distribution, whose parametric component is given by the proximity of outputs of two one-layer neural networks, while nonparametric (nuisance) component is the base measure. Neural networks take high-dimensional features as inputs and output embedding vectors. In this setting, the representation learning problem is equivalent to recovering the weight matrices. The main challenges of estimation arise from the nonlinearity of activation functions and the nonparametric nuisance component of the distribution. To overcome these challenges, we propose a pseudo-likelihood objective based on the rank-order decomposition technique and focus on its local geometry. We show that the proposed objective is strongly convex in a neighborhood around the ground truth, so that a gradient descent-based method achieves linear convergence rate. Moreover, we prove that the sample complexity of the problem is linear in dimensions (up to logarithmic factors), which is consistent with parametric Gaussian models. However, our estimator is robust to any model misspecification within the exponential family, which is validated in extensive experiments.

Keywords: bipartite graph, nonconvex optimization, representation learning, semiparametric estimation


Graphs naturally arise as models in a variety of applications, ranging from social networks (Scott, 1988) and molecular biology (Higham et al., 2008) to recommendation systems (Ma et al., 2018) and transportation (Bell and Iida, 1997). In a variety of problems, graphs tend to be high-dimensional and highly entangled, and hence difficult to directly learn from. As a prominent remedy, graph representation learning aims to learn a mapping that represents each vertex as low-dimensional vector such that structural properties of the original graph are preserved. Those learned low-dimensional representations, also called embeddings, are further used as the input features in downstream machine learning tasks, such as link prediction (Taskar et al., 2004; Al Hasan and Zaki, 2011), node classification (Bhagat et al., 2011), and community detection (Fortunato, 2010).

There are three major approaches to graph embedding: matrix factorization-based algorithms (Belkin and Niyogi, 2002; Ahmed et al., 2013), random walk algorithms (Perozzi et al., 2014; Grover and Leskovec, 2016), and graph neural networks (Scarselli et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2019). These approaches can be unified via the encoder-decoder framework proposed in Hamilton et al. (2017b). In this framework, the encoder is a mapping that projects each vertex or a subgraph to a low-dimensional vector, whereas the decoder is a probability model that infers the structural information of the graph from the embeddings generated by the encoder. The structural information here depends on the specific downstream tasks of interest, which also determine the loss function of the decoder. The desired graph representations are hence obtained by minimizing the loss function as a function of embedding vectors. For example, in the link prediction task, the decoder predicts whether an edge between two vertices exists or not using a Bernoulli model and logistic loss function, and the model parameter is a function of embeddings (Baldin and Berthet, 2018).

Such an encoder-decoder architecture motivates the study of graph representation learning through the lens of statistical estimation for generative models. In particular, suppose the observed graph is generated by a statistical model specified by the decoder with true graph representations as its inputs. We can then assess the performance of a graph embedding algorithm by examining the difference between the learned representation and the ground truth. Baldin and Berthet (2018) adopted this perspective to study the performance of a linear embedding method for the link prediction problem. The validity of their results hinges on the condition that both the linear model of the encoder and the Bernoulli model of the decoder are correctly specified. When either of these assumptions are violated, they would incur large estimation error. Recent advances in graph representation learning are attributed to more flexible decoders (Cho et al., 2014; Goodfellow et al., 2016; Badri- narayanan et al., 2017), which are based on deep neural networks and can handle graphs with edge attributes that can be categorical. These approaches are poorly understood from a theoretical point of view.

In the present paper, we focus on bipartite graphs, where there are two distinct sets of vertices, U and V , and only edges between two vertices in different sets are allowed. We study the semiparametric nonlinear bipartite graph representation learning problem under the encoder-decoder framework. We assume that each vertex  u ∈ Uis associated with a high-dimensional Gaussian vector  xu ∈ Rd1. Similarly, each vertex  v ∈ Vis associated with a high-dimensional Gaussian vector  zv ∈ Rd2. The encoder maps them via one-layer neural networks to low-dimensional vectors  φ1(U⋆T xu), φ2(V⋆T zv) ∈ Rr, where U⋆ ∈ Rd1×r,V⋆ ∈ Rd2×r are weight matrices,  {φi}i=1,2are activation functions evaluated entrywise, and r ≪ (d1 ∧ d2). Furthermore, in the decoder, we consider the link prediction task under a semiparametric model. In particular, we assume that the attribute of an edge follows a natural exponential family distribution parameterized by the proximity between two vertices, which is defined as the inner product  ⟨φ1(U⋆T xu), φ2(V⋆T zv)⟩between the embedding vectors. Here,  φ1(U⋆T xu) is the embedding vector of  u, while φ2(V⋆T zv) is the embedding vector of v. We do not specify the base measure of the exponential family distribution but, instead, treat it as a nuisance parameter. This gives us a semiparametric model for the decoder and robustness to model misspecification within the exponential family.

In the above described semiparametric nonlinear model, our goal is to recover weight matrices  U⋆ and V⋆. Based on these weight matrices, we can then compute embeddings for all vertices. There are two main obstacles that make the estimation problem challenging. First, while the activation functions  {φi}i=1,2make the encoder model more flexible, their nonlinearity leads to a loss function that is nonconvex and nonsmooth. Second, while the unknown nonparametric nuisance component of the decoder model makes the graph representation learning robust to the model misspecification, it also makes the likelihood function not available. To overcome these obstacles, we propose a pseudo-likelihood objective, which is minimized at (U⋆, V⋆) locally. We analyze the landscape of the empirical objective and show that, in a neighborhood around the ground truth, the objective is strongly convex. Therefore, the vanilla gradient descent (GD) achieves linear convergence rate. Moreover, we prove that the sample complexity is linear in dimensions  d1 ∨ d2, up to logarithmic factors, which matches the best known result under the parametric model (Zhong et al., 2019). Experiments on synthetic and real data corroborate our theoretical results and illustrate flexibility of the proposed representation learning model.

Notations. For any positive integer n, [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n} denotes the index set, and Unif([n]) is a uniform sampling over the indices. We write  a ≲ b if a ≤ c · b for someconstant  c, and a ≍ b if a ≲ b and b ≲ a. We define δij = 111i=j, which equals to 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise. For any matrix U, vec(U) denotes the column vector obtained by vectorizing  U and ∥U∥p,q = (�j(�i |Uij|p)q/p)1/q. As usual,  ∥U∥F , ∥U∥2refer to the Frobenius and operator norm, respectively, and  σp(U) denotes the p-th singular value of U. For a square matrix  U, diag(U) = (U11; U22; . . .) is a vector including all diagonal entries of U; when U is symmetric,  λmax(U) (λmin(U)) denotes its maximum (minimum) eigenvalue. We write  A ⪰ B if A − Bis positive semidefinite and  A ≻ Bif it is positive definite. For any vector  a, ∥a∥min = mini |ai|is the minimal absolute value of its entries.

Structure of the paper. In Section 2, we formalize the semiparametric graph representation learning problem and introduce related work. In Section 3, we present our estimation method by proposing a pseudo-likelihood objective, and the theoretical analysis of such objective is provided in Section 4. In Section 5 we show experimental results and conclusions are summarized in Section 6. Section 7 provides proofs of main technical results, while the proofs of auxiliary results are given in the appendix.

We describe the setup of our problem and introduce the applications and related work. We particularly focus on the statistical literature on theory of semiparametric estimation and matrix completion, although bipartite graph representation learning has been routinely applied to varied deep neural networks (Nassar, 2018; Wu et al., 2018). We point reader to Zha et al. (2001) for a survey on bipartite graph.

2.1 Problem formulation

Let G = (U, V, E) be a bipartite graph where U and V are two sets of vertices and E denotes the set of edges between two vertex sets. For each vertex  u ∈ U, we assume it is associated with a Gaussian vector  xu ∈ Rd1, while for each  v ∈ Vwe have a Gaussian vector  zv ∈ Rd2.An edge between u and v has an attribute  y(u,v)that follows the following semiparametric exponential family model


which is parameterized by the base measure function  f : R → Rand a scalar


In model (1),  b(·, ·) is the log-partition function (or normalizing function) that makes the density have unit integral. The parametric component of the exponential family,  Θ⋆(u,v) =Θ⋆(xu, zv), depends on the covariate  xucoming from the set U and the covariate  zv comingfrom the set V . The nonparametric component f is treated as a nuisance parameter, which gives us flexibility in modeling the edge attributes. To make notation concise, we will drop the subscript of  xu and zvhereinafter, and use x and z to denote covariates from set U and V , respectively. In our analysis, the activation functions  {φi}i=1,2have one of the following three forms:


We formalize the bipartite graph representation learning as a statistical parameter estimation problem of a generative model. In particular, suppose the graph is generated by the exponential family model (1) with some unknown base measure f, and we observe part of edge attributes, y, and associated covariates on two ends, x and z. Thus, we obtain data set  {(yij, xi, zj)}i,j where i, jindex the vertices of two sets. The graph representation learning in our setup is then equivalent to recovering  U⋆ ∈ Rd1×r and V⋆ ∈ Rd2×r, which can be used to compute parametric component of the decoder model and estimate embedding vectors,  φ1( ˆUT x) and φ2( ˆVT z), for all vertices in two sets, since activation functions are user-chosen and known.

2.2 Applications and related work

Graph representation learning underlies a number of real world problems, including object recognition in image analysis (Bunke and Messmer, 1995; Fiorio, 1996), community detection in social science (Perozzi et al., 2014; Cavallari et al., 2017), and recommendation systems in machine learning (Kang et al., 2016; Jannach et al., 2016). See Bengio et al. (2013), Hamilton et al. (2017a), Hamilton et al. (2017b) for recent surveys and other applications. The bipartite graph is of particular interest since it classifies vertices into two types, which extensively appears in modern applications.

For concreteness, in user-item recommendation systems, the attribute of an edge between a user node and an item node represents the rating, which is modeled by the proximity of projected features onto the latent space. Specifically, each user is represented by a high-dimensional feature vector x and each item is represented by a high-dimensional feature vector z. A simple generative model for the rating y that a user gives to an item is y = ⟨U⋆T x, V⋆T z⟩ + ϵ with ϵ ∼ N(0,1) independent from x, z. Such a model is studied in the inductive matrix completion (IMC) literature (Abernethy et al., 2006; Jain and Dhillon, 2013; Si et al., 2016; Berg et al., 2017). Zhong et al. (2019) studied nonlinear IMC problem, where a generalized model for the rating is  y = ⟨φ(U⋆T x), φ(V⋆T z)⟩ + ϵ, with φ(·) being acommon activation function. In this generalized nonlinear model, one-layer neural network compresses the high-dimensional features into low-dimensional embeddings. Zhong et al. (2019) proposed to minimize the squared loss to recover weight matrices  U⋆ and V⋆, andestablished consistency for their minimizer, with linear sample complexity in dimension d1 ∨ d2, up to logarithmic factors.

Our work contributes to this line of research by enhancing the IMC model from two aspects. First, we allow for two separate neural networks to embed user and item covariates. Although this modification may seem minor, it makes theoretical analysis more challenging when two networks mismatch: one network has a smooth activation function while the other does not. Second, we consider an exponential family model with unknown base measure, which extends the applicability of the model and allows for model misspecification within the exponential family. In particular, the semiparametric setup makes our estimator independent of the specific form of f. For example, the model in Zhong et al. (2019) is a special case of (1) with  f(y) = exp(−y2/2), while the link prediction problem in Liben- Nowell and Kleinberg (2007) and Menon and Elkan (2011) is a special case with f(y) = 1.

Furthermore, our work contributes to the literature on graph embedding (Qiu et al., 2018; Goyal and Ferrara, 2018). Our paper studies the bipartite graph and casts the graph representation learning as the problem of parameter estimation in a generative model. This setup allows us to analyze statistical properties, such as consistency and convergence rate, of the learned embedding features. To the best of our knowledge, statistical view of representation learning is missing although it was successfully used in real experiments (see, e.g., Graepel et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2015). In addition, our work also contributes to a growing literature on semiparametric modeling (Fengler, 2005; Li and Liang, 2008; Fan et al., 2017), where the parametric component in (1) is given by  Θ⋆ = β⋆T xand the goal is to estimate  β⋆ by regressing y on x, without knowing f. Fosdick and Hoff (2015) formalized the representation learning as a latent space network model, where the parameter  Θ⋆ isgiven by the inner product of two latent vectors and  f(y) = exp(−y2/2), that is under a Gaussian noise setup, and proposed methodology for testing the dependence between nodal attributes and latent factors. Ma et al. (2019) studied a similar model with f(y) = 1 and proposed both convex and nonconvex approaches to recover latent factors. However, our work is more challenging due to the nonlinearity of activation functions and the missing knowledge of f.

Lastly, several estimation methods for pairwise measurements have been studied in related, but simpler, models (Chen and Goldsmith, 2014; Chen and Suh, 2015; Chen et al., 2016; Pananjady et al., 2017; Negahban et al., 2018; Chen and Cand`es, 2018; Chen et al., 2019). Chen et al. (2018) studied model (1) by assuming the parameter matrix of the graph to be low-rank, and estimated  Θ⋆ as a whole. As a comparison, our model is more complicated since each entry of  Θ⋆ in our setup is given by the inner product of two embedding vectors, which measures the proximity of two vertices. Our task is to recover two underlying weight matrices  U⋆, V⋆ that are convolved by activation functions to generate  Θ⋆.

We propose a pseudo-likelihood objective function to estimate the unknown weight matrices and discuss identifiability of the parameters. The objective function is minimized by the gradient descent with a constant step size. Theoretical analysis of the iterates is provided in Section 4.

The likelihood of the model (1) is not available due to the presence of the infinite-dimensional nuisance parameter f. Using the rank-order decomposition technique (Ning et al., 2017), we focus on the pairwise differences and develop a pseudo-likelihood objective. Importantly, the differential pseudo-likelihood does not depend on f and, as a result, our estimator is valid for a wide range of distributions, without having to explicitly specify them in advance.

We follow the setup described in Section 2.1. To simplify the presentation, suppose we have 2n1vertices in  U and 2n2vertices in V , denoted by  U = {u1, . . . , un1, u′1, . . . , u′n1}and  V = {v1, . . . , vn2, v′1, . . . , v′n2}, respectively. For  i ∈ [n1] and j ∈ [n2], we let xi =xui, x′i = xu′i, zj = zvj, z′j = zv′j, and suppose that  xi, x′i i.i.d∼ N(0, Id1) and zj, z′j i.i.d∼N(0, Id2), independent of each other. Further, we assume to observe m edge attributes, y, between vertices  {u1, . . . , un1} and {v1, . . . , vn2}, and another m edge attributes,  y′, between{u′1, . . . , u′n1} and {v′1, . . . , v′n2}, both of which follow the distribution in (1) and are sampled with replacement from the set of all possible  n1n2edges. We note that the sampling setup is commonly adopted in the literature on partially observed graphs and matrix completion problems (Zhong et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2018), which is equivalent to assuming edges on a graph are missing at random.

Denote sample sets


where  u(k), u′(l) = Unif([n1]) and v(k), v′(l) = Unif([n2]). While the observations within Ω or Ω′ are not independent, as they may have common features x or z, the observations between Ω and Ω′ are independent. Such two independent sets of samples are obtained by sample splitting in practice. We stress that the sample splitting setup in our paper is used only to make the analysis concise without enhancing the order of sample complexity. In particular, it does not help us avoid the main difficulties of the problem.

Based on samples Ω and Ω′, we consider  m2 pairwise differences and construct an empirical loss function. For  k ∈ [m], let k1 = u(k), k2 = v(k), and


denote the true parameter associated with the k-th sample (similarly for  Θ⋆′l1l2). Note that Θ⋆k1k2 is the underlying parametric component of the model that generates  yk = yk1,k2. Thekey idea in constructing the pseudo-likelihood objective is to use rank-order decomposition to extract a factor, that is independently from the base measure. Given a pair of independent samples,  yk and y′l, we denote their order statistics as  y(·)and rank statistics as R. Then we know  y(·) = (yk, y′l) or y(·) = (y′l, yk), and R = (1, 2) or R = (2,1). Thus, (y(·), R) fullycharacterizes the pair (yk, y′l), and is hence a sufficient statistics. Note that


The first term is the density of the rank statistics given order statistics, which is only a function of unknown weight matrices  U⋆ and V⋆. The second term is the density of order statistics, which relies on the specific base measure f. Thus, we omit the second term and sum over all  m2 paired samples for the first term to arrive at the following objective


The above loss function is similar to the logistic loss for the pairwise measurements. However, it is nonconvex in both components even for identity activation functions. When feature vectors x, z follow the multinomial distribution and activation functions  {φi}2i=1 arenot present, Chen et al. (2018) estimated the rank-r matrix U⋆V⋆T as a whole by minimizing (3) with an additional nuclear norm penalty. Our goal is to recover both components  U⋆,V⋆, in the presence of nonlinear activation functions, resulting in a challenging nonconvex optimization problem.

3.1 Gradient Descent

We propose to minimize loss function (3) using the gradient descent with a constant step size. The iteration is given by


For future references, we provide explicit formulas of the gradient and the Hessian for loss (3). We introduce some definitions beforehand. Let us denote each column of weight matrices as  U = (u1, . . . , ur) and V = (v1, . . . , vr) (similar for  U⋆, V⋆).To simplify notations, for a sequence of vectors  a1, . . . , an, we let (ai)ni=1 = (a1; . . . ; an) be the long vector by stacking them up; for a sequence of matrices  A1, . . . , An, we let diag�(Ai)ni=1�bethe block diagonal matrix with each block being specified by  Aisequentially. Moreover, we define the following quantities:  ∀k, l ∈ [m] and ∀i ∈ [r],


The quantities on the left part are vectors or matrices calculated by using samples in Ω, which is indexed by k, while the quantities on the right part are calculated by using samples in Ω′, which is indexed by l. We should mention that  φ′i, φ′′i are the first derivative and the second derivative of the activation function  φi (if φiis ReLU then  φ′′i = 0), while superscript of  x′l1 (and z′l2) means the sample is from Ω′(i.e. the sample index l is always used with superscript (·)′). In addition, we define two scalars as

Akl =(yk − y′l)2 · exp�(yk − y′l)(Θk1k2 − Θ′l1l2)��1 + exp�(yk − y′l)(Θk1k2 − Θ′l1l2)��2 , Bkl = yk − y′l1 + exp�(yk − y′l)(Θk1k2 − Θ′l1l2)�.

With above definitions and by simple calculations, one can show the gradient is given by

∇UL(U, V) =�∂L(U, V)∂u1 , . . . , ∂L(U, V)∂ur


∇VL(U, V) =�∂L(U, V)∂v1 , . . . , ∂L(U, V)∂vr

(5) Furthermore,  ∀i, j ∈ [r], one can show


To combine all blocks and form the Hessian matrix, we will vectorize weight matrices and further define long vectors  dk = (dki)ri=1, pk = (pki)ri=1, d′l = (d′li)ri=1, p′l = (p′li)ri=1, andblock diagonal matrices  Qk = diag ((Qki)ri=1), Rk = diag ((Rki)ri=1), Sk = diag ((Ski)ri=1)(similar for  Q′l, R′l, S′l). Then, the Hessian matrix  ∇2L(U, V) ∈ Rr(d1+d2)×r(d1+d2) is


3.2 Identifiability

In general, the weight matrices in loss function (3) are not identifiable as the function is bilinear in U, V. For example, when both activation functions are identity,  L(UQ, V(QT )−1)and L(U, V) have the same value for any invertible matrix  Q ∈ Rr×r, which makes the Hessian at (U⋆, V⋆) indefinite. Similarly, for ReLU activation, this phenomenon reappears by letting Q be any diagonal matrix with positive entries. To resolve this issue, one can use a penalty function  ∥UT U − VT V∥2F to balance two components U and V (Yi et al., 2016; Park et al., 2018; Na et al., 2019). Fortunately, in our problem, the identifiability issue disappears when a smooth nonlinear activation is used, such as sigmoid or tanh, although their nonconvexity brings other challenges.

We stress that, different from over-parameterized problems in neural networks (Sagun et al., 2017; Li and Liang, 2018; Allen-Zhu et al., 2018), the identifiability issue comes from the redundancy of parameters, which is also observed in inductive matrix completion problem (Zhong et al., 2019). Zhong et al. (2019) showed that by fixing the first row of  U⋆,both components are recoverable from the square loss even with ReLU activation. In our problem, when either one of activation functions is ReLU, we use a similar restriction on U⋆ and show that the loss in (3) has positive definite Hessian at (U⋆, V⋆), without adding any penalties.

In this section, we will show that the ground truth (U⋆, V⋆) is a stationary point of the loss (3) and then show that the loss is strongly convex in its neighborhood. Using these two observations, we further establish the local linear convergence rate for iterates in (4). Since the radius of the neighborhood is fixed in terms of (U⋆, V⋆), a wart-start initialization can be obtained by a third-order tensor method (see, e.g., Zhong et al., 2017, 2019). In our simulations, due to high computational cost of a tensor method, we recommend a random initialization (Du et al., 2017; Cao and Gu, 2019).

4.1 Assumptions

We require two assumptions to establish our main results. The first assumption fixes the scale of weight matrices.

Assumption 1 The weight matrices  U⋆, V⋆ have rank rand satisfy  σr(U⋆) = σr(V⋆) = 1.

The second assumption imposes a mild regularity condition.


complete subgraphs (the edges between  xi and z′j, and zj and x′i are ignored). We assume

(a) (boundedness): There exist  α, β > 0such that, for any sample (y, x, z) ∈ D ∪ D′, wehave  |Θ⋆| = |⟨φ1(U⋆T x), φ2(V⋆T z)⟩| ≤ α and |y| ≤ β;


where  ψ(x) = exp(x)/(1+exp(x))2, and assume  Mα(Θ⋆, Θ⋆′)is a continuous, positive two-dimensional function.

Assumption 2 is widely assumed in the analysis of logistic loss function (Chen et al., 2018). In particular, Assumption 2(a) restricts the parametric component  Θ⋆ into a compact set, which controls the range of proximity between two connected nodes. Intuitively, larger  αimplies a harder estimation problem. We also add boundedness condition on the response y for simplicity. It can be replaced by assuming y to be subexponential (Ning et al., 2017). Boundedness holds deterministically for some distribution in exponential family, such as Bernoulli and Beta, and holds with high probability for a wide range of exponential family distributions, though  βmay depend on the sample size  n1 and n2. Assumption 2(b) is the regularity condition, which plays the key role when showing the strong convexity of the population loss at the ground truth. It can be shown to hold for all exponential family distributions with bounded support, and for some unbounded distributions, such as Gaussian and Poisson.

4.2 Properties of the Population Loss

With the above assumptions, our first result shows that the gradient of the population loss at (U⋆, V⋆) is zero. For all quantities defined in Section 3.1, we add superscript (·)⋆to denote the underlying true quantities, which are obtained by replacing U, V with true weight matrices  U⋆, V⋆. For example, we have  A⋆kl, B⋆kl, d⋆ki, p⋆ki, Q⋆ki, R⋆ki, S⋆ki.

The following lemma shows that the conditional expectation of  B⋆kl given all covariates associated to two end vertices is zero.

Lemma 3 For any k, l ∈ [m], we have that the conditional expectation given all covariates E�B⋆kl | xk1, zk2, x′l1, z′l2�= 0.

Since  B⋆kl is a common factor of the gradients  ∇UL(U⋆, V⋆) and ∇VL(U⋆, V⋆), as shown in (5), and vectors  d⋆ki, d′⋆li, p⋆ki, p′⋆li only depend on covariates, one can first take conditional expectation given covariates and show the following result.

Theorem 4 The loss (3) satisfies E [∇L(U⋆, V⋆)] = 0.

Proof We take E[∇UL(U⋆, V⋆)] as an example, while  E[∇VL(U⋆, V⋆)] can be shown similarly. By the formula in (5),  ∀i ∈ [r], we have



where, for the second term from the end, the outer expectation is taken over randomness in sampling and all covariate, and the last equality is due to Lemma 3. Doing same derivation for each column and we obtain  E [∇UL(U⋆, V⋆)] = 0. Similarly  E [∇VL(U⋆, V⋆)] = 0.

We then study the local curvature of the population loss at (U⋆, V⋆), which is obtained in the next two steps. We simplify the notation further by dropping the subscripts of sample index. We let  A, B, d, q, d′, q′, . . ., and their corresponding (·)⋆ version, denote general references of corresponding quantities, which may be computed by using any samples in D and D′. We stress that all samples in  D and D′ have the same distribution, so that d1, . . . , dm ∼ d, p1, . . . , pm ∼ p, with d and d′, and p and p′ independent from each other.

Proposition 5 Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Define


then we have  γα > 0 and


Proof Recall the formula for the Hessian matrix in (6). The second term has zero expectation at (U⋆, V⋆) by Lemma 3. Therefore,


In our notations,  A⋆ is written as


where  Θ⋆ = Θ⋆(x, z), Θ⋆′ = Θ⋆(x′, z′) (cf. Section 2.1 for definition of  Θ⋆(x, z)), and(y, x, z) and (y′, x′, z′) are two independent samples from  D and D′, respectively. By Assumption 2,  |Θ⋆| ∨ |Θ⋆′| ≤ α. Thus, |(y − y′)(Θ⋆ − Θ⋆′)| ≤ 2α|y − y′|. Using the symmetry and monotonicity of  ψ(x), defined in Assumption 2,




Taking conditional expectation in (7) and using the definition of  γα,


Note that  |Θ⋆|∨|Θ⋆′| ≤ α and Mα(·, ·) is strictly positive on [−α, α]×[−α, α], by continuity, Mα(·, ·) attains its minimum value in the compact support, hence,  γα >0. This completes the proof.

Note that  γαin Proposition 5 depends on  αreciprocally. The next result lower bounds


the minimum eigenvalue of E

(2019) established a similar result when  d⋆′, p⋆′ are not present and  φ1 = φ2. However,our result is based on pairwise measurements which allows for adaptivity to nonparametric (nuisance) parameter in the model and, further, also allows for mismatch in activation functions. These two differences make the proof more involved. We separate results into two cases: (1)  φ1, φ2 ∈ {sigmoid, tanh}; (2) either  φ1 or φ2 is ReLU.


(Case 2) if either  φ1 or φ2is ReLU, then by fixing the first row of  U⋆ (i.e. treating it as known),


Combining the results of Proposition 5 and Lemma 6, we immediately get the following result regarding the local curvature of the population loss at the ground truth.

Theorem 7 (Local curvature) Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. There exists a constant C > 0, independent of  U⋆ and V⋆, such that: (Case 1) if  φ1, φ2 ∈ {sigmoid, tanh}, then


(Case 2) if either  φ1 or φ2is ReLU, then by fixing the first row of  U⋆,


By symmetry one can alternatively fix the first row of  V⋆ in the second case. We realize that the lower bound of population Hessian in Case 2 is smaller than the bound in Case 1. This is due to nonsmoothness and unboundedness of ReLU activation function. In later analysis we will see the sample complexity when using ReLU for either networks will have larger logarithmic factor, while is linear in  d1 ∨ d2in both cases.

Combining Theorem 4 and 7, we obtain that (U⋆, V⋆) is a local minimizer of the population loss. In order to characterize how the empirical loss behaves near the ground truth, we study its local geometry via the concentration of the Hessian matrix.

4.3 Concentration of the Hessian Matrix

In this section, we characterize the concentration of the Hessian matrix. We show that (m ∧ n1 ∧ n2) ≳ (d1 ∨ d2)poly(log(d1 + d2)) is sufficient to guarantee that the empirical loss also has positive curvature locally.



and define


By the formula in (6), we have that


The concentration of each term will be built separately in next two lemmas. We let q = 1 if either  φiis ReLU and q = 0 otherwise, and  q′ = 1 if both  φiare ReLU and  q′ = 0 otherwise.

Lemma 8 Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. For any  s ≥ 1, if


then with probability at least 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s,


Lemma 9 Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. For any  s ≥ 1, if


then with probability at least 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s,


Comparing the sample complexity in Lemma 8 and 9, we see that (9) is dominated by (8). Technically, this is because  Qk and Rkare not present if  φ1 = φ2= ReLU. Combining the above two lemmas and using the inequality that


we immediately obtain the following concentration on the Hessian matrix.

Theorem 10 (Concentration of the Hessian matrix) Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2


where q = 0 for Case 1 and q = 1 for Case 2, then with probability at least 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s,


Replacing (U, V) with (U⋆, V⋆) in the above inequality, one can show that  ∇2L(U⋆, V⋆)is lower bounded away from zero when  m ∧ n1 ∧ n2is sufficiently large. It turns out this observation is a fundamental condition for establishing local linear convergence rate for gradient descent.

Comparing the above sample complexity with the one established for inductive matrix completion problem (Zhong et al., 2019), our rate improves from  d(log d)3 to d log d, whenφ1, φ2are sigmoid or tanh. Moreover, we allow a semiparametric model with two different activation functions, which results in a more involved analysis.

4.4 Local Linear Convergence

The local geometry established for the loss function (3) in previous two subsections allows us to prove the local result: the gradient descent with constant step size converges to the ground truth linearly. For ease of notation, let


be the minimum and maximum eigenvalue of the population Hessian. The explicit lower bound of  λ⋆min is provided in Theorem 7, while the upper bound of  λ⋆max is provided in the following Lemma 12. We define the local neighborhood of (U⋆, V⋆) as


with radius satisfying


for a sufficiently small constant  cB. The above radius is determined by the concentration bound of Hessian in Theorem 10, based on which one can show that  ∇2L(U, V) ⪰ λ⋆min/2·Ifor any (U, V) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆). We also note that the above radius only depends on true weight matrices and is independent from sample sizes and dimensions. Thus, it will not vanish as dimension increases, provided (U⋆, V⋆) scale properly.

In preparation for the convergence analysis, next lemma characterizes the difference ∇2L(U1, V1) − ∇2L(U2, V2) for any (U1, V1), (U2, V2) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆).

Lemma 11 Suppose the conditions of Theorem 10 hold. For any  s ≥ 1 and any (U1, V1),(U2, V2) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆),


with probability at least 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s.

The next result provides an upper bound on  λ⋆max and we then establish the local linear convergence rate.

Lemma 12 Under Assumption 2,


Theorem 13 (Local linear convergence rate) Suppose Assumptions 1 and 2 hold and the initial point (U0, V0) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆). For any s ≥ 1, if the sample sizes satisfies (10), then with probability at least 1  − T/(d1 + d2)s, the iterates in (4) with  η = 1/λ⋆max satisfy


where the contraction rate  ρ = 1 − λ⋆min/(7λ⋆max).

Based on previous preparation work, the proof of Theorem 13 is standard for gradient descent. For completeness, we present the proof in Section 7.

In next section, we demonstrate the superiority and generality of the proposed representation learning model via extension simulations and real experiments.

We show experimental results on synthetic and real-world data. In the following, we call our model nonlinear semiparametric matrix completion (NSMC). We compare NSMC with the baseline nonlinear inductive matrix completion (NIMC) proposed by Zhong et al. (2019), where they assumed the generative model to be Gaussian and minimized the squared loss. The models obtained by removing non-linear activation functions in NSMC and NIMC are called SMC and IMC, respectively.

5.1 Local Linear Convergence

We verify the local linear convergence of GD on synthetic data sets sampled with ReLU activation functions. We fix  d = d1 = d2 = 10 and r= 3. The features  {xi, x′i}i∈[n1],{zj, z′j}j∈[n2], are independently sampled from a Gaussian distribution. We fix  n1 = n2 =400 and the number of observations m = 2000. We randomly initialize (U0, V0) near theground truth (U⋆, V⋆) with fixed error in Frobenius norm. In particular, we fix  ||U0 −U⋆||2F + ||V0 − V⋆||2F = 1. For the Gaussian model,  y ∼ N(Θ · σ2, σ2). For the binomial model,  y ∼ B�(NB, exp(Θ)1+exp(Θ)�. For Poisson model,  y ∼ Pois(exp(Θ)). To introduce some variations, as well as to verify that our model allows for two separate neural networks, we let φ1= ReLU and  φ2 ∈ {ReLU, sigmoid, tanh}. The estimation error during training process is shown in Figure 1, which verifies the linear convergence rate of GD before reaching the local minima.

5.2 Robustness to Model Misspecification

We generate synthetic data with model misspecification and compare the performance of estimators given by NSMC, SMC, NIMC and IMC. We fix  d = d1 = d2 = 50, r = 3,n1 = n2= 400, and use ReLU as the activation function for NSMC and NIMC. For NSMC and SMC, we randomly generate two independent sample sets with m = 1000 observations, which are denoted as Ω and Ω′. The observed sample set for NIMC and IMC are set to be the union Ω  ∪ Ω′. For NSMC and SMC, we minimize the proposed pseudo-likelihood objective. For NIMC and IMC, we minimize the square loss as suggested by Zhong et al. (2019). We apply gradient descent starting from a random initialization near the ground truth (U⋆, V⋆), in order to guarantee convergence of all methods. We evaluate the estimated


Figure 1: Local linear convergence of gradient descent on synthetic data sets.


Figure 2: Relative Error of NSMC, SMC, NIMC and IMC. The plot shows how relative error of estimations given by each method varies with parameter  τ, which introduces model misspecification in the Gaussian model. We see that NSMC gives accurate and robust estimation, while NIMC suffers from model misspecification. SMC, IMC fail to learn the non-linear embeddings and give unsatisfactory estimations for all  τ.

matrix ˆU using the relative approximation error  E ˆU = || ˆU−U⋆||F /||U⋆||F , with E ˆV definedsimilarly. We also evaluate the performance of a solution ( ˆU, ˆV) on recovering the parametric component ˆΘusing relative test error  E ˆΘ =��(x,z)∈Ωt( ˆΘ − Θ⋆)2/ �(x,z)∈Ωt Θ⋆2,where ˆΘ = ⟨φ( ˆUT x), φ( ˆVT z)⟩, Θ⋆ = ⟨φ(U⋆T x), φ(V⋆T z)⟩, and Ωtis a newly sampled test data set. For each setting below, we report results averaged over 10 runs.

Gaussian model. We introduce model misspecification by sampling  y from y ∼N�(1 − τ)2 · Θ, (1 − τ)2�. Parameter  τis introduced to modify the impact of model mis-specification. We summarize the relative errors in Table 1 and Figure 2. When  τ= 0, there is no model misspecification and NSMC and NIMC achieve comparable relative approxi-


Table 1: Relative error in the Gaussian model.


Table 2: Relative error in the Binomial model.

mation errors. As  τincreases, the relative approximation errors of NIMC grow rapidly due to the increase of model misspecification. However, NSMC gives robust estimations. SMC and IMC serve as bilinear modeling baselines that fail to learn in the nonlinear embedding setting.

Binomial model. We sample y ∼ B(NB, exp(Θ)1+exp(Θ)) and apply NSMC and SMC with original attributes y. For NIMC and IMC, we first do variance-stabilizing transformation ˜y = arcsin ( yNB ) as the data preprocessing step, inspired by what people might do for non- Gaussian data in practical applications. From Table 2, NSMC achieves the best estimating result in each setting, while other methods fail to learn the embeddings with a binomial model.

Poisson model. We generate  y ∼ Pois(exp(Θ)), where the activation functions are φ1= ReLU and  φ2 ∈ {ReLU, sigmoid, tanh}. Due to model misspecification, we apply transformation ˜y = √yfor NIMC and IMC. The activation function of NIMC is set to be the same as  φ2. We see from Table 3 that NSMC achieves the best estimating result, while other methods fail to recover the parameters.

5.3 Clustering of Embeddings

We generate synthetic data with clustered embeddings and compare the performance of NSMC and NIMC on learning the true embedding clustering. We fix  d = d1 = d2 = 30,r = 2, n1 = n2= 400, and choose tanh as the activation function. We generate features x and z independently from a Gaussian mixture model with four components, resulting in the ground-truth embedding clustering with four components. We sample y from a binomial model with  NB= 20. We fix observed sample size m = 1000 and apply NSMC and NIMC to get the estimated ˆU and ˆV, respectively. We plot the top 2 left singular vectors (ˆι1,ˆι2) ofφ1( ˆUT x) for NSMC and NIMC, respectively, where the points are colored according to the ground-truth clustering. We also plot the top 2 left singular vectors (ι⋆1, ι⋆2) of the ground- truth embeddings  φ1(U⋆T x). Similar plots for feature z are shown as well. We see from


Table 3: Relative error in the Poison model.

Figure 3 that NIMC fails to find the ground-truth embeddings due to model misspecification, while NSMC gives robust estimation and recovers the ground-truth embeddings.

To quantitatively evaluate the performance, we apply the k-means clustering to the left singular vectors. We define the clustering error following Zhong et al. (2019) as


where  ℵ⋆ is the ground-truth clustering and  ℵis the predicted clustering. As a result, NIMC attains clustering error 0.0596 and 0.1725 for x and z respectively. NSMC achieves a better performance with clustering error 0.0196 and 0.0147 for x and z respectively.

5.4 Semi-supervised Clustering

We further illustrate the superior performance of NSMC over NIMC with real-world data. Following the experimental setting in Zhong et al. (2019), we apply NSMC and NIMC to a semi-supervised clustering problem, where we only have one kind of features,  x ∈ Rd1, ona set of items. The edge attribute  yij= 1, if the i-th item and j-th item are similar, and yij= 0, if they are dissimilar. To apply NSMC and NIMC, we set  x = z, φ1 = φ2 = φ,and assume  U⋆ = V⋆. We initialize  U0 = V0 as the same random Gaussian matrix and apply gradient descent to ensure  Ut = Vt during training. After training, we apply k-means clustering to the top r left singular vectors of  φ( ˆUT x). We follow Zhong et al. (2019) and again use the clustering error defined by (11). We set the activation function  φ to betanh for all data sets. For NSMC, we first uniformly sample two independent sets of items with  n1 = n2= 1000. Then we generate independent observation sets Ω and Ω′ with sizem = 5000. For NIMC, the observed dataset is set to be the union Ω∪Ω′. We consider three datasets: Mushroom, Segment and Covtype (Dua and Graff, 2017), and regard items with the same label as similar (yij = 1). Covtypedataset is subsampled first to balance the size of each cluster. As shown in Table 4, for linear separable dataset Mushroom, both NSMC and NIMC achieve perfect clustering. For the other two datasets, NSMC achieves better clustering results than NIMC.

We studied the nonlinear bipartite graph representation learning problem. We formalized the representation learning problem as a statistical parameter estimation problem in a semiparametric model. In particular, the edge attributes, given node features, are assumed to


Figure 3: The comparison of learned embeddings based on NIMC and NSMC, with the ground-truth embeddings. The first row shows embeddings of x, while the second row shows embeddings of z. The points are colored according to the ground-truth clustering.


Table 4: Clustering error on real-world data.

follow an exponential family distribution with unknown base measure. The parametric component of the model is assumed to be the proximity of outputs of one-layer neural network, whose inputs are node representations. In this setting, learning embedding vectors is equivalent to estimating two low-rank weight matrices (U⋆, V⋆). Using the rank-order decomposition technique, we proposed a quasi-likelihood function, and proved that GD with constant step size achieves local linear convergence rate. The sample complexity is linear in dimensions up to a logarithmic factor, which matches existing results in matrix completion. However, our estimator is robust to model misspecification within exponential family due to the adaptivity to the base measure. We also provided numerical simulations and real experiments to corroborate the main theoretical results, which demonstrated superior performance of our method over existing approaches.

One potential extension is to consider a more general distribution for node representations. For example, when node representations follow a heavy-tailed distribution, it is not clear whether we can still recover (U⋆, V⋆) with the same convergence rate. In addition, using two-layer or even deep neural networks for encoders in our semiparametric model, while still providing theoretical guarantee is another interesting extension.

In this section, we provide proofs of lemmas in the main text. Auxiliary results are presented in the appendix.

7.1 Proof of Lemma 3

For any pair (yk, y′l), let Rkldenote the rank statistics, and  ykl(·) denote the order statistics. We have


Moreover, as shown in (2),




which completes the proof.

7.2 Proof of Lemma 6

Let us first introduce additional notations. Suppose QR decomposition of  U⋆, V⋆ is U⋆ =Q1R1 and V⋆ = Q2R2, respectively, with  Qi ∈ Rdi×r and Ri ∈ Rr×r for i = 1, 2. Let

Q⊥i ∈ Rdi×(di−r)be the orthogonal complement of  Qi. For any vectors  a = (a1; . . . ; ar) andb = (b1; . . . ; br) such that  ap ∈ Rd1, bp ∈ Rd2 for p ∈ [r] and ∥a∥22+∥b∥22 = 1, we express each component by  ap = Q1r1p + Q⊥1 s1p and bp = Q2r2p + Q⊥2 s2p, and let ri = (ri1, . . . , rir) ∈Rr×r and si = (si1, . . . , sir) ∈ R(di−r)×r. Further, we let  ti = (ti1, . . . , tir) ∈ Rr×r withtip = R−1i rip, and also let ¯ti ∈ Rr×rdenote the matrix that replaces the diagonal entries of tiby 0. Lastly, for i = 1, 2 and variable  x ∼ N(0,1), we define following quantities


Using the above notations,


= 12E�� r�p=1


where we have used the independence among  xT Q1r1p, xT Q⊥1 s1p, zT Q2r2p and zT Q⊥2 s2p.By Lemma 15, there exists a constant  C1not depending on (U⋆, V⋆) such that


For term  I1, let us denote the inside variable as


Using Lemma 21, Assumption 1, and independence among  x, x′, z, z′,



Combining the above display with (12) and (13), Minimizing over the set  {(a, b) : ∥a∥2F +


The above display, together with (12) and (13), leads to


Since the first row of  U⋆ is fixed, we minimize over the set  {(a, b) : ∥a∥2F +∥b∥2F = 1, eT1 ap =0, ∀p ∈ [r]}. Equivalently, the right hand side has the following optimization problem


By Theorem D.6. in Zhong et al. (2018),




This completes the proof.

7.3 Proof of Lemma 8

The concentration is shown by taking expectation hierarchically. In particular, we let ∇2 ¯L1(U, V) = E�∇2L1(U, V) | D, D′�, where the expectation is over the random sampling of the entries from  D and D′. Then, we know  E[∇2 ¯L1(U, V)] = E[∇2L1(U, V)]. Moreover,


Using Lemma 17, for any  s ≥ 1,


Using Lemma 19,


Combining the above two displays, using the fact that  ∥V∥2qF +∥U∥2qF ≲ ∥V−V⋆∥2qF +∥U−U⋆∥2qF + ∥V⋆∥2qF + ∥U⋆∥2qF , and dropping high order terms, we know that, with probability at least 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s,


Noting that  ∥U − U⋆∥1−q/2F + ∥V − V⋆∥1−q/2F ≲�∥U − U⋆∥2F + ∥V − V⋆∥2F� 2−q4 completesthe proof.

7.4 Proof of Lemma 9

The proof is similar to that of Lemma 8. Let  ∇2 ¯L2(U, V) = E�∇2L2(U, V) | D, D′�. Then


Using Lemma 18 and noting that  ∥V∥q2(1−q1)2 + ∥U∥q1(1−q2)2 ≤ ∥V∥q2 + ∥U∥q2, for all s ≥ 1,


Using Lemma 20,


Combining the last two displays, we complete the proof.

7.5 Proof of Lemma 11

Note that


Following the proof of Lemma 17, 18, 19 and 20, we can show that, for any  s ≥ 1, withprobability 1  − 1/(d1 + d2)s,




The proof follows by noting that  ∥U∥2F +∥V∥2F ≲ ∥U⋆∥2F +∥V⋆∥2F for (U, V) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆).

7.6 Proof of Lemma 12

By definition in Section 4.3, we have the following decomposition


By (34),


This completes the proof.

7.7 Proof of Theorem 13

Define Υ⋆ = CBβ3r3(1−q)2 �∥U⋆∥3qF + ∥V⋆∥3qF�for sufficiently large constant  CB. For anytwo points (U1, V1), (U2, V2) ∈ BR(U⋆, V⋆), if their distance satisfies


and the sample sizes  m, n1, n2satisfy (which is implied by the condition in Theorem 10)


by Lemma 11 we know


Using this result and letting  cB ≤ 1/(4CB)


Moreover, for any (U, V) in this neighborhood, by Theorem 10, we have


with high probability. Thus, by Weyl’s theorem (Weyl, 1912), we have


and similarly  λmax(∇2L(U, V)) ≤ 3λ⋆max/2. Let us consider doing one-step GD at (U, V). Let


Suppose the continuous line from (U, V) to (U⋆, V⋆) is parameterized by  ξ ∈ [0, 1] with


of interval [0, 1] with |Ξ| = 5

i ∈ [|Ξ|] and have set  S = {(U1, V1), . . . , (U|Ξ|, V|Ξ|)}. Taking the union bound over S,


Furthermore, since Ξ is a net of [0, 1], for any  ξ ∈ [0,1] there exists  ξ′ ∈ [|Ξ|] such that


Thus, by (16), (17), and Weyl’s theorem, we obtain


With this,


The last inequality is from Theorem 4 and the fact that  ∥∇L(U⋆, V⋆) − E[∇L(U⋆, V⋆)]∥Fonly contributes higher-order terms by concentration. Let  η = 1/λ⋆max, then


which completes the proof.

This work is partially supported by the William S. Fishman Faculty Research Fund at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. This work was completed in part with resources provided by the University of Chicago Research Computing Center.

Appendix A. Complementary Lemmas

In this section, we list intermediate results required for proving lemmas in Section 7. Notations in each lemma are introduced in the proofs of the corresponding lemmas.


(Case 2) if either  φ1 or φ2is ReLU, then


Proof The notations in this proof are inherited from the proof of Lemma 6 in Section 7.2. By the definition of  g(·, ·) in (14),






Plugging the expressions of  I4, I5, and I6in Lemma 16 into (19), combining with (18), and using the fact that

Trace(¯t21) = 12∥¯t1 + ¯tT1 ∥2F − ∥¯t1∥2F , 2Trace(¯t1¯t2) = ∥¯t1 + ¯tT2 ∥2F − ∥¯t1∥2F − ∥¯t2∥2F ,

we obtain



Based on the above expression, we further provide the lower bound for Var(g(¯x, ¯z)). Weseparate into two cases.

Case 1, φ1, φ2 ∈ {sigmoid, tanh}. By symmetry of activation functions,  τ ′i,1,1 = 0. Thus,plugging into (20),

Var(g(¯x, ¯z))


≥ τ1,1,1τ2,1,1τ ′1,1,0τ ′2,1,0∥¯t1 + ¯tT2 ∥2F + ρ1�∥¯t1∥2F + ∥¯t2∥2F�+ τ ′′1 τ ′′2 ∥diag(t1) + diag(t2)∥22+  ρ2�∥diag(t1)∥22 + ∥diag(t2)∥22�,

where, for  j = 1, 2, i = 1, 2 and ¯i = 3 − i, ρj = ρj1 ∧ ρj2 with


Further, by Stein’s identity (Stein, 1972),  τi,1,1 = τ ′i,1,0. We can also numerically check that τ ′′1 , τ ′′2 , ρ1, ρ2 >0. Therefore, the above display leads to


Case 2, either φ1 or φ2is ReLU. Without loss of generality, we assume  φ1is ReLU. Then,


plugging into (20),

Var(g(¯x, ¯z))



+�τ ′′2 − π + 22π τ2,1,0τ ′2,1,1 − 1πτ ′2,1,0τ ′2,1,2�diag(t1)T diag(t2)


+�τ2,2,0 − π + 22π τ 22,1,0 − 1π(τ ′2,1,0)2�∥diag(t1)∥22


+�τ ′′2 − π + 22π τ2,1,0τ ′2,1,1 − 1πτ ′2,1,0τ ′2,1,2�diag(t1)T diag(t2).



Then, we can numerically check  ρ3, ρ4 > 0 when φ2 ∈ {sigmoid, tanh, ReLU} and hence


This completes the proof.

Lemma 15 Under conditions of Lemma 6, there exists a constant  C2 > 0not depending on  U⋆, V⋆ such that


Proof By symmetry, we only show the proof for  I2. By the definition of  I2in (12) and noting that the inner variable has mean zero,



where the third equality is due to the independence among  u⋆Tp x, xT Q⊥1 and z; the lastinequality is due to Lemma 21 and Assumption 1. Here, ¯x, ¯z i.i.d∼ N(0, Ir) and ¯xp, ¯zp denotethe p-th component of ¯x, ¯z, respectively. Moreover,


Combining with (21),


Lemma 16 Under the setup of Lemma 14, we have

I4 =�τ2,2,0τ ′1,2,0 − τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,0)2�∥¯t1∥2F + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,1)2Trace(¯t21) + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,0)2∥¯t1111∥22+ 2τ 22,1,0τ ′1,1,2τ ′1,1,0111T ¯tT1 diag(t1) + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,1)2(111T diag(t1))2




Proof By symmetry, we only show the proof for  I4 and I5can be proved analogously. By the definition of  I4 in (19),




By simple derivations, we let  t1pp = [t1p]p be the p-th entry of  t1p, and have





Plugging into the formula of  I42,


Combining (22), (23), (24) together,


+ 2�τ ′1,1,2τ ′1,1,0 − (τ ′1,1,0)2� �111T tT1 diag(t1) − ∥diag(t1)∥22�+ (τ ′1,1,1)2�(111T diag(t1))2+ Trace(t21) − 2∥diag(t1)∥22��


Recall from Section 7.2 that ¯ti ∈ Rr×r, i = 1,2, denotes the matrix that replaces the diagonal entries of  tiby 0. Therefore, the above equation can be further simplified as

I4 =�τ2,2,0τ ′1,2,0 − τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,0)2�∥¯t1∥2F + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,1)2Trace(¯t21) + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,0)2∥¯t1111∥22+ 2τ 22,1,0τ ′1,1,2τ ′1,1,0111T ¯tT1 diag(t1) + τ 22,1,0(τ ′1,1,1)2(111T diag(t1))2


This completes the proof for  I4. I5can be obtained analogously by changing the role of  φ1and  φ2. By the definition of  I6 in (19),


I6 =



This completes the proof.

Lemma 17 Under conditions of Lemma 8, we let  qi = 1 if φiis ReLU and  qi = 0 ifφi ∈ {sigmoid, tanh}. Then for any  s ≥ 1,


Proof Proof of J1.For any two samples (y, x, z) ∈ D and (y′, x′, z′) ∈ D′, let us define


where  Θ = ⟨φ1(UT x), φ2(VT z)⟩. To ease notations, we suppress the evaluation sample of H1. We apply Lemma 24 to bound  J1. We first check all conditions of Lemma 24. By Assumption 2 and symmetry of (d, p) and (d′, p′),


For activation functions in {sigmoid, tanh, ReLU}, the last inequality is due to the fact that |φ′i| ≤1. Note that


thus we further obtain



By Lemma 22,  ∀s ≥ 1


We bound the second term in (26) similarly and have


We next verify the second condition in Lemma 24. By the symmetry of  H1, we only need bound the following quantity


We only bound  J11as an example.  J12can be bounded in the same sketch. Step 1. Bound ∥E[J11]∥2. For any vectors  a = (a1; . . . ; ar) and b = (b1; . . . ; br) such that



By Lemma 23 and we have


Step 2. Bound ∥J11 − E[J11]∥2. We apply Lemma 26. Let us first define the random matrix


For the condition (a) in Lemma 26, we note that


By Lemma 22, for any constants  K(1,1)1 ∧ K(1,1)2 ∧ K(1,1)3 ≥1 (in what follows we may keep using such notation, where the first superscript indexes the function  {Li}i=1,2we are dealing with; the second superscript indexes the times we have used for this notation),


≤ 2 exp�−(d1 ∧ d2)K(1,1)3 �+ q2 exp

For the condition (b) in Lemma 26, we apply the inequalities in Lemma 23 and have

∥E[J11(x, z)J11(x, z)T ]∥2 = max∥a∥2F +∥b∥2F =1 E��dT d + pT p�3�aT d + bT p�2�


For the condition (c) in Lemma 26, we consider the following quantity for any unit vector (a; b):


Combining (29), (30), (31), (32) together and defining


we know conditions in Lemma 26 hold for  J11with parameters (up to constants)


Thus,  ∀t > 0


In the above inequality, for any constant  s ≥ 1 we let


By simple calculation, we can let


and further have


Under the conditions of Lemma 17, we combine the above inequality with (29) and have P(∥J11∥2 ≳ Υ1Υ2) ≲ 1/(d1 + d2)s, ∀s ≥1. Dealing with  J12in (28) similarly, one can show (29) and the above result hold for  J12as well. So  P(∥J12∥2 ≳ Υ1Υ2) ≲ 1/(d1 + d2)s.Plugging back into (28), we can define  ν2(J1) = β4Υ1Υ2and then conditions of Lemma 24 hold for  J1with parameters  ν1(J1) (defined in (27)) and  ν2(J1). Therefore, we have  ∀t > 0


For any  s ≥ 1, we let


and have


The result follows by the definition of Υ2in (33) and noting that the first term in  ϵ2 is thedominant term.

Proof of J2.We apply Lemma 25 to bound  J2. We check all conditions of Lemma 25. Some of steps are similar as above. By definition of  H1,


We first bound  ∥E[H1]∥2. We have


where the last inequality is derived similarly to (31). For the condition (a) in Lemma 25, we apply (26) and Lemma 22 (similar to (30)),


For the condition (b) in Lemma 25,


For the condition (c) in Lemma 25,


Thus, conditions of Lemma 25 hold with parameters (up to constants)


Similar to the proof of  J1, for any s ≥ 1, we let K(1,2)1 = K(1,2)2 = 2 log n1n2 +s log(d1 +d2),


and then have


Noting that the first term in  ϵ3is the dominant term, we complete the proof.

Lemma 18 Under conditions of Lemma 9 and the definition of  q1, q2in Lemma 17, we have that for any  s ≥ 1,


Proof Proof of T1.For any two samples (y, x, z) ∈ D and (y′, x′, z′) ∈ D′, we define


where  Θ = ⟨φ1(UT x), φ2(VT z)⟩. We follow the same proof sketch as Lemma 17. We apply Lemma 24 to bound  T1. We first check all conditions of Lemma 24. By Assumption 2,


Here, the third inequality is due to the fact that  |φ′′i | ≤ 2 if φi ∈ {sigmoid, tanh} and φ′′i = 0if  φiis ReLU. Taking union bound over  D ∪ D′, noting that log(r(n1 + n2)(d1 + d2)) ≍log (r(d1 + d2)), and applying Lemma 22, for any  s ≥1, we define

Υ3 = (1 − q1)d1 (log(r(d1 + d2)))q2/2 ∥V∥q22 +�d1d2 + (1 − q2)d2 (log(r(d1 + d2)))q1/2 ∥U∥q12


and have


Similarly to Lemma 17, we have two steps. Step 1. Bound ∥E[T11]∥2. For any vectors  a = (a1; . . . ; ar) and b = (b1; . . . ; br) such that



Using Lemma 23 and maximizing over set  {(a, b) : ∥a∥22 + ∥b∥22 = 1}, we get


Step 2. Bound ∥T11 − E[T11]∥2. We still apply Lemma 26. Define the following random matrix


For the condition (a) in Lemma 26, we note that



and we have


For the condition (b) in Lemma 26, let us define




By simple calculations based on Lemma 23,



Combining the above displays together and maximizing over  {(a, b) : ∥a∥22 + ∥b∥22 = 1},


For condition (c) in Lemma 26,


Applying Lemma 23,




Combining (40), (42), (43), (44), and defining


then conditions in Lemma 26 hold for  T11with parameters


Here, Υ4, Υ5, Υ6are defined in (41), (45), and  {K(2,1)i }i=1,2,3are any constant. So,  ∀t > 0,



For any  s ≥ 1, we let


Then, Υ4 ≍ Υ3. Noting that  q = q1 ∨ q2 and q′ = q1q2, we can let


and then have


Combining the above inequality with (40),  P(∥T11∥2 ≳ Υ6) ≲ 1/(d1 + d2)s. We plugback into (39), combine with (38), and know Lemma 24 holds for  T1with parameters ν1(T1) = βΥ3 and ν2(T1) = β2Υ6. Finally we apply Lemma 24 and obtain that  ∀t > 0


For any  s ≥ 1, we let


and have


This completes the proof for the first part. Proof of T2.We apply Lemma 25 to bound  T2. We check all conditions of Lemma 25. By definition of  H2 in (35),


We first bound  ∥E[H2]∥2as follows:



For the condition (a) in Lemma 25, we have shown in (36) that


Thus, similar to (42),


For the condition (b) in Lemma 25,


For the condition (c) in Lemma 25, we use Lemma 23 and obtain


Thus, conditions of Lemma 25 hold for  T2with parameters (up to constants)


and then have


We finish the proof by noting that the first term of  ϵ6is the dominant.

Lemma 19 Under conditions of Lemma 8, we have


Proof By definition of  J3,


For  J31,


We only bound the first term. The second term has the same bound using the equation E[x]E[x]T = E[xx′T ] for any variable  x′ independent from x. Note that



We focus on the first term in the above equality. By simple calculations using the boundedness and Lipschitz continuity of  φi, φ′i,


Plugging the above inequality back into (49), dealing with other terms similarly, and applying Lemma 27 by noting  σr(U⋆) ∧ σr(V⋆) ≥ 1,









where Υ⋆2 is defined in the same way as Υ2in (33) but calculated using  U⋆, V⋆. Next, webound  J32in (48). Since  ψis Lipschitz continuous,



∥J32∥2 ≲ β3����E���φ1(UT x)T φ2(VT z) − φ1(U⋆T x)T φ2(V⋆T z)���d⋆ − d′⋆p⋆ − p′⋆


For the first term,


For the second term, from (32) we see max∥a∥2F +∥b∥2F =1�E[(d⋆T a + p⋆T b)4] ≲ Υ⋆2. Com-bining with the above two displays, and (50) and (48),


This completes the proof.

Lemma 20 Under conditions of Lemma 9, we have


Proof We follow the same proof sketch as Lemma 19. By definition of  T3,


For  T31,



where Υ⋆7 has the same form as Υ7defined in (46) but is calculated using  U⋆, V⋆. For T32,we use the Lipschitz continuity of 1/(1 + exp(x)), and simplify analogously to  J32. Weobtain


Combining the above three displays,


We complete the proof.

Appendix B. Auxiliary Results

Lemma 21 (Lemma D.4 in Zhong et al. (2018)) Let U ∈ Rd×r be a full-column rank matrix. Let  g : Rk → [0, ∞). Define ¯κ(U) = �rp=1σp(U)σr(U), then we have


Lemma 22 (Concentration of quadratic form and norm)  Suppose x1, x2, . . . , xniid∼


Proof Result in (a) directly comes from the Chernoff bound and Remark 2.3 in Hsu et al. (2012). We use union bound and (a) to prove (b). (c), (d) and (e) are directly from (a) and (b). (f) is from the Chapter 3 in Vershynin (2018). (g) is due to the fact that  |xT u| issub-Gaussian variable.

Lemma 23 (Expectation of product of quadratic form)  Suppose x ∼ N(0, Id), U ∈


Proof Note that


This shows the part (a). (b) can be showed similarly using the H¨older’s inequality twice. For (c),


Here the first inequality is due to the H¨older’s inequality and the second equality is from Lemma 2.2 in Magnus (1978).


a sample set, and let Ω =  {(xk, zk)}mk=1 be a collection of samples of D, where each (xk, zk)is sampled with replacement from D uniformly. Independently, we have another sets  D′ = {(x′, z′)} and Ω′ = {(x′k, z′k)}mk=1.For any pair (x, z) and (x′, z′), we havea matrix  A�(x, z), (x′, z′)�∈ Rd1×d2. Define H = 1m2�mk,l=1 A ((xk, zk), (x′l, z′l)). If thefollowing conditions hold with  ν1, ν2not depending on  D, D′:


then  ∀t > 0,


Proof For any integer k, we define ¯k to be the remainder of k/m such that 1  ≤ ¯k ≤ m(i.e. ¯m = m). Then we can express H as


Note that  Hkis the sum of m independent samples, and for any  k = 0, 1, ..., m − 1, theyhave the same distribution with conditional expectation




By the proof of Corollary 6.1.2 in Tropp et al. (2015), the right hand side satisfies


Combining the above two displays and using the fact that  P(A) = E [111A] = E [E [111A | D, D′]]for any event A, we finish the proof.


F : i ∈ [n1], j ∈ [n2]}be a sample set with size  n1n2and each pair (x, z) follows the same distribution F; similarly but independently, let  D′ = {(x′i, z′j) ∼ F′ : i ∈ [n1], j ∈ [n2]} beanother sample set. Let  A ((x, z), (x′, z′)) ∈ Rd1×d2 be a random matrix corresponding to (x, z) ∈ D, (x′, z′) ∈ D′, and let H = 1n21n22�(x,z)∈D�(x′,z′)∈D′ A ((x, z), (x′, z′)). Supposethe following conditions hold with  µ1, ν1, ν2, ν3:



Proof For simplicity we suppress the evaluation point of  A. Let ¯A = A · 111∥A∥2≤µ1 and¯H = 1n21n22�(x,z)∈D�(x′,z′)∈D′ ¯A. Then,


For the first term,


For the third term,


For the second term, without loss of generality, we assume  n1 ≤ n2. For any integer k, we let  k = s1n1 + ¯k, where integer  s1 ≥0 and remainder ¯k satisfies 1  ≤ ¯k ≤ n1. We also let k = s2n2 + ˜k, where integer  s2 ≥ 0 and ˜ksatisfies 1  ≤ ˜k ≤ n2. Then


Based on this decomposition, we see that ¯Hk,l,jis a sum of  n1i.i.d. random matrices and that  { ¯Hk,l,j}have the same distribution. Similar to the proof of Lemma 24, we have


We apply Corollary 6.1.2 in Tropp et al. (2015). Note that  ∥ ¯A − E[ ¯A]∥2 ≤ 2µ1 and



A similar bound holds for  ∥E[ ¯AT ¯A] − E[ ¯AT ]E[ ¯A]∥2. Therefore


Putting everything together finishes the proof.


random matrix corresponding to (x, z) ∈ D and let H = 1n1n2�(x,z)∈D A (x, z). Supposethe following conditions hold with  µ1, ν1, ν2, ν3:


Proof The result follows directly from Lemma 25.

Lemma 27 Suppose x ∼ N(0, Id), φ ∈ {sigmoid, tanh, ReLU}. For any u, u⋆, a, b ∈ Rd,


where  q = 1 if φis ReLU and q = 0 otherwise.

Proof By H¨older’s inequality,


If  φ ∈ {sigmoid, tanh}, we finish the proof by using the Lipschitz continuity of  φ′ andLemma 23. If  φis ReLU, we apply Lemma E.17 in Zhong et al. (2018) to complete the proof.

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