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Real-World Robot Applications of Foundation Models: A Review
6 months ago·arXiv

Recent developments in foundation models, like Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs), trained on extensive data, facilitate flexible application across different tasks and modalities. Their impact spans various fields, including healthcare, education, and robotics. This paper provides an overview of the practical application of foundation models in real-world robotics, with a primary emphasis on the replacement of specific components within existing robot systems. The summary encompasses the perspective of input-output relationships in foundation models, as well as their role in perception, motion planning, and control within the field of robotics. This paper concludes with a discussion of future challenges and implications for practical robot applications.


Recent advancements in artificial intelligence have markedly expanded the operational capabilities of robots, enabling them to undertake a diverse range of activities [15]. Although initially robots’ deployment was primarily limited to mass production environments [611], the applicability of industrial robots has now branched into areas of small-batch and high-variety production, including indoor spaces and disaster sites [1215]. This proliferation is not merely limited to an increase in environmental diversity; it also extends to an expanded repertoire of tasks, encompassing everyday activities like tidying [1618], washing [19,20], wiping [21,22], and cooking [23,24].

Machine learning has provided a way to meet the needs of such robot systems. However, training each model only on domain-specific data is insufficient for the diverse robots, tasks, and environments. There is a growing need for the development of robots


Figure 1. The structure of this study. In section 2, we overview the characteristics of foundation models and introduce common downstream tasks. In section 3, we categorize studies of applications of foundation models in robotics. In section 4, we introduce prior work on creating foundation models for robotics, so-called robotic foundation models. In section 5, we overview robots, tasks, and environments used for applications of foundation models in robotics.

that can be applied to various bodies, tasks, and environments using a single, pre-trained system or module.

One solution to this challenge is the introduction of foundation models [25]. Foundation models are models that are trained on large amounts of data and can be easily applied to a wide range of downstream tasks through in-context learning, fine-tuning, or even in a zero-shot manner [26,27]. Prominent examples include Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT [27] and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) like CLIP [28], where language is a glue to combine various types of modalities. The impact of these foundation models has been remarkable, with several review papers discussing their influence across diverse fields [2932]. Wang et al. [29] and Zeng et al. [30] have conducted surveys on the application of large language models in robotics, while Firoozi et al. [31] and Hu et al. [32] have conducted surveys on a broader scale, focusing on the application of foundation models in robotics. In this paper, we summarize the applicability of foundation models to real-world robots, aiming to accelerate their adoption in practical robot applications. In comparison to the other survey papers, we provide a summary of how to replace specific components in existing robot systems with foundation models, from the perspective of input-output relationships of the foundation models, as well as perception, motion planning, and control in robotics.

The structure of this study is shown in Figure 1. In section 2, we will describe the foundation models themselves. In particular, we will classify foundation models in terms of what kind of modalities they use, e.g., vision [33,34], language [3541] and so on, and what kind of downstream tasks to which they can be applied. In section 3, we will describe how to apply foundation models to robotics based on current applications [2,3,42]. In general, robots need to be equipped with a perception module, a planning module, and a control module. From this perspective, we classify the ways in which one can apply foundation models to real-world robotics into low-level perception, high-level perception, high-level planning, and low-level planning. Additionally, we will explain data augmentation for robotics when training a mapping to directly connect low-level perception and low-level planning. In section 4, we will describe foundation models that include robot embodiment, the robotic foundation model, including discussions about how to make these robotic foundation models in terms of model architecture, dataset, and learning objective. In section 5, we will describe the robots, tasks, and environments where foundation models are used. We classify the tasks into navigation, manipulation, navigation with manipulation, locomotion, and communication. Finally, we will discuss future challenges and present our conclusions.

The term foundation model was first introduced in [25]. In this survey, we will simply describe the types of foundation models used in robotic applications, as well as downstream tasks, deferring to [25] for a discussion of foundation models themselves.

In 2012, deep learning gained mainstream attention from the machine learning community with the winning model from the ILSVRC-2012 competition [43]. In 2017, the Transformer model was introduced by [44], leading to significant advancements in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) [45] and computer vision [46]. In 2021, a model that has been trained on a large amount of data and can be easily applied to a wide range of downstream tasks has come to be referred to as a “foundation model” [25]. Foundation models are characterized by three main characteristics:


In-context learning enables the accomplishment of new tasks with just a few examples, without the need for retraining or fine-tuning. Scaling laws allow for continued performance improvements as data, computational resources, and model sizes are increased. Homogenization allows for certain foundation model architectures to handle diverse modalities in a unified manner.

In this chapter, we classify foundation models from the perspective of their applicability in robotics. The most critical criterion for robots to leverage foundation models is the choice of which modalities to use. This chapter discusses the types of foundation models and the downstream tasks that they can perform from the perspectives of language, vision, audio, 3D representation, and various other modalities. In the context of utilizing each modality, we further classify foundation models from the perspective of network inputs and outputs. The overview is shown in Figure 2. Note that we do not aim to comprehensively cover foundation models here; our focus remains on addressing differences in modalities and classification of foundation models.

2.1. Foundation Models for Language

Large Language Models (LLMs) often refer to large deep neural networks trained on vast amounts of data. From the viewpoint of large deep neural networks, Transformers are common architectures for recent LLMs, which may refer to decoder-only autoregressive architectures that consist of multiple Transformer blocks trained to predict the next token. In terms of the data, the datasets for training LLMs are Internet-scale; for example, the pre-training of GPT-3 [47] uses CommonCrawl covering Internet data from years 2016 to 2019, which amounts to 45TB of compressed plain text and 410 billion tokens after filtering. Codex [48] leverages substantial code data from the snapshot of 54 million public software repositories hosted on GitHub in May 2020 to enable code-writing capabilities with LLMs. LLMs are the basis of recent foundation models, which can generalize to diverse domains and combine multiple types of data. The network input and output of LLMs primarily fall into two categories:


Audio-Language Model (ALM)


Figure 2. The overview of foundation models classified by the modalities such as language, vision, audio, and 3D representation, and by the network input and output.


Regarding  Language → Language, various LLMs have been developed, including GPT-3 [35], LLaMA [40,49], and others. These models can be prompted in order to induce Chain of Thought (CoT) [50,51] which allows them to achieve more complex inference capabilities by going through intermediate reasoning steps while solving a problem. Furthermore, this language is not limited to natural language but can also handle various formats such as program code, markup languages (e.g., HTML, XML), and data structures (e.g., JSON, YAML) [48]. In-context learning can also lead to a significant improvement in its performance through the use of examples presented in a few-shot manner.

As for  Language → Latent, models like Sentence-BERT [52] have been developed that can transform language into latent space vectors. Also, one can obtain latent space vectors from large language models which can perform  Language → Language con-versions, by extracting features from intermediate layers. By projecting into the latent space, it becomes possible to measure the distance between two sentences, enabling one to extract similar sentences for tasks such as retrieval.

2.2. Foundation Models for Vision

The foundation models for images, Large Vision Models (LVM), can mainly be divided into two types based on network input and output:


Regarding  Vision → Latent, various techniques have been developed to project images from diverse situations into some latent space. Representative examples include R3M [3] and VC-1 [53]. These methods are designed to transform image information from various data sources into lower-dimensional vectors, which can be considered as feature extraction of high-level representations.

As for  Vision → Recognition, in this context, Recognition refers to performing tasks such as semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and bounding box extraction on images. Typically, recognition is based on language labels, and there are not many foundation models that perform these recognitions solely based on image information. Among them, Segment Anything [54] is a model specialized in image segmentation, capable of segmenting not only the entire image but also specific areas specified by points or boxes. More advanced applications like Tracking Anything [55] and Faster Segment Anything [56] have also been developed.

Of course, some models perform  Vision → Vision or Latent → Vision tasks.To effectively utilize these models as foundation models for various tasks, however, conditioning on language is often essential. Therefore, in the following section on Vision and Language, we will introduce examples of such models.

2.3. Foundation Models for Vision and Language

While individual language or image processing has limited capabilities, combining vision and language allows us to build diverse foundation models. These Vision-Language Models (VLMs) are trained with the Internet-scale massive datasets as well as LLMs. For instance, CLIP [28] is trained on 400 million image-text pair datasets from the Internet. When classifying VLMs from the network input and output, they mainly fall into the following four categories.


Vision + Language → Latentinvolves converting images and text into latent space vectors, which allows one to calculate the similarity between them for downstream tasks such as retrieval. Prominent models include CLIP [28] and GLIP [57]. While CLIP [28] computes correspondences between a single image-text pair, GLIP [57] can calculate correspondences between multiple regions of an image with their text descriptions.

Vision + Language → Languageenables tasks like image captioning (IC), visual question answering (VQA), and visual entailment (VE). Prominent models include BLIP2 [58], Flamingo [59], OFA [60], and Unified-IO [61]. BLIP2 is dedicated to VQA, whereas OFA and Unified-IO serve as a foundation model capable of VQA, IC, Visual Grounding (VG), Text-to-Image Generation (TIG), and more within a single network. Flamingo supports in-context learning for both vision and language.

Vision + Language → Visionfacilitates tasks like image editing and image generation through language. Prominent models include Stable Diffusion [62], DALLE [63], and the previously mentioned OFA [60] and Unified-IO [61]. They incorporate Transformer-based architectures and diffusion architectures into the models.

Vision + Language → Recognitionenables tasks like semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and bounding box extraction from images and language. Prominent models include Detic [64], OWL-ViT [65], LSeg [66], and DinoV2 [67], which excel in open-vocabulary recognition compared to previous methods like SSD [68] or YOLO [69].

The Vision category encompasses not only images but also videos. Some approaches involve inputting videos frame by frame into these models and integrating the results, while others like XCLIP [70] and StableVideo [71] directly accept videos as input or produce video outputs.

2.4. Foundation Models for Audio

By incorporating auditory input into an existing Vision-Language Model, it becomes possible to tackle a wider range of tasks. These Audio-Language Models (ALMs) can be categorized as follows based on network input and output.


Audio + Vision + Language → Latentdoes not only represent the correspondence between images and language like in CLIP and GLIP, but also encodes sound into latent space vectors, enabling similarity calculations. Prominent models developed for this purpose include CLAP [72] and AudioCLIP [73].

Audio + Language → Languageprimarily enables Speech-to-Text recognition. Representative models in this category include Whisper [74]. With Whisper [74], it is possible to specify easily confused words and perform in-context learning.

Audio + Vision + Language → Audiomainly facilitates Text-to-Speech and audio conversion. Prominent models in this domain include MusicLM [75] and VALLE [76].

2.5. Foundation Models for 3D Representation

Currently, research incorporating 3D representations such as point clouds and 3D meshes as modalities is on the rise. 3D representations are essential for robot operations. Classifying these from network input and output can be summarized as follows:


3D Representation + Vision + Language → Latentenables the transformation of 3D representations into latent space vectors, and therefore allows for similarity calculations between latent vectors, like in previous models like CLIP and CLAP. Representative models in this category include ULIP [77] and CLIP-goes-3D [78]. It allows for tasks such as classifying objects of interest based on their 3D shapes, images, or language and using them as features for policy learning.

Vision + Language → 3D Representationoutputs the 3D shapes of objects represented as Point Clouds or 3D Meshes based on images or language input. Prominent models in this category include OmniObject3D [79] and Point-E [80]. These can be useful for tasks like comparing the shape of manipulated objects to reality or viewing them from different angles.

3D Representation + Vision + Language → Recognitionenables tasks such as segmentation and bounding box extraction in 3D space through language, similar to previous approaches. Representative algorithms include 3D-LLM [81], OpenScene [82], and SpatialVLM [83], which combine 3D representations with LLMs.

2.6. Foundation Models for Other Modalities

Up until now, we have discussed language, vision, audio, and 3D representations, but in reality it is possible to use various types of sensors. Such sensors include IMUs, heatmaps, object poses, and skeletal movements including gestures. Notable models in this regard include ImageBind [84] and Meta-Transformer [85]. These methods, like CLIP, CLAP, and ULIP, enable similarity calculations, but they simultaneously handle a significantly larger number of modalities. In addition, FoundationPose [86] is a unified foundation model for 6D object pose estimation and tracking, supporting both model-based and model-free setups. There are numerous techniques for dealing with gestures and skeletal movements, such as Human Motion Diffusion Model [87], T2M-GPT [88], and GestureDiffCLIP [89], which generate human motion or gesture through spoken language.

Finally, it is important to note that there are many models with slightly different input and output configurations beyond what we have discussed here. By determining which modalities are being utilized and what tasks are possible, we can anticipate future application of these models in real-world robotics.

In general, the behavior of robots is composed of perception, planning, and control. In this study, we divide perception into two categories: low-level and high-level. Also, we refer to planning and control as high-level planning and low-level planning, respectively. With the addition of data augmentation for learning these components, we categorize the utilization of foundation models for robots into the following five categories.


The relationship between these categories is shown in Figure 3. Foundation models for low-level perception include semantic segmentation and bounding box extraction in images or 3D representations, and feature extraction in various modalities. Foundation


Figure 3. The overview of utilization of foundation models for robots. With foundation models, low-level perception conducts feature extraction or scene recognition, high-level perception conducts reward generation or map construction, high-level planning conducts task planning or code generation, low-level planning conducts footstep generation or command generation, and data augmentation conducts image augmentation or instruction augmentation.

models for high-level perception involve the transformation and utilization of results obtained from low-level perception into forms such as maps, rewards, and motion constraints. Foundation models for high-level planning execute higher-level abstract task planning, excluding direct control. Foundation models for low-level planning execute lower-level motion control, including joint and end effector control. Foundation models for data augmentation enhance robustness through data augmentation when executing learning that connects low-level perception and low-level planning.

In practice, various applications are created by combining these five utilization methods. They are mainly categorized into four types as shown in Figure 4.

(i) Performing low-level perception and then planning behaviors with high-level planning.

(ii) Extracting rewards and motion constraints through low-level perception and high-level perception, and using them for reinforcement learning and trajectory optimization.

(iii) Generating maps, scene graphs, and more through low-level perception and high-level perception, and using them as a basis for task planning.

(iv) Robustly conducting end-to-end learning that directly correlates feature extraction from low-level perception and control inputs, using data augmentation.

It is important to note that there are also research approaches that do not fit within this framework.

From these perspectives, we select several representative papers and summarize them in Table 1. The details are discussed subsequently.

Low-level Perception: Representative studies utilizing foundation models for low-level perception include CLIPort [90] and REFLECT [91]. CLIPort utilizes the semantic information extracted by CLIP’s image and text encoder [28] along with spatial information extracted by Transporter Networks [92] to output pick and place positions, serving as an example of using foundation models for feature extraction in low-level perception. REFLECT combines object detection by MDETR [93], object state recognition by CLIP, scene graph description using depth images and heuristics, sound recognition by AudioCLIP [73], and a summary of the cause of robot failures along with corrective task plans generated by an LLM, serving as an example of using foundation models for scene recognition including explicit object recognition and sound recognition. CLIPort falls under category (iv), and REFLECT falls under category (i)


Figure 4. The four types of combinations of low-level perception, high-level perception, high-level planning, low-level planning, and data augmentation with foundation models.


High-level Perception: Representative studies utilizing foundation models for high-level perception include VoxPoser [94] and CLIP-Fields [95]. VoxPoser uses an LLM and a VLM to generate affordance maps and constraint maps as programs, and based on these maps, it performs model predictive control, serving as an example of using foundation models for objective function generation and constraint design. A similar case is using LLM or VLM for reward design in reinforcement learning, such as with Eureka [96]. CLIP-Fields utilizes Detic [64], CLIP [28], and SentenceBERT [52] to embed object labels and object image features for each point cloud in space, enabling navigation, serving as an example of using foundation models for map construction. VoxPoser falls under category (ii), and CLIP-Fields falls under category (iii) in Figure 4.

High-level Planning: Representative studies utilizing foundation models for high-level planning include TidyBot [18] and Code as Policies [5]. TidyBot performs object recognition using ViLD [97] and object classification using CLIP [28]. It then infers where to place those objects, considering learned human preferences in conjunction with an LLM, serving as an example of using foundation models for task planning. Code as Policies generates Python code for pre-defined robot control recognition APIs and control APIs via an LLM, serving as an example of using foundation models for code generation. Both of these cases fall under category (i) in Figure 4.

Low-level Planning: Representative studies utilizing foundation models for low-level planning include SayTap [98] and General Pattern Machines [99]. SayTap uses an LLM to output footstep plans and velocity using in-context learning, and then performs reinforcement learning through simulation to obtain joint commands that fulfill these plans, serving as an example of using foundation models for footstep generation. General Pattern Machines utilizes an LLM as a sequence generator for sequence transformation, completion, and improvement, and is used for reinforcement learning in tasks like Cartpole and action completion in manipulation, serving as an example of using foundation models for direct command generation. Both of these cases fall

Table 1. Representative studies utilizing foundation models for low-level perception, high-level perception, high-level planning, low-level planning, and data augmentation.


under category (i) in Figure 4, which consists solely of a low-level planner that does not involve perception.

Data Augmentation: Representative studies utilizing foundation models for data augmentation include GenAug [100] and DIAL [101]. GenAug extensively augments images using diffusion models [62] by changing backgrounds, adding distractors, altering object textures, and repositioning different objects to improve the robustness of imitation learning, serving as an example of using foundation models for image data augmentation. DIAL obtains a large number of language instruction examples through LLM and crowdsourcing, fine-tunes CLIP [28] on a large dataset of trajectory data, and extracts multiple appropriate language instructions for imitation learning, serving as an example of using foundation models for instruction augmentation. Both of these cases fall under category (iv) in Figure 4.

On the other hand, there has been research aiming at creating foundation models for robots that encompass these frameworks, including perception and planning, so-called Robotic Foundation Models. We will provide more details on these in section 4.

3.1. Low-level Perception

We will describe examples of performing low-level perception with foundation models. As shown in Table 1, its use can mainly be divided into feature extraction and scene recognition.

3.1.1. Low-level Perception for Feature Extraction

Visual pretrained models have often been utilized as strong baselines of feature extraction for perception e.g., ResNet [102] and MoCo [103]. More recently, foundation models, which are trained with more diverse and sometimes multi-modal datasets, are used as pre-trained and general feature extractors, e.g. CLIP [28] and R3M [3]. They are leveraged as either off-the-shelf models or fine-tuned with a dataset of downstream tasks.

RRL [104] uses a pre-trained ResNet trained with ImageNet [105] (1,000 classes, 1.28M images) to extract features for a reinforcement learning policy with image input. R3M [3] is a visual pre-trained model for robotics trained with Ego4D datasets [106], which consists of egocentric human activity video, with the intention of reducing the domain gap between the source datasets and robot manipulation tasks. R3M is now one of the most commonly used visual pre-trained models; for instance, CACTI [107] uses R3M as a feature extractor for converting camera input to features for imitation

learning combined with a ResNet trained with MoCo.

CLIP [28] is a multi-modal pre-trained model trained with diverse text-image pairs. CLIP can measure the similarity between the embedding of an image and open-vocabulary text. CLIPort [90] combines CLIP and Transporter Networks [92] for pick-and-place tasks from text instruction. The former model extracts semantic information from text and visual input, and the latter extracts geometric information needed for manipulation tasks.

3.1.2. Low-level Perception for Scene Recoginition

Foundation models can be used off-the-shelf for common robot vision tasks of robot systems, such as object detection and semantic segmentation. Due to being trained with diverse text-image pair datasets, many of these models can be used in open-vocabulary settings without further fine-tuning. For example, Detic [64], SAM [54], OWL-ViT [65], and ViLD [97] are open-vocabulary object detection and segmentation models. ViLD is often combined with CLIP for open-vocabulary object recognition from robot camera observation in table-top manipulation tasks [108] and mobile manipulation tasks [4,18,109]. OFA [60] is a sequence-to-sequence pre-trained vision language model that allows image captioning and visual question answering (VQA), text-to-image generation.

REFLECT [91] combines object detection with MDETR [93], object state recognition by CLIP [28], scene graph description using depth images and heuristics, sound recognition by AudioCLIP [73], and a summary of the cause of robot failures along with corrective task plans generated by an LLM, serving as an example of using foundation models for scene recognition including explicit object recognition and sound recognition. GIRAF [110] utilizes SAM to perform object segmentation on the scene images, and OpenCLIP [111], an open-sourced version of CLIP, for assigning object labels to the segmented images, in combination with supervised gesture detection models. In Kawaharazuka et al. [112], OFA [60] is leveraged to classify the scene as a binary state, e.g. whether a door is open or not, for robot navigation. Similarly, in Kanazawa et al. [113], CLIP is utilized to detect state changes in food ingredients, such as boiling water and melted butter, in the application of cooking robots.

3.2. High-level Perception

We will describe examples of performing high-level perception with foundation models. As shown in Table 1, its use can mainly be divided into objective design and map construction.

3.2.1. High-level Perception for Objective Design

Foundation models can be utilized for generating goals for downstream planning, generating rewards and costs of the plan, and affordances of controls.

One of the examples of goal generation for planning with foundation models is DALL-E bot [114], which utilizes a text-conditioned diffusion model for generating goal images for table-top object rearrangement from language instructions. Also, StructDiffusion [115] can offer greater flexibility as it can directly output object placement poses from point cloud observations. Similarly, SuSIE [116] generates subgoals for object manipulation tasks leveraging pre-trained text-conditional image-editing models such as InstructPix2Pix [117]. UniPi [118] generates video using a text-guided video diffusion model with an initial image observation and instruction text, which then can be used in conjunction with a learned inverse model in order to infer actions.

Similarly, foundation models are used to evaluate states of rewards or costs that can be leveraged with classical planners such as Model Predictive Control (MPC) or learned planners such as reinforcement learning policies. Some algorithms leverage LLMs to generate reward functions from language instructions. In Kwon et al. [119], LLM is leveraged as a proxy of reward functions by providing a few examples or a description of desired behavior. Language to Rewards [120] utilizes LLMs to describe desired robot motion as text from language instruction and then converts it to code reward functions. The reward function is used to optimize robot motion. Dynalang [121] uses an LLM to predict future rewards and utilizes it for model-based reinforcement learning (world models) based on DreamerV3 [122]. ZeST [123] utilizes VLMs to specify goals for robot manipulation tasks in a zero-shot manner.

Foundation models are also leveraged to learn affordances for manipulation tasks. For example, some works learn affordances for object manipulation from human ego-centric video (e.g., EPIC-KITCHENS [124] and Ego4D [106] dataset). RoboAffordances [125] learns a contact heatmap and trajectories from human egocentric videos (EPIC-KITCHENS). Similarly, VIP [126] learns reward functions for object manipulation from the Ego-4D dataset by time contrastive learning and transfers it to real-world robot manipulation settings. LIV [127] extends VIP by learning a multi-modal (language and image) reward function from text-annotated video (EPIC-KITCHENS), which is used to train language-conditional imitation learning policies.

Aside from learning 2D visual affordances, VoxPoser [94] represents visual affordances as a 3D Voxel map. An LLM generates code for creating a 3D voxel cost map by interacting with VLMs to insert an environmental cost. Text instructions are used to represent affordance and additional constraints of the environment. The resulting 3D cost map is then used to generate a motion plan with MPC.

3.2.2. High-level Perception for Map Construction

Vision language models, such as CLIP, are used for extracting semantic information in the mapping, localization, and navigation tasks of mobile robots. LM-Nav [128] uses CLIP as a vision-and-language model for grounding the robot’s visual observations to landmarks in order to create graphs of visual landmarks CLIP on Wheels [129] adapts open-vocabulary models to language-driven zero-shot object navigation (L-ZSON), the task of navigating an environment and finding specific objects without any prior training. CLIPFields [95] uses CLIP for semantic mapping, embedding the visual features from CLIP into a 3D map using neural rendering [130,131]. The model can retrieve the most similar position between the text input and the semantic map. Similarly, NLMap-Saycan [109] proposes an open-vocabulary queryable semantic representation using CLIP and ViLD [97] to form a semantic map that can be used for navigation with text instructions. AVL-Maps [132] and VL-Maps [133] generate a top-down projection map with the embeddings of text, image, and audio information, which a robot can use to navigate to appropriate places. Furthermore, ConceptFusion [134] is engaged in constructing a 3D map that allows queries through images, sound, and text, while OpenFusion [135] is developing a method for performing this process in real-time. Also, ConceptGraphs [136] proposes an open-vocabulary graph-structured representation for 3D scenes, enabling the robot to answer complex scene queries, open-vocabulary pick and place, and traversability estimation.

3.3. High-level Planning

We will describe examples of performing high-level planning with foundation models. Generating high-level motion planning is one of the most effective use cases of LLMs. As shown in Table 1, its use can mainly be divided into task planning and code generation.

3.3.1. High-level Planning with Task Planning

In Huang et al. [137], next motion plans are generated as language using GPT-3 (causal LLM), the actionable plan is chosen from action set using BERT (Masked LLM), and then the action is executed. SayCan [4] is one of the most well-known papers connecting LLM and robotics. An LLM outputs the scores (log-likelihoods) of the next action candidates from language instruction, which are multiplied by scores from visual affordance, and the action with the highest combined score is chosen as the action to be executed. LM-Nav [128] outputs landmarks using LLM, matches the landmarks and nodes of vision-navigation map, and executes graph search to navigate to the place specified by natural language. Inner Monologue [138] updates a task plan with an LLM using feedback from the current state description. This combines a passive scene description, an active scene description, and success detector. Hulc++ [139] combines a model-based policy guiding the robot to its vicinity with an affordance heatmap using VLM and language instruction, and language-conditioned imitation learning. For long-term task execution, the language instruction is broken down into multiple subtasks with an LLM. PIGINet [140] generates multiple plans using an LLM, scores the feasibility of each plan, and executes the best one. Grounded Decoding [141] is the evolutional version of SayCan, which does not generate the entire sentence but generates tokens successively. LLM-GROP [142] outputs how certain objects are arranged using an LLM. The LLM outputs the symbolic spatial relationship of objects, and then converts it to the geometric spatial relationship whose feasibility levels are evaluated. Finally, the feasibility and efficiency of motion plans are optimized. AVL-Maps [132] and VL-Maps [133] execute motion planning of navigation with an LLM. By combining the subgoals and a map generated with the embeddings of language, image, and audio information, a robot can navigate to appropriate places. Text2Motion [143] outputs the probability of each skill, multiplies it by geometric score, and obtains the best plan by sampling multiple plans iteratively. PET (Plan, Eliminate, and Track) [144] outputs subtasks with an LLM, eliminates unrelated objects from recognition, and tracks the state change in the objects for detecting sub-task completion. In REFLECT [91], a robot summarizes why the action failed and executes replanning. From MDETR [93], CLIP, AudioCLIP, 3D scene graph with depth camera, the current state is described, and the failure can be detected. KITE [145] calculates keypoints in images from language instructions, output actions from an LLM and primitives, and combines them for task execution. In Ren et al. [146], LLM is leveraged to execute a task plan and ask for help using conformal prediction when multiple choices of action exist. In SayPlan [147] a robot navigates by using an LLM and a 3D scene graph. The robot finds objects using a hierarchical 3D scene graph, replanning using a graph simulator and language feedback from failure. In Ichikura et al. [148], a diary is generated using an LLM and VLM for interaction between a human and a robot. It collects image captioning results, voice, and emotion, and summarizes them by using LLM. OK-robot [149] integrates a variety of learned models trained on publicly available data, such as CLIP, Lang-SAM, AnyGrasp [150], and OWL-ViT, to pick and drop objects in real-world


3.3.2. High-level Planner with Code Generation

Socratic models [108] combine VLM, LLM, ALM, and external resources like web search for various applications. For robot experiments, objects are detected by a VLM, code is generated by an LLM, and motion is generated by CLIPort. Code as Policies [5] first prepares perception and control APIs and task examples with comments, and outputs a Python code from the target task description using an LLM. The code generation benchmark, RoboCodeGen, is open. ProgPrompt [151] outputs Python code with assertions for checking conditions from task examples and current environment information. In Wake et al. [152] and Shirasaka et al. [153], an LLM is leveraged to output JSON files of structured action plans. LLM+P [154] outputs optimal task plans by combining LLMs and PDDL [155]. The task completion rate can be improved by not directly generating language but by generating PDDL codes. TidyBot [18] generates Python code of the next motion plan using an LLM. It includes summarized human preferences as a prompt to personalize household cleanup for users. In Voyager [156], to acquire new skills for MineDojo, a curriculum is output by an LLM. Feedback from the environment (such as success and failure) is added as prompt, and skill libraries are extended continuously. Source code for new skills are summarized and embedded into a latent space, which allows them to be retrieved later. ChatGPT for Robotics [157] predefines some APIs and generates source code for some motion controls automatically for Habitat [158], AirSim, Tello, and MyCobot. The platform for sharing prompt engineering results, PromptCraft, is open. Statler [159] explores using LLMs to memorize the world. By deciding the next action using an LLM (world-model writer), and by describing the current state after the action (world-model reader), better performance than code-as-policies can be obtained. In Obinata et al. [160], LLM outputs a sequence of subtasks and hierarchical finite state machines are generated to safely operate a robot over long horizons. ViLaIn [161] generates a problem description of PDDL using LLM and VLM.

3.4. Low-level Planning

There are a few attempts to construct low-level planners by using foundation models. They mainly have two types of output: one is for issuing higher-level commands like footstep plans and end effector positions, and the other is for issuing the lowest-level commands, which are the joint angle commands.

SayTap [98] generates footstep plans and target velocity for a quadruped robot using a large language model and in-context learning. It acquires policies for converting the obtained footstep plans and velocities into joint angle commands through reinforcement learning, enabling diverse walking patterns. General Pattern Machines [99] uses large language models to perform sequence transformation, completion, and improvement. It can be used for tasks such as reinforcement learning tasks like Cartpole and completing manipulation actions from human demonstrations. Prompt2Walk [162] constructs a planner utilizing LLMs to generate a gait for a quadruped robot, focusing on outputting direct joint angle commands rather than footstep plans.

3.5. Data Augmentation

Data augmentation is indispensable to train agents which can behave in a variety of scenarios. In particular, the augmentation of images is one of the most important processes for a generalist agent. Generally, the data augmentation of images is executed by rotating, shifting, zooming, and flipping the image, adding noise to the image, and rescaling the pixels. However, if we scale the image of a robot that acts based on the view, the relationship between visual information and behavior will be changed. Therefore, without scaling the image, various changes in the robot view must be prepared. Also, there can be many different language instructions for a robot to accomplish the same task, meaning that the language instructions should be also augmented. To solve these problems, current foundation models can be used efficiently. We introduce several studies that train a generalist agent by augmenting the camera view and language instructions.

CACTI [107] has improved the accuracy of imitation learning with R3M or pre-trained ResNet for various tasks and scenes, through image augmentation by stable diffusion [62]. ROSIE [163] has enhanced the robustness of RT-1 [164] by selecting regions with OWL-ViT [65] and then modifying and augmenting the image using Image Editor [165] and language prompts. GenAug [100] augments images to improve the robustness of imitation learning by using a pre-trained depth-guided text-to-image inpainting model [62] to change the background, add distractors, modify the object’s texture, and place different objects for image augmentation. FoundationPose [86] adapts LLM-aided texture augmentation with diffusion models for a more realistic appearance and strong generalizability. Moo [166] separates the action and object information of language instruction, masks images with object information using OWL-ViT, and generalizes to various objects by removing object information from language instruction, leaving only action information. DIAL [101] is an example of instruction augmentation, which obtains many examples of language instructions through LLM or crowdsourcing, extracts appropriate language instructions using fine-tuned CLIP for trajectory data, and uses them for imitation learning.

Aside from studies focusing on leveraging foundation models for robot perception and planning, there are some works aiming to create foundation models for robotics itself, which may be referred to as robotic foundation models. Developing robotic foundation models requires peculiar considerations to the robotics domain compared to LLM or VLM. For example, collecting diverse datasets for robotics is more costly than for LLMs and VLMs, which can be easily trained using data collected from the internet, and this difficulty inhibits the scaling up of robotic foundation models. Also, robot systems should handle diversified types of data other than just images or text.

4.1. Approaches for Robotic Foundation Models

We first categorize robotic foundation models from the view of their applications. Table 2 shows examples of robotic foundation models.

Table 2. Some examples of representative foundation models trained for robotics. The models can be cate- gorized into three: pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) for robotics, vision language models (VLMs) for robotics, and end-to-end control policies and dynamics models. For the colums of inputs and outputs, Im, S, L, R, and A denotes images, robot states, language tokens, rewards, and actions. For the column of architecture, ViT denotes Vision Transformer for vision, and T denotes Transformers. Especially for CNNs, we denote ResNet[102] as CNNR. For the training objectives, CE denotes categorical cross-entropy of discrete tokens, and BC denotes behavioral cloning loss on action space.


4.1.1. Pre-trained Visual Representations for Robotics

Firstly, pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) [53] for robotics have been developed and utilized. Large visual pretraining models for robotics are developed mainly for feature extraction (low-level perception in section 3.1). For example, RRL [104] utilizes pretrained CNN (ResNet [102]) with ImageNet [105] as a feature extractor for visionbased reinforcement learning. R3M [3] is a ResNet-based visual pretraining model for robot manipulation trained by ego-centric human activity videos (Ego4D [106]) with time contrastive learning [167]. VIP [126] learns features embedding of the observation utilizing time contrastive learning and defines value functions implicitly as the distance on embedding spaces. MVP [168] proposes to learn a visual pre-trained model for imitation learning using Masked Autoencoder (MAE) [170] with Vision Transformer backbones and later applied to real-world settings [169]. VC-1 [53] is a large Vision Transformer-based PVR trained with ImageNet, Ego4D, and robotic datasets of manipulation and navigation.

4.1.2. Vision Language Models for Robotics

The second direction of robotic foundation models is to develop (vision) language models for robotics. PaLM-E [171] is a multimodal language model, which allows multimodal inputs (e.g., images) in addition to text questions, and is trained to answer the questions. The model is an extension of PaLM [36], a large language model with language inputs. The text output (answer) can be utilized for multiple downstream tasks, for example, task and motion planning [179,180], and visual question answering (VQA) [181185]. RoboVQA [172] presents a scalable data collection scheme for visual question answering for robotics in addition to a large and diverse cross-embodiment video-and-text dataset.

4.1.3. End-to-End Control Policies and Dynamics Models

The third direction is to train control policies with large-scale datasets in an end-to-end manner. This type of robotic foundation model is sometimes called as Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model. For example, MT-Opt [173] learns a value function (Q-function) of robot manipulation tasks with a large dataset collected with seven robots and 12 tasks, and utilizes it for fast adaptation of novel tasks, ideally in zero-shot transfer if there are sufficient overlaps among tasks. BC-Z [174] learns ResNet-based language-conditional policy from large-scale dataset (more than 25k episodes) of 100 manipulation tasks with 7 DoF manipulators. The dataset is collected semi-autonomously (shared-autonomy) with HG-Dagger [186] to reduce data collection costs; they collect about 11K expert demonstrations first and the rest is collected by deploying the learned policy with the aggregated dataset. VIMA [187] learns an end-to-end visual manipulation policy regarding images in the same way as text tokens; the visual demonstrations and language instructions are tokenized and input to the model, and the model outputs discretized actions.

Robotics Transformers: There is a line of works which is called as “Robotics Transformer” (RT) that learns robot control policies using transformers. RT-1 [164] learns language conditional imitation learning policy with large models (35M parameters). They collected 130k demonstrations with 13 mobile manipulators (taking 17 months) with about 750 language instructions. Recently, there have been several works extending RT-1. For example, Q-Transformer [176] extends RT-1 to offline reinforcement learning settings by learning Q-function considering offline temporal difference backup. RT-2 [2] scales up the model of RT-1 by leveraging Internet-scale vision-language models [171,188] and co-finetuning the model with the original dataset and datasets collected with robots (seven skills of RT-1 dataset). The model sizes are with 12B parameters for models based on PaLM-E [2] and 55B for models based on PaLI-X [188].

There are several works extending RT-1 and RT-2. For example, RT-Trajectory [189] extend RT-1 architecture to allow human demonstrations of the new target tasks as trajectory sketches, and similarly, RT-Sketch [190] is a goal-conditional policy which incorporates human hand-drawing of the trajectory as inputs. AutoRT [191] integrates LLMs, VLMs, and end-to-end robot control models like RT-1 and RT-2 to enable robots to gather training datasets in novel environments and scale the model itself. SARA-RT [192] proposes up-training, a novel fine-tuning methods for robotics, replacing attention blocks with lightweight ones during training, which enables massive models as RT-2 in robotics with less latency.

RT-X [1] extends the works of RT-1 and RT-2 in terms of the datasets to train with. They collected datasets of various types of robots, environments, and tasks from more than 20 academic laboratories and trained RT-1 and RT-2 models, which can effectively generalize new robot embodiment and tasks by finetuning. Based on the models in RT-1 and datasets collected in RT-X, Octo [193] proposes the flexible architecture for new modalities of inputs and outputs such as proprioception as input and joint angle as output action. They incorporate diffusion-based policy models [194] as the action head of the model to transform the output token from Transformer models to control actions.

Large Models for Learning Dynamics: Large-scale vision-language-action models are used to model not only robot policy but also the dynamics, which are used for planning. For example, Gato [175] learns control policies of diverse domains, e.g., Atari [195], DeepMind Control Suite [196], and real-world manipulation tasks [90,145,197,198] of a single model. RoboCat [177] learns dynamics models of diverse control tasks, such as pick-and-place and stacking blocks. TDMs [178] utilizes Transformer-based sequence models as dynamics models, which can be utilized as a zero-shot generalist and a fine-tuned one for control tasks. UniSim [199] is a large-scale action-conditional video diffusion models, which can be utilized as simulators of interactions with the real world.

In the following sections, we categorize the recipes for developing robotic foundation models in terms of model architecture (section 4.2),

4.2. Model Architectures

Traditionally, the choice of deep learning model is dependent on the modalities of the input of the models; for example, CNNs are used for images and RNNs are used for sequential data such as videos and audio. Recently, as mentioned in section 2, one of the prominent characteristics of modern deep learning network architectures based on Transformers is homogenization, which unifies the methodologies of deep learning for various modalities. Foundation models effectively leverage this feature to enable large-scale multi-modal models that can be shared across various domains. One of the prominent models for multi-modal input is PerceiverIO [200], which generalizes Transformer architecture and scales linearly to the size of inputs and outputs in order to accept various types of inputs such as optical flow and audio as well as texts and images. Perceiver-Actor [201] utilizes PerceiverIO as the model of the imitation leaning policy, which allows voxels from RGB-D camera of the environments and language instructions as input and outputs 6-DoF end effector pose, gripper state, and a binary state indicating motion planner for collision avoidance.

The multi-modal inputs are fused into a feature vector to input to the model. The simplest choice of the fuse is just a concatenation of the features from different modalities. Recently, FiLM conditioning [202] is a popular choice for conditioning for two different types of features. For example, BC-Z [164,174,203] utilizes FiLM to condition visual input human demonstrations with visual observations.

Models using transformers require tokenizations of images or actions as well as text. For the image inputs, the inputs are sometimes decomposed into patches and the features of these patches using CNNs [193] or vision transformers [2] are regarded as image tokens. Instead, RT-1 uses CNN (EfficientNet [204]) without patchfying the input images and uses the flattened feature map as visual tokens. TokenLearner [205] is often utilized for reducing dimensions to align dimensions of different modalities. For the case of RT-1 [164], TokenLearner is used to subsample visual tokens to input transformers with text token inputs. Action spaces are often uniformly descetized into bins along with the dimension to align with tokens output by transformers [2,164], while Octo [193] learns to regress the output token to action spaces using diffusion policy [194].

4.3. Datasets and Their Collection

Datasets utilized to train robotic foundation models are divided into two groups; namely action-free datasets and action-conditional datasets.

With regard to action-conditional datasets, many have been released in the context of action-conditional video prediction tasks and offline reinforcement learning tasks. For example, RoboNet [206] contains videos and robot actions of table-top object manipulation tasks and has been utilized in action-conditional video prediction tasks. D4RL [207] is a dataset containing several robot control tasks collected in simulators and has been leveraged as a benchmark of offline reinforcement learning tasks [208210].

Recently, more diverse and large-scale datasets have been made public and utilized for training end-to-end foundation models. For example, Bridge Data [211,212] contains real-world object manipulation data using a 6-DoF WidowX250 robot arm. Datasets used in RT-1 [164] are publicly released and utilized in subsequent studies [2,176]. The dataset is collected with human experts and a language description of each task is added. RT-X [1] utilizes cross-domain datasets, namely Open X-Embodiement (OXE) datasets, collected with 22 different robots from 21 institutions. The dataset contains more than 1M episodes of 527 skills (160,266 tasks).

For the ease of collecting expert demonstration datasets with real robots, robot teleoperation systems suitable for collecting datasets have been proposed. For instance, ALOHA [213] is a bimanual teleoperation system with low-cost hardware. Mobile ALOHA [214] incorporates ALOHA system into a mobile robot to enable teleoperation of bimanual mobile manipulator. GELLO [215] proposes a framework for teleoperation of robot arms to collect high-quality datasets with low-cost hardware parts.

Action-free datasets are relatively easier to collect and transfer among different types of robot morphologies, but, low-level actions cannot be directly obtained from the learned model. Since action-conditional datasets are often dependent on the robot, the action is often generalized (e.g. end-effector pose for object manipulation task). Some studies combine these two groups of datasets for training. The typical type of action-free dataset for a robotic foundation model is a video dataset. For example, Ego4D [106] is a large (3,740 hours) egocentric video dataset of human daily behavior collected across 74 locations.

4.4. Learning Objectives

In order to train end-to-end robot control models, a simple behavioral cloning (BC) loss on action spaces are often used; for example, BC-Z [174] uses regression loss on action spaces, and RT-1 [164] and RT-2 [2] use categorical cross-entropy loss on discretized action tokens as next token prediction of actions. MT-Opt [173] and QTransformer learns value function using TD-Learning as is often with Q-learning in reinforcement learning [216]. However, some recent works like Gato [175] learn to predict the entire trajectory not just the next action or Q-value. There are some works extending the idea of masked prediction models like BERT [45] to robot trajectories such as Unimask [217] and Masked Trajectory Models [218]. By masking tokens in trajectories of trajectories (observations, actions, rewards, returns, etc.) during training, the various learning objectives on robot trajectories such as behavioral cloning, offline reinforcement learning, and forward dynamics, can be written as the same framework.

From the studies where foundation models are applied, we can know what kind of robots, tasks, and environments are suitable for foundation model-based robotics. In this study, various studies are classified based on the tasks performed by robots. They are primarily classified into four categories: navigation, manipulation, locomotion, and communication. Communication often involves scenarios where robots are not explicitly utilized, and its description is kept to a minimum. Since navigation and manipulation make up the majority of the tasks, we will discuss five tasks, including those four tasks and navigation with manipulation, which deals with both navigation and manipulation simultaneously, as shown in Figure 5. Note that, in this section, we handle

only tasks and robots that handle the actual robots, not simulation.


Figure 5. The overview of robots, tasks, and environments used for research with foundation models.

5.1. Navigation

Research on navigation includes studies that focus on generating maps and those that also involve path planning. Mainly, research focused on map generation includes VL-Maps [133], AVL-Maps [132], CLIP on Wheels [129], ConceptFusion [134], ConceptGraphs [136], and CLIP-Fields [95]. These studies use embeddings of CLIP [28], LSeg [66], AudioCLIP [73], etc. to generate maps and obtain suitable destinations from language instruction. On the other hand, LM-Nav [128] utilizes an LLM and VLM to perform path planning. In efforts to create foundation models for navigation, there are also studies like GNM [219] and ViNT [220]. Additionally, in [157], code generation is conducted for the navigation of the drone Tello. While there is extensive research on map construction indoors, LM-Nav, GNM and ViNT conduct experiments outdoors. Robots such as Clearpath Ridgeback, Clearpath Jackal, Clearpath Warthog, Stretch, HSR, DJI Tello, TurtleBot, Spot, and Unitree are commonly used in these studies.

5.2. Manipulation

Research on manipulation is the most extensive. Most studies focus on single-arm manipulation and grasping, but there are also studies that deal with dual-arm systems [1,146] and in-hand manipulation [168]. Additionally, the research often takes place in everyday environments, including kitchens and tabletops, although some studies focus on laboratory automation [221]. The tasks covered are primarily pick-and-place, but many studies also report on obstacle avoidance, path planning, and flexible object manipulation. Commonly used robotic platforms include Panda, Kinova Series, UR Series, xarm, EDR, mycobot, KUKA, sawyer, and arms using dynamixel servo motors (WidowX, ViperX, etc.). In terms of end effectors, researchers use not only the robot’s built-in hands but also robotiq hands, allegro hands, and custom soft hands. There are relatively few studies that utilize custom-designed individual arms.

5.3. Navigation with Manipulation

Research that combines navigation and manipulation is actively conducted. All of this research is conducted indoors and deals with both navigation and pick-and-place grasping, either by combining an LLM and VLM [4,5,18,109,112,138,141,146,147,149,153, 160,222,223], or by simultaneously handling mobile base motion and grasping through the construction of Robotic Foundation Models [2,164,171]. Various robots are used for these purposes, including EDR, single-arm manipulators (e.g. Kinova or Panda) with UGV (e.g. custom mobile platform or Omron mobile platform), Stretch, Fetch, HSR, etc.

5.4. Locomotion

There is relatively little research on using foundation models for locomotion. This is likely to be due to the difficulty of expressing leg movements in language. Among them, two studies, SayTap [98] and Language to Rewards [120], use foundation models for locomotion. SayTap generates footstep plans, while Language to Rewards generates rewards or constraints for reinforcement learning or model predictive control, by utilizing LLM. Instead of directly handling leg movements, it is common to implicitly adjust leg movements through some abstract layers. Currently, most of the robots under research in the field of locomotion are quadruped robots, such as Unitree, and research on bipedal robots like humans is lacking.

5.5. Communication

There is a considerable amount of research on communication, but among them, studies involving actual robots, not just devices, for communication are relatively scarce. Among these studies, Automatic Diary Generation [148,224] stands out for extracting appropriate scenes and imbuing emotions from data collected when robots and humans go for a walk, generating diaries to enhance intimacy with humans. In Cho and Nam [225], diaries are utilized where robots convey their experiences and perspectives to humans as an approach to form social recognition for robots. This diary generation can be considered as a form of high-level perception in our classification. Also, some studies consider human preferences [18,146].

6.1. Conclusion

The application of foundation models to robotics is an exciting and fast-changing field. In this study, we have compiled various studies regarding the real-world robot applications of foundation models. Especially, we focused on how existing robot systems can be replaced by foundational models. First, to apply foundation models to real robots, we categorized them based on the perspective of the input and output modalities and their transformations. Next, we classified these foundation models based on five aspects of their application methodology to real robots: low-level perception, high-level perception, high-level planning, low-level planning, and data augmentation. Then, we categorized the patterns of the combination of these five aspects. Following that, we summarized the construction of robotic foundation models, including actions and more, from the perspectives of model architecture, datasets, and learning objectives. Lastly, we summarized the aspects of robots, tasks, and environments that research on the real-world robot applications of foundation models covers.

Given the rapid development of this field, it is challenging to encompass all the research papers, but it allows us to observe the trends. There are several active directions in current development. One involves the practical application of existing foundational models to robot movements, with a focus on increasing the use of different modalities. Additionally, there is a trend towards constructing robotic foundational models using more extensive data and larger models. The direction also includes building foundational models that generalize across diverse body types and exploring the use of models beyond Transformers, such as Diffusion Models. Furthermore, research on low-level motion control is still relatively scarce, and there is a limited presence of robots thriving in real household and outdoor environments. Expectations for future advancements in these areas remain high. We hope that this study will serve as a guide for future utilization of foundation models.

6.2. Future Challenges

First, we discuss the real-world robot application of existing foundation models. Various foundation models for mutual conversion between different modalities have been developed, and their application to robots is advancing. However, there are still many modalities that have not been fully utilized. Particularly, depth information, force feedback, inertial sensors, and motion information of humans, objects, and robots are not fully exploited, despite the existence of diverse examples for language, image, and sound information. Additionally, there are issues related to the granularity of skills for motion planning. The hierarchical organization of robot skills, how to structure the skill API at what level of granularity, and the addition of new skills are expected to be significant focus areas in the future.

Next, we elaborate on the robotic foundation models. While diverse robotic foundation models have been developed, their control cycles are exceptionally slow. These current models are not suitable for tasks that require fine-grained force control or collaboration with humans.

Next, we discuss practical robot applications across the entire spectrum. Through various studies, it has been observed that there are few research examples in outdoor settings, and many setups lack reflection of real-world environments, often consisting of toy problems. The use of off-the-shelf robots limits diversity. Furthermore, most setups are primarily based on position control, with few examples utilizing torque control or soft robots. It is anticipated that in the future, robots developed by various research institutions will integrate with foundation models, and there will be an increase in examples of operation in more realistic environments.

Next, the generalization ability of robots using foundation models to various environments and tasks is a future challenge. Currently, examples of applying foundation models to open-world environments, such as OVMM [223], OK-Robot [149], and GOAT [226], are increasing. We believe this direction represents a significant advancement towards new robots that go beyond the capabilities of traditional robots.

Lastly, as tasks executed through language instructions become more prevalent, quantitative evaluation of performance becomes challenging. Benchmarks such as CALVIN [227] and ARNOLD [228], which perform language instruction tasks in simulators for evaluation, have emerged. Achieving a fair evaluation in the real world, however, is not easy. Additionally, there is a need to contemplate how to evaluate interactions with humans.

[1] Open X-Embodiment Collaboration, Abhishek Padalkar, Acorn Pooley, Ajinkya Jain, Alex Bewley, Alex Herzog, Alex Irpan, Alexander Khazatsky, Anant Rai, Anikait Singh, Anthony Brohan, Antonin Raffin, Ayzaan Wahid, Ben Burgess-Limerick, Beomjoon Kim, Bernhard Sch¨olkopf, Brian Ichter, Cewu Lu, Charles Xu, Chelsea Finn, Chenfeng Xu, Cheng Chi, Chenguang Huang, Christine Chan, Chuer Pan, Chuyuan Fu, Coline Devin, Danny Driess, Deepak Pathak, Dhruv Shah, Dieter B¨uchler, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Dorsa Sadigh, Edward Johns, Federico Ceola, Fei Xia, Freek Stulp, Gaoyue Zhou, Gaurav S Sukhatme, Gautam Salhotra, Ge Yan, Giulio Schiavi, Hao Su, Hao-Shu Fang, Haochen Shi, Heni Ben Amor, Henrik I Christensen, Hiroki Furuta, Homer Walke, Hongjie Fang, Igor Mordatch, Ilija Radosavovic, Isabel Leal, Jacky Liang, Jaehyung Kim, Jan Schneider, Jasmine Hsu, Jeannette Bohg, Jeffrey Bingham, Jiajun Wu, Jialin Wu, Jianlan Luo, Jiayuan Gu, Jie Tan, Jihoon Oh, Jitendra Malik, Jonathan Tompson, Jonathan Yang, Joseph J Lim, Jo˜ao Silv´erio, Junhyek Han, Kanishka Rao, Karl Pertsch, Karol Hausman, Keegan Go, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, Kendra Byrne, Kenneth Oslund, Kento Kawaharazuka, Kevin Zhang, Keyvan Majd, Krishan Rana, Krishnan Srinivasan, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Lerrel Pinto, Liam Tan, Lionel Ott, Lisa Lee, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Maximilian Du, Michael Ahn, Mingtong Zhang, Mingyu Ding, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Mohit Sharma, Moo Jin Kim, Naoaki Kanazawa, Nicklas Hansen, Nicolas Heess, Nikhil J Joshi, Niko Suenderhauf, Norman Di Palo, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Oier Mees, Oliver Kroemer, Pannag R Sanketi, Paul Wohlhart, Peng Xu, Pierre Sermanet, Priya Sundaresan, Quan Vuong, Rafael Rafailov, Ran Tian, Ria Doshi, Roberto Mart´ın-Mart´ın, Russell Mendonca, Rutav Shah, Ryan Hoque, Ryan Julian, Samuel Bustamante, Sean Kirmani, Sergey Levine, Sherry Moore, Shikhar Bahl, Shivin Dass, Shuran Song, Sichun Xu, Siddhant Haldar, Simeon Adebola, Simon Guist, Soroush Nasiriany, Stefan Schaal, Stefan Welker, Stephen Tian, Sudeep Dasari, Suneel Belkhale, Takayuki Osa, Tatsuya Harada, Tatsuya Matsushima, Ted Xiao, Tianhe Yu, Tianli Ding, Todor Davchev, Tony Z Zhao, Travis Armstrong, Trevor Darrell, Vidhi Jain, Vincent Vanhoucke, Wei Zhan, Wenxuan Zhou, Wolfram Burgard, Xi Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Xinghao Zhu, Xuanlin Li, Yao Lu, Yevgen Chebotar, Yifan Zhou, Yifeng Zhu, Ying Xu, Yixuan Wang, Yonatan Bisk, Yoonyoung Cho, Youngwoon Lee, Yuchen Cui, Yueh-hua Wu, Yujin Tang, Yuke Zhu, Yunzhu Li, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Zhuo Xu, and Zichen Jeff Cui. Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08864, 2023.

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