Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) [18,57,59] have recently emerged as a powerful tool for generative modeling, and have demonstrated impressive results in image synthesis [8, 45, 48], video generation [17, 20, 77] and 3D editing [43]. Nevertheless, the gratifying results come with a price: DPMs suffer from massive model sizes. In fact,
Figure 1. (1) Visualization of the frequency gap among generated images with the DPM [48], Lite DPM and our SD on FFHQ [27] dataset. Lite-DPM is unable to recover fine-grained textures, while SD can produce realistic patterns. (2) Model size, Multiply-Add cumulation (MACs) and FID score on ImageNet [7]. Our model achieves compelling visual quality with minimal computational cost. indicates our re-implemented version.
state-of-the-art DPMs requires billions of parameters, with hundreds or even thousands of inference steps per image. For example, DALLE 2 [45], which is composed of 4 separate diffusion models, requires 5.5B parameters and 356 sampling steps in total. such an enormous model size, in turn, makes DPMs extremely cumbersome to be employed in resource-limited platforms.
However, existing efforts towards efficient DPMs have focused on model acceleration, but largely overlooked lightening of the model. For example, the approaches of [1, 32,37,38,40,52,56] strive for faster sampling, while those of [13, 19, 48, 62] rely on reducing the input size. Admittedly, all of these methods give rise to shortened training or inference time, yet still, the large sizes prevent them from many real-world application scenarios.
In this paper, we make a dedicated efforts towards building compact DPMs. To start with, we train a lite version of the popular latent diffusion model (LDM) [48] by reducing the channel size. We show the image generated by the original and and lite DPM in Figure 1. While the lite LDM sketches the overall structure of the faces, the high-frequency components, such as the skin and hair textures, are unfortunately poorly recovered. This phenomenon can be in fact revealed by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) coefficient shown on the right column, indicating that the conventional design for DPMs leads to high-frequency deficiency when the model is made slim.
We then take an in-depth analysis on the DPMs through the lens of frequency, which results in two key observations. (1) Frequency Evolution. Under mild assumptions, we mathematically prove that DPMs learn different functionalities at different stages of the denoising process. Specifically, we show that the optimal denoiser in fact boils down to a cascade of wiener filters [66] with growing bandwidths. After recovering the low-frequency components, high-frequency features are added gradually in the later denoising stages. This evolution property, as a consequence, small DPMs fails to learn dynamic bandwidths with limited parameters. (2) Frequency Bias. DPM is biased towards dominant frequency components of the data distribution. It is most obvious when the noise amplitude is small, leading to inaccurate noise prediction at the end of the reverse process. As such, small DPMs struggle to recover the high-frequency band and image details.
Motivated by these observations, we propose a novel Spectral Diffusion (SD) model, tailored for light-weight image synthesis. Our core idea is to introduce the frequency dynamics and priors into the architecture design and training objective of the small DPM, so as to explicitly preserve the high-frequency details. The proposed solution consists of two parts, each accounting for one aforementioned observations. For the frequency evolution, we propose a wavelet gating operation, which enables the network to dynamically adapt to the spectrum response at different time-steps. In the upsample and downsample stage, the input feature is first decomposed through wavelet transforms and the coefficients are re-weighted through a learnable gating function. It significantly lowers the parameter requirements to represent the frequency evolution in the reverse process.
To compensate for the frequency bias for small DPMs, we distill high-frequency knowledge from a teacher DPM to a compact network. This is achieved by inversely weighting the distillation loss based on the magnitudes of the frequency spectrum. In particular, we give more weight to the frequency bands with small magnitudes, which strengthens the recovery of high-frequency details for the student model. By integrating both designs seamlessly, we build a slim latent diffusion model, called SD, which largely preserves the performance of LDM. Notably, SD inherits the advantages of DPMs, including superior sample diversity, training stability, and tractable parameterization. As shown in Figure 1, our model is times smaller and runs times faster than the original LDM, while achieving competitive image fidelity.
The contributions of this study are threefold: 1. This study investigates the task of diffusion model slimming, which remains largely unexplored before.
2. We identify that the key challenge lies in its unrealistic recovery for the high-frequency components. By probing DPMs from a frequency perspective, we show that there exists a spectrum evolution over different denoising steps, and the rare frequencies cannot be accurately estimated by small models.
3. We propose SD, a slim DPM that effectively restores imagery textures by enhancing high-frequency generation performance. SD achieves gratifying performance on image generation tasks at a low cost.
Diffusion Probabilistic Models. DPMs [18, 55] are leading score-based generative models [58, 59, 65] with superior sample quality [8]. They use annealed noise scheduling [57] and are usually implemented as time-conditioned UNet [8,50,59] with attention mechanism [22,48,64]. Recent improvements in parameter moving average [42], objective [18], and scheduling [42] have greatly improved their visual quality. In this work, we focus on designing small-sized diffusion, which has rarely been studied before.
Efficient Diffusion. Efficient diffusion models for lowresource inferences is a trending topic. One approach is through reducing the sampling steps, which is either done by distilling multiple steps into a single step [38, 40, 52], or shortening the reverse steps while maintaining the image fidelity [1, 32, 37, 56]. Another possible solution is to diffuse in a lower dimensional space and then scale it up with a cascade structure [19] or in the latent space [48, 62]. In distinction from them, we build an efficient diffusion model using light-weight architecture and knowledge distillation.
Knowledge Transfer and Distillation. Knowledge Transfer (KT) [16,71,72,74] refers to the process to transfer the knowledge from teacher models [25, 70, 73] to the student for model compression [14, 29, 60] and enhancing performance [9,46,47,76]. Dataset distillation, on the other hand, focuses on learning compressed dataset [33, 34]. We make the first attempt to build slim DPM through distillation.
Frequency Analysis for Generative Model. In deep neural networks, the frequency principle is commonly observed, where low-frequency signals are fitted first before moving on to high-frequency components [2, 67, 68]. the frequency bias, is also evident in training deep generative models such as GANs [5, 11, 28, 54], where generators often struggle to produce natural high-frequency details.
In this paper, we examine the frequency behavior of DPMs. Taking advantage of its frequency properties, our
SD achieves realistic image generation at a low cost.
3.1. Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Diffusion model reverses a progressive noise process based on latent variables. Given data sampled from the real distribution, we consider perturbing data with Gaussian noise of zero mean and variance for T steps
where and denote the noise scale scheduling. At the end of day, converge to isometric Gaussian noise. Although sampling from noiseperturbed distribution requires a tedious numerical integration over steps, the choice of Gaussian provides a close-form solution to generate arbitrary time-step through
where and . A variational Markov chain in the reverse process is parameterized as a time-conditioned denoising neural network with . The denoiser is trained to minimize a re-weighted evidence lower bound (ELBO) that fits the noise
where the are also called the score function [57]. Thus, the denoiser equivalently learns to recover the derivative that maximize the data log-likelihood [23,65]. With a trained , we generate the data by reversing the Markov chain
The reverse process could be understood as going along from to maximize the data likelihood.
3.2. Frequency Domain Representation of Images
Frequency domain analysis decomposes a image according to a set of basis functions. We focus on two discrete transformations: Fourier and Wavelet Transform.
Given a input signal1 , Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) F projects it onto a collection of sine and cosine waves of different frequencies and phases
Figure 2. Illustration of the Frequency Evolution and Bias for Diffusion Models. In the reverse process, the optimal filters recover low-frequency components first and add on the details at the end. The predicted score functions may be incorrect for rare patterns, thus failing to recover complex and fine-grained textures.
x(x, y) is the pixel value at (x, y); X(u, v) represents complex value at frequency (u, v); e and j are Euler’s number and the imaginary unit.
On the other hand, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) projects it onto multi-resolution wavelets functions. In a single-scale case, x is decomposed into 4 wavelet coefficients by halving the scale, where represents low-frequency component and are high-frequency components that contains the textural details. The coefficients could then be inverted and up-sampled to the original input .
In general signal processing, denoising is often performed in frequency space. Similar to Figure 1, Table 1 compares Low-freq and High-freq error2 for different DPMs on FFHQ dataset. Lite-LDM performs poorly due to its lack of high-frequency generation.
Table 1. Low-freq and High-freq error for different model size.
Thus, we examine DPM’s behavior in the frequency domain. As illustrated in Figure 2, we make two findings: (1) Frequency Evolution. Diffusion model learns to recover the low-frequency components at first, and gradually adds in photo-realistic and high-frequency details. (2) Frequency Bias. Diffusion model makes biased recovery for the minority frequency band.
4.1. Spectrum Evolution over Time
DPM optimizes a time-conditioned network to fit the noise at multiple scales, which gives rise to a denoising trajectory over time-steps. We examine this trajectory closely
Figure 3. of the optimal linear denoising filter with different
from a frequency perspective. When assuming the network is a linear filter, we give the optimal filter in terms of its spectrum response at every timestep. This filter is commonly known as Wiener filter [66].
Proposition 1. Assume is a wide-sense stationary signal and is white noise of variance . For , the optimal linear denoising filter at time t that minimize has a closed-form solution
where is the power spectrum of and is the frequency response of .
Although the linear assumption poses a strong restriction on the model architecture, we believe it provides valuable insights into how the reverse process has been performed. DPM goes from structure to details. In this study, we make a widely accepted assumption about the power spectra of natural images follows a power law [3, 10, 61, 63], is called an amplitude scaling factor and is the frequency exponent. If we set and , the frequency response of the signal reconstruction filter is in Figure 3.
In the reverse process, t goes from , and increases from . Therefore, DPM displays a spectrumvarying behavior over time. In the beginning, we have a narrow-banded filter (and ) that only restores the low-frequency components that control the rough structures. t goes down and gradually increases, with more details and high-frequency components restored in the images, like the human hairs, wrinkles, and pores.
We plot the denoised predictions at different steps using pre-trained LDM [48] in Figure 2, which shows that DPM generates low-frequency first and transits into high-frequency. The same empirical observation that DPM goes from rough to details has been shown in [6,18,39,48], while we are the first to give its numerical solutions.
4.2. Frequency Bias in Diffusion Model
Another challenge in diffusion-based model is the inaccurate noise estimation in low-density regions [57]. It results from the expectation over in the loss function
Figure 4. Toy example for 1D signal fitting. Small DPM is unable to recover minority frequency components.
Weighting the denoising objective by can introduce bias in the trained diffusion model, causing it to prioritize high-density regions while ignoring rare patterns.
One example of a long-tail pattern in image generation tasks is the frequency bias, where high-frequency components are rare. Consequently, training small diffusion-based models on the biased distribution can make it challenging to generate such high-frequency patterns, as the model tends to overemphasize low-frequency images. This issue can significantly impact the quality of generated images.
Example 1. We fit a toy diffusion model to 1D functions , where and . We adopt a two-layer feed-forward neural network, with 1000 denoising steps and hidden units M = {64, 1024}. More details is in Supplementary.
We plot the 300 generated signals in Figure 4 (Top), their DFT magnitudes in (Button Right), and the mean frequency histogram in (Button Left). Small model (M = 64) faces difficulty recovering the minority frequencies other than , while large model (M = 1024) achieves smooth denoised results over all freq bands, especially when .
It provides concrete evidence that small DPMs have intrinsic defects in recovering the high frequencies.
As explained above, our goal is to reduce the size of the DPMs by incorporating frequency dynamics and priors into the architecture design and training objectives. We start with the LDM [48] as our baseline and then design a wavelet-gating module that enables time-dynamic inference for the light-weight model. A spectrum-aware distillation is applied to enhance the high-frequency generation performance. Both modifications allow us to achieve photo-realistic image generation with minimal model size and computational effort.
5.1. Dynamic Wavelet Gating
As depicted in Section 4.1, the reverse process requires a cascade of filters with a dynamic frequency response. While Vanilla UNet [50] is effective in reconstructing image details, it is incapable of incorporating dynamic spectrum into a single set of parameters. As a result, the small-size DPM cannot compensate for the changing bandwidth.
Figure 5. WG-Down and WG-Up with wavelet gating.
To address this problem, we propose inserting the Wavelet Gating (WG) module into the network to adapt it to varying frequency response automatically. WG decomposes the feature map into wavelet bands and selectively attends to the proper frequency at different reverse steps, which is uniquely tailored for the diffusion model. Gating over the Wavelet Coefficients. We replace all down-sample and up-sample in UNet with DWT and IDWT [12,69], and pose a soft gating operation on wavelet coefficients to facilitate step-adaptive image denoising. We call them WG-Down and WG-Up, as shown in Figure 5.
Similar to channel attention [21, 44, 78], information from input feature X is aggregated to produce a soft gating
where is the gating score of each wavelet band; FFN is a 2 layer feed-forward network and Avgpool stands for the average pooling. The coefficients are then gated with to produce the output .
In the WG-Down, we apply WG after the DWT operation to fuse the sub-band coefficients with weighted summation , where is the element-wise multiplication. In the WG-Up, the input feature is splitted into 4 chunks as the wavelet coefficients. Then, WG is carried out to re-weight each sub-band before . In this paper, we apply Haar wavelet by default.
5.2. Spectrum-Aware Knowledge Distillation
The diffusion model encounters challenges in modeling the high-frequency components (in Section 4.2), especially for efficient requirements. In combat with spectrum deficiency in image generation, we distill the prediction of a large pre-trained teacher model to a compact WG-Unet student. Beyond spatial output matching, we apply SpectrumAware Distillation to guide the student model in synthesizing naturalistic image details.Our approach involves reweighting the distillation loss based on the spectrum magnitude. We increase the error penalty for components with low magnitudes, such as high-frequency bands, while reducing the weight for low-frequency elements.
Given a teacher diffusion model , we would like to distill a student by mimicking the outputs and features. At time-step t, the perturbed image xis fed into both networks to produce the outputs and features. A L2 loss [35,49] is use to quantify their spatial distance
where and stand for a pair of teacher/student’s output features or outputs of the same scale. A single 11 CONV layer is used to align the dimensions.
In addition to spatial distillation, we draw inspiration from imbalanced learning [4, 24, 30] to design a distillation loss that promotes the recovery of minority frequencies. The proposed method involves taking a pair of model predictions and a clean image , interpolating to the same size as the feature map, and then computing their 2D DFT
The is then applied to modulate the difference between and
with a scaling factor in our experiment), pushes the student towards learning the minority frequencies yet down-weights the majority components. Together with the DDPM objective in Eq. 3, our training objective becomes with weighting factors and .
Note that our method aims to learn accurate score prediction at each denoising step, which is orthogonal to existing distillation on sampling step reduction [40,52].
This section verifies the efficacy of the SD on high-resolution image synthesis in Section 6.1, and validates the individual contributions of each module via ablation study in Section 6.2.
Datasets and Evaluation. We evaluate our model on 4 unconditional and 2 conditional benckmarks. Specially, we train unconditional SD models on LSUNChurches/Bedrooms [75], FFHQ [27], and CelebAHQ [26]. Furthermore, the model’s performance is also assessed in the context of class-conditioned ImageNet [7] and MS-COCO [31] text-to-image generation. For the text-to-image task, we first train on LAION-400M [53] and test on MS-COCO directly.
Training and Evaluation Details. We build our model on the LDM [48] frameworks3. For fair comparison4, we implement a lite-version of LDM, with a channel dimension of 64 as our baseline model. We call it Lite-LDM.
Table 2. Unconditional generation results comparison to prior DPMs. The results are taken from the original paper, except that DDPM is take from the [6].
Our proposed SD is trained on 4 unconditional benchmarks for a duration of 150k iterations, using a mini-batch size of either 512 or 256. We employ the AdamW [36] optimizer with an initial learning rate of and linear learning rate decay. For class- and text-conditioned generation, we set the initial learning rate to while keeping other parameters constant. The synthesized image quality is evaluated based on the FID score [15] using 50k generated samples at a resolution of 256. We utilize a 200-step DDIM [56] sampling by default. We compare the model size and computational cost in terms of parameter count and Multiply-Add cumulation (MACs), and report the throughput for the speed comparision. All experiments are conducted on 8x NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs. Additional details can be found in the Supplementary Material.
6.1. Image Generation Results
Unconditional Image Generation. We evaluate the sample quality on LSUN-Churches/Bedrooms [75] FFHQ [27], and CelebA-HQ [26]. The results, as presented in Table 2, indicate that directly training small-sized diffusion models results in significant performance deterioration, with LiteLDM showing an FID drop of 12.3 on FFHQ and 13.2 on CelebA-HQ. In contrast, our SD achieves a times computation reduction compared to the official LDM while maintaining comparable image fidelity. For instance, with a 21.1M Unet model and 6.7G MACs, our approach achieves an FID score of 5.2, which is very close to the 4.9 FID in DDPM, but with only of its computation cost.
Figure 6 displays the throughput, which indicates the number of time steps executed by the model per second. It is measured by averaging over 30 runs with a batch-size of 64. We see that, Lite-LDM, while being fast, has inferior visual quality. In comparison, our SD is faster on CPU and on GPU compared to LDM on 3 of the 4 datasets.
In Figure 7, rows 1-4, we evaluate the visual quality of the synthesized samples. Despite having fewer parameters
Figure 6. Throughput for unconditional image generation.
Table 3. Comparison of class-conditional image generation methods on ImageNet [7] with recent state-of-the-art methods. “G” stands for the classifier guidance and “CFG” refers to the classiferfree guidance for conditional image generation.
and less computation, SD model generates realistic samples with high-frequency details and decent sample diversity. Class-conditional Image Generation. Our class-conditioned image generation performance on ImageNet is validated and presented in Table 3. With super-mini architecture and classifier-free guidance of w = 3.0, our SD achieves an FID score of 10.6. As the comparison, the ADM [8] only gets FID=10.9, but with 553.8M parameters and 1114.2 MACs. Lite-LDM, though being comparably fast, suffers from its inability for high-frequency generation, gets a high FID score of 20.1.
Generated results are visualized in Figure 7 row 5-10. Our SD is able to produce diverse images of different categories, particularly good at animal generation like corgi and bear. Nonetheless, we observe some failure cases where faces and shapes are distorted. Additionally, our model struggles in generating crowded instances, as exemplified in the banana category.
Text-to-Image Generation. We trained our text-conditioned SD using a fixed CLIP encoder on LAION-400M, as done in prior work [48]. Then, we performed zero-shot inference on MS-COCO using w = 2.0. Our evaluation metric is the zero-shot FID-30K score from GLIDE [41]. This score measures the similarity of 30K randomly selected prompts from the validation set to the entire
Figure 7. Randomly sampled images generated by our models trained on CelebA-HQ [26], FFHQ [27], LSUN-Bedroom and LSUN-Church [75], ImageNet [7]. All images are sampled with 200 DDIM steps.
Table 4. Zero-Shot FID on MS-COCO text-to-image generation.
MS-COCO validation set using generated images.
Table 4 presents the evaluation results. Our 77.6M model achieves a FID score of 18.87, which is smaller than LDM. We also provide qualitative analysis for text-to-image generation with new prompts, in Figure 8. Although the image quality is inferior to those large-sized diffusion models, our model is capable of producing vivid drawings based on descriptions, with minimal computational cost and portable model size. Our SD is good at abstract or carton style paintings. However, it is still challenging to generate human body and faces, as in the “basketball player” example.
6.2. Ablation Study and Analysis
In this section, we validate the effectiveness of wavelet gating and spectrum-aware distillation, on whether and how they help to improve the image fidelity.
Wavelet Gating. We validate the effectiveness of the Wavelet Gating by replacing our WG operation with the nearest neighbor resizer in LDM [48] and train on the FFHQ dataset. The results, presented in Table 5, demonstrate that removing WG significantly increases the FID from 10.5 to 12.4. Furthermore, using WG alone improves Lite-LDM’s FID by 2.6. Both results indicate that WG promote the sam-
Figure 8. Selected samples from Spectral Diffusion using classifier-free guidance w = 5.0 for text-to-image generation.
Table 5. Ablation study on FFHQ dataset.
ple quality of the small DPMs.
Furthermore, we analyzed the gating functions at different denoising steps for a pre-trained text-to-image SD model, as shown in Figure 9. Each curve represents the average gating coefficient for 100 generated images. The trends of the downsample and upsample operations diverge, with high-frequency details emerging in towards the end of denoising (large t). The WG-Down thus enhances the high-frequency signals with increased while keeping the low-frequency part constant. On the other hand, the WG-Up promotes in the late stage of denoising. Predicted noises boost its low-frequency components, resulting in high-frequency recovery in the .
Spectrum-Aware Distillation. To evaluate the effectiveness of SA-Distillation, we conducted an ablation study by sequentially removing each loss term. Our findings, presented in Table 5, show that the spatial term contributes only 0.9 FID improvement, while the frequency term accounts for 1.8 FID. It highlights the importance of the frequency term in achieving high-quality image generation.
We also visualize the images generated by trained models with (W) or without (W/O) the frequency term in Figure 10, with their DFT difference. The model without makes smoother predictions, while our method recovers the details like hair or architectural textures. Our method prioritizes high-frequency distillation, resulting in improvements in high-frequency components in .
Figure 9. Wavelet gating function values at different t. We plot the meanstd for 100 generated images.
Figure 10. Generated images W or W/O the freq term, as well as their DFT difference . Zoom in for better view.
In the study, we focus on reducing the computation cost for diffusion models. The primary obstacle to training small DPMs is their inability to provide high-frequency realistically, which results from the frequency evolution and bias of diffusion process. In order to resolve these problems, we propose Spectral Diffusion (SD) for efficient image generation. It performs spectrum dynamic denoising by using a wavelet gating operation, which automatically enhances different frequency bands at different reverse steps. A large pre-trained network helps to improve the performance of high-frequency generation by knowledge distillation. By seamlessly integrating both modifications, our model is 8-18 slimmer and runs 2-5faster than the latent diffusion model, with negligible performance drop.
This research is supported by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, under its Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (Award Number: MOE-T2EP20122-0006).
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